Readout of Meeting with Law Enforcement Leaders on An Assault Weapons Ban and Other Commonsense Legislation to Reduce Gun Violence

Today, senior White House officials met with more than 20 law enforcement leaders from across the country to discuss how to build additional law enforcement support for an assault weapons and high-capacity magazine ban and other commonsense legislation to reduce gun violence. This meeting is the result of President Biden’s May 2023 USA Today op-ed, in which he outlined a roadmap for building on the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to enact additional gun safety legislation. One part of that roadmap, President Biden explained, is “build[ing] an even bigger, unrelenting coalition demanding that Congress pass additional gun safety legislation.”
Law enforcement leaders discussed how officers all across the country are being outgunned by criminals armed with assault weapons and how those weapons of war grievously injure our children, neighbors, and community members. They provided substantive input on urgently needed actions to reduce gun violence in their communities.  White House officials discussed the importance of mobilizing additional law enforcement voices – both leadership and rank and file officers – to make clear to members of Congress that supporting our police and improving the safety of American communities means banning assault weapons and taking other practical steps to reduce gun violence and save lives.  Participants agreed on the urgency of building a broad coalition and an agenda for action informed by input from law enforcement. Participants also agreed on the need to work together to support passage of additional gun safety legislation.
Attendees included:

  1. San Francisco Police Department – Chief William Scott
  2. Waterbury Police Department – Chief Fernando Spagnolo
  3. Los Angeles Police Department – Deputy Chief David Kowalski
  4. California Highway Patrol – Commissioner Sean Duryee 
  5. Baltimore Police Department – Acting Commissioner Richard Worley
  6. Nashville Police Department – Deputy Chief Chris Gilder
  7. IACP Firearms Committee Chair Chief Bill Brooks (Norwood)
  8. Wayne State University Police Department – Chief Anthony Holt
  9. San Diego Police Department – Chief David Nisleit
  10. Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office – Sheriff Jerry Clayton
  11. PERF – Senior Principal Nancy Demme
  12. California Police Chiefs Association


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