WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Wide Range of Community Advocates and Industry Applaud President Joe Biden’s Efforts to Extend the Affordable Connectivity Program

The White House is requesting additional funds to strengthen the Affordable Connectivity Program program by extending free and discounted high-speed internet for eligible households through December 2024. Lowering costs – including internet costs – for American families is a key part of the President’s Bidenomics agenda.

In the 21st century, affordable, reliable high-speed internet is a necessity for Americans to do their jobs, participate equally in school learning, access health care, and stay connected. But too often, high costs create a barrier and tens of millions of families, students, and seniors are left without access to high-speed internet, or have to sacrifice other necessities to pay their internet bill, exacerbating underlying inequities.

The Affordable Connectivity Program, enacted under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is already helping over 21 million households save over $500 million per month on their monthly internet bills. The program is also critical for the Administration’s high-speed internet deployment programs for rural, remote, and Tribal communities. Without this funding, tens of millions of people would lose this benefit and would no longer be able to afford high-speed internet service without sacrificing other necessities.

A wide range of elected officials, community advocates, public interest groups, industry associations, internet service providers are celebrating the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program. Here’s what they are saying:

Elected Officials

California Congresswoman Doris Matsui: “Today, President Biden outlined a robust funding package that will help us secure our technological future and deliver for the American people. Fast, reliable broadband access determines who gets to participate in the modern economy. That is why I have been such a staunch advocate of the Affordable Connectivity Program, which has proven its ability to help us close the digital divide and get Americans online. It is imperative that we do not let this program lapse.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

African American Mayors Association: “It is great to see the Biden @WhiteHouse fighting to fund ACP. Black communities are disproportionately impacted by the broadband affordability gap. ACP is the best tool we have to close the digital divide. We need Congress to extend funding.” [Statement, 10/27/2023]

National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL): We urge Congress to fund critical domestic needs to support families, expand connectivity, and contribute to disaster relief aid.” [Tweet, 10/26/2023]

Public Interest and Digital Advocacy Groups

Executive Director of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, Angela Siefer: “Along with librarians, digital navigators, and nonprofit leaders from 1,500 organizations nationwide, NDIA celebrates the White House’s renewed commitment to providing internet for all.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

Distinguished Fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy and Benton Institute Senior Fellow, Gigi Sohn: “Kudos to the White House for including $6 billion in the domestic supplemental for the Affordable Connectivity Program, the monthly broadband subsidy for low-income, tribal and high cost households. It’s critical that everyone is connected to the Internet!” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

Open Technology Institute: “The @WhiteHouse just urged Congress to fund the #AffordableConnectivityProgram through December 2024. Congress: The ball is in your court. Act now to help millions of American households get connected—and stay connected—with high-speed #broadband.” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

R Street Institute, Jonathan Cannon: “ACP has proven itself to be one of the better broadband programs and has made strides to addressing the affordability gap of the digital divide. With funds due to lapse, Congress is in a position to improve and continue this program that could replace other programs.” [Tweet, 10/26/2025]

Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer of AARP, Nancy A. LeaMond: “AARP, which advocates for the more than 100 million Americans age 50 and older, urges you to support critical funding, included in the President’s domestic supplemental request, for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). ACP is essential to millions of households’ ability to participate in all parts of modern digital life. From remote work, virtual education and upskilling, telehealth, and even paying bills, being online is an integral part of our daily lives. Affordable high-speed internet service is especially important for older Americans, many on fixed incomes, who have too often been left behind. The ACP, created by the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, has helped more than 21 million households—including 9.3 million age 50 and older—get and stay online. Unfortunately, if the funding for ACP is allowed to run out, millions of older Americans will once again lose access to affordable internet service. Without ACP, despite spending billions of dollars on broadband infrastructure, there will be fewer customers on the other end who can afford the service. AARP is strongly committed to ensuring affordable high-speed internet service is within reach for older Americans who rely on it for so much of their daily lives.” [Letter, 10/26/2023]

EducationSuperHighway: “21M households rely on the Affordable Connectivity Program to get internet service and stay online. We applaud @whitehouse $6B domestic funding request to extend the #ACP, which is critical to closing the #broadband affordability gap and #digitaldivide.” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

Founder and CEO of Common Sense Media, James P. Steyer: “Common Sense Media applauds the Biden Administration for its continued support of the ACP and FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel for her work to ensure the ACP can meet its commitments to the 21 million American households that rely on the program. If Congress lets the funding dry up, millions of low-income Americans would be cut off from the connectivity they need for their family’s education, health care, job opportunities, or access to critical online services. Our research also found that the loss of the ACP would have a negative impact on America’s recent investments in broadband infrastructure that are critical to ensuring every home and business in America has affordable connectivity. Congress and the President must work together now to keep this from happening. The President’s request to Congress is a critical step in the right direction, but we must continue our efforts to make the ACP and internet affordability permanent.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

Executive Director of the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, Adrianne B. Furniss: “There is no question that access to affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband is essential to full participation in modern life in the United States. Although the many benefits of broadband adoption should be broadly enjoyed by all, the digital divide disproportionately affects communities of color and lower-income and rural areas. Affordability is a major barrier to broadband adoption. Today, the Biden Administration again demonstrated its commitment to getting and keeping everyone connected. Now we ask Congress to deliver on that commitment by continuing to fund the very successful, very popular, very bipartisan ACP. The investment we make now will strengthen families and communities, and help ensure the success of the historic support the federal government has made available for deploying broadband networks.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

Senior Policy Counsel for Next Century Cities, Ryan Johnston: “This funding request is an essential step forward. For months municipal officials and community-based organizations have been grappling with the ‘what ifs’ of the ACP’s potential end. Congress must work quickly to grant this funding request to prevent the disconnection of millions of Households.” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

Executive Director of the Project to Get Older Adults onLine (Project GOAL), Debra Berlyn: “Great news that the White House has called on Congress for funding to continue the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) through 2024 to help connect low-income households, including many who are older adults.” [Statement, 10/26/2023]

Hispanic Federation: “We are thrilled that the @WhiteHouse has announced a funding package that includes an additional $6 billion of support for the #ACP.  We thank the Biden Administration for this important request. and will continue to speak with our elected leaders in Congress!” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

Hispanic Technology & Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP): “HTTP, the leading national Latino voice on telecommunications and technology policy and CEO roundtable of national Latino organizations, applauds the White House for including $6B to strengthen the Affordable Connectivity Program in the supplemental funding request to Congress. In the Administration’s request for “critical domestic needs,” the ACP is a critical component in closing the digital divide and connecting Hispanic households to high-speed broadband. The ACP has brought about many benefits: allowing Latinos and all marginalized communities to connect to low cost internet for their future education, workforce development, employment, and quality healthcare Latinos specifically have benefitted from the ACP as they are overrepresented in the digital divide. Thus far, the ACP benefit has resulted in increased employment rates and earnings, creating more than $2,200 in economic benefit for low-income households. The ACP bolsters the U.S. economy by creating more opportunities for Latino participation in the digital ecosystem. The program has not only opened new doors for previously disconnected Latinos, but by getting them online, the U.S. economy has flourished. This is why HTTP wrote to Congress in July along with 15 influential and national Latino organizations, underscoring ACP’s impact on the digital divide. We thank the Administration for its continued commitment to bringing internet to all and HTTP will continue to urge Congress and work with leadership to sustain and fund the Affordable Connectivity Program.” [Statement, 10/26/023]

Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition: “The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition welcomed the White House’s request to Congress for $6 billion in funding to extend the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) through 2024 yesterday. The ACP is a vital program that provides low-income households with discounts on their internet bills and devices, helping them access high-speed broadband and participate in the digital economy. The SHLB Coalition advocates for programs like the ACP and other broadband policies that benefit anchor institutions and the communities they serve. SHLB commends the Biden administration for taking this step forward to preserve the ACP as a source of affordable broadband. We also thank President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the bipartisan group of lawmakers who collaborated to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which created and funded the ACP. We commend the Federal Communications Commission for swiftly and effectively implementing the ACP, which has assisted over 21 million households. While funding the ACP through 2024 is a critical first step to keeping families online, SHLB also urges the White House and Congress to recognize the need for stable, permanent, affordable internet solutions through sustained ACP funding in the future. The SHLB coalition will continue to work with the Administration, Congress, and the FCC to ensure that all Americans have access to reliable, affordable, high-speed internet, especially those living in unserved and underserved areas. We believe that broadband connectivity is essential for education, health care, economic development, and social inclusion. We look forward to seeing more progress and innovation in this critical sector.” [Statement, 10/26/2023]

President and CEO of Multicultural Media, Telecom, and Internet Council (MMTC), Robert E. Branson: “The Biden-Harris Administration’s $6 billion funding request will strengthen the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) by extending free and discounted high-speed internet for eligible households through December 2024. This funding will support tens of millions of people who could lose the APC benefit and access to affordable high-speed internet service. It will also help MMTC and the Black Churches 4 Digital Equity Coalition encourage unconnected households to het online…The program has helped train and organize leaders as advocates to get their communities connected, and to advance digital equity through the ACP. MMTC believes this funding request is a critical step towards permanent broadband funding.” [Statement, 10/26/2023]

Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: “Yesterday, @WhiteHouse released a funding request to Congress for several domestic priorities, including $6B to continue the Affordable Connectivity Program. ACP has been critical in getting 20M+ households connected.” [Tweet, 10/26/2023]

UCC Media Justice Ministry: “Great news @POTUS is seeking funding for #AffordableConnectivityProgram through December 2024. 21 million people are counting on it to #getinternet !” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

Digital First Project: “We are encouraged to see efforts from both sides of the aisle to reauthorize this efficient program.” [Tweet, 10/26/23]

Link Health: “By extending and strengthening the ACP, we can ensure that more individuals and families, regardless of their economic situation or location, can benefit from the lifesaving potential of telehealth. Let’s not forget that the impact of extending the ACP reaches beyond healthcare. It also fosters economic opportunity, education, and social inclusion. It’s time for us to come together and advocate for the expansion of the Affordable Connectivity Program. Together, we can bridge the digital divide, improve healthcare access, and build a more equitable future for all.” [Tweet, 10/26/2023]

Heartland Forward: “The #AffordableConnectivityProgram is needed to expand access to affordable internet service & devices. Almost 8.5m heartlanders depend on the program –– we can’t “disconnect” them when current funding runs out. The #ACP is not a nice-to-have, it’s a need-to-have.” [Tweet, 10/26/2023]

LGBT Tech: “The digital divide in America has long been a concern for LGBTQ+ communities. With the pandemic underscoring the absolute necessity of reliable broadband access for work, education, and healthcare, it’s evident that ensuring connectivity for all LGBTQ+ individuals is of paramount importance. We commend President Biden’s forward-thinking request to Congress to extend funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). We stand in full support of President Biden’s appeal to Congress and believe that with consistent funding and collaboration, the ACP can make significant strides in ensuring digital inclusivity for LGBTQ+ Americans. Let’s champion a more connected, informed, and equitable society.” [Statement, 10/26/2023]

American Consumer Institute: “There are few government programs that have proven to be as effective as the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides affordable internet to more than 21 million consumers nationwide. With Program funds running out, we applaud the White House for its new $6 billion funding request supporting the ACP to ensure lower-income Americans remain online. High-speed internet has become essential to participating in modern life, and we should not continue to keep the future of the ACP uncertain. Considering the fact that ACP is efficiently administered and effective, it isn’t a surprise that the Program is widely popular among the general public, with support that transcends political lines. According to polling, a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all support extending the program. At the same time, lawmakers in both political parties have recognized the unique success of the ACP and how it helps the smallest of small communities, big cities, and everywhere in between. With a new Speaker of the House, Congress should waste no time in funding this critical broadband subsidy program.” [Statement, 10/26/2023]


Communications Workers of America (CWA): “Yesterday President Biden submitted a request to Congress for an additional $6 billion to continue to make affordable, high-speed internet service available to tens of millions of households through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). CWA members have a longstanding commitment to making sure that every household in America has reliable high-speed internet service, and we have been strong advocates for the Affordable Connectivity Program. We are proud of the contribution we make by building, maintaining, and supporting our nation’s communications infrastructure, and we have seen firsthand the impact that the digital divide has had on low income, rural and tribal communities. Without this additional funding, millions of families will be cut off from critical healthcare services, educational resources, and job opportunities. Broadband infrastructure projects could be curtailed if fewer customers are able to afford service. We urge Congressional leaders to support this funding request and to work with us to ensure that internet service remains affordable for everyone.” [Statement, 10/26/2023]

Internet Service Providers

Executive Vice President of Public Policy and Executive Vice President of Digital Equity, Comcast Corporation, Broderick D. Johnson: “The Biden Administration’s budget request for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is the first step to ensure that the program continues to connect more than 21 million households already enrolled and others eligible for the ACP. We hope Congress will support this request in a bipartisan manner.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

AT&T: “We appreciate the action the White House took today to support continued funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program. The program plays a critical role in connecting America, with more than 21 million households enrolled. We look forward to working with Congress and the FCC to continue this program to keep Americans connected to reliable broadband.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

Charter Communications: “Charter welcomes the Biden Administration’s request for additional funding to protect high-speed internet for more than 21 million American families that rely on the Affordable Connectivity Program. Few things matter more than continuing this progress and connecting the millions of Americans in need who still aren’t online. We urge Congress to provide additional funding for consumers participating in the program, which will empower millions of families in rural and urban communities alike to maintain the connectivity helping to improve their lives, in addition to making broadband deployment programs more efficient.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

SVP Public Policy and Government Affairs, Verizon, Kathy Grillo: “The bipartisan Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is helping over 21 million urban, suburban, and rural low-income households access affordable, high-speed internet service. Today’s request from the White House for additional funding for the ACP recognizes the urgency and importance of keeping millions of vulnerable households connected to the internet. Verizon has been a proud ACP participant since day one, and we encourage Congress to provide additional funding for the program as soon as possible.” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

Vice President of Federal Government Relations, T-Mobile, Tony Russo: “@TMobile proudly participates in the Affordable Connectivity Program and additional funding will keep millions of underserved Americans connected to the internet. We encourage Congress to take quick action.” [Tweet, 10/26/2023]

Industry Associations

President and CEO, Fiber Broadband Association, Gary Bolton: “Access to affordable, reliable high-speed internet is critical for Americans to fully participate in and take advantage of social and economic opportunities. Today the White House requested $6B in additional funding from Congress for the bipartisan Affordable Connectivity Program. Millions of people in communities across the country rely on this program for internet access; we cannot risk this money running out. We thank the Administration for their leadership on this issue and request that Congress support this request which impacts every Congressional District.” [Statement, 10/25/23]

NCTA – The Internet and Television Association: “As the nation continues the important mission of connecting every citizen to reliable high-speed internet service, the Affordable Connectivity Program has been one of the most successful voluntary initiatives ever, helping over 21 million households so far. The cable industry is proud to support these efforts and welcomes the Administration’s request for additional funding that will extend this worthy program, help get all Americans connected to the internet, and encourage further broadband expansion.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

INCOMPAS: “Great to see the White House include more money for the Affordable Connectivity Program in their supplemental request. More than 21 million households are connected under ACP, Congress must act to fund this critical program. #ACP” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

CTIA: “We thank the White House for supporting more funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program. More than 20 million American households rely on this program today, with more than half using it to subscribe to wireless broadband – underscoring the unique role that wireless plays in ensuring low-income Americans can access the internet for work, school, telehealth, and more. We look forward to working with Congress to fund this important program to keep Americans connected.”

Information and Technology Industry Council (ITI): “Thank you @WhiteHouse for including critical funding for #broadband adoption and securing American communications networks in @POTUS domestic funding request. Fully funding the #AmericanConnectivityProgram and #RipandReplace is vital for continued American competitiveness.” [Tweet, 10/26/2023]

President and CEO, USTelecom, Jonathan Spalter: “The Affordable Connectivity Program is a critical part of reaching our shared goal of universal connectivity. We applaud the Administration’s request for additional funding for the ACP. The program has already enabled more than 21 million low-income households to participate in our digital economy. We urge Congress to find a long-term solution to sustain this vital program.” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association: “NTCA members have been active participants in the Affordable Connectivity Program, and a number of their customers rely upon the support this program provides to pay for broadband services month after month. The ACP program is also poised to play a critical part in addressing affordability as part of deployment programs just now getting underway. NTCA therefore applauds the White House for identifying the need for additional funding to prolong the effectiveness of the ACP program in its supplemental appropriations request, and we hope that this program that enjoys such widespread support will continue to play an important role in keeping Americans connected.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

Senior Vice President of Government & Industry Affairs, WTA, Derrick Owens: “ACP is an important program that helps keep Americans connected to the Internet. Ensuring every American can afford broadband is vital for communication, business, education, health care, and more. We encourage Congress to act so that the program does not run out of funding and look forward to working with policymakers to put the program on a stable footing long-term.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]

Wireless Infrastructure Association: “Access to broadband is critical for Americans to live and participate in the modern economy. WIA is pleased to see that the Administration has requested additional funds to extend the Affordable Connectivity Program.” [Tweet, 10/25/2023]

Chair of the National Lifeline Association, David B. Dorwart: “NaLA commends the White House for recognizing the importance of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and for asking Congress for emergency funding to avert the program’s looming funding cliff. This funding and additional tranches of emergency funding will be needed as work continues to establish permanent funding for the ACP. Without such support, more than 21 million households would face the grim prospect of losing access to affordable mobile and fixed broadband solutions essential to full participation in our society and economy.” [Statement, 10/25/2023]


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