Statement from Vice President Harris on the UN General Assembly Resolution on Artificial Intelligence

The United States welcomes the UN General Assembly’s adoption of a resolution setting out principles for the deployment and use of artificial intelligence (AI). President Biden and I are committed to establishing and strengthening international rules and norms on emerging technology – because technology with global impact, such as AI, requires global action, and when it comes to the challenges of the 21st century, we believe all nations must be guided by a common set of understandings. This resolution proposed by the United States and co-sponsored by more than 100 nations, is a historic step toward establishing clear international norms for AI and for fostering safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems.

As I said in London last year, AI must be in the public interest – it must be adopted and advanced in a way that protects everyone from potential harm and ensures everyone is able to enjoy its benefits.  And we must also address the full spectrum of risk, from catastrophic risks to all of humanity to the harms felt by individuals and communities, such as bias. Too often, in past technological revolutions, the benefits have not been shared equitably, and the harms have been felt by a disproportionate few. This resolution establishes a path forward on AI where every country can both seize the promise and manage the risks of AI.

This resolution reflects extensive consultation and input from countries all around the world. Together we have set a path whereby AI can be harnessed for sustainable development, all nations gain access to AI resources and expertise, and all nations understand the need to protect the safety, privacy, and human rights of their citizens. And the resolution makes clear that protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms must be central to the development and use of AI systems.

As this technology continues to evolve, the United States will continue to lead and work with partners throughout the international community to build on the important foundational principles adopted by the UN General Assembly today.

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