WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Elected Officials, Labor Leaders, Aging Advocates, Health and Advocacy Groups, And More Applaud Administration’s Prescription Drug Announcement

Yesterday, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the first 10 drugs selected for Medicare Price Negotiation – a critical provision under the Inflation Reduction Act that will finally allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs for seniors, people with disabilities, and other beneficiaries. For decades, Big Pharma has blocked this from happening, forcing millions of Americans to choose between paying for medications they need to live, or paying for other basic necessities.

Under President Biden and Vice President Harris, those days are ending. Up to 9 million Americans will be able to benefit from the new negotiated drug prices on 10 drugs used to treat some of the most common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, blood clots, and cancers. In 2022 just one of these drugs could cost seniors up to $6,497 in out-of-pocket costs per year.

Yesterday’s announcement is a major step forward in the Administration’s efforts to lower costs for American families and make health care more affordable. President Biden, Vice President Harris, and their Administration won’t stop until they finish the job.

See below for what they are saying:


Senate Majority Leader, New York Senator Chuck Schumer: “For years, politicians promised to take on the big drug companies and empower Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for consumers. With the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats have delivered.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Senate Majority Whip, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin: “After decades of empty promises, @POTUS & Congressional Dems are successfully forcing down drug prices. First insulin to $35/month for Seniors on Medicare, & now the biggest drugs on the market.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

House Minority Leader, New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries: “For far too long, pharmaceutical companies have made record profits while everyday Americans struggle to afford life-saving medications. After decades of fighting Big Pharma and their extreme MAGA Republican allies, House Democrats and the Biden administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act last year to lower costs for everyday Americans. Now, for the first time ever, Medicare has the power to negotiate prices with drug companies on behalf of seniors, driving down the cost of some of the most expensive medications Americans take to treat heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more. Americans and our seniors pay more for life-saving prescription drugs than every other developed nation, often 3 to 4 times as much. This is unacceptable, it’s unconscionable and it should be un-American. While extreme MAGA Republicans continue to try to unwind this progress and raise health care costs for seniors, Democrats will always put the health, safety and well-being of everyday Americans over the special interests of the wealthy, well-off and well-connected. This is a historic milestone and we’re just getting started.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

House Democratic Chair, California Congressman Pete Aguilar: “9 million Americans will soon be paying significantly less for 10 different, widely-used medications thanks to @HouseDemocrats and @POTUS .” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

House Minority Whip, Massachusetts Congresswoman Katherine Clark: “For decades, the rising cost of prescription drugs has forced Americans to make the impossible choice between daily necessities and life-saving medications. Today, Democrats say ‘no more.’ Under the leadership of President Biden, we have taken on Big Pharma and won — granting Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug costs directly with manufacturers through our landmark Inflation Reduction Act. Millions of Americans will have access to the medications they need at a price they can afford. Democrats are delivering on our promise to lower costs and build an America where everyone can care for themselves and their loved ones. We will continue working to put money back into the pockets of working families and grow our economy by growing the middle class.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Speaker Emeritus, California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi: “The Inflation Reduction Act was a monumental victory in Democrats’ long fight to make prescription drugs more affordable: empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices. Today’s announcement is an important step to delivering these lower costs to millions of America’s seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Chairwoman, Senate Appropriations Committee, Washington Senator Patty Murray: “We have more to do, but this is going to bring down drug costs significantly for so many patients. I fought hard to pass Medicare negotiation in the Inflation Reduction Act because we need to put patients over profits.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Chairman, Senate Finance Committee, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden: “Today marks the beginning of a new era for seniors and families that have been breaking the bank for far too long to pay for expensive prescription medicines. The products that will now be subject to negotiation are used by millions of seniors in Medicare each year, costing each of them thousands of dollars. This step, plus other cost saving measures in the Inflation Reduction Act, represent a seismic shift in the relationship between Big Pharma, the federal government, and seniors who are counting on lower prices. I will be following the negotiation process closely and will fight any attempt by Big Pharma to undo or undermine the progress that’s been made.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Chairwoman, Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow: “The Inflation Reduction Act is delivering real results for Michiganders like Pam Bloink. Pam is a retired teacher & assumed she was set for retirement. Rising costs left her struggling to make ends meet. The $35 a month insulin cap has been a lifesaver for Pam.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Chairman, Senate Budget Committee, Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: “The Inflation Reduction Act finally gave Medicare a seat at the table to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors. This is just the start.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Chairman, Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown: “For years we fought Big Pharma to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. For these 10 drugs that cost people on Medicare $3.4 BILLION last year — negotiations finally start today. We’re bringing costs down & keeping Ohioans from footing the bill of Big Pharma’s greed.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Chairman, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Delaware Senator Tom Carper: “Today’s announcement is proof that the Inflation Reduction Act is working. No one should have to decide between putting food on their table and paying for prescriptions, and I was proud to lead several provisions of this life-changing legislation.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Chairman, Senate Aging Committee, Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey: “In the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats fought hard to finally allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Because of this law, pharmaceutical companies will no longer be able to charge Medicare recipients unfair prices for the medications they need, and millions of Americans will see lower drug costs as a result. This is a huge step to lower drug costs for Americans, but it’s also just the beginning. More drugs will be added to the list in the years to come, and Democrats are going to keep fighting to lower everyday costs for Americans and ensure that families don’t have to choose between their health and their bank account.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Chairman, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Michigan Senator Gary Peters: “The Inflation Reduction Act allows Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices — that’s one reason I fought so hard to pass it. Glad to see this step taken to lower costs for millions of seniors in Michigan and across the country.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Chairman, Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee, Montana Senator Jon Tester: “GOOD NEWS: Cheaper prescription drugs are coming to Montana. Nobody should ever have to choose between life-saving meds and putting food on the table. That’s why we took on Big Pharma to lower drug prices—starting with these 10 critical medications” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member, House Appropriations Committee, Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro: “In the #InflationReductionAct, Democrats made a historic step toward lowering prescription drug & health care costs by finally allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices. Today, @POTUS announced the first 10 Part D drugs to bring relief that seniors deserve.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee, New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone: “Other nations around the world negotiate prescription drug prices and it is only fair that we do the same. Today’s announcement begins the process of Medicare negotiating lower prices on these ten drugs and making them more affordable for America’s seniors. It marks the end of a 20-year handout from Republicans in Congress to the pharmaceutical industry that prevented Medicare from negotiating prescription drug prices for seniors. This announcement is part of Democrats’ ongoing effort to lower prescription drug prices and cap seniors’ Medicare Part D out-of-pocket spending. Seniors are already benefiting from the Inflation Reduction Act’s monthly $35 cap on insulin and penalties to pharmaceutical companies for raising prices faster than inflation. Democrats are committed to reining in the excesses of the pharmaceutical industry and lowering prescription drug prices for the American people, and today’s announcement is a major step in that effort.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member, House Education and the Workforce Committee, Virginia Congressman Bobby Scott: “. @POTUS and Congressional Democrats took on Big Pharma when we passed the Inflation Reduction Act. Now, Medicare is announcing which prescription drugs will be negotiating prices. This will cut costs and lower prices for consumers.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member, House Ways and Means Committee, Massachusetts Congressman Richard Neal: “For decades, experts said that letting Medicare negotiate drug prices would lower costs for millions of America’s seniors. @WaysMeansCmte Democrats got it done with the #InflationReductionAct” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member, House Small Business Committee, New York Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez: “Americans have paid more for prescription drugs than any major economy for too long. Thanks to @POTUS , we are lowering high drug costs that only serve to benefit Big Pharma’s bank accounts. I was proud to support the Inflation Reduction Act, which helped to make this progress.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member, House Natural Resources Committee, Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva: “As part of the #InflationReductionAct, Democrats acted to lower prescription drug costs and allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Today is a historic day and the first of many to lower health care costs for Americans.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member, House Veteran’s Affairs Committee, California Congressman Mark Takano: “Democrats will keep fighting until drug companies stop price gouging medication that saves lives. Today’s news is a major win for all Medicaid beneficiaries and everyone who relies on these 10 common prescriptions.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly: “I fought to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for the most expensive prescription drugs. Today, the first 10 medications up for negotiation were announced. This is a huge step toward driving down the cost of Rx drugs for Arizona seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Senator Alex Padilla: “Democrats are making good on our promise to lower costs for Americans. Today, @POTUS begins negotiating the prices of 10 lifesaving drugs. With the passage of the IRA, Democrats took on Big Pharma and now millions of seniors will have more money in their pocket each month.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet: “These drugs save lives, but millions of Americans can’t afford them. Now, thanks to the #InflationReductionAct, Medicare must negotiate these prices on behalf of the American people. I helped secure this life-saving provision, and I’ll continue working to lower drug prices.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Colorado Senator John Hickenlooper: “The Inflation Reduction Act finally gave Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices on the most expensive drugs! This is just the start.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal: “Because of the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare can finally negotiate lower costs for popular prescription drugs for the first time ever. These new deals will result in real savings—making health care more affordable for millions of Americans.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock: “This is big news! I worked hard to help pass the #InflationReductionAct to lower Rx drug costs, and this announcement is the next step toward allowing Medicare to negotiate to bring down prices on life-saving medication used by countless Georgians.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen: “This is a major milestone in our fight to lower Rx drug prices for all Americans. We fought for years to allow Medicare to negotiate for lower prices. With the Inflation Reduction Act, we got it done — and millions of Americans will benefit.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren: “Today, @HHSGov announced the first 10 prescription drugs that will be negotiated under Medicare. This is an important win that will bring down costs for seniors and families — and Republicans and Big Pharma fought against it every step of the way.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey: “Since we passed the IRA, seniors have saved on insulin and vaccines. Now, Big Pharma will have to negotiate with Medicare on the cost of diabetes and heart failure medications for millions of Americans. We won’t stop fighting until we secure truly affordable health care for all.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar: “The cost of prescription drugs is simply too high. For too long, big drug companies have put their profits ahead of the well-being of millions of Americans who need life-sustaining medications. That is why I have worked for years to end the big drug companies’ sweetheart deal that artificially raised prices at the expense of our seniors. Today, we took a historic step toward lowering the price of some of the most widely-used, costly medications with the announcement of the first batch of drugs that will be subject to price negotiations with Medicare. I’ll keep fighting to make sure that all Americans can access the medications they need.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto: “. @POTUS just announced that Medicare is bringing Big Pharma to the table to lower the cost of 10 of the costliest medications – thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act that I voted for. This is going to deliver life-changing savings for families across Nevada.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen: “I’ve met with seniors across NV who’ve had to make tough decisions because they can’t afford their medications. I proudly helped pass legislation to let Medicare negotiate for lower Rx drug prices & this announcement is an important step towards that goal:” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan: “We took on Big Pharma to finally allow Medicare to negotiate with drug companies and secure lower prescription medication costs – and today the administration has named the first 10 medications that will be included in these negotiations.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen: “I worked to help pass the #InflationReductionAct to end Big Pharma’s price gouging by letting Medicare negotiate drug prices. Today’s announcement is a big step towards that goal.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare is finally allowed to negotiate lower drug prices—and @POTUS just announced the first ten drugs that will be negotiated. The days of seniors having to choose between their medicine or putting food on the table are coming to an end.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New Mexico Senator Ben Ray Luján: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, for the first time Medicare will be able to negotiate the highest prescription drug prices with pharma companies. Now, 9 million seniors will save money on these essential medications. People over profits.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman: “President Biden will slash the prices of the 10 prescription drugs seniors spend the most money on. This day is 20 YEARS in the making. @POTUS & Democrats in Congress actually stood up to Big Pharma while every single Republican just stood in the way.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act—which I was proud to help pass—Medicare can finally negotiate the price of these prescription drugs, lowering costs for seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Virginia Senator Mark Warner: “Thrilled to see Medicare announce the first ten prescription drugs eligible for price negotiations! This is a monumental and historic step forward in lowering costs for Americans. I’m proud to have fought for this day for years and supported the law that made it possible.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin: “I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act to take on big drug companies & finally allow Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs.  I’m proud our legislation is going cut costs for Wisconsinites and make a real difference in families’ lives.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Arizona Congressman Greg Stanton: “NEW: For the first time in history, Medicare will now negotiate lower prices for some of our costliest prescription drugs. I’ve been working towards this for years—and thanks to our #InflationReductionAct, we got it done.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Ted Lieu: “Democrats are putting #PeopleOverPolitics by lowering prescription drug costs for seniors on Medicare. Check out the list of drugs selected for Medicare price negotiation below ⬇️. Thank you @POTUS & @VP . Thank you Inflation Reduction Act.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Jim Costa: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare can now negotiate the price of these prescription drug costs. I am proud to have voted for this historic law to deliver real savings for millions of seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Mike Thompson: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare can now negotiate Rx prices which will help Americans save thousands of dollars. Today’s announcement of the first drugs that will be subject to negotiations is a step forward for health care affordability.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Salud Carbajal: “How do you cut prescription costs AND save the U.S. government nearly $100 billion over the next decade? You give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices from Big Pharma. That’s what @HouseDemocrats and I did with the Inflation Reduction Act.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Jared Huffman: “Democrats single-handedly passed a law to lower costs of key medicines—and the Biden admin just announced the first set of drugs subject to the law. We’re putting #PeopleOverPolitics to help millions of people afford life saving medications.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Adam Schiff: “I’ve fought for years to ensure Californians on Medicare aren’t burdened with steep drug costs. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, which we passed last Congress, prescription drugs will be more affordable for millions of seniors and save taxpayers nearly $100 billion over the next ten years.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Jimmy Gomez: “While pharmaceutical companies made record-breaking profits, American seniors were forced to choose between paying for meds or basic necessities. Thanks to the #InflationReductionAct & @POTUS , Medicare can begin to negotiate the costs of these first ? prescription drugs.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congressman Mark Desulnier: “As a cancer survivor who relied on Imbruvica to keep me alive for over 2 years, I’m thrilled by this historic action to make life-saving prescription drugs more affordable for millions of Americans made possible by Congressional Democrats passing the Inflation Reduction Act.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

California Congresswoman Judy Chu: “No other country in the world pays as much as we do for our prescription drugs. For the first time in history, Medicare can now negotiate lowerprices for some of our nation’s costliest prescription drugs thanks to the #InflationReductionAct!” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette: “By giving the administration power to negotiate drug prices, we are lowering the cost of these important medications for millions of Americans, bringing down future health care costs for all Americans & reducing gov’t spending by more than $98 BILLION!” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Connecticut Congressman John Larson: “Since I came to Congress, lowering costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices has been one of my top health care priorities, and now we’re going to see that in action. Millions of seniors and people with disabilities are saving on insulin and their out-of-pocket prescription drug costs, and soon, Medicare will put money back in Americans’ pockets by negotiating key drug prices for the first time. Last year, as many as 123,000 Connecticut residents enrolled in Medicare Part D used one of the 10 drugs selected for negotiation, with an out-of-pocket mean that was as high as $4,659 per year. I have heard horror stories from constituents who had to cut back or go without their medication because it was too expensive, and that’s flat-out wrong. I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act last year to make progress toward our goal of ensuring no American must choose between their medication and paying their bills, and I am proud of this progress today.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Connecticut Congressman Joe Courtney: “Finally, because of the Inflation Reduction Act, seniors won’t be beholden to the whims of drug companies’ bottom line. Negotiating drug prices for diabetes and arthritis medications and more will cut costs for millions of Medicare beneficiaries. This is the start of a cumulative process which could lead to as many as 60 medications with lower prices by 2029. I’m working in this Congress to extend those savings to working age Americans too.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “Are you paying too much for your medications? Thanks to @POTUS , Medicare announced 10 drugs they will negotiate lower prices on. I teamed with @HouseDemocrats to pass the #InflationReductionAct to remove the grip of Big Pharma on Rx costs and put #PeopleOverPolitics.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson: “Thank you @POTUS for your leadership. With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, we’re now reaping the benefits of Democrats’ action: lower drug costs. With commonly used medications ranging from diabetes to blood thinner drugs, these changes will help countless Americans.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Florida Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick: “The #InflationReductionAct continues to deliver for Americans — now in the form of low-cost prescriptions for those on Medicare.  No senior should have to choose between paying for life-saving medications or paying for groceries.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Illinois Congressman Bill Foster: “One of the reasons I was so proud to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act was because it finally gave Medicare a seat at the bargaining table. Today’s announcement will help our seniors save on their out-of-pocket costs.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Illinois Congressman Mike Quigley: “This announcement is a major step forward in the Administration’s efforts to lower costs for American families and make health care more affordable. President Biden, Vice President Harris, and their Administration won’t stop until they finish the job.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Indiana Congressman André Carson: “Through laws like the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats are fighting to lower the costs of prescription drugs. Nobody should have to choose between lifesaving medication and other household expenses. It’s long past time we change this unjust system.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree: “??DEMOCRATS ?? DID ?? THAT ?? Today, thanks to @POTUS and @HouseDemocrats , we finally start reining in record profits from Big Pharma while putting money back in Mainers’ pockets!” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes: “Last year, @HouseDemocrats took an historic step to hold drug companies accountable and lower costs for millions of Americans by passing the #InflationReductionAct. Today, @POTUS announced the first ten drugs that Medicare will lower the prices of through negotiation.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Maryland Congressman Glenn Ivey: “Applauding @POTUS and @HouseDemocrats who voted to pass #InflationReductionAct which forces Big Pharma to negotiate lower prices on lifesaving prescription drugs among other healthcare benefits #PeopleOverPolitics #DemsDeliver” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern: “BIG NEWS: @POTUS names first 10 drugs for Medicare price negotiation. This is why I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act—to finally put Big Pharma’s price-gouging of seniors in check.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Massachusetts Congresswoman Lori Trahan: “Today, the Biden-Harris Admin released a list of 10 Rx drugs whose prices will be negotiated thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. This is a big, historic deal – and a promise kept!” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Michigan Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin: “This is an important step towards lowering the cost of prescription drugs for seniors – these ten drugs are some of the most popular in the country, which means negotiating lower prices will impact millions of seniors who have been price-gouged for years.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell: “This is an important step toward ensuring that no one must make the impossible choice between keeping a roof over their head or obtaining lifesaving medication. Health care is a basic human right and we will continue to work to bring down these costs.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Minnesota Congresswoman Angie Craig: “Today’s announcement will change lives, plain and simple. Last year we finally passed a law to give Medicare the power to negotiate their drug prices, and soon millions of Americans will see those savings at the pharmacy. I’ll keep working to lower health care costs.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver: “Last Congress, @POTUS and @HouseDemocrats took on Big Pharma and enacted the Inflation Reduction Act to lower prescription drug costs for American seniors—because no one should have to choose between lifesaving medicine and putting food on the table. A huge win For The People!” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Nevada Congresswoman Susie Lee: “For decades, Big Pharma tried to keep Medicare from negotiating prescription drug prices so they could squeeze hardworking Americans for record profits. But last year, we took them on and won. Now, 8 million seniors and every single taxpayer will reap the benefits.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New Jersey Congressman Don Norcross: “Big news! Thanks to the #InflationReductionAct, Medicare will negotiate prices for these 10 lifesaving medications that millions of Americans rely on. I was proud to secure this historic provision which will hold Big Pharma accountable & lower costs for South Jersey seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne: “The rising cost of prescription drugs has forced Americans to make the choice between daily needs and life-saving medications. I support Pres. Biden’s work to lower drug prices on 10 life-saving medications for Medicare recipients. @POTUS” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New York Congressman Ritchie Torres: “Last Congress, @HouseDemocrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act to bring costs down for seniors and working families. Today, because of this law, we know the first 10 prescription drugs in which Medicare can negotiate prices for the first time ever.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman: “Because of the Inflation Reduction Act that Democrats passed, Medicare is able to start negotiating prices for lifesaving drugs, lowering out of pocket costs. No one should have to decide between paying for food or medication. We will always keep fighting for American families.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

New York Congressman Paul Tonko: “Millions of Americans depend on prescriptions in order to lead full and healthy lives, yet skyrocketing drug prices imposed by greedy corporations have forced far too many to choose between paying for health care and putting food on the table. Lowering costs for these essential medications has long been a priority for Democrats and last year, I was elated to advance the Inflation Reduction Act to rein in out-of-control health care costs and slash drug prices for Americans. This is a momentous announcement and one of many to come. I look forward to continuing to build upon this work to ensure every American can afford the health care they need.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

North Carolina Congresswoman Kathy Manning: “BIG NEWS: Today, @POTUS announced the first round of prescription medications selected for price negotiation under Medicare. This historic moment – made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act – will lower costs of necessary & life-saving medications for seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ohio Congressman Greg Landsman: “For the first time ever, Medicare has the ability to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, seniors and taxpayers will save real money on medications for diabetes, arthritis, cancer, Crohn’s disease, and more.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Ohio Congresswoman Emilia Sykes: “The Inflation Reduction Act gives Medicare the ability to negotiate the price of certain prescription drugs, saving seniors money on life-saving medication for diabetes, blood disorders, other chronic conditions & more. This bill is saving money and lives in #OH13 & the nation.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Pennsylvania Congresswoman Susan Wild: “HUGE news! I’ve been taking on Big Pharma to lower your drug costs since my first day in Congress. Today, we’re chipping away at Big Pharma’s power to price-gouge and rake in billions in profit at your expense. I’m proud to have fought to make it happen.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Rhode Island Congressman Seth Magaziner: “No one should have to choose between paying for lifesaving medication and other basic necessities, like food and housing. This announcement is a major step toward slashing health care costs for seniors, but our work is far from over. We must keep fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans.”

Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar: “This morning, @HHSGov announced the first 10 drugs covered under Medicare Part D that will be eligible for negotiation. This was made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, a landmark law that I helped pass last year to bring relief to South Texas Medicare beneficiaries.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar: “The Inflation Reduction Act has truly been a historic step in the right direction. With today’s announcement of medicine that will be negotiated by Medicare, @HouseDemocrats are putting people over politics and lowering costs for families nationwide.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Texas Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia: “Today, the Biden Administration announced the first 10 Medicare Part D drugs that were selected for price negotiation.  ??‍⚕️ We’re working hard to bring drug prices down for our seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Texas Congressman Colin Allred: “With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, we took on Big Pharma and won – and now we are finally lowering drug costs for seniors on Medicare. About 9 million folks on Medicare with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, heart failure and more use these drugs to stay alive and now Medicare will negotiate a fair price. My mom is on Medicare and is a breast cancer survivor so I know how important it is that we keep working to lower costs for folks across the board. Let’s build on this progress and extend savings from the Inflation Reduction Act to folks on the private market.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Virginia Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan: “These 10 drugs account for billions of dollars in Medicare Part D spending each year. Now, Medicare can negotiate their prices, which will cut costs and save consumers money. This is the #InflationReductionAct in action.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Virginia Congressman Don Beyer: “Last year Democrats passed a law to lower costs of key medicines by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Today the Biden Administration announced the first set of drugs subject to the law. Millions of Americans will see prescription prices drop.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger: “Today, @POTUS announced the first 10 drugs for Medicare price negotiation. For years, the top issue I’ve heard from Virginia seniors is high prescription drug costs. That’s why I was proud to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act to save Virginians money.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Washington Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal: “This is HUGE. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare is now announcing the first prescription drugs they’ll negotiate pricing for — meaning lower costs for all of us. Democrats are delivering!” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Washington Congressman Derek Kilmer: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, @CMSGov announced the first ten drugs selected for Medicare Price Negotiation earlier this morning. Soon, the IRA will finally allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs for folks in Washington state.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Washington Congresswoman Suzan DelBene: “The Inflation Reduction Act allows Medicare to negotiate for cheaper prescription drugs for the first time ever. The Biden admin announced today the drugs it will negotiate for first. This will bring down drug prices for seniors & lower costs for taxpayers.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore: “For decades, Big Pharma has blocked Medicare from negotiating lower prescription drug costs for seniors. That ends today. President Biden and Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act to take on Big Pharma, overcoming opposition from every Republican in Congress.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

State and Local Government Officials


New York Governor Kathy Hochul: “Over 3.8 million New Yorkers rely on Medicare for life-saving medication. Thanks to @POTUS & Democrats in Congress, Medicare can now negotiate drug prices. Today’s announcement is a major step towards lowering costs & giving New Yorkers the relief they need & deserve.” [Tweet, 9/29.23]

California Governor Newsom: “California has long led the way in seeking to make health care more affordable, from expanding Medi-Cal eligibility to our CalRx initiative. Today, @POTUS announced efforts to tackle the steep price of prescription drugs for older adults—reining in Big Pharma’s profits.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont: “I applaud @POTUS Biden for taking efforts to drive down the costs of prescription drugs. Access to affordable and quality health care is one of most important issues our seniors face.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

State Legislators

Connecticut State Senator Bob Duff: “Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the first 10 drugs selected for Medicare Price Negotiation – a critical provision under the Inflation Reduction Act that will finally allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs for seniors & others.” [Tweet, 9/29/23]

Georgia State Representative Michelle Au: “And the list of drugs is: Eliquis & Xarelto (prevents strokes, ? clots) Jardiance (treats diabetes, ? failure) Januvia (treats diabetes) Farxiga (treats diabetes, ? failure, kidney dz) Entresto (treats ? failure) Enbrel (treats arthritis, other autoimmune dz)  Imbruvica (treats ? cancers) Stelara (treats Crohn’s dz) Fiasp & NovoLog (insulin products) The program is projected to save Medicare ~ $98.5B over 10y, eventually ⬇️  insurance costs for seniors.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Pennsylvania State Senator Maria Collett: “No senior should have to choose between filling their presciption and paying rent. I’m excited to see @POTUS announce the first 10 drugs selected for Medicare Price Negotiations – drugs used to treat common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, blood clots + cancers.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Wisconsin State Senator Melissa Agard: “Wisconsinites should be able to access the necessary care and medication they need when they need it at an affordable price. Thank you @POTUS for lowering the costs of life-saving prescriptions for seniors in Wisconsin.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]


Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP: “BIG NEWS: Today’s announcement from
@CMSGov is an important first step toward allowing Medicare to use its bargaining power to negotiate lower drug prices and bring relief to millions of Americans who rely on these life-sustaining medications. Despite overwhelming public support for allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices, big drug companies continue trying to stop it so they can keep padding their profits. @AARP will not back down from this fight until all older Americans can afford the medications they need.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Nancy LeaMond, Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer, AARP: “?BREAKING?:  The Administration just released a list of the first 10 drugs for Medicare price negotiation.  This is a critical step to bring down out-of-control drug prices. For too long, big drug companies have padded their profits at the expense of American lives. The number one reason seniors skip or ration their prescriptions is because they can’t afford them. That’s why AARP fought to have Medicare price negotiation passed into law . . . and why we will keep fighting against any efforts to undo or weaken it. It’s impossible to overstate how monumental this law is for older Americans’ financial stability and overall health.” [Tweet, Statement, 8/29/23]

Judith Stein, Executive Director and Founder, Center for Medicare Advocacy: “This is the next major step in a critical effort to address out-of-control drugs costs in the Medicare program, “We applaud the Biden Administration for protecting beneficiaries’ access to reasonably priced medications and the Medicare program’s fiscal solvency. We urge HHS to zealously defend against baseless lawsuits filed by the pharmaceutical industry seeking to defeat these critical consumer protections.” [Statement, 08/29/23]

Medicare Rights Center: “The Medicare Rights Center applauds a historic milestone achieved by the IRA through its prescription drug price negotiation program. This program will provide relief for millions of people with Medicare and reduce the difficult choices they face when it comes to affording their medications. Our national helpline receives calls daily from older adults and people with disabilities who struggle to pay for their prescriptions. Often, they have to choose between medication and basic needs like food or rent. By allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices with drug companies, the IRA will reduce the burden on beneficiaries and improve access to affordable care. These critical changes are long overdue. We look forward to the continued implementation of this landmark law. Several provisions already in place—such as no-cost Part D vaccines, lower coinsurance on some Part B drugs, and the $35 monthly insulin limit—are helping beneficiaries build health and financial security. Next year, even more Medicare enrollees will feel the law’s benefits. In 2024, the IRA will expand the Part D Low Income Subsidy to help people with incomes up to 150% of the federal poverty level pay for their prescriptions. It will also eliminate the 5% coinsurance requirement for beneficiaries who reach the catastrophic coverage phase, finally protecting Part D enrollees from limitless and uncertain costs. These policies will meaningfully strengthen health care access and affordability for all people with Medicare.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Max Richtman, President and CEO, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare: “This is an historic day in the effort to lower prescription drug prices for seniors.  The Biden administration has released the names of the 10 life-saving drugs that will be subject — for the first time ever — to price negotiation between Medicare and Big Pharma.  The Inflation Reduction Act provides for this reform, in addition to a $2,000 out-of-pocket cap for patients’ Medicare Part D drug costs and penalties for drug-makers who hike prices above the rate of inflation. Medicare price negotiation alone is expected to save seniors and taxpayers billions of dollars in drug costs over next the decade. This is a sea change in the government’s ability to lower prescription drug prices for older Americans, who all too often are compelled to ration medications or forgo filling prescriptions because of soaring costs. NCPSSM has fought for Medicare to be empowered to negotiate prices for some twenty years now. We look forward to working with President Biden and the Congress to build on this groundbreaking achievement. The next step is to enlarge the number and type of medications subject to negotiation, to deliver maximum relief to seniors on fixed incomes. No one should have to choose between groceries, rent, or essential medications — especially our nation’s senior citizens.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare: “NCPSSM policy director @danieladcock and NCPSSM president @MaxRichtman with @potus at the White House today for the release of the list of drugs for #Medicare price negotiation with #BigPharma!  We have been working toward this goal for more than 20 years.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Ramsey Alwin, CEO, National Council on Aging: “Today’s announcement is a game changer for the millions of older adults who rely on these medications every day. Our research shows that the cost of chronic conditions falls heaviest on women and people of color, who have the fewest resources. Lower prices are a matter of equity. Health care and medications are the highest expenses for older adults after housing. Too often, they must make painful choices between paying for prescriptions or paying the rent. Lower drug prices can’t come soon enough to relieve some of this tremendous financial pressure. In a country as rich as ours, every person should have access to affordable health care. Allowing the government to negotiate on consumers’ behalf is a very welcome step in that direction.” [Statement, 08/29/23]

Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works: “Just over a year ago, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices on prescription drugs. Today, Biden announced the first ten drugs subject to negotiation, and Big Pharma corporations are furious. These are among the most outrageously priced drugs on the market, Pharma’s prized cash cows. For the first time ever, our government will stop Pharma corporations from charging as much as they want for life-saving and life-sustaining medications. Over 8 million Medicare beneficiaries rely on these medications. In 2022, Medicare spent $50.5 billion on them — about 20 percent of total Part D prescription drug costs. Beneficiaries paid $3.4 billion in out-of-pocket costs, which were as high as $6,497 per enrollee. This is just the beginning. Within a decade, Medicare will have the power to negotiate lower prices on well over 100 drugs. That’s a huge win for seniors and people with disabilities. This is the biggest defeat Big Pharma has ever suffered — and it won’t be the last. We are going to keep fighting until every single person in America can get the medications they need.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Union and Labor Leaders

Richard Fiesta, Executive Director, Alliance for Retired Americans: “It’s a landmark day for older Americans. For the first time, the price Medicare pays for ten of the most expensive prescription drugs will be determined at a negotiating table, not in a corporate boardroom. This day would not have happened without the leadership of President Biden who made sure that the Inflation Reduction Act included strong action to lower the prices older Americans pay for prescription drugs. Thanks to him, seniors are paying less for some of their drugs today, and prices will continue to go down in the coming years. Of course, Americans have paid the highest prices for prescription drugs for decades and older Americans have borne the brunt of this crisis. The drug industry has had unfettered monopoly power over drug prices for too long, and we welcome this important step toward putting patients ahead of drug corporation profits.” [Statement, 08/29/23]

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers (AFT): “Where politicians of all stripes have tried and failed for decades to take on Big Pharma and curb the extortionate cost of prescription drugs, today President Joe Biden has delivered. Medicare finally has the power to bargain lower prices for tens of millions of Americans who rely on lifesaving medication but scramble desperately to afford it. And it is using that power to help our seniors.  Americans will soon see deep discounts on 10 widely used drugs that currently cost $3.4 billion out of pocket—including blood thinners and treatments for diabetes, heart disease and cancer—with many more set to be added. Crucially, these negotiations will affect the broader commercial market and union members’ benefit plans, reducing prices for both employers and workers. The United States shamefully pays more than any other industrialized nation for medication, and the Biden administration—and Congress—heard Americans’ pleas and said, ‘enough is enough.’ And with insulin already capped at $35 a month for those on Medicare, the president’s commitment to easing the squeeze on the middle class couldn’t be clearer.” [Statement, 08/29/23]

Mary Kay Henry, International President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU): “I’m just leaving the White House event where President Biden celebrated lowering prescription drug costs for seniors!” [Statement, 8/29/23]

American Federation of Teachers Union: “Thanks to President Biden & Congressional Democrats, the #InflationReductionAct is saving seniors & working families over $160B on much-needed medications. That’s huge.” [ Tweet, 08/29/23]

More Perfect Union: “Biden has announced the first 10 prescription drugs his administration will target for lower Medicare prices. Six pharma giants are suing over this attempt to lower prices. What they don’t want you to know is the companies that make these 10 drugs earned $38.7 billion in 2022.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Mary Kay Henry, President, SEIU: “I’m just leaving the White House event where President Biden celebrated lowering prescription drug costs for seniors!” [Tweet, 8/29/23]


Ceci Connolly, Pesident and CEO, Alliance for Community Health Care Plans: “As the only national payer organization that supported robust drug pricing reform, including allowing direct government negotiation for drugs without competition, we are pleased by the White House’s announcement of the first ten drugs to be negotiated. For far too long, prescription drug prices have been out of control and it’s time to rein in skyrocketing drug costs. This announcement demonstrates the administration’s commitment to using price negotiation to provide financial relief to consumers. ‘This is a great first step for drug affordability, no matter what the bullies at Big Pharma say. Despite all their threats and lawsuits, we know we are on the right path toward better health care for all. Looking ahead, we will continue urging Congress to extend the IRA’s drug negotiation provisions to the commercial market.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Health Care for America Now: “BREAKING NEWS – Medicare just announced the first-ever drugs that will have negotiated prices. This historic announcement comes after decades of fighting to make medicines affordable for patients.” [Tweet, 08/29/23]

KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation): “Today, the Biden Administration announced the 10 drugs subject to negotiation under the Inflation Reduction Act. The CBO has estimated that the drug negotiation provision in the #InflationReductionAct will reduce the federal deficit by $100 billion over 10 years. Here’s how ⤵️ KFF explains how the drug price negotiation program will work under the law, with a focus on 2026 — the first year negotiated prices will be available. We also explain how people with Medicare may benefit from the negotiated prices. Allowing the federal government to negotiate some drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries is popular. 81% of the public — including 77% of Republicans and Republican-leaners — support this move.” [Tweets, 8/29/23]

Bari Talente, Executive Vice President of Advocacy and Healthcare Access, National Multiple Sclerosis Society: “Society Applauds CMS Announcement of Prescription Drugs Selected for Medicare Negotiation. Today the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the first 10 prescription drugs that have been selected for which it will negotiate lower prices for Medicare beneficiaries. This provision was included in the Inflation Reduction Act, which was signed into law in August 2022. ‘Today is an important milestone to help those who are struggling to afford medications they need to live their best lives. For the first time, CMS will be able to negotiate directly with prescription drug manufacturers to make pr2escription drugs more affordable for millions of Medicare beneficiaries while providing significant savings to the Medicare program. The 10 drugs that have been selected by CMS are used by millions of Americans every day and have been on the market for a long time, without competition from generics or biosimilars. While no MS disease-modifying therapies are currently on the list of drugs to be negotiated, we know that people with MS utilize these selected drugs to manage co-morbidities of MS.’ The Society looks forward to working with the Administration and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to implement all provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, including a $2,000 out-of-pocket cap for patients’ Medicare Part D drug costs and penalties for drug-makers who hike prices above the rate of inflation, to make the cost of prescription drugs more affordable and manageable for the people that need them.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

David Mitchell, a Cancer Patient and Founder, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now: “This is a momentous day for patients across the country. Finally beginning to undo the nearly 20-year ban on Medicare using its purchasing power to get lower prices, Medicare will now negotiate for a better deal for these ten high-cost drugs. The list includes essential life-saving medications – cancer treatments, blood thinners, autoimmune disease treatments, diabetes drugs – that people in this country have been paying unjustified amounts for decades, while drug companies have used Medicare as a piggy bank raising prices to hit profit targets and trigger executive bonuses. I am one of millions of people in this country who take Eliquis (apixaban), a blood thinner that has a list price of almost $7,000 in the U.S. because its maker, Bristol-Myers Squibb, has blocked competition. In Canada, where there is a generic, the price is less than $1,700. With negotiations, millions of patients will finally get a more affordable price for drugs like Eliquis. We look forward to continuing to work with CMS and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to ensure the law is implemented despite opposition from Big Pharma, and that patients finally begin to get a better deal for these ten high-priced medications and another 50 by 2029. We’ve been waiting far too long for this relief. This is just the beginning and we will continue pushing on all fronts to lower drug prices for everyone.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Protect Our Care: “President Biden’s #InflationReductionAct is bringing down drug costs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug costs. This extremely popular program will save seniors and taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. ?” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Peter Morley, Patient Advocate-Cancer Survivor, Lupus Warrior: “Health Care Awareness Month salutes President Biden for a Lowering Drug Costs, for seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare. We were honored to be at the White House today to celebrate this victory! #DemocratsLowerDrugCosts” [Tweet, 8/29/23]


National Down Syndrome Congress: NDSC Policy & Advocacy Director Cyrus Huncharek attended an event today at the White House featuring President Biden and Vice-President Harris on lowering the cost of prescription drugs via Medicare. The Medicare program is important to people with Down syndrome. #Downsyndrome” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

LittleLobbyists: “A BFD! The ability to negotiate Medicare drug prices was part of the #InflationReductionAct @TheDemocrats passed last summer, which included a number of provisions to lower costs and make health care more accessible. There’s lots more to do, but today let’s celebrate the win!” [Tweet, 8/29/30]


Tony Carrk, Executive Director, Accountable.US: “Big drug companies raked in billions in profits while standing in the way of lower prescription drug costs for millions of seniors. The time of Big Pharma grossly overcharging American seniors on life-saving medicines is coming to an end. This historic achievement is still under threat, however, because the MAGA House Majority is hellbent on repealing the Inflation Reduction Act. They would rather pad the profits of their major industry donors than help seniors who are literally choosing between food and medicines.” [Statement, 8/29/23]Mayra Macías, Interim Executive Director, Building Back Together: “For the first time in our history, Medicare will have the authority to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs directly with major drug manufacturers. For years, these major drug companies have seen record-breaking profits made off the backs of Americans just trying to make ends meet and stay healthy. That ends today. For Americans who take vital medications like Eliquis, Jardiance, Xarelto, Januvia, Farxiga, Entresto, Enbrel, Imbruvica, Stelara, and Fiasp/NovoLog, help is on the way. Today’s announcement is all thanks to President Biden and Democrats in Congress’ Inflation Reduction Act — and not thanks to any Republican in Congress, all of whom voted against this historic legislation. Despite the pharmaceutical industry spending nearly $400 million in lobbying last year alone to keep the cost of prescription drugs out of reach for middle-class families across the country, the Biden-Harris Administration is unwavering in their fight to lower costs and to make sure that no one is denied essential care because of cost.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Emily Gee, Senior Vice President for Inclusive Growth, Center for American Progress: “Today’s announcement is a watershed moment to make lifesaving medications more affordable for millions of Americans on Medicare. Millions of seniors rely on these drugs to treat cancer, blood clots, and manage chronic conditions, including diabetes and heart failure. The Biden administration is growing the middle class by giving more Americans economic security, including better protections against high health care costs. Through negotiation, the Biden administration is taking on the greed of pharmaceutical companies, which have raked in record profits by charging Americans exorbitant prices no other country in the world would accept. It’s why Big Pharma fought so hard to stop these reforms from passing in the Inflation Reduction Act and why they and their allies are suing to stop these new reforms to lower drug costs.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Fight Corporate Monopolies: “The Biden Administration isn’t backing down from giant corporations. Today it announced the first 10 drugs in its new Medicare drug price program. Big Pharma will soon be forced to lower prices on some of the most widely-used drugs in the country. This is a big progressive win.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Sky Gallegos, Executive Director, For Our Future: “Medicare’s ability to negotiate prescription drug prices is a tangible example of how the Inflation Reduction Act is lowering costs and how President Biden is delivering on his promises to make health care more affordable. Seniors should not have to choose between putting food on the table and life’s other necessities, and taking their prescription medication. However, last year, these 10 prescription drugs alone – which treat diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and more – cost seniors on Medicare $3.4 billion in out-of-pocket costs. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, we are lowering these drug costs and seniors all across the country can breathe a sigh of relief. The harsh reality is, this was made possible by President Biden and Democrats in Congress despite congressional Republicans in Congress, who voted unanimously against this cost-lowering, life-saving legislation.”  [Statement, 8/29/23]

Kitty Richards, Executive Director, Groundwork Collaborative: “For too long, millions of Americans have been forced to pay outrageous prices for life-saving drugs while pharmaceutical companies extract record profits. We applaud the Administration for using the power of government to rein in the pharmaceutical industry’s profiteering and begin building an economy where no one has to choose between life-saving medications and paying their rent.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Indivisible: “The Inflation Reduction Act is delivering — for our climate and now for your wallet.” [Tweet, 8/28/23]PIRG: “The PIRG-backed Inflation Reduction Act gave the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) the ability to negotiate lower prices for prescription prices. Today, CMS announced the first ten medications that will be subject to price negotiation. About 8 million people will benefit from the lower prices obtained by the strong negotiating power of the federal government. Among the medications chosen, several are wrapped in patent thickets that mean a lower-cost generic version of the drug is still years away. Price negotiation will lower the cost of these drugs, even before a competing generic makes it to market. And that means significant savings for the patients who need them.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Emma Lydon, Managing Director, P Street: “By cracking down on corporate greed and reducing the price of life-saving medications, the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats are lowering costs for millions of Americans. This is a historic achievement – one that Republican politicians and Big Pharma executives fought tooth and nail against by opposing the Inflation Reduction Act and prioritizing profits over people.”  [Statement, 8/29/23]Peter Maybarduk, Director of the Access to Medicines Program, Public Citizen: “The negotiated drugs list is a watershed moment for medicine affordability. Drug corporations pretend this is a catastrophe, but I would rather see that money in seniors’ pockets than Big Pharma’s. Drug corporations, in crude arrogance, are suing to limit price negotiations under the IRA. But the list shows instead how important it is to expand those negotiation powers. Several monopolized drugs that are expensive for Medicare today are exempted from price negotiation, and will remain expensive. One reason for this is a many-years long grace period after a drug first comes to market. During those years, drugmakers will exploit patent monopolies with minimal checks on profiteering. That profiteering period is even longer for biologics, which comprise some of the most exorbitantly priced drugs. IRA should be expanded and consistently improved, toward supporting affordable medicine for all, rather than limited or delayed to mollify pharma monopolists. The Biden administration has our support as it resists unjust lawsuits and implements the strongest possible IRA.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Rhett Buttle, Senior Advisor, Small Business for America’s Future: “Today’s anticipated remarks by President Biden and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding prescription drugs is a significant stride forward in addressing the soaring cost of healthcare, a top concern in the small business community. For far too long, the rising cost of healthcare has been a huge burden on small business owners that has prevented them from hiring and retaining workers, affecting their competitiveness in the labor market and cutting into their bottom lines. Prescription drug costs are one of the key drivers of high healthcare costs. A new survey conducted by Small Business for America’s Future and released today reveals 50% of respondents anticipate that the reduced costs of medications will have a positive financial impact on their businesses, their families, or their employees. The survey also found that the policy will have a direct impact on small business owners and their employees with nearly one in four small business owners having employees enrolled in Medicare and nearly a third of small business owners themselves are enrolled. Addressing healthcare costs can help continue the positive momentum of our economy with solid new jobs numbers and near record low unemployment. I am urging lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to take a strong look at other policies that can continue to help combat high healthcare costs.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Sarah Baron, Campaign Director, Unrig Our Economy: “While Biden and congressional Democrats fought fiercely to include Medicare’s ability to negotiate lower drug costs as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, Republicans chose to vote “NO” on lower drug prices for hard-working Americans. We’re thrilled to see the Administration begin to lower drug prices despite Republican opposition and look forward to seeing more drug prices negotiated down in the future.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Shelbie Swartz, Interim Executive Director, Battle Born Progress: “Today represents another major milestone in what has been a long journey toward finally making medicines affordable for millions of people in Medicare. President Biden and Democrats in Congress kept their promises to lower health costs last year by passing this historic reform that will finally enable Medicare to negotiate prices on the most expensive medicines in Part D including Xarelto, Eliquis, Januvia, Jardiance, and Xtandi. Once implemented, 5 to 7 million more Medicare patients will save money on treating everything from diabetes to cancer and taxpayers can expect to save over $98 billion over the next decade. That means people like our team member Lisa Lynn Chapman’s mother, Teddie Lynn Brewer, will no longer be forced to pay exorbitant prices simply to stay healthy and can finally have some hope that the medicine they need will be affordable rather than having to skip doses, ration the medicine or go into debt to buy prescriptions. Selecting these drugs is just the first step. Now, CMS will have to move forward aggressively to negotiate with the drug corporations in order to arrive at fair prices that patients can afford. Rather than fight the new law with frivolous lawsuits, the drug corporations should cooperate.  Johnson & Johnson (Jansen), Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck and Eli Lilly/Boehringer Ingelheim, and Pfizer/Astellas have made billions from patients already. Negotiations will lower prices and still allow them to make a profit but without the relentless price-gouging that hurts patients and Medicare.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Steven Hadfield of Matthews, North Carolina, who lives with a rare cancer and type 2 diabetes: “After years of having to forgo or ration some of my drugs because of their high costs, I can’t tell you what it means for me to see Januvia on the list of the first drugs for Medicare negotiation,’ said ‘To treat my diabetes, I take Januvia, which carries a monthly list price of $547. Drugmaker Merck has made a fortune from patients like me who are forced to pay whatever price the company dictates. A fairer price for Januvia will mean a world of difference.” [Statement from Patients for Affordable Drugs, 8/29/23]

Ellen Farmer, who lives in Attleboro, Massachusetts and takes blood thinner Xarelto to treat her atrial fibrillation: “I was shocked and terrified when the pharmacist told me the monthly copay for Xarelto after insurance would be $1,000. There was no way I could afford that! Johnson & Johnson, the drug company that makes Xarelto, has increased the price of its medicine by more than 111 percent since it first entered the market 12 years ago. The fact that Xarelto is on the first list of drugs to be negotiated gives me so much relief.” [Statement from Patients for Affordable Drugs, 8/29/23]

Judy Aiken of Portland, Maine who lives with autoimmune disease psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis: “Enbrel costs me around $330 a month with my Medicare advantage plan – and its list price is over $7,000. This type of pricing unfairly takes advantage of those on Medicare, many of whom, like me, live on a fixed income. Seeing Enbrel on the list of drugs to be negotiated first allows me to take a deeper breath and honestly live a better life. Enbrel’s high price has been a real burden, a constant anxiety. A better deal on this drug is life changing for me and thousands of patients.” [Statement from Patients for Affordable Drugs, 8/29/23]

Esther Lumm, of Honest, Arizona, who lives with diabetes: “Diabetes is a life-long disease that requires constant attention and easy, reliable access to insulin and other medications to keep the disease in check. For Arizonans on Medicare like myself, rising and unpredictable prescription drug costs are a threat to our health care and to our ability to make ends meet. I’m grateful to the members of our congressional delegation who passed the Inflation Reduction Act and to the Biden administration for placing a check on the pharmaceutical corporations to make these prescriptions more affordable.” [Statement, 8/29/23]


Juliet K. Choi, President and CEO, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum: “We applaud the Biden administration for taking decisive action to expand benefits and lower drug costs for all Americans. We encourage drug manufacturers to work with the Biden administration to make these lifesaving and life-changing products available to recipients of Medicare at a reduced cost. For example, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are at higher risk for diabetes, and our communities have already seen the positive impact of insulin costs capped at $35 monthly under the Inflation Reduction Act. The first ten drugs will provide immediate financial relief to millions of hard-working families.” [Statement, 8/29/23]

Latino Victory: “After decades of fighting Big Pharma, @POTUS announced the first-ever drugs that will have lower prices for Medicare recipients, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act which allows Medicare to negotiate prices with drug manufacturers. Here are the first 10 eligible drugs” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Derrick Johnson, President and CEO, NAACP: “Today, we celebrate a historic shift in healthcare. For far too long, Black, and other vulnerable Americans have had their health neglected by a system that is rooted in racism. The lowering of prescription drugs offers seniors and people living with disabilities a crucial lifeline and symbolizes a much needed step in the right direction to make healthcare more affordable for those who are most in need. The NAACP is committed to creating a system where everyone has access to the healthcare services they deserve. We applaud the Biden-Administration for their progress towards racial equity and look forward to our continued, collaborative work to ensure that Black voices are centered in all key policy decisions.” [Statement, 8/30/23]

Idris Robinson, National Director of Health and Well-Being, NAACP: “This is great news for seniors, working people, and the millions of Americans still struggling to afford life-saving medications. But this is just the beginning. We must recognize the deep disparities that still exist and continue the fight for health equity. Our lives depend on it.”  [Statement, 8/30/23]

UnidosUS: “This is a great day for the 5 million Latinos on #Medicare, half of whom have diabetes, which can be treated by 4 of the 10 drugs on this list. This is a huge step for #healthequity for all.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]

Solidarity Strategies: “Presidente trabaja para poner fin a los días donde se tenía que elegir entre comprar medicina o poner comida sobre la mesa.” [Tweet, 8/29/23]


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