WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Bipartisan Members of Congress, State and Local Leaders, Faith-Based Organizations, and Advocates Applaud Release of White House National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

Yesterday, President Biden announced the first ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism – the most ambitious, comprehensive effort in U.S. history to counter antisemitism.

The National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism outlines a whole-of-society approach, organized in four pillars of action that address key themes and threats raised by over 1,000 diverse stakeholders across the Jewish community and beyond. The strategy includes over 100 meaningful actions government agencies will take to increase understanding of antisemitism and its threat to American democracy, protect Jewish institutions and communities, reverse the normalization of antisemitism, and build cross-community solidarity. The strategy also includes over 100 calls-to-action for Congress, state and local governments, tech companies, and others to counter antisemitism.

In a letter accompanying the strategy, President Biden wrote that, “Protecting the Jewish community from antisemitism is essential to our broader fight against all forms of hate, bigotry, and bias—and to our broader vision of a thriving, inclusive, and diverse democracy.”

Leaders from across the country are praising the President’s U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. Here’s what they are saying:

Members of Congress and State Leaders

Co-chair, Senate and House Bipartisan Task Forces for Combating Antisemitism, Nevada Congresswoman, Jacky Rosen: “Jewish communities across our country are experiencing an alarming increase of antisemitic attacks and incidents. We need a coordinated, whole-of-government approach to addressing anti-Jewish bigotry, and that’s why I pushed the Administration to put together a national strategy to counter antisemitism in all its forms. With this unified strategy, which includes specific actions for the federal government to undertake, we are going to effectively utilize the full force of the United States government to root out antisemitic hate across our nation.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Co-chair, Senate and House Bipartisan Task Forces for Combating Antisemitism, Oklahoma Congressman James Lankford: “I’m glad the Biden Administration responded to the urging of members of the Senate and House Bipartisan Taskforces for Combatting Antisemitism and released an unfortunately, necessary national strategy to counter antisemitism. Any practical effort by any administration to curb the rising tide of antisemitism here and abroad can be helpful to address the increase in antisemitism and ensure we protect the right of all people to freely live their faith without fear. I am grateful for the partnership of Senator Rosen, Representative Manning, Representative Smith, and the officials in the Administration who worked on this strategy. We must stand united against anti-Jewish statements and violent acts wherever we see them.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Co-chair, Senate and House Bipartisan Task Forces for Combating Antisemitism, North Carolina Congresswoman Kathy Manning: “The alarming rise of antisemitism poses a threat to Jewish communities and to American values. I welcome the release of the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism; it is an important first step in coordinating our government’s effort to eradicate this particularly pernicious form of discrimination, I applaud President Biden for his leadership in developing this whole-of-government approach and I look forward to continuing to work with the administration and both parties in Congress to combat antisemitism and protect the Jewish community.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Co-chair, Senate and House Bipartisan Task Forces for Combating Antisemitism, New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith: “There are many good things about the plan—above all I welcome the attention it pays to community/physical security, to the problems of getting better reporting and law enforcement responses to antisemitic violence and harassment, and to Holocaust education. Some of the most vicious and harmful antisemitism is incitement to violence and hatred of Israel. In 2004, Natan Sharansky testified at a hearing I chaired that while Israel should not be above criticism, that antisemitism tries to ‘hide behind the veneer of legitimate criticism of Israel.’ Sharansky said that employing the 3D test—demonization, double standards and delegitimization—is useful in exposing antisemitism. When antisemites spew their hatred, one of the principal duties of an elected official is to stand publicly and emphatically with the intended victim.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer: “Thank you, @POTUS. Antisemitism, bigotry, and hatred have no place in this country.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Ranking Member, House Judiciary Committee, New York Congressman Jerry Nadler: “I applaud the White House for developing the first-ever national strategy to counter antisemitism.  The strategy’s release today marks a historic milestone in the Biden-Harris administration’s extraordinary emphasis on combating antisemitism amidst a harrowing uptick in antisemitic attacks across the country. Of course, the work is far from over. As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee and the most senior Jewish Member of Congress who proudly represents a district with one of the largest Jewish populations, I look forward to working alongside the White House to bring to life the priorities brought forth by this strategy. Antisemitism is not a new presence in our society, it is a scourge that has plagued Jewish communities around the world for millennia. Today and every day, I am proud to call President Biden a partner and friend of the Jewish people in safeguarding America’s commitment to religious freedom.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

New York Congresswoman, Grace Meng: “I am proud to have actively contributed to the development of the White House strategy. I not only submitted several policy recommendations directly to the Domestic Policy Council, including fully funding my COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act and making hate crimes reporting mandatory, but also engaged the drafting process through several meetings with the White House in my position as Co-Chair of the House Bipartisan Taskforce for Combatting Antisemitism.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Florida Congresswoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “As the first Jewish Congresswoman from Florida, I welcome the Biden Administration’s release of the first-ever comprehensive U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. To effectively counter the scourge of antisemitism, which has increased dramatically in recent years, it will take a whole of society effort, and this strategy lays out the roadmap to make that a reality. As Co-Chair of the Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism, I am deeply grateful for the Administration’s focus on combating the spread of hateful content online and holding social media companies accountable for algorithms that amplify antisemitism on their platforms. It is fitting that the strategy is announced during Jewish American Heritage Month, as one of the most effective tools for countering antisemitism is uplifting Jewish voices and raising awareness of the contributions of Jewish Americans throughout our nation’s history. There is more work to do, and I look forward to working with the Administration, my colleagues in Congress, and community leaders of all faiths and backgrounds to implement this strategy and leverage it to counter all forms of hate. [Twitter Thread, 5/25/23] 

Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky: Thank you, @POTUS. I’m proud to support this plan that is focused on unity, action, and mobilizing our entire government to defeat and dismantle the machinery of hate and bigotry. Let’s all get to work! [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro: “I was sworn in on a Bible from the Tree of Life Synagogue – the site of the deadliest act of antisemitism in US history. That moment shows that progress is possible in this country. Grateful for @POTUS’ historic plan to combat antisemitism and @SecondGentleman’s leadership.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul: “Proud to have collaborated with @POTUS in developing this national strategy to combat antisemitism. Here in New York, we’ve made key investments to protect our Jewish communities, and we will continue to support federal efforts to root out hate in all its forms.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Leaders, Advocates, and Faith Based Organizations

Joint Statement by 25+ Jewish Communal Organizations in Response to White House Strategy to Combat Antisemitism: “In an era of rising antisemitism in the U.S. and around the world, we appreciate the clarity and urgency demonstrated by the White House in releasing its National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. We welcome the embrace of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, which is a continuation of longstanding US policy and a critical tool in the fight against anti-Jewish hate and bias. We look forward to collaborating with the White House and Congress to ensure the implementation of this National Strategy.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Anti-Defamation League: “As the U.S. Jewish community is experiencing antisemitism at levels not seen in generations, we deeply appreciate that the White House has stepped up and delivered this significant, comprehensive strategy,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “It’s particularly notable that this approach recognizes that antisemitism is not about politics – it’s about principles. We are pleased that this strategy comprehensively addresses hate and antisemitism on campus, online, and from extremists on both the far-right and the far-left.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO, Anti-Defamation League: We’re proud to work collaboratively with @AmbRice46 in crafting the historic National Strategy to Counter #antisemitism. We look forward to working together with the @WhiteHouse as we put these policies into action! [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Abraham Foxman, Director Emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League: “The WH initiative on antisemitism – in my 50 years of fighting antisemitism- I never imagined I would witness such an historic event. An American government publicly telling Jews and the world that Jews will not stand alone in their fight against this horrific disease. Thank you.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

American Zionist Movement: “AZM has a longstanding policy of endorsing the IHRA definition of antisemitism and we are heartened that the administration continues its support of the IHRA definition.  As the convening body of Zionist organizations in the United States, we have increasingly seen that Anti-Zionism is currently one of the most prevalent forms of antisemitism in America and around the world.  We see this report as a key governmental instrument to help us all fight Anti-Zionism and all forms of antisemitism.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

American Jewish Committee: We are proud to stand alongside more than 25 other Jewish organizations in commending the @WhiteHouse for its National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Ted Deutch, CEO of American Jewish Committee: “In adopting this national strategy, the White House has sent a clear, unequivocal message that antisemitism is a problem that affects all of society, not just Jews. This is a historic day for America and its Jewish community. AJC was proud to be part of the process to develop this strategy and is glad to see a whole-of-government approach to counter this persistent and pernicious threat.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

American Jewish Committee: We applaud today’s release of the @WhiteHouse National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, and strongly commend @POTUS for positioning the fight against antisemitism front and center in the Administration’s priorities. [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Rhoda Smolow, National President, and Naomi Adler, CEO, of Hadassah: “As the largest Jewish women’s organization in the U.S., Hadassah thanks the Biden Administration for its leadership in gathering input from across the Jewish Community and developing a thoughtful, government-wide plan to address the alarming rise in antisemitism nationwide.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa: “We are thrilled that the @WhiteHouse antisemitism strategy centers the @TheIHRA definition and includes teaching Sephardi and Mizrahi history. This is an incredible step towards recognition of our communities. Dive into JIMENA’s work on antisemitism here.. https://jimena.org/combatting-anti-semitism/.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

The Jewish Federations of North America: A joint statement on the White House National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism: In an era of rising antisemitism in the US and around the world, we appreciate the clarity and urgency demonstrated by the White House in releasing its National Strategy to counter antisemitism…” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Jewish Federations of North America, Chair Julie Platt: “We are pleased that the White House reaffirms the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, and maintain our commitment to its uncontested use. As the State Department’s special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism Amb. Deborah Lipstadt has said many times, the IHRA definition is broadly accepted and effective in combating the oldest hatred.” [Article, 5/25]

Amy Spitalnick, CEO, Jewish Council for Public Affairs: “I’m heartened by the Biden administration’s whole-of-government strategy, which at its core recognizes that combating antisemitism requires protecting and advancing our democracy and the fundamental rights and safety of all communities – just as those goals require confronting antisemitism. As JCPA enters its next chapter, this recognition is at the center of our work – and, in particular, our coalitions will mobilize Jewish organizations and leaders, as well as non-Jewish partners, in this crucial effort…” [Statement, 5/25/23]

William Daroff, CEO, of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations: “The Conference of Presidents actively engaged with the White House to shape the comprehensive federal plan to combat antisemitism. The overwhelming support for the IHRA definition is evident through the endorsement of over 175 Jewish community organizations worldwide, more than 600 Rabbis representing the four Jewish religious streams and dozens of our member organizations. Elected officials, including members of Congress and mayors, also voiced their strong support…We also salute the President’s plan for additional homeland security funding and streamlined hate crimes reporting and enforcement standards, as well as increasing educational resources from the federal government, including educating about antisemitism in all diversity trainings. This plan marks a significant milestone in the ongoing battle against antisemitism. We express our deep gratitude for these crucial measures aimed at fighting anti-Jewish hate and fostering a climate of inclusivity and tolerance.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

The Rabbinical Assembly: “The Rabbinical Assembly welcomes the groundbreaking release of the US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism by the Biden administration. This comprehensive strategy, encompassing over 100 actionable measures, demonstrates a resolute commitment to raising awareness about antisemitism and its threat to American democracy, as well as protecting Jewish communities and fostering cross-community solidarity. We commend the Biden administration’s dedication to addressing the painful normalization of antisemitism and reversing its damaging impact. The ten highlighted actions underscore the multifaceted approach required to combat antisemitism effectively. The emphasis on Holocaust education, particularly in K-12 schools and college campuses, lays a vital foundation for nurturing understanding and eradicating bigotry…As rabbis dedicated to promoting understanding, justice, and compassion, we look forward to collaborating with the Biden administration, Congress, and all stakeholders involved to ensure the effective implementation of this timely and historic initiative.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Jewish Democratic Council of America: “We welcome the release of @POTUS’s national strategy to counter antisemitism — the most ambitious and comprehensive effort in U.S. history to fight antisemitism. We urge all Americans to support the President’s plan to combat rising antisemitism in America.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Sheila Katz, CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women: “The White House plan to combat antisemitism is unprecedented, necessary, and bold. This ambitious plan mobilizes all departments of government to address the alarming rate of antisemitic acts and hate speech. This approach also calls on actors across society — from Congress to the tech sector to college campuses — to take action. It is a scary time to be Jewish in America and we are grateful for this incredibly comprehensive strategy and look forward to its implementation.” [Statement, 5/25/23] 

Halie Soifer, CEO of Jewish Democratic Council of America: “President Biden’s national strategy to counter antisemitism is the most ambitious and comprehensive effort in U.S. history to fight this dangerous scourge of hate. We applaud President Biden, Vice President Harris, Second Gentleman Emhoff, Director of the Domestic Policy Council Rice, Homeland Security Advisor Sherwood-Randall, and Ambassador Lipstadt for their leadership on this critically important issue, and are proud to have been a part of the coalition of organizations that participated in listening sessions with the White House that led to the creation of this strategy.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn: “Thanks @POTUS for first National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism that is so urgently needed to combat the scourge of hate. We participated in the stakeholder discussions, and we commend the listening to all effected communities. https://whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/05/25/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-releases-first-ever-u-s-national-strategy-to-counter-antisemitism/. Thanks @SecondGentleman for your leadership in this initiative. And thanks @ShelleyGspan for the incredible work on this.” [Twitter Thread, 5/25/23]

World Jewish Congress: @POTUS and his administration have developed the first comprehensive plan across U.S. agencies to foster Jewish life and address rising antisemitism. [Tweet, 5/25/23]

European Union of Jewish Students: “We applaud the United States, and @StateSEAS & @SecondGentleman, in adopting their first-ever National Strategy to Combat #Antisemitism. The Jewish Federations of North America: The strategy demonstrates a strong commitment to protecting #Jewish communities and fostering inclusivity worldwide.” [Tweet, 4/25/23]

Ronald S. Lauder, President of World Jewish Congress: “President Biden and his administration have developed the first comprehensive plan across U.S. agencies to foster Jewish life and address rising antisemitism. The president’s leadership in directing the vast federal government to coordinate and act to protect Jewish Americans is unprecedented and essential in the fight against anti-Jewish hate. The World Jewish Congress is appreciative that the White House has incorporated specific points for which we advocated, and we commend the administration for elevating the voices of Jewish students, a WJC priority… I know that the Jewish community is personally important to President Biden – and that it has been throughout his life of public service. I want to thank him for bringing ‘the Delaware Way’ to Washington and for renewing his commitment to the Jewish people at home and abroad. Now, the real work begins.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

J Street: “J Street welcomes the Biden Administration’s new National Strategy for Combating Antisemitism… We commend the Biden administration for meeting with and listening to a wide range of Jewish communal stakeholders as they formulated this strategy, and for putting forward recommendations and policies that meet the needs and priorities of our community. We’re proud to stand and work alongside this administration in the struggle to confront antisemitism, and to overcome bigotry, discrimination and hate in all its forms.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Zioness: “Zioness applauds the Biden-Harris administration for this extraordinary, whole-of-government commitment. This is the first administration in American history to release a national plan to counter antisemitism—a plan long overdue, but urgently needed and greatly appreciated…From President Biden and Vice President Harris, to Second Gentleman Emhoff,  Ambassador Lipstadt, Ambassador Rice, Homeland Security Advisor Sherwood-Randall and White House Jewish Liaison Greenspan; to all the members of the U.S. government who worked on this plan, and all the diverse members of our community who helped make it possible, we say: Thank you profoundly. Now, let’s get to work to effectuate this remarkable strategy for the protection and advancement of us all.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Interfaith Alliance: “Interfaith Alliance today praised the Biden-Harris Administration’s historic launch of a national strategy to combat antisemitism and released a new toolkit that was featured in the Administration’s strategy. The Administration’s announcement of a whole-of-government approach to curb the rise of antisemitism marks a turning point in the federal government’s commitment to addressing this urgent issue. Cross-community efforts, like those critical to Interfaith Alliance’s mission, were featured as a key pillar of the Administration strategy.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Jamie Beran, CEO, Bend the Arc: “We all deserve to be safe while we walk down the streets of our neighborhoods or through the doors of our holy spaces. I’m heartened that the Biden administration has made dismantling antisemitism a national priority, and we applaud the White House for bringing in and hearing from a diverse range of voices from the Jewish community as part of the consultative process.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Julia Jassey, CEO and Co-Founder of Jewish on Campus: “Today’s release of the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism is historic in more ways than one. Not only is this the first time that any administration has created such a plan, but it is also the result of unprecedented Jewish student engagement. Jewish on Campus’ advocacy led directly to results that will impact the lives of Jewish students facing antisemitism across the country. From the first days of this administration, the door has been open to Jewish on Campus. Key leaders, from the Second Gentleman to Amb. Deborah Lipstadt, Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice and White House Jewish Liaison Shelley Greenspan, have repeatedly heard our voices and responded with the actionable steps that the administration laid out today, including those directly relating to campus antisemitism. Antisemitism takes on many different forms…Perhaps above all, today’s announcement is an important validation of our belief that when Jewish students are heard and their stories uplifted, positive change happens.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Mitchel Aeder, President of the Orthodox Union: “The promise of America is for people of all faiths to live safely and securely as full citizens of this nation.  The scourge of antisemitism is anathema to this basic American value. We thank President Biden for undertaking this effort and pray that the National Strategy will help curtail further manifestations of antisemitism.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Nathan Diament, Executive Director for Public Policy of The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America: “We are very grateful to President Biden for initiating this important effort and for the dedication and seriousness that Second Gentleman Emhoff, Amb. Rice, Dr. Sherwood-Randal, and Administration staffers across the Executive Branch brought to bear. The resulting ‘whole of government’ approach is, unfortunately, what we need right now, given the reality of rising antisemitism in the United States. We look forward to reviewing the plan even more closely in the coming days and working with the Administration to aggressively implement its action items.” [Article, 5/25/23]

Rabbi Jill Jacobs, CEO, T’ruah: “We are also glad to see the administration recognizes there are multiple definitions of antisemitism and focuses primarily on actions to counter antisemitism, rather than focusing on definitions. Definitions alone do not solve the problem of antisemitism. Codifying the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism – or any group’s definition – would have been a hindrance to protecting free speech and actual efforts to respond to antisemitic attacks. We are glad the Biden Administration heard this concern.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism: “We commend President Biden and the Administration for their thorough, all-encompassing effort to produce a strategy that is inclusive and recognizes the diversity and plurality of our Jewish communities and the threats they face online, in their day-to-day lives, and their communal life. The balance between responses that recognize the distinctive history, characteristics, and impacts of antisemitism and those that recognize the intersectional impacts of broader issues of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes is particularly encouraging.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: “Today, the White House released the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. The Museum is pleased to support this important strategy by advancing the relevance of the Holocaust for new generations and building the field of Holocaust education across the U.S.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Ann Toback, CEO of The Workers Circle: “The Workers Circle welcomes the White House National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism – a strong and helpful resource in the fight against a growing threat not only to our Jewish community but to our nation’s democracy overall. White nationalism, fascism, and other extremist ideologies hold anti-semitic hatred at their core and this hatred fuels anti-democratic actions and violence. The White House strategy recognizes this reality…We are further gratified that although the White House references the IHRA definition of antisemitism–a definition rejected by Workers Circle – it is viewed as only one definition among several. As an organization focused on demanding democracy and fighting fascism, we deeply appreciate the strong and outspoken Biden-Harris Administration commitment to fighting antisemitism, bigotry, and other threats to democracy and look forward to being part of this much-needed effort…” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Six Local Grassroots Progressive Jewish Groups on Biden Administration National Strategy on Antisemitism: “…We applaud the administration for adopting many of our recommendations, from understanding antisemitism in the context of Islamophobia and other forms of oppression to emphasizing the need to build coalitions across communities and protect freedom of speech and expression. We appreciate that they are clear-eyed about the threats to Jewish communities from white nationalists and violent extremists — and about the urgency of bringing communities together instead of pitting us against each other. We remain deeply concerned about approaches to protect our communities that rely on increased policing, surveillance, and other carceral approaches that grant false promises of safety to some at the expense of others…” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Jews for Racial & Economic Justice: “We applaud the administration for adopting many of our recommendations, from understanding antisemitism in the context of Islamophobia and other forms of oppression to emphasizing the need to build coalitions across communities and protect freedom of speech and expression. We appreciate that they are clear-eyed about the threats to Jewish communities from white nationalists and violent extremists — and about the urgency of bringing communities together instead of pitting us against each other. We remain deeply concerned about approaches to protect our communities that rely on increased policing, surveillance, and other carceral approaches that grant false promises of safety to some at the expense of others.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Combat Antisemitism Movement: “The @WhiteHouse has just released the first-ever U.S. national strategy to combat antisemitism. Thank you @POTUS, @SecondGentleman, @StateSEAS, and @AmbRice46 for putting together this comprehensive plan and reiterating the Biden Administration’s embrace of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism.Watch the launch ? https://youtube.com/watch?v=Pm6p115m6tM.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Southern Poverty Law Center: “Antisemitism is an animating feature of white nationalism. SPLC welcomes the release of the White House National Strategy on Antisemitism. To confront white supremacy and domestic extremism, we must address antisemitism. Read more: https://bit.ly/3MxQMbv.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission’s coordinator on combating antisemitism: “Pleased by today’s release of first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism announced by @POTUS Delighted to share ??EU’s experience of 2021 #EUAntisemitismStrategy & looking forward to building on this fruitful cooperation with @StateSEAS & @SecondGentleman.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Ambassador Michael Herzog: “I would like to congratulate the Biden administration for publishing the first ever national strategy to combat antisemitism. Thank you, @POTUS, for prioritizing the need to confront antisemitism in all its forms. We welcome the re-embracing of @TheIHRA definition which is the gold standard definition of antisemitism. Less than a century after the Holocaust, rising antisemitism in America and across the globe is cause for alarm. This report is an important first step in the long fight against this venomous hate.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Agudath Israel of America: “Agudath Israel of America congratulates the Biden Administration in the wake of the release of its National Strategy to Combat Antisemitism. It is a historic, comprehensive, “all-of-government,” initiative that seeks to fight Jew-hatred and its various ugly manifestations. Equally important, it sends a clear message that the United States – in its fundamental values, laws, and policies – finds antisemitism an unmitigated evil that is repugnant and intolerable and must be rooted out of the mindset and actions of American society…Finally, Agudath Israel expresses its deep personal appreciation to President Joe Biden, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, Ambassador Susan Rice, Dr. Liz Sherwood-Randall, and Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt, among so many, for their vision, commitment, and extraordinarily hard work in undertaking and completing this initiative. We are proud to have been a contributing partner in this endeavor, invited to participate in several sessions at the White House and federal agencies with these and other officials to offer our thoughts and perspectives, and to engage in in-depth discussions, regarding the nature of the dangers facing the Jewish community in general and the unique threats to our Orthodox constituency in particular. We remain committed to this outstanding initiative and to working with the Biden Administration in helping it live up to its great promise.” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Simon Wiesenthal Center: “The Simon Wiesenthal Center applauds President Biden’s speech committing the United States and all the relevant federal agencies to fight anti-Semitism and to urge internet companies to take specific action against the continued use of their powerful platforms in mainstreaming Jew hatred. We also applaud the call for the involvement of faith leaders to take action against anti-Semitism and the Simon Wiesenthal Center and its renowned Museum of Tolerance, institutions committed over decades to this fight, to do its share in working together with the government, faith leaders and social media companies to defeat the scourge of anti-Semitism that threatens not only our community but the foundations of our democracy,” stated Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action…” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Margaritis Schinas, European Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life: ” I warmly welcome today’s launch of the US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. Building on that and on our EU Strategy adopted in 2021, we have a historic opportunity to step up transatlantic cooperation and global efforts to combat #antisemitism and foster Jewish life.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO of The International Legal Forum: “My full quote to @Jerusalem_Post on behalf of @The_ILF regarding the White House national strategy to counter #antisemitism. ‘The International Legal Forum (ILF) applauds the White House on the release of its comprehensive national strategy on combating antisemitism and reaffirming once and for all, that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition, as the sole indispensable definition.’” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

National Jewish Leadership Statement (31 signatories): “…The White House engaged with a wide array of stakeholders and conducted exhaustive inter-agency policy development, culminating in today’s unveiling of the Administration’s national strategy…The Administration’s strategy also incorporates a commitment to respect the civil rights and liberties of all Americans. The fight against antisemitism need not infringe on the freedom of speech, a fundamental pillar of our democracy. On the contrary, the Administration’s efforts to strengthen our democracy weaken antisemitism’s growing foothold. We applaud the Administration for its decisive, comprehensive actions to counter antisemitism. As President Biden has said: “Evil will not win. Hate will not prevail. The venom and violence of antisemitism will not be the story of our time.” Through this national strategy, our nation will continue to make essential strides in countering the scourge of antisemitism as it moves toward justice and equality for all its citizens…” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Michael Masters, National Director and CEO, Secure Community Network

“The Biden Administration’s comprehensive National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism is an important and meaningful step toward recognizing and mitigating the most complex and dynamic threat environment Jewish Americans have ever faced in this nation’s history. The Secure Community Network (SCN) wishes to recognize and applaud the Administration for engaging in extensive dialogue with the community on its efforts; SCN is grateful for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Strategy, recommending best-practice measures that will help enhance the safety and security of Jewish organizations and communities. We are particularly encouraged by The White House’s commitment to increased non-profit security grant funding, their call for additional funding to help communities beyond the current investment, and their interagency effort to improve information-sharing and hate crimes reporting. Continued monitoring of threats and incidents — such as occurs through SCN’s Jewish Security Operations Command Center (JSOCC) and collaboratively with key partners like Federations and the ADL — identifies the need for efforts by social media companies to take a more active role in addressing the threats of violence that permeate their platforms. We are eager to continue working with the White House, Congress, and federal agencies to create a proactive, protective shield over the Jewish community in the United States and advanced our shared vision for ‘tikkun olam’ — a repairing of the world — so that Jews no longer have to fear hate, violence, and discrimination in their daily lives.”

Bruce Hoffman, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations: “Landmark U.S. National Strategy To Counter Antisemitism just released by the White House.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]

Mark Mellman, President and CEO of Democratic Majority for Israel: “DMFI applauds the Biden-Harris Administration for its comprehensive, innovative, and whole-of-society U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, the first of its kind in American history. A first step in combatting antisemitism is defining it. Early on, the Biden-Harris Administration ‘enthusiastically embrace[d]’ the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism and its examples and has done so again today…We thank the Administration for prioritizing the fight against antisemitism and all forms of bigotry from day one. Following years of an alarming rise in antisemitic acts, Holocaust distortion, right-wing violent extremism, and anti-Zionist antisemitism across the country — including a record-high number of hate acts and crimes against Jews reported to the FBI in 2021 ­— the Biden-Harris Administration is taking concrete action to identify and combat antisemitism with this vitally important strategy…” [Statement, 5/25/23]

Joel Rubin, President of Washington Strategy Group: “NATSEC Thought of the Day: @POTUS is a true leader in the fight against hate, having created the 1st ever National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. This brilliant, serious work is the kind of leadership that both our Jewish community & democracy deserve. https://whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/U.S.-National-Strategy-to-Counter-Antisemitism.pdf.” [Tweet, 5/25/23]


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