Remarks by President Biden Before Marine One Departure

South Lawn

6:15 P.M. EDT

Q Mr. President, any update on the debt limit, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: With regard to the debt limit, things are looking good. I’m very optimistic. I hope we’ll have some clear evidence tonight before the clock strikes twelve that we have a deal. But it’s very close, and I’m optimistic.

The reason I’m going to Camp David is they are working on the — the Secret Service is working on my house — bulletproofing the house. So there’s no place to go at home; they said I’d be out for five weeks. So I’m going to Camp David because my granddaughter graduates on Sunday, and it’s closest so I can get there to be at her graduation.

Q What did you say about tonight? What did you say about tonight?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I said there’s a negotiation going on. I’m hopeful we’ll know by tonight whether we are going to be able to have a deal.

Q What’s your reaction to — what’s your reaction to Russia moving tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus?

THE PRESIDENT: Extremely negative, is my reaction.

Q Mr. President, what do you — what do you tell Democrats who say that they don’t want you to bow on the work requirements? What’s your position?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t bow to anybody.

6:16 P.M. EDT

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