Statement from President Joe Biden on Iranian Activist Narges Mohammadi Winning the Nobel Peace Prize

I join with people around the world in congratulating Narges Mohammadi on being awarded the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize and in celebrating her unshakable courage. Ms. Mohammadi’s commitment to building the future that women and all people in Iran deserve is an inspiration to people everywhere who are fighting for human rights and basic human dignity. She has endured repeated arrests, persecution, and torture at the hands of the Iranian regime, yet Ms. Mohammadi’s advocacy and determination has only grown stronger. This award is a recognition that, even as she is currently and unjustly held in Evin prison, the world still hears the clarion voice of Narges Mohammadi calling for freedom and equality. I urge the government in Iran to immediately release her and her fellow gender equality advocates from captivity.

Sadly, Ms. Mohammadi’s award comes the same week that horrifying reports have emerged about Iran’s so-called morality police assaulting 16-year-old Armita Geravand for not wearing a headscarf.  The people of Iran refuse to be silenced or intimidated as they fight for a free and democratic future for their nation, and their peaceful movement— “Woman, Life, Freedom”—demanding respect for their human rights has brought hope to people the world. We will continue to honor the bravery of all human rights defenders as well as the memory of Mahsa Amini and all those who have been killed, wounded, or imprisoned by the regime. The United States will continue working to support Iranians’ ability to advocate for their own future, for freedom of expression, for gender equality, and to end gender-based violence against women and girls everywhere.

As part of these efforts, the United States is continuing to lead a diplomatic initiative at the United Nations to highlight, condemn, and promote accountability for Iran’s abuses.  We’ve also deployed anti-censorship tools to make it easier for tens of millions of Iranians to access the internet and sanctioned more than 100 Iranian individuals and entities responsible for supporting the regime’s oppression of its people.

The United States will continue to stand with Ms. Mohammadi, with the brave people of Iran, and with all those around the world who are working with resilience and resolve to make our world more equal and more free.


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