Remarks by President Biden and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar of the Republic of Ireland Before Air Force One Departure

Ireland West Airport Knock
Charlestown, Republic of Ireland

11:39 P.M. IST

Q    How was your trip?

Q    Mr. President, how about that crowd?

Q    Did you like the rally, Mr. President?  Did you have a good time?  Did you have fun?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  The point I wanted to make is: There’s a lot at stake.  A lot at stake.  And I think the combination of Ireland — the whole island — Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the United States can change the way things occur on the continent.

And they’re really going to be — there’s significant opportunities.

Q    What did you — what did you hear from people on your visit here?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Nothing but “thank you” and a sense of optimism.  They thought the Taoiseach was going to be able to move things along.

Look, think about it.  Think about how much the economy is growing.  Think about what’s happening here.  Think about the technology.  Think about the — the cybersecurity capabilities. 

There’s a lot going on.  A great deal going on here.

Q    Any comment, Mr. President, on the arrest in the leaking case?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Yes, I’ve instructed the Department to make sure that they get to the root of why he had access in the first place, number one. 
And number two, to focus extensively on the extent to which it all occurred.  And that’s going on right now.  I have nothing to report beyond what’s already been reported.

Q    How long do you think that will take?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Well, I — there’s no way to predict how long an investigation will take.  But I don’t think it’s going to take very long.  I think we’re getting to the bottom of it quicker than (inaudible) —

Q    Can you tell us whether the last few days have changed your calculus on when you’ll make an announcement on your plans for 2024?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  No, no, no.  I — I’ve already made that calculus.  We’ll announce it relatively soon. 
But the trip here just reinforced my sense of optimism about what can be done.

Q    So you’ve made a decision, you just have to announce it?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  I told you: My plan is to run again.

Q    Did you learn anything new about your family over these past few days?

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, I learned a couple things.  I learned that there really are Hanafees in my dad’s side of the family, and they’re in Galway.  I didn’t get to see them all, but I —

And it was interesting that the Irish — I guess it’s the Irish Historical Society or whoever does the gene- —

TAOISEACH VARADKAR:  Yeah, the genealogical.  Yeah.

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  The Genealogical Society had some interesting things I didn’t know.  But, I mean — not fundamental.  But, look, we all came from somewhere.  (Laughs.)  And — unlike my Secretary of Interior.

But, anyway, it was a — it was a good trip.

Q    Are you sad — are you sad to leave?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  No, I’m anxious to get home.  I’m always — I love Ireland, I love the people, and I love working with the Taoiseach.  But, you know, home is where my heart is.  (Laughs.)  And it’s real. 
And I’m — I’m getting to go home home.  Because the Secret Service is working on my home in Delaware —

Q    In Wilmington?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  In Wilmington, yes.  You know, they’re just —

Q    What are they doing?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Oh, putting in some windows that are bulletproof.  That kind of thing they want to do. 
And so I’m going to be going home to the place we have in Rehoboth.  I’ve only been to it about 10 times.  And my wife said it was 86 degrees at home at the beach.

So, anyway, thank you all very much.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.

TAOISEACH VARADKAR:  It’s been a really great visit.  A lot of — a lot of work done.  And really appreciate the President giving us so much time.  So, thank you.

Q    Thank you.

11:43 P.M.

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