Remarks by President Biden, Prime Minister Kishida, Prime Minister Modi, and Prime Minister Albanese at the Third In-Person Quad Leaders’ Summit

8:43 P.M. JST

PRIME MINISTER ALBANESE: Well, good evening, everyone. I’m very honored to be convening the third in-person Quad Leaders’ Summit here in Hiroshima. And I want to thank, particularly, Fumio, but also President Biden and Prime Minister Modi as well for showing how we are indeed an outcomes-focused grouping that can get things done and can be flexible to make sure that we achieve these outcomes.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: (Laughs.) Well said.

PRIME MINISTER ALBANESE: It’s an example — it’s an example of our resolve and also, I think, a clear statement of how important we regard the Quad as being an essential component.

My first act one year ago tomorrow, indeed, was — after being sworn in as prime minister — was to fly to Tokyo to represent Australia in Japan at the second Quad Leaders’ Summit. And I will never forget the very warm and generous welcome that I had after my election. I can’t think of any better way to begin a prime-ministership than a gathering of such important friends from our region.

One year on, I’m absolutely delighted to be amongst close friends again here in Japan to continue our important work, standing together for an open, stable, secure, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region, a region where sovereignty is respected and all countries large and small benefit from a regional balance that keeps the peace.

Respect for the leadership of regional institutions, including ASEAN, the Pacific Island Forum, and the Indian Ocean Rim Association is central to our approach. And our vision statement that we will release tonight sets out the principles for our engagement in the region.

Through the Quad’s positive, practical agenda, we are taking action to address shared challenges.

Together, we are leveraging our collective strengths and offering support to the region, which will be enhanced by the outcomes that we hope to agree on tonight.

So, thank you, everyone, for gathering. And I will now hand to Prime Minister Modi for his opening comments.

PRIME MINISTER MODI: (As interpreted.) Your Excellencies, Prime Minister Albanese, Prime Minister Kishida, and President Biden: I am very pleased to be taking part in this Quad summit today and to be among friends. The Quad group has established itself as an important platform for peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.

There is no doubt at all about the fact that the Indo-Pacific region is the engine for global trade, innovation, and development.

We agree that the security and success of the Indo-Pacific is important not just for this region but for the entire world. We are moving forward with a constructive agenda based on shared democratic values.

Through our shared efforts, we are giving a practical dimension to our vision for a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Climate action, disaster management, strategic technologies, reliable supply chains, health security, maritime security, counterterrorism are examples of areas in which our positive cooperation is increasing.

Today, several countries and groups are announcing the Indo-Pacific strategic — strategy and vision. During our meeting today, we will have the opportunity to discuss subjects related to the inclusive and people-centric development of this entire region.

I believe the Quad will continue to work for global good, for the welfare of mankind, and for peace and prosperity.

I commend and congratulate Prime Minister Albanese for successfully chairing this summit.

We will be pleased to host the Quad Leaders’ Summit in India in 2024.

Thank you.

PRIME MINISTER ALBANESE: Well, thank you very much, Prime Minister Modi. I now turn to Prime Minister Kishida.

PRIME MINISTER KISHIDA: (As interpreted.) Thank you, Anthony. The Chair mentioned that one year has passed since our summit in Tokyo. During this one-year period, Russia’s outrage has continued, and the security environment has become even more severe. Free and open international order based on the rule of law is under threat.

All the more so because we live under such harsh situation, it is meaningful that we get together to demonstrate to the world once again the solidarity of the Quad and our strong commitment to our common vision towards a free and open Indo-Pacific — FOIP — that we would like to drive the world towards an international community of cooperation and not of division and confrontation.

Without striving together with regional countries, FOIP cannot be attained. We will listen to the voices of regional countries of the ASEAN, South Asia, and Pacific Island states to engage in practical cooperation which delivers true benefits to the region as a force for good.

I hope today’s discussion will give us another momentum to further spur our efforts.

Thank you.

PRIME MINISTER ALBANESE: Thank you very much (inaudible).

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, gentlemen, thank you for accommodating the change of location — particularly you, Mr. Prime Minister. I — Prime Minister Albanese, especially for your impressive leadership of the Quad this year and your gracious flexibility in holding the meeting here — again, in Japan.

The — you know, while our setting today is different than our — our mission remains the same. And that is to advance our vision of a free, open, secure, and prosperous Indo-Pacific and — and to demonstrate the capacity of democracies to deliver — to deliver on the shared — in a shared region.

I think people are going to look back at this — the Quad in, God willing, 10, 20, 30 years from now and say it changed the dynamic not only of the region, but the world.

And while — while the setting today is different, you know, in our last two years, we made enormous progress, in my view. We’re now launching new initiatives to keep that progress going, from projects to build secure telecommunications in the Pacific region, to strengthen our cooperation in submarine cables, new joint efforts between our private sectors to invest in infrastructure and clean energy projects in the region.

And I’m also proud that — of the work we’ve done with our partners of the — of the ASEAN and Pacific Islands. Matter of fact, I was with one of our counterparts today at the larger meeting, and — he’s part of the ASEAN countries — and he said, “I think the Quad is a very good idea.” Remember, at the beginning, it was — how it was going to be greeted.

But — and so, it’s — I feel good. I think a great deal of the future of our world is going to be written here in the Indo-Pacific. And together, I think we’re going to continue to ensure that the future provides more opportunity, prosperity, and stability than anything else.

So I want to thank you again for your strong partnership and friendship. And I apologize again for the change in plans. But thank you for accommodating this, and I look forward to our conversations tonight.

Thank you.

PRIME MINISTER ALBANESE: Thank you, Mr. President. We will now move to a closed meeting.

8:53 P.M. JST

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