WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Yesterday, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way in seizing the promise and managing the risks of artificial intelligence (AI). The Executive Order establishes new standards for AI safety and security, protects Americans’ privacy, advances equity and civil rights, stands up for consumers and workers, promotes innovation and competition, advances American leadership around the world, and more.

For more on the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to advance AI, and for opportunities to join the Federal AI workforce, visit AI.gov.

Members of Congress, leading technology companies, and civil society leaders applauded the Biden-Haris Administrations Executive order on safe, secure, and trustworthy artificial intelligence. See what they are saying below:

Members of Congress

Colorado Senator John Hickenlooper: “This historic executive order is a massive step forward in our work to harness the incredible potential of AI, while also implementing safety standards to better protect American consumers and workers.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal: “. @POTUS ’ comprehensive Executive Order on AI—mirroring our bipartisan framework—is a critical step in protecting consumers, national security, & an innovative economy. The White House has an important role in leading by example, but Congress must also act to enshrine these initiatives & standards into law. I look forward to building on this Executive Order by introducing legislation based on our framework.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

California Congressman Ted Lieu: “I commend @POTUS for issuing this important Executive Order to manage the risks and benefits of AI. In our July letter to OMB, @RepZoeLofgren @RepHaleyStevens and I requested that the Administration use the NIST AI Risk Management Framework across agencies and vendors. Very pleased that in today’s EO, the Administration is (1) adapting and incorporating the NIST AI RMF into relevant safety and security guidelines for use by critical infrastructure owners and operators, (2) requiring minimum risk-management practices for government uses of AI that impact people’s rights or safety, including those derived from the NIST AI RMF, and (3) leading a coordinated effort with key international partners to implement AI-related consensus standards and ensure that such efforts are guided by the NIST AI RMF and U.S. Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

New York Congressman Adriano Espaillat: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay and we’ve witnessed its impact on our workforce, labor market, and the American people. I commend @POTUS for today’s actions on the use of this technology to ensure safety, accountability, security, and trust.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

Virginia Congressman Don Beyer: “President Biden’s Executive Order announced today is an ambitious and comprehensive strategy for responsible innovation that builds on the Administration’s previous efforts to ensure the safe, secure, and trustworthy development of AI.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

Washington Congresswoman Suzan DelBene: “The United States must be in the driver’s seat as artificial intelligence expands around the world and President Biden clearly understands that. I welcome the president’s executive order to ensure AI is implemented in a safe and secure way, especially his focus on consumer privacy protections. But executive action can only take us so far. Congress’ delay in passing a strong national data privacy standard risks the U.S. falling further behind other countries and dilutes America’s longstanding global technology leadership. Privacy goes beyond just artificial intelligence and would set clear rules of the road to protect Americans and their data in our increasingly digital world. This effort has had bipartisan momentum, and I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get this over the finish line.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Industry Leaders

Brad Smith, President, Microsoft: “Today’s executive order is another critical step forward in the governance of AI technology. This order builds on the White House Voluntary Commitments for safe, secure, and trustworthy AI and complements international efforts through the G7 Hiroshima Process. AI promises to lower costs and improve services for the Federal government, and we look forward to working with U.S. officials to fully realize the power and promise of this emerging technology.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

Kent Walker, President of Global Affairs & Chief Legal Officer, Alphabet: “AI should benefit everyone in America. We’re reviewing today’s Executive Order, and we are confident that our long-standing AI responsibility practices will align with its principles. We’ll continue working together to maximize AI’s potential for good.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

Riley McCormack, President & Chief Executive Officer, Digimarc: “Digimarc Corporation fully supports the bold actions taken today by the Biden Administration as it works to balance protecting the rights of Americans while seizing the tremendous innovative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We are encouraged to see the administration’s guidance include clear direction regarding the role watermarking must play in this critical effort. Harnessing proven technologies will go a long way to ensure that the power of AI is safeguarded.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Dana Rao, General Counsel & Chief Trust Officer, Adobe: “It’s great to see the White House investing in AI’s growth by creating a framework for responsible AI practices.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Aaron Levie, CEO, Box: “Biden’s AI Executive Order is the gold standard for how governments should be regulating AI right now. Thoughtful but scoped oversight focused on practical risks, emphasis on privacy and security, focus on R&D across the ecosystem, and encouraging use of AI in the government.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Navrina Singh, Founder, Credo AI: “It’s the right move for right now because we can’t expect policies to be perfect at the onset while legislation is still discussed. I do believe that this really shows AI is a top priority for government.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Tom Quaadman, Executive Vice President, U.S. Chamber’s Technology Engagement Center: “The Chamber appreciates the priorities outlined in the Executive Order, such as attracting highly skilled workers, bolstering resources needed for intra-government coordination, and speeding up the development of standards.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Joint Statement by Leading AI Security Innovative Companies – OpenPolicy, Armis, Kiteworks, Cranium.AI, Axonius, HiddenLayer, Protect.AI, Astrix Security, Cybeats: “The Executive Order is a welcomed and necessary step forward in ensuring both the trusted deployment of AI and seizing U.S. competitiveness and leadership in AI development. Supporting the trusted deployment and development of AI entails supporting the development of cutting-edge innovative solutions needed to protect government, industry, and society from emerging AI threats. The undersigned are innovative companies of all sizes that stand forefront of developing leading security, safety, and trustworthy AI and privacy solutions. We believe that the Biden-Harris Administration’s Executive Order provides a sound framework for addressing the emerging security and safety AI threats and ensuring that AI is developed and used in a safe, secure, and trustworthy manner.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Joshua Bolten, CEO, Business Roundtable: “AI’s continued advancement and adoption is poised to benefit society and the economy. Business Roundtable members, whose companies are leading developers and users of AI, are committed to building trust in AI by responsibly developing and deploying these technologies. We appreciate the Biden Administration’s focus on this important issue and encourage policymakers to work closely with the business community to maximize the societal, economic and security benefits of AI, while addressing risks.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Union and Labor Leaders

Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO: “Today, the Biden–Harris administration reaffirmed its commitment to America’s workers through a pioneering executive order on artificial intelligence (AI). The AFL-CIO applauds the centrality of workers’ rights and values within this order—including the right to collectively bargain—while acknowledging there is much ground to cover in enshrining accountability, transparency and safety as bedrocks of AI. Poll after poll confirms America’s workers fear the impacts AI will have on our jobs and livelihoods if intentional guardrails are not applied, instead allowing corporate-driven profits dictate the evolution of this technology. Workers, especially workers of color and women, time and again witness technology developed without our input or consideration; inevitably undermining our agency and economic security. AI must be developed and assessed within clearly articulated frameworks that put human values—not corporate profits—at its center. To accomplish this foundational goal, we need federal policies that substantively and continuously engage workers’ on-the-ground experience and expertise.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists  (SAG-AFTRA): “Thank you @POTUS for signing a groundbreaking Executive Order today on AI. For strong, safe & responsible AI development & use, it is imperative that workers & unions remain at the forefront of policy development. We look forward to working together for a human centered approach.” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

Claude Cummings Jr., President, CWA: “President Biden’s executive order on AI recognizes the risks to workers, and directs the development of principles and best practices to mitigate the harm and maximize the benefits of AI for workers. Working people have already begun this process, and their voices must be heard. American workers, from call centers to newsrooms to technology companies, are already our most valuable experts on AI’s labor-market impacts. I am deeply encouraged to see President Biden’s recognition that collective bargaining is an essential safeguard in managing the changes and challenges that AI will bring to America’s jobs and workplaces. Collective bargaining and a union contract give workers a voice in how AI is implemented within their jobs. When we address challenges together, guided by the voices of America’s workers, we can promote American innovation that builds on workers’ expertise and protects rights and dignity in the workplace.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers: “This is a game-changer—and it comes at exactly the right time. President Joe Biden has stepped up and shown real leadership in the face of both the limitless opportunities and the existential threat posed by AI. With any new technology, regulation and growth are two sides of the same coin. The immense potential of AI can only be realized responsibly, and this executive order takes concrete steps to embed that ethos from the federal government on down. Appropriate regulation and transparency will mean that people, not machines, are in charge in America. This executive order erects meaningful guardrails that will uphold individual rights and set standards on data privacy, cybersecurity, discrimination, and fairness.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Community and Advocacy Organizations

Maya Wiley, President and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: “The White House Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence is an important next step to get federal agencies better prepared to use its decision-making power in a way that increases protections, rather than letting AI run unchecked. We are gratified that the administration took seriously the concerns of the civil rights community.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Damon Hewitt, President and Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee on Civil Rights Under Law: “This executive order is a critical step to help guard against algorithmic bias and discrimination.  It can be the beginning of a pathway to a future where AI empowers instead of oppresses.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Center for Democracy and Technology: “? ? Today, the @WhiteHouse will release its long-awaited Executive Order on #AI, marking a new milestone in the Biden Admin’s efforts to advance safe and trustworthy #ArtificialIntelligence. In advance, the White House fact sheet here ?? :” [Tweet, 10/30/23]

Alondra Nelson, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress: “This ambitious executive order offers the guidance we need to ensure that AI will be developed and used in a safe and effective manner. The Biden administration should be commended for acting quickly, decisively, and within the full range of its authority to issue an order that addresses the potential harms that AI poses, especially to vulnerable and marginalized communities.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Dan Correa, CEO, Federation of American Scientists: “We applaud the Biden Administration for taking action to direct the development and use of this critical technology to the best outcomes,” says Dan Correa, CEO of FAS. “Our organization was founded in 1945 when scientists understood the tremendous ramifications of atomic energy; while we don’t think AI represents that kind of existential threat, we do see AI as a rapidly evolving technology with massive societal implications that demands the public’s attention now, especially when applied to government services.”[Statement, 10/30/23]

Graham Brookie, Vice President and Senior Director, Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab: “The Biden administration’s executive order on AI is a simple, pragmatic step forward in coherent and connective tech policy.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Lloyd Whitman, Senior Director, Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center: “The Biden-Harris administration has taken strong action with the comprehensive executive order on safe, secure, and trustworthy AI.” [Statement, 10/30/23]

Omkhar Arasaratnam, General Manager, Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF): “The OpenSSF supports the Biden-Harris Administration’s Executive Order (EO) on Artificial Intelligence. The EO provides a framework that fosters innovation in AI, like the DARPA AI Cyber Challenge, while ensuring secure, and equitable outcomes for everyone.” [Statement, 11/1/23]


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