WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: One Year Anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act

Yesterday, the Biden Administration celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – a key piece of the President’s Bidenomics agenda to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up – which reduces costs for Americans, invests in America, makes the tax code fairer, and takes the most ambitious climate action in history. One year in, the Inflation Reduction Act is putting America on a path to achieve President Biden’s goal of reducing emissions by 50-52% below 2005 levels by 2030, unleashing a clean energy and manufacturing boom, and already lowering energy and health care costs for millions of Americans.

The law has already created over 170,000 good-paying and union jobs in clean energy manufacturing, and it is projected to create more than 1.5 million additional jobs over the next decade according to estimates by outside groups. Four million seniors and other Medicare beneficiaries are benefitting from $35 insulin and 15 million Americans are saving $800 per year on health insurance premiums. The law also makes the wealthy pay their fair share by enabling the IRS to crack down on tax evasion by the wealthy and big corporations, and modernizes IRS technology to improve services and cut wait times for law-abiding taxpayers.

Leaders across sectors, at the national, state and local levels praised the historic progress made over the last year and the benefits still yet to come from the Inflation Reduction Act – made possible by the Biden-Harris Administration and Congressional Democrats, without a single Republican vote.

See what Congressional, state and local government officials, labor and union organizations, clean energy companies and manufacturers, climate, health care, and economy leaders are saying below:

Congressional Leaders

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: “It’s a good morning. Because today, we’re coming together to celebrate one year of the Inflation Reduction Act and how we delivered for Americans across this country!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin: “One year ago today, @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. @SenateDems fought tooth and nail for this historic legislation and for everyday Americans—to reduce costs for families, make the tax code fairer, and make the biggest climate action investment in history.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi: “When President Biden affixed his signature to the #InflationReductionAct one year ago today, America not only made history – but we made progress on the most pressing challenge of our times. At a time when devastating disasters are wreaking havoc on communities across the country, the Inflation Reduction Act delivers $370 billion to combat the climate crisis – the biggest climate action in human history! Our investments will advance clean air and clean water, create millions of good-paying jobs, strengthen global security and honor our moral obligation to pass on a healthy planet to future generations. At the same time, families are feeling the impact at their kitchen table. Medicare will soon have the power to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. Seniors can now get insulin for just $35 a month. And fifteen million Americans are saving an average of $800 per year on health insurance through ACA exchanges. This historic progress was achieved without a single Republican vote. It is because of the vision of President Biden, the commitment of Congressional Democrats and the persistence of the outside mobilization that, today, we celebrate this monumental legislative achievement.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, Pete Aguilar: “One year ago, @HouseDemocrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act to lower health care costs for families, which included: ? Lower prescription drug costs ⚕️ Lower health care costs ? $35/month cap on insulin The landmark Inflation Reduction Act also created 170,000 high-paying, high-quality jobs to help get Americans back to work and continue building our middle class. That’s not all, the Inflation Reduction Act is the largest investment in climate action, in our history. @HouseDemocrats are committed to building climate resilient communities to ensuring our loved ones are safe during increasingly severe climate disasters. In its first year, the Inflation Reduction Act has already delivered tangible, life-changing improvements for Americans. And we won’t stop here. @HouseDemocrats will continue to push for measures that lower costs, create jobs, and put people over politics.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn: “Today marks one year since @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law — historic legislation to lower kitchen table costs, reduce prescription drug prices, shrink the deficit, and tackle climate change. That’s Bidenomics at work.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

House Democratic Whip Katherine Clark: “One year ago, President Biden and Congressional Democrats enacted the Inflation Reduction Act to make good on our promise of progress and prosperity for everyday Americans — and we are proud to see that it is already delivering. In just its first year, the Inflation Reduction Act has slashed the cost of insulin to $35 per month for seniors and secured affordable health coverage for nearly 15 million Americans — saving them an average of $800 a year. It has spurred over $270 billion in private sector investments, creating more than 170,000 good-paying, green jobs in 44 states. And it has injected fairness into our tax system, ensuring billionaires and wealthy corporations pay their fair share — all while paving our path toward a carbon-free, climate-resilient future. Democrats know the best way to grow America’s economy is by growing the middle class. Through the Inflation Reduction Act, we are cutting costs and building the stronger, safer, more sustainable future that Americans deserve.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow: “One year ago, @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act—the single largest investment in tackling the climate crisis in American history. We have spurred billions in private investment and created thousands of new high-paying jobs. Step by step, we are growing the middle class!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee, Washington Senator Patty Murray: “Today marks one year since @POTUS signed Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act into law—and it’s already working to lower families’ costs, address the climate crisis, and build a stronger clean energy economy. These are the kind of results I’ll keep working to deliver for WA state.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Armed Services Committee, Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed: “One year since historic #InflationReductionAct became law, it’s making real progress: lowering health costs, protecting the planet & energizing our economy. Together, we must keep the progress and climate action going & ensure our economy works for all Americans.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown: “A year ago we took on the most powerful special interests to lower drug prices, cut energy costs, & create good-paying Ohio jobs. The Inflation Reduction Act is saving older Ohioans money at the pharmacy counter and setting Ohio up to lead the manufacturing of the future.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Budget Committee, Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: “It’s been a year since Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act — the most sweeping climate legislation in history. We must continue to build on that momentum, expand the clean energy economy, and work to reduce emissions.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, Delaware Senator Tom Carper: “Happy birthday to the Inflation Reduction Act! ? In one year, the IRA has helped lower costs, create jobs, and drive historic investments in clean energy and climate action. And we’re just getting started.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez: “A year ago today, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. This historic legislation, which I was proud to support, was designed to lower costs, grow the middle class, and invest in our nation’s green energy future – and it is delivering on its promise. Facing the impacts of rising inflation and the growing climate crisis, Democrats acted with urgency for the American people. We passed the Inflation Reduction Act to spur a clean energy boom, lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs – including a new out-of-pocket spending cap as well as a smoothing provision I authored to limit expenses for seniors – and capping the cost of insulin for Medicare recipients.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Michigan Senator Gary Peters: “I was proud to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act, and in the first year of this historic law it’s clear this legislation is lowering costs and making important investments for Michigan families and our economy. This law is capping insulin at $35 a month for seniors on Medicare, reducing prescription drug costs and energy costs for families, accelerating the transition to clean energy and tackling climate change – all while creating jobs, incentivizing domestic manufacturing and strengthening supply chains.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, Maryland Senator Ben Cardin: “What a year it has been under the #InflationReductionAct. This generation-defining legislation has been transformative for almost every sector of American life. Capped insulin at $35 under Medicare✅ Invested billions in clean energy ✅ Created hundreds of thousands of jobs ✅” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Chair, Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee, Montana Senator Jon Tester: “A year ago today, we passed the Inflation Reduction Act to: ? Pay down the debt ? Slash prescription drug prices ? Cap health care costs ?? Invest in American energy ? And protect our climate ALL without raising taxes on Montanans, but by holding corporations accountable. Montanans from all across our state told me about the need to lower costs, and I fought to make sure the Inflation Reduction Act did just that. But whether it’s high housing prices, child care costs, or grocery bills, I’ll keep working to cut costs across the board.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Appropriations Committee, Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro: “The #InflationReductionAct made important strides toward lowering the cost of health care, tackling the climate crisis, and reining in corporate greed while reducing inflation and growing the economy. One year later, Democrats continue to fight for working families.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Budget Committee, Pennsylvania Congressman Brendan Boyle: “One year ago today, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. Now, thousands of people here in Philly — and millions more across America — are saving hundreds of dollars every year on their health insurance.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee, New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone: “One year ago, I stood beside President Biden as he signed one of the most consequential pieces of legislation in decades into law. The Inflation Reduction Act is delivering for the American people, and it will continue to do so for years to come. The law is making prescription drugs and health care more affordable for millions of American families. Already this year, seniors are paying less for lifesaving insulin as the law caps the cost at $35 per month. Now, pharmaceutical companies have followed suit and are lowering the cost of insulin for more Americans, something that simply would not have happened without the passage of this law. Drug companies are also being forced to pay penalties when they raise prices above the rate of inflation, which has resulted in seniors receiving discounts on 43 drugs so far this year. And next month, the Department of Health and Human Services will announce the first 10 drugs it plans to negotiate lower prices on so seniors are no longer paying outrageously high prices. It is also dramatically lowering the cost of monthly health insurance premiums for millions of Americans, with four in five customers able to find health care coverage for $10 or less per month on HealthCare.gov. The Inflation Reduction Act is the single-largest investment in climate action in American history, already growing our economy with more than 170,000 new, good-paying clean energy jobs right here at.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee, New York Congressman Gregory Meeks: “A year ago today, Democrats delivered the landmark Inflation Reduction Act. We took action to lower health and energy costs for families, deliver the largest climate investment in U.S. history, and build an economy that works for working Americans.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Natural Resources Committee, Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva: “Today marks the one-year anniversary of the passage of the #InflationReductionAct. Thanks to @HouseDemocrats & @POTUS , we have made historic investments to lower costs,  #ActOnClimate, grow our economy & build an America that works for everyone. This is just the beginning.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Oversight and Accountability Committee, Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin: “One year ago, President Biden signed into law the  #InflationReductionAct—a generational investment in cutting health care prices and, at the same time, the biggest climate investment in history.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Washington Congressman Rick Larsen: “One year later, the Inflation Reduction Act is doing exactly what it set out to do: creating jobs, lowering costs for individuals and families, advancing green infrastructure investments, and accelerating the clean energy economy of the future. The IRA is also helping lay the groundwork for a greener aviation sector by investing millions in sustainable aviation fuel infrastructure projects and low emission aviation technology. The House-passed Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization builds on the IRA’s progress with major investments to reduce emissions, accelerate the transition to alternative fuels, grow and diversify our workforce, and, for the first time, support airport resiliency projects. Through legislation like this, House Democrats continue to improve the quality of life for all Americans by building the economy from the middle out and the bottom up.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Veteran’s Affairs Committee, California Congressman Mark Takano: “One year ago today, President Biden signed the #InflationReductionAct – the single largest climate and clean energy investment in American history. I am proud to have supported this legislation which will provide cleaner, cheaper energy for all Americans.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ranking Member, House Ways and Means Committee, Massachusetts Congressman Richard Neal: “With the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats set our nation on a healthier, fairer, and more prosperous path. We lowered energy and health costs, unleashed a clean energy boom, and already created over 170,000 good-paying jobs. […] From capping the cost of insulin for seniors to unlocking a new era of service at the IRS or spurring the single largest federal investment in climate action, the IRA is chock-full of wins for the American people. Ways and Means Democrats proudly led on so much of this landmark law—saving families an average of $2400 on their health premiums, allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time, and driving historic manufacturing and energy investments—and responsibly funded it by holding the wealthiest corporations accountable for their fair share.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly: “A year ago, the Inflation Reduction Act became law. Since then, we’ve seen major investments in the development, manufacturing, and deployment of renewable energy, including in Arizona. From bolstering our economy to creating good-paying jobs, we’re doing what we set out to do.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

California Senator Alex Padilla: “One year ago today the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into Law. This transformative legislation cut prescription drug prices for millions of Americans and made the largest investment to combat the climate crisis in history, all while also lowering costs for working families.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet: “It’s been a year since we passed the #InflationReductionAct and it’s already lowering costs for Coloradans, creating jobs & spurring clean energy investments. It’s great to see America finally invest in America again.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Delaware Senator Chris Coons: “The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law one year ago today, is a big deal for Delaware, helping to cut health care costs, fight climate change, and much more.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth: “One year after @POTUS and Congressional Democrats enacted the Inflation Reduction Act, all have benefited from: —Lower Rx costs —$35/month cap on Medicare insulin costs —Boosts in manufacturing and clean energy —A fairer tax code —Investments in climate action —JOBS, JOBS, JOBS” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen: “This is a BIG DEAL. One year ago, the historic Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law. It’s already changing lives by lowering health care costs & boosting clean energy. I’ll keep fighting to further this progress for Marylanders & all Americans. Happy Birthday, IRA!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren: “One year ago today, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act—lowering prescription drug costs, fighting climate change, taxing giant corporations, and showing that we can make our government work for working people, not just powerful special interests.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey: “One year ago today, @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act— the largest climate bill in our nation’s history—into law. And every day since, the IRA has turned words into action to finally address the climate crisis. From the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to air quality monitoring and environmental justice, this historic legislation is breaking new ground in our communities every day. Even as we face record-breaking heat and extreme weather disasters—I have never had more hope for our future. Because the IRA gives us proof that when we come together and we fight for what we believe in—we win. And we are going to keep fighting. Thank you to the movement that got us here. And thank you to the young people showing up every day to build a just and livable future for all. For climate justice. For health justice. For racial justice. We will win.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Minnesota Senator Tina Smith: “The first thing I thought of when this bill was signed was my grandkids. The Inflation Reduction Act is our biggest investment in combatting the climate crisis. They’re still too young to understand, but I wanted to tell them their “Tita” is fighting for their futures every day. This bill wasn’t just about combatting the climate crisis. It was about making sure seniors can get their insulin, the rich and powerful pay their fair share and Big Pharma stops getting a blank check. It was the birth of Bidenomics – and we’re not done yet.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act that I proudly helped pass, we’re helping lower prescription drug costs for Nevada seniors and creating thousands of good-paying clean energy jobs in our state. I recently visited a solar manufacturing company in Las Vegas to see firsthand how this historic legislation is helping bring jobs back to Nevada from countries like China. I’ll keep working to continue lowering costs and creating good-paying jobs for hardworking Nevada families.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan: “One year ago today, the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law. We took on Big Pharma to cap insulin prices for seniors to $35/month and lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs. Proud to have supported this jumpstart to a stronger economic future.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen: “Thanks to leadership from Senate Democrats and @POTUS , today marks one year of the Inflation Reduction Act! This historic law is creating jobs and building a clean energy future. And, something I pushed hard for, we’re finally lowering the price of insulin for those on Medicare. More work to do but proud to celebrate this achievement.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker: “Signed into law one year ago today, the Inflation Reduction Act was a landmark law that is lowering health care costs, tackling the climate crisis, and investing in American manufacturing, all while not raising taxes on the middle class.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New Mexico Senator Ben Ray Luján: “One year since the historic Inflation Reduction Act, over 210 clean energy projects have been announced nationwide — including in New Mexico. Clean energy will build a strong, resilient economy for generations to come.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey: “One year ago today, the Inflation Reduction Act became law. Since then, we’ve seen: 1️⃣ Lower prescription drug costs for seniors. 2️⃣ Reduced health care premiums for millions of America. 3️⃣The creation of over 150,000 new clean energy jobs. Those are the results I’m committed to delivering more of for PA in the days ahead.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Vermont Senator Peter Welch: “The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act was a win for Vermont families, our economy, and the green energy future–and one year later it’s clear this law is delivering on its promises for our communities. We worked closely with the Biden Administration to include key Vermont priorities in this bill–including provisions to lower the cost of prescription drugs, expand access to home energy upgrades, and tackle climate change. And importantly, it will create good-paying jobs right here in Vermont. Making sure this law–and the transformative programs within it–get implemented quickly and fairly will be key. No person, and no community, should be left out.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine: “It’s been one year since we passed and @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act. Thanks to this law, 36,461 Virginians on Medicare now pay no more than $35 per month for insulin. Some had been paying hundreds of dollars per month for the insulin they need. Major cost savings.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Virginia Senator Mark Warner: “One year ago, the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law! It focused on the issues that matter: cutting health care costs for seniors, protecting miners’ benefits, lowering emissions, and slashing the deficit. Proud to have gotten it done for Virginians.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin: “The Inflation Reduction Act is making a real difference in the lives of Wisconsin’s working families, and I am proud to have voted for it. Seniors across Wisconsin are saving hundreds of dollars a month on the cost of their prescription drugs because we took on big drug companies and capped the cost of insulin at $35 per month. Hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites are saving on their monthly health care premiums. Wisconsin’s economy is growing because we are seeing record investment in the renewable energy economy, creating family-supporting jobs, cutting pollution, and taking on the climate crisis. Big corporations are finally paying their fair share of taxes and we are cutting the deficit. I know we have more work to do to lower costs for families, but I am proud that our Inflation Reduction Act is delivering needed relief for working families and growing our Made in Wisconsin economy.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Alabama Congresswoman Terri Sewell: “Happy birthday to the #InflationReductionAct!! ? In the year since @POTUS signed this law, it has already driven down costs in Alabama, capped insulin prices, created a boom in clean energy jobs, and made the largest investment to fight climate change in history! #Bidenomics” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Alaska Congresswoman Mary Peltola: “Happy first birthday to the #InflationReductionAct! Here are just a few ways we’re making the federal dollars from the IRA work for Alaskans: -New  jobs in renewable energy -Tax credits for vehicles and solar panels -New renewable energy projects -Funding for trails” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

California Congresswoman Sara Jacobs: “One year later and I’m still so proud to have passed the Inflation Reduction Act – the largest investment in climate action in history! This is a powerful reminder that we can get big things done and address inflation, lower prescription drug costs, and invest in clean energy.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

California Congressman Mike Levin: “One year ago, I was so proud to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act, historic legislation to lower prescription drug costs, combat the climate crisis, fight inflation, create jobs, and make the largest corporations pay their fair share. It’s working!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

California Congresswoman Nanette Barragán: “A year ago, @POTUS signed the #InflationReductionAct, the largest-ever investment in clean energy, passed by Democrats. We now have: ⚡️a clean energy boom ??new jobs ?lower energy costs & ?less pollution across the US, especially for Latino communities & communities of color.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

California Congressman Mike Thompson: “One year ago, @POTUS signed the historic Inflation Reduction Act into law. This law is lowering Rx drug prices, investing in climate action, and boosting our economy through significant private investment. The Inflation Reduction Act is securing a bright future for our nation.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Colorado Congressman Joe Neguse: “It’s been 1 year since we signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, marking the single largest investment in climate action in American history Since then, this law has delivered by lowering costs, defeating special interests, tackling climate issues, and growing the economy.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette: “Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act & already, all across the country, we’re seeing results. From taking on the climate crisis to lowering the cost of health care, this landmark legislation is making critical investments to move this country forward.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Colorado Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo: “As a doctor, I’ve seen firsthand how much Colorado families have struggled with high drug costs. I’m glad to recognize the one year anniversary of the #InflationReductionAct, which has brought down costs and reduced the price of insulin for many of our parents and grandparents?” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Connecticut Congresswoman Jahana Hayes: “One year ago, we took a historic step to building a healthier, cleaner future. In #CT05, the Inflation Reduction Act has helped families by fighting inflation, lowering healthcare costs, fighting climate change, and reducing our carbon footprint.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Delaware Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester: “Today, we celebrate the one-year anniversary of @POTUS signing the Inflation Reduction Act into law, historic legislation that is growing the economy from the bottom up middle out by lowering health care, prescription drug, and energy costs all while creating good-paying jobs.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Florida Congresswoman Kathy Castor: “One year ago, I stood next to @POTUS as he signed one of the most historic pieces of legislation for the American people into law. The #InflationReductionAct, a pillar of progress and pathway to a better future for our planet, health and pocketbooks is transforming our nation.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “For decades, wealthy corporations have been dodging their taxes. A year ago, Democrats delivered the #InflationReductionAct to help make sure they pay their fair share — and we’re using that money to lower health and other costs for American families.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson: “One year ago, @POUTS signed the #InflationReductionAct into law. Democrats passed legislation to lower health care costs, cap prescription costs, and create clean energy jobs. The #InflationReductionAct has already provided significant investments in Georgia.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Illinois Congressman Mike Quigley: “On the Inflation Reduction Act’s 1-year anniversary, let’s celebrate its incredible benefits for our communities and planet! Already, the affordable clean energy plan has spurred 170,000+ good new jobs, $278 billion in climate investments, and we’re just getting started⚡️?” [Tweet, 8/16/23]
Indiana Congressman André Carson: “. @POTUS is right – we have work left to do, but we’re making monumental progress. It’s been 1 year since the #InflationReductionAct was signed. We’ll keep lowering costs, investing in the middle class, and making life better for everyday Americans.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Kansas Congresswoman Sharice Davids: “I voted for this historic legislation to lower costs for families and businesses, and I saw today one example of how that has become reality in Kansas,” said Davids. “As we celebrate its one-year anniversary, this law is lowering health care costs, growing the middle class with new clean energy and manufacturing jobs, and making the largest investment to fight climate change in our nation’s history. I was proud to support it and will keep working to make life more affordable for Kansans.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Kentucky Congressman Morgan McGarvey: “One year ago, Democrats delivered the #InflationReductionAct to lower costs for hardworking American families — from energy to health care. Now, we’re working to continue that progress.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree: “1 yr ago, President Biden signed the landmark #InflationReductionAct, ushering in historic climate+clean energy wins for the American people. It’s no exaggeration to say the Inflation Reduction Act is the most significant climate legislation in US history” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer: “1 year ago, @TheDemocrats passed the #InflationReductionAct. Marylanders now see lower costs for health care, energy, and high-speed internet. Our state deserves leaders who put workers, families, and seniors first. I’m always proud to deliver for #MD05.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes: “One year ago, Democrats delivered the #InflationReductionAct – the single largest investment in our nation’s fight against climate change. Since then, we’ve created more than 170,000 clean energy and manufacturing jobs & made clean technologies more affordable and accessible.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Michigan Congresswoman Haley Stevens: “One year ago today, Democrats worked hard to pass the #InflationReductionAct! A historic piece of legislation that has aided in clean energy, created jobs and most importantly reduced costs for American families. Through impactful legislation we can continue to grow our economy!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell: “Honored to celebrate the #InflationReductionAct at the White House today. This landmark legislation has saved lives, helped foster a world-leading & record-breaking economic recovery, & positioned America for long-term growth, creating an economy that works for everyone.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: “Thanks to the #InflationReductionAct Minnesota has seen over $4.8 billion to tackle the much-needed repairs on: ?661 bridges ?️4,986 + miles of highway This is a huge leap towards safer and smoother travels for all Minnesotans!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush: “The #InflationReductionAct continues to deliver historic investments in climate action. This is a product of years of organizing from activists and frontline communities. Together, we’ll keep pushing and keep organizing to deliver transformative climate investments.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Nevada Congressman Steven Horsford: “1 year since the #InflationReductionAct, & the results speak for themselves: ✅ Capped insulin costs ✅ Lower Rx drug costs thanks to Medicare negotiating w/ Big Pharma ✅ Lowest inflation in the last two years I’ll continue to champion policies that prioritize Nevada families.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New Hampshire Congressman Chris Pappas: “For the last year, the Inflation Reduction Act has been lowering costs for Granite State families and strengthening our economy. We’re taking on Big Pharma to cap the cost of insulin at $35, moving us closer to energy independence, and creating more good-paying jobs.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne: “In one year, the Inflation Reduction Act has already brought significant health and economic benefits to families and neighbors in our communities by lowering costs and removing barriers to care.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New Jersey Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill: “One year later, the Inflation Reduction Act has continued to lower prices for NJ families! I’m proud to have helped pass this legislation to: ?Cap the cost of prescription drugs like insulin ?Reduce healthcare premiums ♻️Invest in clean energy” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New Jersey Congressman Rob Menendez: “A year ago, @POTUS signed the #InflationReductionAct, paving the way for  34K new  jobs in the 8th, boosting our economy, addressing climate change w/ innovative solutions + cutting costs nationwide. The @HouseDemocrats agenda is for working families + we aren’t stopping now.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New Mexico Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury: “One year ago, we passed the Inflation Reduction Act to tackle rising prices and provide relief to American families. I’m proud to have voted YES. This bill makes the largest investment in climate change in our country’s history *AND* will lower carbon emissions by 40% by 2030.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New York Congresswoman Yvette Clarke: “?It’s been one year since Congress passed the most ambitious climate legislation in American history, the #InflationReductionAct. By investing in clean energy & creating millions of green jobs, we’re creating a healthier and more prosperous future. #PeopleOverPolitics” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New York Congressman Ritchie Torres: “Today, I’m celebrating one year since @HouseDemocrats helped deliver the landmark #InflationReductionAct, which continues to bring down healthcare costs, create clean energy jobs, and grow the middle class.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New York Congresswoman Grace Meng: “The #InflationReducationAct boosted the middle class & lowered costs for families, all while investing in our future to combat the climate crisis. One year later, @HouseDemocrats are hard at work continuing to fight for historic change on behalf of America’s working families.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New York Congressman Paul Tonko: “One year since the Inflation Reduction Act passed, we have fought inflation, cut costs for consumers, and taken the most aggressive action in history to fight climate change. This historic legislation will continue to have a transformative impact in our Capital Region and beyond.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

North Carolina Congresswoman Deborah Ross: “One year ago today, the historic Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law. From implementing clean energy tax credits to capping the costs of insulin for Medicare recipients, the IRA has already been delivering for North Carolinians.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

North Carolina Congresswoman Kathy Manning: “One year ago today, @POTUS signed the #InflationReductionAct, bringing benefits to NC: ✅ Health care premiums are lower, ✅ The price of insulin is capped at $35/month for seniors on Medicare, and ✅ Thousands of good-paying clean energy jobs are being created across the state.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Ohio Congresswoman Joyce Beatty: “One year ago today, the historic #InflationReductionAct became the most impactful legislative accomplishment made on behalf of everyday Americans. I will never stop fighting to lower costs and grow the working families in Ohio.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Oregon Congresswoman Andrea Salinas: “One year ago, @POTUS signed the #InflationReductionAct—the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis, lower costs for families, and strengthen American energy security. We’re already seeing the impact of this law in Oregon.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Pennsylvania Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan: “One year ago today, @POTUS signed the IRA into law! This historic investment in clean energy production, healthcare, & working families has already boosted the production of American-made electric vehicles & capped Insulin prices at $35. And there’s still so much more to come.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Pennsylvania Congresswoman Susan Wild: “The Inflation Reduction Act is a huge win in the fight to lower health care and drug costs: capping insulin prices for seniors, lowering premium costs for families, empowering Medicare to negotiate drug prices. A year later, I’m keeping up the work to get your costs down.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Pennsylvania Congressman Dwight Evans: “Democrats got it done for the American people with the signing of the #InflationReductionAct 1 year ago today. It caps insulin prices, allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices and brought forward the largest investment in clean energy in our country’s history. Actions matter!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Texas Congressman Colin Allred: “One year ago, we passed the historic #InflationReductionAct. We took action to lower health care and energy costs, and deliver the largest climate investment in U.S. history – creating good jobs along the way. Let’s build on this progress.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett: “One year after @POTUS signed the #InflationReductionAct, #TX30 is better off because of it. The numbers don’t lie: ✅2,400 @MedicareGov beneficiaries saving $410/year on insulin ✅$103,000,000 invested in @dartmedia ✅48,000 households saving a combined $17,280,000 on internet” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar: “? Lower prescription drug costs ? Lower health care costs ⚡ Lower energy costs One year ago, Democrats delivered the #InflationReductionAct to lower costs for American families — and I’m working to continue that progress.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger: “One year ago, the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law to: ✅ Lower drug prices for seniors ✅ Prevent premium hikes for families ✅ Penalize pharma companies that raise drug prices faster than the rate of inflation Today, this law is delivering for Virginians.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Washington Congresswoman Suzan DelBene: “Happy 1st anniversary to the #InflationReductionAct! One year ago today, we made historic strides in delivering for the American people: ? Capping insulin costs for seniors ? Creating thousands of good-paying jobs ? Lowering energy costs ? Tackling the climate crisis” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Washington Congressman Derek Kilmer: “One year ago, @HouseDemocrats passed the #InflationReductionAct to lower health care costs, cap prescription costs, and create clean energy jobs in Washington state and across the country.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Washington Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal: “To mark 1 year of the #InflationReductionAct, let’s recap what it delivers: ?Lower prescription drug prices ⚡$1,000/year in energy savings for families ?‍?9M clean energy jobs ?Corporate tax fairness This was – and is – a huge win for our communities, country, and planet.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Wisconsin Congressman Mark Pocan: “The #InflationReductionAct is helping rebuild the middle class from the bottom up & the middle out. @POTUS and @HouseDemocrats are going to continue to make sure every community sees the benefits of this transformative legislation because #DemocratsDeliver.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore: “One year in, the Inflation Reduction Act is delivering results! This vital legislation passed by President Biden and Democrats is on-shoring manufacturing and creating good-paying jobs, all while combatting the climate crisis.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

State and Local Government Officials


U.S. Climate Alliance Co-Chair Washington Governor Jay Inslee: “The Inflation Reduction Act is the most important federal action yet for super-charging state efforts to go further, faster in transitioning to clean energy. States are using these investments to create jobs and invest in communities. The IRA has helped put the United States back in the game in the global fight against climate change.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

U.S. Climate Alliance Co-Chair Maine Governor Janet Mills: “The Inflation Reduction Act is a big, bold investment in a brighter future for America – one where our communities are healthier, costs are lower, air is cleaner, energy is greener, jobs are better, and the economy is stronger, Governors are uniquely positioned to deliver on this once-in-a-generation opportunity and we’re moving full speed ahead.”  [Statement, 8/16/23]

Democratic Governors Association Chair New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy: “Thanks to President Biden’s remarkable leadership, nearly 19 million Americans will save an estimated $400 per year on prescription drugs, and nearly four million seniors on Medicare have started to see their insulin costs capped at $35 per month. Through the IRA, President Biden made the single largest investment in tackling the climate crisis that the United States has ever seen, while simultaneously reducing the deficit and creating a manufacturing boom across America.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Colorado Governor Jared Polis: “We’re very ambitious about our clean energy goals in Colorado, and we’re able to get there because of the Inflation Reduction Act, We also asked ourselves how, as a state, can we leverage this, and augment this, and supplement this to make it even better for Colorado.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont: “Today marks 1️ year since the #InflationReductionAct was signed into law, providing the largest investment in climate action in U.S. history! We’re hard at work in CT securing funds, which will help the health of our residents and our economy, and help tackle the climate crisis.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Maryland Governor Wes Moore: “Since the Inflation Reduction Act became law, Marylanders have seen inflation fall, energy and prescription drug costs drop, and a boom in clean energy jobs right here in Maryland. When we orient policies toward helping people, we can get big things done.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer: It’s been one year since President @JoeBiden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, and Michiganders have experienced the benefits. We’ve seen savings on utility bills, lower health care costs, and investments in our infrastructure. Let’s keep getting it done! [Tweet, 8/16/23]

New York Governor Kathy Hochul: “From lowering costs to creating clean energy jobs, the Inflation Reduction Act has been a huge win for New Yorkers at a time when they need a break. With strong partners in @POTUS and our Democratic Congressional Delegation, we’re building a more affordable, livable New York!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper: Today marks one year since @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. This historic investment is helping to support working families, lower prescription drug costs and combat climate change. [Tweet, 8/16/23]  

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek: “The Biden Administration’s #InflationReductionAct is a historic opportunity to propel climate action. On its 1 year anniversary, let’s redouble our efforts to turn these investments into good jobs & a healthier future for everyone.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee: “Today marks the 1st anniversary of @POTUS taking decisive action to combat rising costs and strengthen our economy by signing the Inflation Reduction Act. [Twitter Thread, 8/16/23]

Washington Governor Jay Inslee: Welcome back, @VP! We’re honored to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), one of the most historic and substantive federal actions energizing Washington state and the nation in the fight against climate change [Twitter Thread, 8/16/23]

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers: “We don’t have to choose between mitigating climate change and creating good-paying jobs and economic development—we can and must do both. With help from the Inflation Reduction Act, we are making real, meaningful progress on our goals for a clean energy economy.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

California Governor Gavin Newsom: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, $2.4 billion has been awarded to California so far to help us reach our ambitious climate goals. With the leadership of the White House, the U.S. is on its way to a historic clean energy boom, led by the Golden State.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser: “We celebrate the one-year anniversary of this landmark piece of legislation at a critical moment – in the midst of a year when our city and country have faced extreme heat and back-to-back climate emergencies. We remain committed to working with the Biden-Harris Administration to invest in projects that tackle climate change and allow us to build a more resilient DC. As Secretary Granholm emphasized during her visit to the Florida Ave Baptist Church last year, we’re not just focusing on upgrading government buildings for environmental efficiency, we are also partnering with local businesses, churches, and the community as a whole to guide the transition towards a greener future that benefits everyone.” [Statement, 8/16/2023]

Columbus, OH Mayor Andrew Ginther: “Mayors have long been on the frontlines of the fight against climate change, leading the way for decades in efforts to curb emissions and invest in climate resilience while calling for strong federal action. Those calls were finally heard and answered with last year’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. This historic climate bill will help local combat the effects of climate change and accelerate the nation’s transition to a clean energy future — a future that is built in America.” [Statement8/16/2023]

Phoenix, AZ Mayor Kate Gallego: “Clean-energy jobs, a more secure water supply, and lower utility bills. These are just a few ways the Inflation Reduction Act is delivering for Phoenix families since it became law one year ago today. Thank you, @SenMarkKelly, for your work to get it across the finish line!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Cleveland, OH Mayor Justin M. Bibb: “Mayors have long led the charge on climate action, and last year, @POTUS provided the necessary funding to fuel cities like Cleveland’s transformation from rust belt to green. Happy 1 year to the historic #InflationReductionAct! ? ??” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Columbia, MO Mayor Barbara Buffaloe: Cities have long been leading the charge on climate action and last year @POTUS provided more tools for local governments to do more! Excited about the opportunities it opens up for #CoMoClimateAction and all @ClimateMayors. Happy 1 year to the #InflationReductionAct! [Tweet, 8/16/2023]

Kansas City, MO Mayor Quinton Lucas: Heading back to the @WhiteHouse today to recognize the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, bringing clean energy investments, lower costs, and good paying union jobs to Kansas City, surrounds, and our country. [Tweet, 8/16/2023]

Madison, WI Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway: I joined @RepMarkPocan,@DaneCoJoe, and Wisconsin climate advocates on the WI Capitol steps today to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the #IRA, which has generated billions of dollars of investments to build the green economy and address the effects of climate change. [Tweet, 8/16/2023]

Tigard, OR Mayor Heidi Lueb: @POTUS has shown continued dedication to supporting of local #ClimateAction, and a year ago, he solidified this commitment with the passage of the $370B historic #InflationReductionAct! Happy year anniversary to this landmark bill! [Tweet, 8/16/2023]

State Legislators
Colorado State Representative Brittany Pettersen: “We know what’s at stake with the climate crisis, especially here in Colorado, as you can feel the impacts of climate change everyday,” “We have a lot more work to do, but I can go to sleep at night knowing these investments and these changes are happening now.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Delaware State Senator Sarah McBride: “One year ago, @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act, marking the largest investment in combatting climate change in history. But there’s still so much more to do both here at home and around the world. The world literally depends on us reaching net zero sooner rather than later. We can build off of the investments in the IRA to grow jobs, foster green technologies, end our reliance on fossil fuels, invest in renewables globally and, in so doing, save this planet.” [Twitter Thread, 8/16/23]

Florida State Senator Lori Berman: “In a single year, the IRA spurred $110 billion in clean energy investments, created 170,000 new clean energy jobs, put us on track to reduce emissions by 1 billion tons, and has reduced healthcare costs for millions of Americans. WTH do Republicans stand for?” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Maryland State Delegate Jazz Lewis: “Today, we mark one year since President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. This landmark piece of legislation not only is helping us curb inflation but also fight climate change, economic injustice, and sky-high prescription drug costs. #InflationReductionAct [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Michigan State Representative Alabas Farhat: “”In my district in Dearborn and in Detroit, we’ve seen companies expand their footprint. I’ve had companies expand their operations so they can make more electric vehicle chargers. These companies are already taking full advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act, and we’re seeing that we’re seeing people buying these electric vehicles. So it’s coming full circle in my district, at least. [CBS News, 8/15/23]

County, City, and Local Elected Officials
Milwaukee County, WI Executive David Crowley: The largest investment in climate action in U.S. history? Clean energy manufacturing that creates good-paying jobs? Clean energy projects that lower costs? Yes, yes and yes! The Inflation Reduction Act is lowering energy costs and combating climate change. Thanks, @potus! [Tweet, 8/16/23]

San Jose Clean Energy: “The #InflationReductionAct turns 1 today!? This historic bill has put the US on a path to reach our ambitious climate and clean energy goals. It’s easy to see how much you can save on upgrades that contribute to a healthier family and environment at http://energy.gov/save” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

King County Executive Dow Constantine: Joined @POTUS at the White House today to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, a historic investment in climate action & clean energy. In King County, the Inflation Reduction Act is: Providing residents tax credits for heat pumps, solar & electric vehicles, helping us install solar on county buildings & electrify our bus fleet, supporting our work to advance climate justice, Green Jobs & more [Tweet, 8/17/23]

State and Local Based Organizations

Mary Creasman, Chief Executive Officer, California Environmental Voters: “Today marks a year since our federal government made a serious down payment towards addressing the greatest challenge of our time. But after decades of inaction, the fight isn’t over. Continuing to finance our transition to a clean energy economy that supports clean energy jobs, phases out fossil fuels, and creates climate resiliency across our most impacted communities needs our focus.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

National Association of Counties (NACo): “NACo attended the first anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Explore how counties can leverage of all the different funding opportunities in the IRA to provide accessible and affordable clean energy to our communities: https://naco.sharefile.com/share/view/s686ffb8.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Climate Mayors: “Today we celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act and President Biden’s commitment to advancing climate action. For a decade Climate Mayors have been leading the way on climate ambition. Now, fueled by federal investments, cities are turbocharging their climate initiatives and catalyzing collective progress towards meeting U.S. climate goals. As an organization we are supporting mayors in meeting this unprecedented moment and delivering on the promise of a more equitable and sustainable future.” [Statement, 8/16/13]Laura Jay, Regional Director for North America at C40 Cities: “Across the United States, mayors are showing the transformative impact and potential of the Inflation Reduction Act. One year since the bill was passed, cities are stepping up and using the historic funding opportunities to implement projects that create good, green jobs, reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, and create healthier, safer, greener cities for all.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

New Jersey LCV: “The Inflation Reduction Act turns one today! Since it’s approval the IRA has accomplished many things and is set to accomplish so much more, a thread:” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Florida Watch: “It’s been just one year since @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, and it’s already lowering everyday costs from health care and prescription drugs to energy bills and electric vehicles!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Georgia Conservation Voters: “Happy 1st anniversary to the #InflationReductionAct! Its climate investments are already helping communities. In 10 years, they’ll: Create 9 million jobs Expand household access to healthier, electric alternatives Bring us 80% closer to reaching our 2030 climate goals.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Progress Iowa: “The #InflationReductionAct included some major wins for Medicare enrollees: Capped insulin cost at $35/month Made #BigPharma pay if they hike prices faster than inflation Enabled Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices But, @RepMMM voted against this & against YOU! #Iowa” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

For Our Future NV: .”@POTUS kicks off the 1-year anniversary of the #InflationReductionAct at a live press conference! With billions of investments, Americans are saving more, making more, and spending less.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Family Friendly Wisconsin: “In the year since the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law, working families have felt real relief as a result of lower health care and prescription drug costs – and it’s all been paid for by ensuring corporations pay their fair share. Thank you, @POTUS!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Citizen Action Wisconsin: “The Inflation Reduction Act is 1 year old today. It proved that we can lower drug costs, fight the climate crisis, and lower the deficit, all by making big corporations pay more of their fair share in taxes.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Miami Freedom Project: “The Biden-Harris administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act one year ago today. Here’s how it helps Latinos” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Labor and Unions:

Liz Schuler, President, 
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): “One year ago today, President Biden signed into law legislation that revolutionized our economy and put us on the path to a worker-centered clean energy future. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has already proven to be a massive victory for the clean energy transition, growing the U.S. workforce and enhancing our nation’s energy security. This transformative legislation that puts working people first has already had an outsized impact on manufacturing and construction investments across the country. The IRA also made health care more affordable to millions of Americans, by reducing the cost of prescription medications and ensuring that our seniors would not have to choose between paying for their refills or rent.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO: “One year ago today, @POTUS signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), legislation that revolutionized our economy and put us on the path to a worker-centered clean energy future. The IRA has already proven to be a massive victory for the clean energy transition, growing the U.S. workforce & enhancing our nation’s energy security. It puts working people first and has had an outsized impact on manufacturing & construction investments across the country.” [Tweet, /8/16/23]

LiUNA: “Celebrating the one-year anniversary that the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law by @POTUS. Over the past year, this law has brought transformative investments to the middle class – creating good paying #union jobs while expediting the shift to clean energy.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

American Federation of Teachers (AFT): “One year ago, President Biden signed Democrats’ #InflationReductionAct into law. The landmark legislation lowers drug costs, fights the climate crisis, and lowers the deficit—and it’s paid for by making the wealthy and big corporations pay more of their fair share in taxes.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

IBEW: “The #IBEW is celebrating the one year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act because it means good IBEW jobs. #IRA” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

National Education Association (NEA): “1 year ago, @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. Now: Educators will no longer pay a higher tax rate than giant corporations. Prescription drug costs will be lowered. We’re fighting the climate crisis w/ the biggest investment in clean energy in history.”
[Tweet, 8/16/23]

National Association of Building Trades Unions (NABTU): “One year ago today, @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, representing the largest investment in US history to fight climate change and accelerate domestic energy production.” [Tweet, 08/16/23]

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW): “The #IBEW is celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act because it means good IBEW jobs.  #IRA.” [Tweet, 08/16/23]

Sheet, Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Union (SMART): “One year ago, President Biden signed the #InflationReductionAct. Since then, investments in EV manufacturing, battery plant construction, clean transportation and more have helped create 170,000+ jobs – putting SMART members to work from NV to NC.” [Tweet, 08/16/23]

Iron Workers Union (IW): “The Iron Workers are honored to be included in such a momentous occasion. Together with @POTUS our working class will continue building America.” [Tweet, 08/16/24]
United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA): “One year ago, @POTUS signed the #InflationReductionAct into law — a game changer for working families like ours. With strong labor protections attached, this bill is creating jobs for our members who build the future of American infrastructure.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Transportation Trades Department, (TTD, AFL-CIO): “Labor is in the (White) House! The Presidents of @NALC_National@TTDAFLCIO@IAFFofficial@AFLCIO and @TheIronworkers are at the @WhiteHouse to celebrate the anniversary of the #InflationReductionAct. The landmark law is tackling climate change & creating clean energy jobs.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Clean Energy Companies and Trade Associations

Solar Energy Manufacturers for America Coalition (SEMA) Coalition Executive Director Mike Carr: “We are proud to see the remarkable strides made in U.S. solar manufacturing over the last year that are delivering good-paying jobs, lowering costs, and driving the transition to a strong and secure domestic clean energy economy. As the administration continues to issue guidance and implement this historic legislation, we look forward to working together to finish the job of fully reshoring the manufacturing of the solar supply chain.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Michael Coleman, General President of SMART : “The Inflation Reduction Act has already sparked unprecedented investment in our nation’s clean energy economy, putting SMART members to work in Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan and beyond. This will only continue: By taking on the climate crisis through investing in green transportation, battery and electric vehicle production, and clean energy made right here in the United States, this groundbreaking legislation will create generational opportunity for SMART members and other union workers. We will continue to work with officials and communities across the country to implement funding in a way that puts workers first.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Scott Graybeal, CEO, Caelux: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Caelux is operationalizing our 100MW pilot line for perovskite solar cell manufacturing right here in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The tax credits IRA unlocked will make renewable energy solutions more accessible and affordable to investors and consumers alike while ensuring that the United States becomes a leader in manufacturing once more. Caelux is proud to be building up a local workforce to bring our clean energy solutions to bear.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Frank van Mierlo, CEO, CubicPV: “When the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law, it opened the door to domestic clean energy manufacturing. The IRA harnesses the massive economic opportunity created by the energy transition. Cubic is playing its part in the strengthening of the US industry that will extend US leadership. Cubic’s own investment in bringing silicon wafer production to the US is proof of the law’s impact.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Samantha Sloan, VP of Global Policy, First Solar: “Since its passage, the Inflation Reduction Act has been a catalyst for growth in solar manufacturing, and we are pleased that so many solar manufacturers intend to join us in investing in the United States. As a proud American company, we remain focused on creating enduring value for the country by investing in achieving 14 gigawatts of domestic nameplate manufacturing capacity in 2026, supporting over 4,000 direct and thousands more indirect jobs, expanding our industry-leading domestic value chain, and doubling down on innovation. This is essential to allow the US to enter the next decade in a position of strength, powering its energy transition with technology made in America, for America.”  [Statement, 8/16/23]

Danny O’BrienNorth America President and Head of Corporate Affairs, Qcells: “Just months after President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, Qcells responded to the pivot to renewables in the U.S. with a historic and bold decision to build a complete, domestic solar supply chain largely centered in Georgia. The IRA and a welcoming business environment in Georgia made our investments possible. As a result, by the end of 2024, over 4,000 Americans will be employed by Qcells in the U.S., building clean energy that will make communities more resilient, energy more affordable, and the country less dependent on fossil fuels and foreign supply chains.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Paolo Maccario, President and CEO, Silfab Solar: “Silfab Solar continues to make significant investments into the US solar industry, and we wish to thank the Biden Administration for the ongoing support as we celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA will further the nation’s green energy goals to help America achieve a more sustainable and cost-efficient future. Silfab’s expansion in the USA means more jobs for Americans and more domestically designed, engineered, and manufactured solar products for American homeowners and businesses.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Lynn Abramson, President, Clean Energy Business Network: “Not only has the Inflation Reduction Act led to a renaissance of cleantech manufacturing, but small clean energy businesses are seeing an economic boom through this windfall of investments in innovation and the deployment of clean energy in communities across the U.S.,” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Climate Advocacy Organizations:

Ben Jealous, Executive Director, Sierra Club: “President Biden said it best with his comment ‘When I think of climate change, I think jobs.’ Addressing the climate crisis is not merely a moral imperative demanding action, it is an opportunity to create millions of good, union jobs in communities across the country — and that is exactly what the IRA is doing. Together, we will protect clean air and water, we will deploy clean energy across the country, we will create jobs that support families and communities, and we will ensure a livable future for generations now and those to come.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Abigail Dillen, President, Earthjustice: “Since President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, we’re closer than ever to meeting our climate goals and transitioning our economy to clean energy. These investments are transformative, and we’re already seeing their impact. Businesses are onshoring clean energy production, billions of dollars in funding are going to pollution reduction programs across the country, and over 170,600 jobs have been created in the process. We’re well on our way to the clean energy future we need to fight the worst impacts of climate change.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Lena Moffitt, Executive Director, Evergreen Action: “The IRA has unleashed enormous amounts of untapped potential for our clean energy economy, and a mere 365 days since its signing, the law is skyrocketing past expectations. As the largest investment in climate and clean energy that the U.S. has ever seen, the IRA has helped Americans take major strides towards a thriving clean energy future. Just one year in, President Biden’s landmark climate law has delivered huge dividends with more than 270 billion dollars in domestic and foreign investments, across both the public and private sectors. On top of that, more than 170,000 new, good-paying clean energy jobs have already been created, with 9 million more predicted by the decade’s end.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Tiernan Sittenfeld, SVP of Government Affairs, League of Conservation Voters:
“As we celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, this popular, affordable, clean energy plan is supercharging our clean energy economy, lowering costs, creating good-paying, family-sustaining jobs, and reducing climate pollution. Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration and Democrats in Congress, communities across the country are already feeling the benefits with more to come.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Gregory Wetsone, President and CEO, American Council on Renewable Energy: “For more than a century, our nation’s tax code had been weighted to promote fossil fuels. That all changed with passage of the IRA, which provided – for the first time ever – stable, long-term incentives for renewable energy, domestic clean energy manufacturing and key grid technologies, like energy storage. With a year under our belt, we can say with confidence that the new law is working to accelerate the nation’s energy transition, spur national economic growth, and launch a renaissance in American manufacturing. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been committed to new clean energy investments over the past year. This investment will lead to dozens of new manufacturing facilities across the U.S., thousands of megawatts of additional wind and solar power capacity, hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs, significant cost savings for American electricity consumers, cleaner air, and progress toward a more stable climate.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health: “We celebrate the largest investment Congress has made to date in climate and health. The transition from fossil fuels toward renewable energy has been supercharged thanks to the IRA. Around the country, the transition looks like healthier homes that are switching to electric appliances, hospitals, and clinics installing solar to boost their resilience, and more electric vehicles that do not pollute the air we breathe.” [Statement, 8/16,23]

Christina Hayes, Executive Director, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid: “In just a year, the IRA has unleashed a surge in renewable energy development, creating thousands of good-paying jobs and lowering energy costs for Americans struggling with inflation. Transmission is the key to unlocking even greater savings by ensuring low cost domestic resources can come online. Building a modern, interconnected grid will also allow us to move energy across longer distances and make sure the lights stay on during extreme weather.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Debbie Cox Bultan, CEO, NewDEAL: “Today, the NewDEAL celebrates one year since President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law. Lauded as the most significant investment America has ever made in clean energy, IRA has proven to be a major victory for states and localities, with communities across the nation already reaping economic and environmental benefits. Over the past year, nearly 80 clean energy manufacturing facilities have been announced, equal to the number announced in the last seven years combined. Communities in Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, and throughout the country are seeing investments in a range of industries, from solar panels to EV battery plants to auto manufacturing. And with those investments come good-paying jobs in small towns and cities alike.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Lisa Jacobson, President, Business Council for Sustainable Energy: “One year ago today, BCSE released a powerful statement: “With President Biden’s signature of the Inflation Reduction Act, clean energy enters a new era.” Now with one year of hindsight, I can say confidently that we were correct. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has changed the clean energy landscape faster than many of us could have expected, creating the market signals and incentives for the clean energy transition to become hard-wired into the U.S. economy. Upon its passage in August 2022, the IRA opened up $369 billion in funding for clean energy and energy efficiency initiatives – including $270 billion in tax credits.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

BlueGreen Alliance: “Just one year after being signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act is helping to build a clean economy that does all that. If it is implemented correctly and the jobs created are good, safe, union jobs for all workers. The Inflation Reduction Act will revitalize U.S. manufacturing, grow clean energy, and support and create good union jobs across the country. It will help clean up our air and water and is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 42% by 2030 while creating the good-paying, union jobs we need to give all workers the opportunity for a middle-class life.” [Blogpost, 8/15/2023]

Climate Power: “President Biden’s landmark climate and clean energy plan is one of the most successful pieces of legislation in history. In just a year since its passage, manufacturing has come back to the U.S., the economy is booming, costs are coming down and we’re reducing pollution. Because we’re investing in America again, already companies have announced over 170,600 clean energy jobs in small towns and big cities all across the country. President Biden and Democrats’ clean energy plan is delivering for America  —  it’s growing our economy and strengthening our middle class.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

The Business Council for Sustainable Energy: “One year ago today, BCSE released a powerful statement: ‘With President Biden’s signature of the Inflation Reduction Act, clean energy enters a new era.’ Now with one year of hindsight, I can say confidently that we were correct. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has changed the clean energy landscape faster than many of us could have expected, creating the market signals and incentives for the clean energy transition to become hard-wired into the U.S. economy.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Rewiring America: “The Inflation Reduction Act’s history, for many months prior to the bill signing a year ago to today, is a story of making the ephemeral concrete. It is a monumental legislative achievement that almost broke our hearts and then thrilled us with its scope. For the last 12 months, we and other organizations and leaders in the federal, state, and local spheres have worked thoughtfully to bring this massive investment to people in every community and of every income level, to make the policy and dollars real and tangible in our lives.” […] Each of these work streams, and the work of so many others to make the IRA concrete in our lives, is vital for our future. By upgrading the machines we use to heat and cool our homes, heat our water, cook our food, dry our clothes, and power our lives, each of us can help the country meet our climate goals, and improve the comfort, health, and cost of living in our homes for years to come.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Next Gen America: “Happy birthday to the Inflation Reduction Act!
A year ago today, President Biden signed the most significant climate legislation in U.S. history into law. How has this major clean energy plan turbocharged our economy and invested in our future? Check it out!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

EDF Action: “Happy Birthday to the historic climate law! ?? We’re celebrating the incredible progress we’re seeing, with more than 170,000 good-paying clean energy jobs in communities across the U.S. Join us in celebrating by signing our birthday card!?https://act.edfaction.org/QdeJahy” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Climate Action Campaign: “Thank you @POTUS for investing in clean energy solutions to tackle the climate crisis! In the past year, the #InflationReductionAct has boosted local economies, created sustainable jobs, and made clean energy more accessible! ???” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Environment America: “1 year ago, President Biden signed into law the #IRA, which extended #CleanEnergy tax credits through 2032. We’ve compiled guides and resources to help you improve efficiency, go solar or get an EV, with help from the tax credits.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Marcene Mitchell, Senior Vice President of Climate Change, World Wildlife Fund: “Today we celebrate and can take stock of the progress made in the first year of the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA is a launching point, a climate-action catalyst to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure a more resilient and livable climate future. The law is galvanizing a clean energy transformation and puts the U.S. within reach of its commitments under the Paris Agreement. We must use this moment to leverage our accomplishments to raise the bar higher.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Mustafa Santiago Ali, Executive Vice President, National Wildlife Federation: “The climate crisis’s toll is measured in lives lost, homes and businesses destroyed, and communities upended — and its costs are felt first and worst by frontline communities. One year ago, the president and Congress said enough is enough by passing the historic Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act is a foundation that we need to build upon — and it demonstrates how the best solutions lift up all communities, create opportunity for working- and middle-class families, and address the persistent and pernicious pollution that is harming so many Black, Latinx, Indigenous, rural, and lower-wealth white communities.”8/16/23]

Peter Zalzal, EDF’s Associate Vice President for Clean Air Strategies: “The American electric vehicle manufacturing renaissance is booming, driven by historic federal  investments,” said Peter Zalzal, EDF’s Associate Vice President for Clean Air Strategies. “On its first birthday, the Inflation Reduction Act is spurring huge increases in EV manufacturing investments and tens of thousands of jobs for Americans in communities across the country. We must continue working collaboratively to maximize these vital benefits for everyone.” [Press Release, 8/16/23]

Manish Bapna, President and CEO of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): “No law in recent memory has brought this much ambition to a challenge this urgent and begun with this much promise. One year on, it has sparked a heartland manufacturing renaissance with clean energy at its core, creating tens of thousands of jobs in red states and blue. It’s strengthening the supply chain for the building blocks of a modern economy. It’s positioned the country for dramatic cuts in the carbon pollution that’s driving the climate crisis. As millions swelter in record heat, coral reefs bleach in 100-degree seas, and wildfire smoke blots out the sun, a summer of cascading climate disasters makes all too clear the need to build on these gains, not retreat from them.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Earthjustice President Abigail Dillen: “The Inflation Reduction Act is supercharging our clean energy transition and tackling the climate crisis head-on by funding a new green economy. By spurring investments in communities across the county, this legislation is making a brighter future possible in every state across this country. Ensuring that everyone benefits from the IRA also means the transformational investments must benefit clean energy without expanding fossil fuel infrastructure and dependence. Our children and grandchildren are relying on our ability to meet this moment. We must continue to fight against attacks from congressional Republicans that would undermine progress and jeopardize our planet and their futures.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Bob Keefe, E2 Executive Director of the National Nonpartisan Business Group: “I just visited some of the electric vehicle, solar panel, and battery factories popping up throughout the country, and I can tell you definitively we’re in the middle of an American economic revolution like we haven’t seen in generations, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act and other policies. With the economic costs of climate change rising like a thermometer in July, this made-in-America clean energy boom couldn’t come at a better time.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Anne Kelly, vice president of government relations, Ceres: “One year after its passage, the Inflation Reduction Act has underpinned a stunning clean energy boom that is powering a U.S. manufacturing revitalization. It goes to show why smart companies and investors long sought this kind of federal climate investment: not only will it lower the risk of dangerous pollution and climate disasters that present immense risk to our economy, but it provides a robust foundation to grow the U.S. economy for decades to come.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

RMI: It’s the IRA’s First Birthday. Here Are Five Areas Where Progress Is Piling Up. [Article, 8/16/23]

Southern Environmental Law Center: How federal climate investments can protect our coast from climate change [Article, 8/16/23]

The Climate Group: We’re excited to see the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 signed into law today. Provisions laid out in this expansive legislation will dramatically impact progress toward US climate goals. The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest climate investment in US history – with funds allotted to extend vital clean energy tax credits and address the worst impacts of pollution in frontline communities. $369 billion allocated in new climate spending toward clean energy and environmental justice initiatives is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030. [Statement, 8/16/23]

Health Care Advocacy Organizations:

Public Citizen: “As the Inflation Reduction Act turns one this week, a chorus of health advocacy groups and over 150,000 individuals are demanding that pharmaceutical executives withdraw their “unconscionable” lawsuits to block drug price negotiation provisions under the popular legislation.” [Article, 8/16/23]

Leslie Dach, Chair, Protect Our Care: “Last year, the lives of millions of seniors and families changed forever when President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. By passing this historic legislation, Democrats took on Big Pharma and won to finally give people across the country peace of mind knowing they can afford the lifesaving care they need. The Inflation Reduction Act is already allowing families to sleep easier at night knowing they can go to the doctor without worrying about how they’re going to put food on the table or pay rent.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

David Mitchell, Founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs (P4AD) and author of Op-Ed: “The Biden administration is defending the law and the will of the people. We will support the legal fight against the pharmaceutical industry, and do all we can to make sure the courts understand how patients will be harmed if the law is delayed or overturned.” [Op-ed posted in The Hill , 8/16/23]

Health Care Awareness Month: “On the FIRST anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, @repdwightevans wants to remind YOU that Insulin for people on Medicare is now capped at $35, and he is not going to stop there because he will keep fighting for EVERY American for access! #HealthCareAwarenessMonth” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

HCAN: “The #InflationReductionAct is the most important healthcare legislation since the ACA. Today, we’re celebrating the 1st anniversary of that progress. Tomorrow, we’ll keep fighting for even more.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Protect Our Care: One year ago today, @POTUS signed the #InflationReductionAct into law. Now, Americans are saving on health care and prescription drugs more than ever before.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Merith Basey, Executive Director of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now:  Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is thrilled to celebrate the one year anniversary of the drug price provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act by launching our advocacy hub in Spanish. Latinos, many of whom are Spanish speakers, are disproportionately impacted by high drug prices and as part of our commitment to lowering drug prices we want to ensure more patients across the country are not only made aware of these new provisions, but understand how they will be able to benefit from them now and in the future. [Statement, 8/16/23]

Merith Basey, Executive Director, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now: Patients For Affordable Drugs Now se complace en celebrar el primer aniversario de las provisiones de los precios de medicamentos en la Ley de la Reducción de la Inflación al lanzar nuestro centro de defensa en español,” dijo Merith Basey, directora ejecutiva de Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Los Latinos, muchos de los cuales son hispanohablantes, son desproporcionadamente afectados por los precios altos de los medicamentos y como parte de nuestro compromiso de reducir los precios de los medicamentos, queremos asegurarnos de que más pacientes en todo el país no solo estén al tanto de estas nuevas provisiones, sino que comprendan cómo ellos podrán beneficiarse de ellos ahora y en el futuro. [Statement, 8/16/23]

Other Advocacy Groups

The Washington Center for Equitable Growth: “One year ago today, the #InflationReductionAct was signed into law. With $430 billion for combating climate change, lowering healthcare costs and tax reform, the #IRA was a research-rooted investment in broadly-shared growth. Let’s look at some evidence behind the landmark law… The #IRA included $300B for clean energy and climate reform. This will help mitigate the economic effects of climate change, which research shows has an inequitable impact on middle- and lower-income households—disproportionately families of color. It also raised taxes on megacorporations & stock buybacks, and increased funding for anti-tax evasion efforts.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Patrick Gaspard, President and CEO, Center for American Progress: “The Inflation Reduction Act is the most consequential health care law in more than a decade, the most significant economic legislation in a generation, and the most impactful climate change bill ever. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, millions of Americans have more affordable prescriptions and health coverage, more than 170,000 workers will have new jobs, and generations of Americans, many not yet born, will breathe cleaner air. At just a year old, the full promise of the Inflation Reduction Act is still to be realized. But through the clean energy jobs it has created and the money it’s saving American families, it’s already living up to its potential of growing the economy by growing the middle class.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Economic Policy Institute: “The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law a year ago this week. It is widely seen as the crown jewel of the “industrial policy” agenda of the Biden administration. While no piece of legislation is perfect, the full potential of the IRA to deliver a radically better future is often underrated. In this post, we highlight many of the IRA’s huge steps forward and also talk about the unfinished agenda for securing faster, fairer, and greener growth in the U.S. economy.” [Blogpost, 8/14/23]

Economic Policy Institute: “Put simply, the IRA puts the U.S. on a path where meeting its global climate change commitments is within reach—commitments which would provide a genuine chance at securing a livable planet for future generations if they are kept. At the beginning of August 2022, there was no such path to secure this livable future, but there is now—and that is a mammoth victory.” [Blogpost, 8/14/23]

Dr. Rakeen Mabud, Chief Economist, Groundwork Collaborative: “After 40 years of failed trickle-down economics, the Inflation Reduction Act is a case study for what is possible when we invest in the workers and families who power our economy. Just one year in and the IRA is already delivering jobs and growing wages, pushing down the cost of prescription drugs and energy, and creating a blueprint for a more resilient and sustainable economy.” [Statement, 8/15/23]

Roosevelt Institute: “In the decade to come, implementation of this law will shape US markets and livelihood in ways that will ripple for generations…After decades of stagnant private investment and declining public investment in the real economy, the US is building again.” [Blogpost, 8/16/23]

Todd Tucker, Director of Industrial Policy and Trade, Roosevelt Institute: “One Year into the Inflation Reduction Act: Significant Benefits Unlocked, and What Comes Next…Companies are responding to something, and that something is new industrial policies. Indeed, the tally of total direct public and induced private investment keeps ticking upwards. These investments will certainly shift the composition of industries in the country away from the speculative and towards the productive…There’s lots to celebrate.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Todd Tucker, Director of Industrial Policy and Trade, Roosevelt Institute: “Today, August 16, 2023, marks one year since the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Biden administration’s signature legislation to fight the climate crisis, lower drug prices, and ensure corporations pay what they owe in taxes. In the decade to come, implementation of this law will shape US markets and livelihood in ways that will ripple for generations… While there is more to be done, the IRA is a key part of Bidenomics’ effort to rebalance power in our economy, by embracing the role that government can play to create and shape the markets and industries our country needs to thrive.” [Blogpost, 8/16/2023]

Mayra Macias, Interim Executive Director, Building Back Together: “Just one year after President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, this historic legislation is already making a massive impact for families all across the country. From allowing Medicare to negotiate the costs of prescription medications, to investing in U.S. energy manufacturing, this historic legislation is already lowering day-to-day costs and providing middle-class families with much-needed relief. Yet despite the Inflation Reduction Act’s major investments in local economies and our families, every single Republican in Congress voted against it.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Elisabeth Reynolds, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning: “The IRA is the most significant investment the country has made in terms of addressing climate change…I would just emphasize that we’re all part of making this transition happen. This is a transformational moment. It sounds technical and it sounds caught up in legislation and dollars and tax credits. But in the end, we’re moving toward a different place. We’re going to see, I think, a profound transformation and a real opportunity to put the country on a new trajectory. A trajectory that is addressing our climate concerns, addressing our national economic security. But I would just want people to understand that we’re all invested in making this a success.” [Podcast, 8/16/2023]

Rhett Buttle, Founder, Public Private Strategies: “In the year since its signing, the Inflation Reduction Act has uplifted our economy and lowered costs for working families. The investments made by the Inflation Reduction Act are continuing to spur economic growth and manufacturing, with more than $500 billion in investments under President Biden. This is one of the most consequential pieces of legislation in modern history and is bringing back manufacturing jobs from overseas to America’s small towns and cities.” [Statement, 8/15/23]

Melissa Morales, Founder and President of Somos, PAC: “Working people, including hardworking Latinos, keep driving our economy — and President Biden continues to get things done for us by focusing on making life more affordable,” said Melissa Morales, Founder and President of Somos PAC. “One year ago today, President Biden sent a clear message to working people everywhere by signing the Inflation Reduction Act, which dramatically lowered the cost of prescription drugs and energy bills and created over 170,000 clean energy jobs. President Biden and Vice President Harris continue to do their part to bring down costs. And we will continue to do our part to ensure hardworking Latinos everywhere not only hear about these historic investments but harvest the fruits of their labor.”[Statement, 8/17/23]

Small Business for Americas Future: “One year after the Inflation Reduction Act became law, a new national survey of 961 small business owners fielded between Aug. 4-15 shows most Main Street entrepreneurs are feeling optimistic about their future and credit government investment for contributing to recent positive economic news.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Liz Zelnick, Director of Economic Security & Corporate Power, Accountable US : “Corporate special interests claimed the sky would fall if they had to finally pay their fair share in taxes. Instead, a year under the Inflation Reduction Act has seen more Americans finding good-paying jobs and paying less for prescriptions/ Yet greedy industries never stopped trying to obstruct the law’s reinvestment in the middle class.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Liz Fairchild, Executive Director, Business Forward: “The Inflation Reduction Act reshores American manufacturing, strengthens our clean energy economy, and increases healthcare accessibility for Americans. The Act has already helped to boost economic and environmental resilience for generations to come. The Act is poised to create more than 9 million jobs by 2032, while reducing household energy costs for families $500 per by $21 billion by 2050.” [Statement, 8/16/2023]

Social Security Works: Every single Republican voted against the #InflationReductionAct [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Sindy Benavides, Executive Director, Latino Victory Project: “The IRA is a landmark piece of legislation that has benefited millions of Latinos across the country by creating economic opportunity, lowering the price of prescription drugs, and tackling the climate crisis head on. It represents the most significant climate and clean energy investment in the nation’s history—an issue that disproportionately impacts the Latino community. We have already felt the positive impacts of the IRA putting much needed money and resources back into our communities, and look forward to the long-term benefits of this historic investment.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn: “The investments in clean energy and the commitment to fight climate change in the Inflation Reduction Act one year ago were historic and long overdue. Because of this legislation, we are making good on the urgent need to combat climate change and build a real clean energy economy that creates sustainable jobs in communities across the country. MoveOn members applaud the leadership of President Biden and Congressional Democrats who refused to let the moment pass last year without taking action. As we look ahead to what’s at stake in the next election, our members will be looking for vision and resolve from our leaders in the White House and Capitol Hill to build on the climate related commitment of the IRA so that we continue to make necessary advancements.” [Statement, 8/16/23]

Third Way: “The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law last year, has proven to be a huge win for American businesses and families. With an unapologetically capitalist approach to solving some of our country’s toughest problems on climate, competitiveness, and American manufacturing, the act is already helping power a strong economy. Here are eight key things moderates love about the Inflation Reduction Act…” [Article, 8/16/23]

Solar Energy Industries Association: “Just twelve months after the Inflation Reduction Act became law, the solar and storage industry is quickly becoming a cornerstone of America’s energy economy. Since the passage of the law’s historic energy incentives, solar and storage companies have announced over $100 billion in private sector investments. This is just the tip of the iceberg. As companies build out their operations and work to meet the unprecedented demand for American-made clean energy, Americans are seeing billions of dollars flow into their communities.” [Article, 8/16/23]

Somos: “It’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Anniversary Week! We know President Biden is focused on reducing costs for working people como nosotros and the IRA is doing just that. Stay tuned for more.” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

Alianza for Progress: “The largest investment in climate action in U.S. history? Clean energy manufacturing that creates good-paying jobs? Clean energy projects that lower costs? Yes, yes and yes! The Inflation Reduction Act is lowering energy costs and combating climate change. Thanks, @POTUS!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

UnidosUS: “It’s been just one year since @POTUS signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, and it’s already lowering everyday costs from health care and prescription drugs to energy bills and electric vehicles!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

EcoMadres: “The #InflationReductionAct is the biggest legislative win for climate and #cleanenergy in US history and today we are celebrating its 1-year anniversary!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]

PoderLatinx: “Arizona, ¡estamos celebrando el primer aniversario de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación(#IRA)!  Gracias a esta ley, nuestra comunidad ha fortalecido la industria solar del estado!” [Tweet, 8/16/23]


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