Remarks by President Biden at a Welcome Reception for APEC Leaders | San Francisco, CA

The Exploratorium
San Francisco, California

7:40 P.M. PST
THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, hello, hello!  (Applause.)
Good evening, everyone.  I think there’s folks back up behind that barrier.  There are.  Holy mackerel.  Don’t jump.  Don’t jump.  (Laughter.)
Hello, APEC.  Coach, thanks for that introduction and thanks for the — San Francisco’s MVP VIP that we just saw on the screen.  And it’s a real honor to welcome all my fellow leaders to the United States.
Two years ago, when the United States offered to host this summit, we knew we’d need a location dynamic and diverse and — as APEC itself.  And APEC in San Francisco, here we are.
I want to talk about Governor Newsom.  Want to thank him.  He’s been one hell of a governor, man.  (Applause.)  Matter of fact, he could be anything he wants.  He could have the job I’m looking for.  (Laughter.)
And, Mayor Breed, congratulations.  Being a mayor — well, you’re crazy.  (Laughter.)  I think it’s the hardest job in American politics.
And everyone on the host committee, for all — all you’ve done to open your beautiful, historic city to us. 
You know, I — to digress just a second, I was with Xi Jinping today.  And — and I showed him a photograph that he’s extremely proud of.  When he was a young man — I think he was 32 — maybe 28, 30 years old, in that range.  And he was — hey, how you doing, man?
He was actually standing on the Golden Gate Bridge.  He had come to visit.  And he said — and I looked at the picture.  I said, “I wanted to show you a picture.”  He said, “I like that picture.  I like the…”  Well, he was translated to say, “I like that picture.”
So, he’s been coming here.  And one of the things I pointed out to him is that you have one of the largest Chinese populations in America here.  And he was — he feels like he’s going home here.  (Laughter.)
You know, we’ve got — is Nancy here tonight?  Nancy Pelosi?  (Applause.)  Nancy, you are the finest Speaker of the House in American history.  (Applause.)  No, you are.  You are, Nancy.  Thank God.  I tell you what, you’re the very best, Nancy.  Thank you, thank you for all you do.  (Applause.)
Look — and I’m particularly grateful that — to the Bay Area for giving our great Vice President a chance to become vice president.  (Laughter.)  She’s the best.  She’s an outstanding leader and a great partner.  (Applause.)
This is a city by the Bay — a city where many have left their hearts.  A city built for generations of dreamers, all — all chasing a hope and a chance to build something new.
From here in San Francisco, America reaches out all across the Pacific, building bridges mightier than the Golden Gate, spanning more than — more space and time than the great expanse that the water has.  Bridges linking pride in our past.  The immigrants and workers who sunk their sweat and founded — in the foundations of this nation.  And our hope for the future and the untold heights to which we’re going to climb together.
Bridges connecting diverse communities.  All across the traditions, cultures, and languages, we find the common dreams we share for ourselves and for our children.  Bridges that carry the ideas of entrepreneurs: “What if?  Why not?  What next?”
Look, so, over the next few days, I hope we’ll all take full advantage of this summit to make new connections and spark new partnerships, because every step we take to deepen our cooperation, to launch a new venture, to tackle the challenges that impact on all of us is a step toward realization of the enormous potential of our Asian Pacific future.
Ladies and gentlemen, a future where our economics are strong, vibrant, and sustainable because our workers are empowered and protected; women and girls are full and equal participants in every aspect of our society; young people — (applause) — young people can envision — well, that’s a fact.  By the way, I’ve got more women in my Cabinet than men.  (Applause.)
I told Nancy, “I’m not stupid.  All the women in my family are a hell of a lot smarter than all the men, including me.”  (Laughter.)
But young people can envision for themselves the lives and hope for unlimited possibilities. 
Look, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got a few busy days ahead of us.  The challenges before us today are unlike those faced by previous groups of APEC leaders.  How we’re going to harness the potential of artificial intelligence to lift up the world and lives of — while minimizing the risk and safety concerns that it presents.
Will we act with the speed and urgency necessary to dramatically curb the carbon emissions and avert the climate catastrophe that threatens us all?
Can we build supply chains that are more resilient, more secure in the face of threats like pandemics and natural disasters and that will form a strong foundation for a clean economy for tomorrow?
Folks, the challenges may be different, but our strongest tools that meet them — those challenges remain the same as they were with our first APEC Leaders’ Summit: connection, cooperation, collective action, and common purpose.  That’s why we’re all here.
I’m looking forward to seeing all the progress we’re going to make and all the bridges between our people we’re going to continue to build in the months and years ahead. 
So, thank you all again for being here and welcome to San Francisco.  (Applause.)
Thank you.
7:45 P.M. PST

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