WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Leading Doctors, Researchers, Advocates, and More Applaud President Biden’s Nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as NIH Director

Today, President Biden announced his intention to nominate Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as Director of the National Institutes of Health. Bertagnolli – who currently serves as Director of the National Cancer Institute – is a world-renowned surgical oncologist, cancer researcher, educator, and physician-leader.

In a statement, President Biden said, “Dr. Bertagnolli has spent her career pioneering scientific discovery and pushing the boundaries of what is possible to improve cancer prevention and treatment for patients, and ensuring that patients in every community have access to quality care… Dr. Bertagnolli is a world-class physician-scientist whose vision and leadership will ensure NIH continues to be an engine of innovation to improve the health of the American people.”

Throughout her career, Dr. Bertagnolli has been at the forefront of clinical and research oncology and championed collaborative initiatives to transform the data infrastructure for cancer research. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and a past president and chair of the board of directors of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A wide range of physician and research leaders, patient groups, and health advocates from around the nation celebrated the President’s nomination. Here’s what they are saying:

Dr. Clifford A. Hudis, Chief Executive Officer, American Society of Clinical Oncology: “We are delighted that Dr. Bertagnolli will be nominated to lead the National Institutes of Health. Her experience in all aspects of medical research, clinical care, and commitment to advancing science, as well as her own experience as a patient, make her an ideal leader for the nation’s top federal medical research agency at this exciting time in science. Her role shepherding the ambitious Cancer Moonshot initiative, including the recent launch of the National Cancer Plan, clearly demonstrates her ability to take an inspiring vision and create real and meaningful action. Dr. Bertagnolli has the ideal combination of scientific background, medical experience, and dynamic leadership skills required to lead NIH. She is an authentic, bold force for patients and for science. We enthusiastically endorse her selection and look forward to working with her to further our shared goals to advance U.S. medical research.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

American Society of Clinical Oncology: “We proudly endorse @POTUS’s intent to nominate @NCIDirector @bertagnollimm as next Director of @NIH. She’s an accomplished cancer surgeon & researcher w deep expertise in community-based cancer research. She’s also a featured speaker at #ASCO23 next month.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Dr. Phillip D. Greenberg, President, American Association for Cancer Research: ““Dr. Bertagnolli will bring to the NIH a strong appreciation for the value and importance of basic science to advancing translational research and clinical discoveries. Her impeccable credentials as a researcher and clinician, along with her staunch commitment to patients, will help ensure that the NIH continues to lead the way in supporting biomedical research that is so vital for preventing disease, improving health, and reducing suffering from illness.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

Dr. Margaret Foti, CEO, American Association for Cancer Research: “I offer my heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Bertagnolli on her nomination. The @AACR is confident that her leadership in the cancer research community will translate well to such a key position and that the NIH will remain a vital force advancing lifesaving medical breakthroughs.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

American Association for Cancer Research: “The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) congratulates @NCIDirector Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD, on her nomination by @POTUS Biden to serve as director of the National Institutes of Health – @NIH.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Dr. Karen E. Knudsen, CEO, American Cancer Society and the American Cancer Society Action Network: “ACS and ACS CAN strongly support this choice as the next NIH director. Dr. Bertagnolli is not only an exceptional surgical oncologist, innovative scientist, and leader with a strong track record of transforming organizations, she also has firsthand knowledge of the patient perspective as well. Dr. Bertagnolli understands not only the importance of advancing discovery but the criticality of ensuring that innovation is accessible to all. A fierce advocate for addressing healthcare disparities, particularly in underserved and rural communities, she played a key role in helping to advance the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)’s work on Medicaid expansion. We wholeheartedly applaud the announcement from President Biden for this outstanding choice and ACS CAN calls on the U.S. Senate to swiftly confirm Dr. Bertagnolli’s nomination.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

American Cancer Society: “ACS applauds the formal nomination of @NCIDirector

 Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as the new Director of @NIH. This role is critical to ensuring ongoing innovation in medical research, and she could not be a better choice to lead the NIH into a bold future.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

American Cancer Society Action Network: “Together with @AmericanCancer, we applaud @POTUS’ announcement of @NCIDirector Dr. Bertagnolli to @NIH

 Director! We look forward to working with @bertagnollimm —a fierce advocate for addressing health disparities—to end cancer as we know it, for everyone.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Dr. Sudip S. Parikh, CEO and Dr. Keith Yamamoto, President, American Association for the Advancement of Science: “We strongly support the nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as the next director of the National Institutes of Health. As an accomplished physician-scientist, Dr. Bertagnolli has the credentials and personal experience to bring new vision at a critical juncture for NIH to define its role in the evolving and expanding biomedical innovation ecosystem. Her rare combination of clinical and data science research expertise together with the lived experience of her journey as a patient will bring a vital perspective to NIH. That experience will be invaluable as NIH enhances its fundamental science and technology discovery mission while pursuing integrated health- and disease-focused translational investigations. Simply put, Dr. Bertagnolli is the director NIH needs now.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

American Association for the Advancement of Science: “AAAS applauds the nomination of @bertagnollimm as the next NIH director. Her unique combination of credentials and personal experience make her “simply put…the director NIH need now.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Association of American Cancer Institutes: “AACI commends the Biden administration on its nomination of @theNCI Director and surgical oncologist Monica Bertagnolli, MD, as the next director of the @NIH. We congratulate Dr. Bertagnolli on this well-deserved appointment.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Dr. Geraldine M. Jacobson, Chair of the Board of Directors, American Society for Radiation Oncology: “ASTRO applauds the nomination of cancer expert Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to lead the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Bertagnolli is a strong advocate for research, innovation and equity, as her work at the helm of the National Cancer Institute demonstrates. The radiation oncology community looks forward to working with Dr. Bertagnolli in her new role at the NIH on efforts to improve American health care, such as initiatives to increase clinical trial diversity and accelerate research toward cancer cures. Given that more than half of people diagnosed with cancer will receive radiation therapy, we are particularly eager to work with her to ensure that radiation oncologists contribute meaningfully to achieving President Biden’s goal of reducing cancer mortality by 50% over the next 25 years. We believe that Dr. Bertagnolli is the ideal person to lead the NIH at this critical time, and we urge the Senate to confirm her nomination as soon as possible.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

American Society for Radiation Oncology: “ASTRO congratulates @NCIDirector Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD, on her nomination by @POTUS Biden to serve as director of the National Institutes of Health” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Barbara R. Snyder, President, Association of American Universities: “We welcome President Biden’s nomination of Monica Bertagnolli to serve as the director of the National Institutes of Health. Bertagnolli is an innovative leader in oncology clinical research who has, for decades, championed collaborative initiatives to expand access to care and promoted strategies to improve clinical research data infrastructure. She is extremely well-suited to lead the NIH and is held in high regard by her fellow physician-scientists, as evidenced by her election to the National Academy of Medicine.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

Association of American Universities: “We welcome @POTUS’ nomination of @bertagnollimm to serve as the director of @NIH. With degrees from @Princeton and @UUtah, Dr. Bertagnolli is a leader in oncology research who has championed initiatives expanding access to care.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Dr. David J. Skorton, President and CEO and Dr. Ross McKinney Jr., Chief Scientific Officer,  Association of American Medical Colleges: “The AAMC commends President Biden on his intent to nominate Monica Bertagnolli, MD, as director of the National Institutes of Health. In her current role as director of the National Cancer Institute at the NIH, and as a surgeon previously at the Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center and professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Bertagnolli has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to improving people’s health by advancing medical science.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

Association of American Medical Colleges: “We commend @POTUS for his intent to nominate as the @NIH director, Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to improving people’s health by advancing medical science. We urge the Senate to confirm @NCIDirector @bertagnollimm” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Dr. Atul Grover, Executive Director, Association of American Medical Colleges Research and Action Institute: “The @NIH plays a critical role in improving the health and well-being of families and communities through… medical research conducted by 300,000 researchers at universities, medical schools, and research institutions in every state in the nation” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Mark Becker, President, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities: “We are very pleased that President Biden has nominated Monica Bertagnolli to serve as Director of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Bertagnolli is a gifted surgeon and trailblazing research leader whose personal and professional experience positions her to lead NIH at a critical time. Collaborating with public research universities and others, NIH plays an instrumental role in driving discoveries that prevent disease, improve quality of life, and save lives. We call on the Senate to quickly confirm Dr. Bertagnolli and look forward to working with her as she works to enhance the world’s leading biomedical research agency.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities: “@POTUS has nominated Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to serve as Director of @NIH. We call on the Senate to quickly confirm Dr. Bertagnolli and look forward to working with her as she works to enhance the world’s leading biomedical research agency.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology: “FASEB applauds President Biden on his nomination of Monica Bertagnolli as the next Director @NIH. Her leadership @theNCI and her distinguished career as a physician scientist will be invaluable assets to NIH and the biomedical research community.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Mary Wooley, President and CEO, and Dr. Sudip Parikh, Board Chair, Research!America: We applaud President Biden for announcing his intent to nominate Monica Bertagnolli, MD, as Director of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Bertagnolli is a leader who brings vision, hands-on-experience, and heart to a role that demands all three attributes. Strong, visionary leadership is a hallmark of NIH, and we are confident Dr. Bertagnolli will continue that storied legacy. The potential created by past research investment opens the door to unprecedented medical and public health progress. We believe Dr. Bertagnolli is the right leader at the right time to ensure NIH fulfills its crucial role in the public-private sector R&D ecosystem, paving the way for desperately needed solutions for deadly and debilitating health threats. Our nation will be well served by her leadership, and we urge Congress to act quickly to confirm her nomination as soon as possible.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

Ellen Sigal, Chair and Founder, Friends of Cancer Research: “At this critical time for innovation at the NIH, Dr. Bertagnolli will be the visionary leader we need. Dr. Bertagnolli is a physician scientist and a patient herself, and deeply understands the intricacies and personal impact of biomedical research. In a short period of time, she has proven her leadership at the NCI, and I have no doubt she will do the same at the helm of NIH.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

Friends of Cancer Research: “Congratulations @NCIDirector on your nomination as the next @NIH Director! Great choice @POTUS!” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Michael Sapienza, CEO, Colorectal Cancer Alliance: “The Colorectal Cancer Alliance supports President Biden’s nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli for Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Bertagnolli’s transformative work as the Director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and her unwavering commitment to advancing cancer research align with the Colorectal Cancer Alliance’s mission to end colorectal cancer in our lifetime.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

Donna Cryer, Founder and CEO, Global Liver Institute: “All of us here at the Global Liver Institute are grateful for President Biden nominating Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to be the next NIH director. We appreciate that Dr. Bertagnolli is a cancer survivor and will continue to drive forward the Cancer Moonshot goals to end cancer as we know it. With her background coming from rural America, she brings to the job a fundamental recognition of the challenges facing people who struggle to access health care. We share her concern that clinical trials need to be more diverse, a significant challenge for liver disease and cancers that disproportionately affect people of color. We are excited to work with Dr. Bertagnolli as she leads NIH with a focus on collaboration, as she has demonstrated in her leadership of the National Cancer Institute. “ [Statement, 5/15/23]

Colorectal Cancer Alliance: “Patients and caregivers served by the Colorectal Cancer Alliance would benefit from Dr. Bertagnolli’s [@NCIDirector] service in this role, and we stand behind this nomination.” -@coloncancermike, CEO of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

National Organization for Rare Disorders: “On behalf of the #RareDisease community, congratulations Dr. Bertagnolli on being nominated as Director of the @NIH.  As an oncologist & current Director of @theNCI, Dr. Bertagnolli is familiar with challenges facing our community.  We look forward to continuing to work closely.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Jason Resendez, President and CEO, National Alliance for Caregiving: “We applaud the nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Her experience as a physician-scientists, cancer survivor, and family caregiver put her in a unique position to advance the NIH’s mission and to improve the health of the American people, including the 53 million unpaid family caregivers who too often get overlooked in research and care.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

National Alliance for Caregiving: “We are thrilled to see a family caregiver nominated to this essential role and urge her swift confirmation.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Sally Greenberg, CEO, National Consumers League: “Dr. Bertagnolli brings so much experience to this post. She is a physician, scientist, and a patient herself, so she has seen all sides of the issues facing patients and the NIH. We would be fortunate indeed to have someone of Dr. Bertagnolli stature and accomplishments leading the NIH. NCL believes that Dr. Bertagnolli is the right leader for this critical agency that advances public health. NCL supports her nomination and we urge the Senate to confirm her promptly.” [Statement, 5/15/23]

The National Consumers League: “The National Consumers League welcomes

@POTUS’s nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as the Director of the @NIH.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Renee D. Wegrzyn, Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health: Congratulations to my colleague @NCIDirector Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, nominated to become the new @NIH Director! I am excited to work with amazing #WomeninSTEM #WomeninScience to accelerate health outcomes for all.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Atul Gawande, Assistant Administrator for Global Health, United States Agency for International Development: “A fantastic nomination. Monica is an exceptional leader, renowned clinical scientist, and a great friend. @NIH will be in good hands with her at the helm.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Hon. Anthony Lee Coelho, Former House Majority Whip, Lifelong Disability Rights Advocate: “The @WhiteHouse ensuring seat at the table in decisions affecting ppl w/ #disabilities by nominating Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to be the

@NIH Director!  She has a son w/ autism, is a cancer survivor, & skilled surgeon and researcher. Her rural background & focus on clinical trial diversity will help NIH advance research going beyond “one-size-fits-all.” She understands the factors increasing risk of disease for people w/ #disabilities & ensuring the agency’s research agenda is responsive.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Elad Sharon, MD, Co-Chair, Cancer Moonshot Adult Immunotherapy Implementation Team, National Cancer Institute: “@NCIDirector was just nominated by @POTUS to be the @NIHDirector … Congrats to #MonicaBertagnolli! She is the visionary leader that @NIH and all of medicine needs!” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

Princeton University: “Congrats to @bertagnollimm ’81 on being nominated by

@POTUS to serve as Director of @NIH. Dr. Bertagnolli is currently Director of

@theNCI, the first woman to serve in the position. At Princeton, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.” [Tweet, 5/15/23]

University of Utah: “Congratulations to @UofUMedicine alumna Monica Bertagnolli on her nomination to be Director of the National Institutes of Health! She was the first female director of the National Cancer Institute and, if confirmed, would be the 2nd woman to lead @NIH” [Tweet, 5/15/23]


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