WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Visits Israel Following Hamas Terrorist Attacks

Today, President Biden traveled to Israel to stand in solidarity with the people of Israel in the wake of horrific terrorist attacks by Hamas that killed more than 1,300 innocent civilians, including at least 31 U.S. citizens. As the President made clear during the trip, Israel is not alone – and with U.S. support it will remain a safe, security, Jewish, and Democratic state today, tomorrow, and forever.
The President also addressed the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and announced new humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of innocent Palestinians, who are paying the price for Hamas’s terror and barbaric tactics. 
On the heels of President Biden’s trip Israel today, a wide spectrum of leaders and commentators are sharing reflections on the resonance of his speech in Israel and across the globe. See what they are saying below:
ADL: “We applaud @POTUS’s extraordinary show of support for Israel & powerful re-affirmation of the US-Israel alliance. This visit & the US ironclad commitment to Israel’s security convey a strong message whereby the int’l community as a whole must stand on the right side of morality.” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
AIPAC: “Thank you @POTUS @JoeBiden for your incredible leadership. Your visit to Israel is a powerful statement of solidarity and support for our ally.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
Nathan Diament, Executive Director for the Orthodox Union Advocacy Center: “We @OUAdvocacy thank @USAmbUN and @POTUS for defending Israel today @UN Security Council.” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
Orthodox Union Advocacy Center: “@potus shared that throughout centuries of persecution and genocide—the world watched and did nothing and affirmed that America will ensure that never happens again.” [Tweet, 10/18/2023] “If there is one thing we can take away from @potus’ visit it’s that America unequivocally stands with Israel.” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
Israeli Officials
Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel: “Mr. President, for the people of Israel, there’s only one thing better than having a true friend like you standing with Israel, and that is having you standing in Israel. Your visit here is the first visit of an American president in Israel at a time of war.  It is deeply, deeply moving. It speaks to the depth of your personal commitment to Israel.  It speaks to the depth of your personal commitment to the future of the Jewish people and the one and only Jewish state. So, I know I speak for all the people of Israel when I say: Thank you, Mr. President.  Thank you for standing with Israel today, tomorrow, and always.” [Remarks, 10/18/23]
Isaac Herzog, President of Israel: “Your visit to Israel today Mr. President @POTUS@JoeBiden, is an expression of the steadfast commitment of the United States to the security of the State of Israel. I thank you, @SecBlinken,@JakeSullivan46, your Administration, and all the American people for your deep friendship, and for standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel, in this vital battle to defeat terror.” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
Israel Twitter: “Thank you for standing with us during our darkest times. Thank you for showing us what true friendship is. Thank you @POTUS” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
Yoav Gallant, Minister of Defense of Israel: “Thank you @POTUS Biden for standing with Israel and for reaffirming your ironclad support for Israel’s right to defend herself. In today’s war cabinet, I emphasized that we are fighting a war for Israel’s existence as a prosperous, Jewish State in the Middle East.” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
Benny Gantz, Former Minister of Defense of Israel: “@POTUS Biden, your message to the people of Israel, the region and the entire world is a clear, crucial and moral one – and may it resonate throughout the world. Thank you for your uncompromising support for The State of Israel” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
Michael Herzog, Israeli Ambassador to the United States: “Thank you
@POTUS Biden for visiting Israel at a time of war. Your visit offered meaningful solace and unwavering support to a grieving and determined nation. We will never forget you standing by our side at this difficult hour” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
Analysts, Reporters, and Commentators:
Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post Columnist: “A simply magnificent, gut-wrenching and inspiring Biden speech in Israel. As an American, a Jew, a human being, I could not be more touched.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
David Axelrod, Senior CNN Contributor and Founder of UChicago Institute of Politics: “Moving, moving speech by @POTUS in Tel Aviv.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
Natan Sachs, Director of the Brookings Institution Center for Middle East Policy: “Biden earned a lot of goodwill in the Israeli public with his solidarity….” Now the administration has more room “to influence Israeli public opinion and expectations for the war’s end” – Spoke to @politico National Security Daily @alexbward.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
Aaron David Miller, Senior Fellow at Carnegie Endowment: “Biden’s speech was the best of his Presidency. At a time when Israelis are traumatized seeking leadership and hope, Biden gave it to them – and to you Amir and your family.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
Dennis Ross, Counselor at Washington Institute for Near East Policy and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East: “Biden’s speech in Israel was poignant, powerful. He told the truth about Hamas when so many seem ready to forget it. To a country that suffered a grievous shock, he offered reassurance from the world’s most powerful nation. Going to Israel now was an act of real leadership.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
Richard Haass, President Emeritus, CFR: “Speech by President Biden from Israel nothing less than masterful, mixing support for Israel with advice, the personal & the policy. So far @potus deserves high marks for undertaking a difficult diplomatic mission that has grown more difficult and for getting the balance right.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]

Dave Harden, Former USAID West Bank/Gaza Mission Director: “Biden has been a great leader during this war in Gaza and the Ukrainian war.  He has been a wise, steady, humble, capable, and experienced statesman.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]
Amir Tibon, Haaretz Newspaper: “I just got out of a meeting with President Biden. He invited a dozen Israelis who had been impacted by the war in the most personal way, to see him. I will write more tonight, but for now what I can say is: President Biden loves Israel, loves the Israeli people, and has our back.” [Tweet, 10/18/2023]
Tim Miller, The Bulwark: “Biden has nailed the rhetorical side of this since day 1.” [Tweet, 10/18/23]


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