WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Members of Congress And Organizations Rally Around Julie Su’s Nomination

Julie Su’s performance in today’s Senate nomination hearing to become the Secretary of Labor was greeted with enthusiasm and support from members of Congress, labor organizations, business groups, and community leaders. These individuals and groups called for her swift confirmation touting her qualifications, leadership of the Department of Labor, and thoughtful engagement with stake holders across the board.

As Acting Secretary Su said during her hearing today, “when he announced my nomination for U.S Secretary of Labor, the President called me ‘the American Dream.’ My parents believed in it, I benefited from it, and I want to do my part to make sure it is a reality for workers across the nation.”

See below for what they are saying:

Congressional Leaders And Caucuses

Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC): “@POTUS called Julie Su “the American Dream.” The daughter of immigrants, she knows what America’s diverse workforce needs to succeed. She is imminently qualified to be our nation’s next Labor Secretary, and CAPAC remains in complete support of her swift confirmation.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Democratic Women’s Caucus: “Julie Su has spent her career fighting to protect workers’ rights, and she understands that supporting working women will help build a stronger, more fair economy for everyone. She’s the champion we need leading the Department of Labor.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Minnesota Senator Tina Smith: “Julie Su has spent her career dedicated to creating American jobs and supporting America’s workforce.    She’s served brilliantly as Marty Walsh’s deputy and should be confirmed — that way we can keep building an economy that works for everyone.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Congresswoman Rep. Lois Frankel, Co-Chair of Democratic Women’s Caucus: “Through her decades of fighting for workers & her past two years as Deputy Secretary at @USDOL, Julie Su is a qualified & excellent choice to be our next Secretary of Labor. I join all groups & leaders calling to #ConfirmSu.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

California Senator Alex Padilla: “Julie Su is a strong champion for workers everywhere—and after years of exemplary public service to California and the nation, she is more than qualified to lead @USDOL. I was honored to introduce her today to @HELPCmteDems.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Mastro: “Julie Su is a fierce ally for working families, and she’s the kind of leader we need at @USDOL. I look forward to voting to confirm her nomination soon so she can continue fighting for workers across the country.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

California Congressman Mark Takano: “Confirming @JulieSuCA as @USDOL Secretary will ensure the American dream stays alive through her steadfast leadership prioritizing the protection of workers and working families. It’s time to #ConfirmSu.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

California Congressman Ted Lieu: “Julie Su did a great job as Deputy Secretary of Labor and her stellar track record will serve her well as Labor Secretary. She’s a fearless advocate for workers’ rights & fair labor practices, and has the support of small biz & labor leaders. Looking forward to her confirmation.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

California Congresswoman Linda Sanchez: “As Deputy Secretary of Labor, Julie Su has helped oversee a booming economic recovery and the strongest jobs market in 40 years. She has my full confidence to lead @USDOL, and I urge my Senate colleagues to confirm her nomination without delay.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Nevada Congresswoman Susie Lee: “Proud to join leaders from across the small business, labor, and AAPI communities in supporting @JulieSuCA’s historic nomination to lead @USDOL. Julie has a proven track record of creating jobs and supporting growth. I look forward to her swift confirmation.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

New Jersey Congressman Donald Norcross: “Julie Su has dedicated her life to looking out for those who didn’t have a voice at work. Her experience & expertise are critical to making the economy work for everyone.   The Senate recognized this in confirming her as assistant secretary and must now confirm her as Secretary. The Department of Labor’s work is critical to the health and safety of America’s working men and women, and Julie Su is the best person to lead our workforce.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

New York Congresswoman Grace Meng: “I am proud to support my friend, Julie Su, at her Senate confirmation hearing today for Secretary of Labor. She has the experience, background and skills to lead the @USDOL and ensure all American workers are protected under the law. #ConfirmSu” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Organizations Supporting Julie Su

AFL-CIO: “With Julie Su as Deputy Secretary of Labor, the @USDOL has RAPIDLY expanded apprenticeship opportunities for all Americans, from the trades to cybersecurity to teacher apprenticeships. These life-changing opportunities must continue & another reason why we #StandWithSu!” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT): “In Julie Su’s confirmation hearing, @SenatorBaldwin highlights how Su is an ally for all workers. “Your nomination is supported by the #Teamsters – representing 340k UPS workers, for whom the largest private sector employers’ collecting bargaining agreement expires this year.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Mary Kay Henry, President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU): “From serving as California’s Labor Secretary during the pandemic to serving as U.S. Deputy Labor Secretary during our record economic recovery, Julie Su has demonstrated her commitment to championing the rights of all working people. That’s why working people are coming together across racial, occupational and geographical lines to call on the Senate to quickly confirm Acting Secretary Su as our next U.S. Secretary of Labor. […] During my time working with Julie Su on California’s Future of Work Commission, I saw first hand how effective she is in engaging business leaders and working in partnership to create a brighter and more equitable future.” [Statement, 4/20/23]

IBEW: “Julie Su has dedicated her life to the cause of workers’ rights and good middle-class jobs. I know she will bring the dedication and passion she has shown throughout her career for working families as the next Labor Secretary.” #IBEW Pres. Kenny Cooper.” [Tweet, 4/20/23] 

Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA): “Julie Su has a proven track record of working across the aisle, sitting down with the business community as well as organized labor, and delivering strong results for the American economy.  #StandWithSu” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

American Federation of Teachers: “AFT has long fought for expanded, high-quality apprenticeship pathways. We value Julie Su’s track record of working with organized labor & businesses to create job training and apprenticeship opportunities that help workers pursue careers with family-sustaining wages. #ConfirmSu“[Tweet, 4/20/23] 

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM): “‘Her long record of standing with workers and promoting economic growth speaks for itself – she gets the work done’ – IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President @GVPSullivan” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

SMART Union: “We have dramatically expanded apprenticeships across the country … these make sure not only job seekers, particularly young people, get the skilled training they need, but also [help] the employers who are looking for skilled workers. #1u” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA): “Julie Su is the most qualified candidate for this office since Frances Perkins. Serving 17 years as a civil rights attorney representing workers who are often invisible…we need a Labor Sec who has a proven record of fighting for workers and defending our rights.” #StandwithSu. [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Iron Workers Union (IW): “Julie Su is a fierce champion for working families. She will show up and put in work to continue helping the Biden Administration’s agenda to grow the American Economy. #StandWithSu. Julie Su has a proven track record of working across the aisle and advocating for organized labor. We know Su will deliver strong results for the American economy and working people!” #UnionStrong #Ironworkers #StandWithSu” [Tweet, 04/20/23]

Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Union (IUBAC): “Apprenticeships make sure not only the jobseekers, particularly young people, get the high quality #skilledtraining that they need, but also the employers who are looking for #skilledworkers to build roads & bridges that connect people. – Julie Su #ApprenticeshipWorks #1u” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

CWA Union: “The Senate should confirm Julie Su as the next Secretary of Labor without delay!” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME): @AFSCME President Lee Saunders: Julie Su’s record and passion for workers’ rights demonstrate that she is an outstanding choice for Secretary of Labor. #StandWithSu.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO: “Julie Su will level the playing field & hold businesses accountable as ⁦‪@USDOL⁩ Secretary of Labor. Corporations lobbying against her confirmation are scared of how she defends workers & can’t be bought. Our Senators must stand with working people & #StandWithSu!” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Edward Kelly, General President, International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF): “Throughout her career, Julie Su has delivered results for the people she serves – as an attorney, California Labor Secretary, and Deputy Secretary of @USDOL. She has always championed fairness, and fairness for workers is pivotal to the success of our economy and our country.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

John Samuelsen, International President, Transport Workers Union of America (TWU): “Working people deserve leaders in Washington who recognize our struggles, understand our efforts, and aren’t afraid to stand with us as we fight against unchecked corporate greed. Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su has proven time and again she is that leader, and she remains the most qualified candidate to serve as America’s next Secretary of Labor…. The TWU is proud to endorse Julie Su for Secretary of Labor and urges swift confirmation by the Senate.” [Statement, 04/20/23]

Unite Here: “UNITE HERE stands with Julie Su for DOL Secretary, encouraging her swift confirmation. In her tenure as Deputy Secretary, Su has seen through a vision of the most pro-union administration in decades, prioritizing workers’ issues over the boss’ agendas. #StandWithSu.” [Twitter Thread, 4/20/23]

D. Taylor, President, Unite Here: “We’re seeing surging illegal anti-union activities, loosening of child labor regs & other attempts to roll back workplace protections. The next DOL Secretary must boldly take on a deck stacked against workers. Julie Su’s experience makes her the person for the job. #StandWithSu.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

AFA-CWA: “Julie Su is the most qualified candidate for this office since Frances Perkins. Serving 17 years as a civil rights attorney representing workers who are often invisible…we need a Labor Sec who has a proven record of fighting for workers and defending our rights.” #StandwithSu.”[Tweet, 4/20/23]

Montana Nurses Association: “At MNA, nurses know that Julie Su is the right choice to lead the Department of Labor. She is dedicated and brings the experience necessary to do the job right. Mt workers deserve a Labor Department Secretary committed to economic growth that benefits workers. #ConfirmSu.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

John Arensmeyer, CEO, Small Business Majority: “After today’s nomination hearing in the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, we are confident in Acting Secretary Su’s ability to lead the U.S. Department of Labor. As highlighted during today’s hearing, Julie Su has a proven track record of working with the business community and organized labor. It’s important to note that her nomination should not be an argument that pits businesses against workers. Small businesses and employees often need the same access to benefits and policy solutions in order to thrive. We know through our previous work with Su that she understands this, and we believe that as Secretary of Labor, she will promote and support resources to attract and retain quality employees and help the business community grow. […] We believe Su will reinforce and advance the Department’s critical work by genuinely engaging with the small business community. We urge HELP to confirm her swiftly and advance her nomination to the full U.S. Senate for a vote.” [Statement, 4/20/23]

Small Business for America’s Future: “The small business community is pleased with the nomination of Julie Su as Labor Secretary. Her background as deputy secretary and her support for workers make her an excellent candidate for the role. […] We urge the U.S. Senate to swiftly approve her nomination, supporting the growth and success of small businesses.” [Statement, 4/19/23]

Marcella Medor MarCom, LLC (Butte, MT): “Small business owners are the backbone of our nation’s economy, and Julie Su’s track record of fighting for workers while understanding the needs of small business is precisely the kind of experience we need. I urge the Senate to support her confirmation.” [Statement, 4/19/23]

Mas Torito, Kokoro Restaurant (Denver, CO): “Small businesses thrive when workers are treated fairly and have access to good jobs. Julie Su excelled in her role as deputy secretary and her track record of supporting workers will make her well-suited for the role. We need the Senate to confirm Julie Su.” [Statement, 4/19/23]

Walt Rowen, Susquehanna Glass (Lancaster, PA): “Julie Su’s dedication to supporting workers and fostering a fair and just economy aligns perfectly with the needs of small businesses. Her experience enforcing these practices in California demonstrates her ability to excel as Labor Secretary. Our leaders must put politics aside and prioritize the well-being of American workers and small businesses by confirming Su.” [Statement, 4/19/23]

The Leadership Conferenceon Civil and Human Rights: “Julie Su is committed to ensuring that all working people are treated with dignity and are able to enjoy basic protections in the workplace. She possesses deep expertise in civil rights & workplace rights and is exceedingly qualified to serve. Let’s get her confirmed. #ConfirmSu” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS): “APAICS strongly supports acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su’s nomination to be the next U.S. Secretary of Labor. Su has proven herself to be a qualified leader, and we urge the Senate to quickly confirm her. #ConfirmSu” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

NARAL: “@JulieSuCA, a champion for working families, is the leader we need as our next Secretary of Labor. The Senate must #ConfirmSu.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Futures Without Violence: “If you care about building an economy that works for everyone, we urge you to call on your Senators to move forward with speedy nominations hearings and confirmation process for Julie Su as Secretary of Labor. #ConfirmSu.”[Tweet, 4/20/23]

National Immigration Law Center: “She’s been a champion for low-income, immigrant workers from the start of her career, and continues to fight for dignity and equity on the job. It’s a fact: As Secretary of Labor, Julie Su will be a champion for all workers.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]

Marielena Hinapie, Former Executive Director, of National Immigration Law Center: “Julie Su’s confirmation hearing for Secretary of Labor. All workers in US need Julie Su’s leadership now! https://help.senate.gov/hearings/nomination-of-julie-su-to-serve-as-secretary-of-labor.” [Tweet, 4/20/23]


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