WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Members of Congress, Labor Leaders, Business Groups, Disability Advocacy Groups, and More Celebrate Martin O’Malley’s Nomination to be Social Security Administration Commissioner

Today, President Biden announced his intent to nominate former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley as Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. Governor O’Malley is a lifelong public servant who has spent his career making government more accessible and transparent, while keeping the American people at the heart of his work. As Governor, he made government work more effectively across his administration and enhanced the way millions of people accessed critical services. Governor O’Malley will continue to be a strong partner who works tirelessly to protect and strengthen Social Security for generations to come.

See below for what they are saying:

Congressional Leaders

Maryland Senator Ben Cardin: “Martin O’Malley never backs down from a challenge. I’m excited by the news that @POTUS has nominated my friend, and one of Maryland’s most successful governors, to be the next Commissioner of the Social Security Administration.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Maryland Congressman Kweisi Mfume: “Improving government service has always been a guiding principle and hallmark of the operational leadership Martin O’Malley provides. I commend @POTUS on this very important nomination.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin: “I applaud the Biden Administration for selecting former Governor Martin O’Malley to serve as commissioner of the Social Security Administration. When we were both serving as governors, I found him to be a strong leader and compassionate person who understands the needs of America’s seniors. The SSA is one of our nation’s most critical support agencies and seniors in West Virginia and across the country rely on social security. Governor O’Malley’s unique perspectives and wealth of experience make me confident that he will hit the ground running and be effective on day one. I look forward to working with my colleagues to quickly confirm his nomination.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Oregon Senator, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Ron Wyden: “Social Security needs a confirmed commissioner in order to ensure Americans are receiving the best service possible for their earned Social Security benefits. Governor O’Malley is a proven leader with experience running a large organization that millions of families count on. I look forward to moving this nomination through the Finance Committee as soon as possible.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin: “Delighted President Biden has chosen Governor @MartinOMalley to lead the Social Security Administration. Gov. O’Malley’s data-focused leadership and commitment to a decent livelihood & retirement for all Americans make him a perfect selection to helm SSA. We are in capable hands. [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Maryland Congressman Steny H. Hoyer: “Former MD Gov. Martin O’Malley was nominated today to be the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration—an able, principled, & effective leader, I have full confidence in his ability to lead @SocialSecurity upholding our shared principles & commitment to public service.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Connecticut Congressman John Larson: “I applaud President Biden for nominating a champion for Social Security, Martin O’Malley, to lead the Social Security Administration and move it forward to better serve current and future beneficiaries. Governor O’Malley has long supported protecting and expanding Social Security. He knows just how important this program is to our seniors and that the modest payments they live on are simply not enough. I look forward to working alongside him as we work to ensure SSA has the resources it needs to serve our most vulnerable Americans for decades to come.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

State and Local Government Officials

Maryland Governor Wes Moore: “Congratulations to our friend Governor @MartinOMalley on being nominated by President Biden to serve as Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. Governor O’Malley has elevated our state. Maryland knows that in his new role, his service will elevate our country.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Baltimore, Maryland Mayor Brandon Scott: “Glad to see @POTUS picking one of Maryland’s own to lead the Social Security Administration. I know @MartinOMalley will make our city and our state proud in this Administration.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Brian Frosh, Former Maryland Attorney General: “Gov. O’Malley is an inspired choice to lead Social Security Admin!!” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Richmond, Virginia Mayor Levar Stoney: “As a former mayor, @MartinOMalley is no stranger to solving complex problems. I know he will work hard to protect social security- a pillar of our country that millions rely on for their livelihood- and ensure it’s continued preservation for generations to come. Congrats!” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Deval Patrick, Former Massachusetts Governor: “I’m excited and glad that @POTUShas asked my friend and former colleague @MartinOMalley to lead the @SocialSecurity Administration. Martin has a record as both governor and mayor of using technology and data to make programs easier for regular people to navigate.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Stephen Goldsmith, Former Mayor of Indianapolis and Director of Data Smart City Solutions at HKS: Today the President nominated former Maryland Governor O’Malley to lead the Social Security Administration. In terms of operational excellence, the Governor is exceptionally well qualified. The Harvard Kennedy School Innovations in American Government Program I used to manage gave its important award to then Mayor O’Malley for his pioneering work in #citistat a program which produced breakthrough accomplishments in managing government and improving customer service with data. #government His goal then and what he did subsequently was to transform government to improve how it responds to its residents. Those skills will provide much needed support to a SSA on which so many Americans rely.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Mike Bloomberg, Co-Founder and CEO of Bloomberg and Former Mayor of New York City: “Great choice by @POTUS in picking Martin O’Malley to lead the Social Security Administration. As a former mayor and governor, he has outstanding executive experience using using data to improve government performance, transparency, and customer service. His nomination deserves strong bipartisan Senate support.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Community, Advocacy and Labor Organizations

Robert Shea, CEO, GovNavigators: “I’m a longtime admirer of @MartinOMalley‘s public administration chops. And @SocialSecurity needs someone just like that. Thanks for accepting the challenge, Governor! The country’s gonna be better off for your service.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Max Stier, President and CEO, Partnership for Public Service: “President Biden has made a wise choice to nominate former Gov. Martin O’Malley to head the Social Security Administration. The SSA does critical work that millions of Americans depend on every day, and the more than 56,000 career public servants who make up its workforce deserve high quality leadership. The next commissioner will have the opportunity to attract and retain top talent, improve the employee experience, make strategic decisions to modernize agency operations and improve how the agency delivers critical services to the public. Former Gov. O’Malley has demonstrated capable leadership throughout his career in public service, and we look forward to working alongside him to build a better government.” [Press Release, 7/26/23]

Bob Blancato, Executive Director, National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Program: “The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) commends President Biden’s nomination of former Gov Martin O’Malley to be the next Commissioner of Social Security.  He has chosen a respected former Governor and Mayor who has a great reputation for service and who will bring his innovative skills to SSA at a time when it is needed. It is highly appropriate to have a former elected official in this role as they can bring a higher level of sensitivity to an agency where service to people in its main responsibility. This is a vitally important time to have a qualified and permanent Commissioner.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Karyne Jones, President and CEO, National Caucus and Center on Black Aging: “Social Security continues to provide older adults a minimum standard quality of life. Governor O’Malley has the experience, leadership, vision, and compassion to protect and ensure this American commitment to age in dignity.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Everett Kelley, President, American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE): “We applaud the White House for nominating former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley to be the next SSA commissioner. Governor O’Malley is a strong advocate for working people and labor rights, and he has the skills and experience necessary to tackle to various challenges facing SSA like the recruitment and retention of its dedicated workforce. We look forward to working with Governor O’Malley during the confirmation process on his ideas to strengthen the agency and its work on behalf of the 67 million Americans who receive Social Security benefits every month.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Nancy Altman, President, Social Security Works: “Social Security Works and I, personally, applaud the nomination of Governor O’Malley, a longtime Social Security champion. We will do all we can to ensure his swift confirmation.  We look forward to working with him, once confirmed, to secure more funding for SSA as the president requested and higher benefits, with no cuts, as he, President Biden, and indeed the Democratic Party, through its 2020 platform, have called for.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Social Security Works PAC, “Social Security Works applauds the nomination of @MartinOMalley, a longtime Social Security champion, as the next Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. Like @POTUS, O’Malley supports expanding Social Security’s modest benefits, not cutting them.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Social Security Works: “Social Security Works applauds the nomination of Governor O’Malley, a longtime Social Security champion. Like President Biden, O’Malley supports expanding Social Security’s modest benefits, not cutting them. At a time when Social Security is under attack from Republicans in Congress, O’Malley is the fighter that the American people need at SSA’s helm…The Senate should swiftly confirm O’Malley so he can work to provide the American people with that first-class service and fight for increasing, not cutting, their benefits. Notably, SSA has not had a Senate-confirmed commissioner nominated by a Democratic president since 2001. During that time, Congressional Republicans have starved SSA of resources, resulting in backlogs and long waits. With staffing the lowest it has been in a quarter of a century, SSA’s hardworking and dedicated public servants are overworked and underpaid. Governor O’Malley is a proven champion and fighter. As commissioner, he will be in prime position to persuade Congress to allow SSA to spend just a few percentage points more of Social Security’s $2.8 trillion surplus on administrative expenses, as President Biden has requested. We are confident that O’Malley, working closely with President Biden, will fight not only for expanded benefits and against cuts, but also for opening new field offices and against closing existing ones…” [Press Release, 7/26/23]

Social Security Works (@SSWorks): “Social Security Works applauds the nomination of @MartinOMalley, a longtime Social Security champion, as the next next Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. Like @POTUS, O’Malley supports expanding Social Security’s modest benefits, not cutting them.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Ben Jealous, Executive Director, Sierra Club: “Martin O’Malley is a progressive leader with the executive skills to get things done. Whether it was repealing the death penalty, passing marriage equality, restoring voting rights, raising the minimum wage, or being a fierce defender of the environment and addressing climate change, O’Malley’s track record of accomplishments makes him an outstanding choice to lead Social Security.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees): “Americans earn their Social Security benefits, paying into the system with every paycheck. They deserve world-class service from a fully staffed workforce equipped with the best tools and technology available. The Alliance is confident that under Governor O’Malley’s leadership, SSA will deliver.” [Tweet, 2/26/23]

Richard Fiesta, Executive Director, Alliance for Retired Americans: “Members of the Alliance for Retired Americans are pleased that President Biden has nominated former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley to be the next Social Security Administration (SSA) Commissioner. The SSA needs a strong Commissioner now more than ever. With 10,000 Americans turning 65 each day, the workload increases every day and the budget has been woefully inadequate to meet the needs of seniors, people with disabilities and all American families. Gov. O’Malley has a proven track record and the experience to navigate these challenges and ensure that Americans are able to get the benefits they have earned. American workers have earned their Social Security benefits, paying into the system with every paycheck. They deserve world class service from a fully staffed workforce equipped with the best tools and technology available. The Alliance for Retired Americans is confident that under Governor O’Malley’s leadership SSA will deliver. There is no time to waste. We urge the Senate to confirm Gov. O’Malley without delay.” [Press Release, 7/26/23]

Matthew Biggs, President, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE): “As a native Marylander, I know well Gov. O’Malley’s record of advocating for workers, students, the poor, our retirees, and other people who too often get left behind. I also commend him and his family for their tradition of service and generations of thoughtful, effective leadership in all three branches of state government, including their support for working families and the unions that represent them. Maryland is a better place to work, live, learn and breathe, thanks to their contributions. Gov. O’Malley is ideally qualified to lead SSA and IFPTE enthusiastically endorses his nomination.” [Statement, 7/26/23]

National Council on Aging (@NCOAging): “?NCOA is pleased that @POTUS nominated Martin O’Malley to be @SocialSecurity Commissioner. Gov. O’ Malley has dedicated his career to service and understands public programs like #SocialSecurity are truly a lifeline to millions of #OlderAdults. Looking forward to working him.

GovNavigators:GovNavigators are huge fans of Martin J. O’Malley. And Social Security needs someone just like him. He’s the father of Citistat and Statestat — which inspired key amendments to GPRA. He’s sure to bring those proven practices to SSA. And the country will be better off for it. Thanks for accepting the challenge, Governor!” [Press Release, 7/26/23]

Advance Maryland: “Excited to see Maryland’s own Governor @MartinOMalley in this role. As governor, he expanded Medicaid, improved access to data & transparency, fought for Dreamers, and led efforts to make Maryland a more inclusive state. Great choice by @POTUS!” [Tweet, 7/26/23]

National Academy of Public Administration, “Congratulations to #NAPAFellow @MartinOMalley” […] [Tweet, 7/26/23]

Max Richtman, President and CEO, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare: “We commend President Biden for nominating former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley as Social Security Commissioner. It has been more than 20 years since the Senate has confirmed a permanent commissioner nominated by a Democratic president, and it is way past time for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to have one. As a confirmed commissioner, Martin O’Malley will be able to advocate effectively for SSA, which has been chronically underfunded and has struggled to provide adequate customer service. As a presidential candidate in 2016, Governor O’Malley championed the expansion of Social Security. He proposed boosting benefits and adopting a more generous (the CPI-E) for calculating COLAs — while adjusting the payroll wage cap so that the wealthy pay their fair share.  He insisted that ‘it is our responsibility to ensure that Americans who put in a lifetime of hard work are able to retire with the dignity they deserve.’ American workers’ payroll taxes largely fund the SSA.  They have every right to expect the agency that administers their benefits to be fully funded — with a permanent commissioner at the helm. The Senate should confirm Governor O’Malley in a timely manner when it returns from August recess.” [Press Release, 7/26/23]

National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA): “NAPCA supports the nomination of former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley to be next Administrator of the Social Security Administration. We need strong leadership to ensure that AA & NH/PI older adults are receiving critical financial benefits.” [Tweet, 7/26/23]


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