Letter from President Joe Biden on the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability

In our interconnected world, instability anywhere can have global repercussions. The security and prosperity of Americans here at home is directly connected to the security and economic health of people everywhere. Strife spills across borders. Violence and deprivation are driving a record number of people from their homes. The horrors of war unfolding in Ukraine, where Russian forces are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as in Yemen and Syria, remind us every day of the terrible human costs of conflict. And, as we have all experienced these past few years living through the COVID-19 pandemic and the accelerating impacts of the climate crisis, no nation can wall itself off from the shared challenges that are shaping our world.

Sadly, and all too often, the nations that are hit the hardest are also the ones that have the fewest resources to recover. American leadership and American commitment are critical to rallying the world to respond in times of crisis and to mitigate the impacts on communities around the world. At the same time, we recognize that the best strategy to save lives, build lasting stability, and disrupt the cycle of violence is to prevent conflicts before they happen. We must both continue to address the urgent demands of today, while also looking ahead to the investments we can make now that will deliver a more peaceful tomorrow for people everywhere—including in the United States. 

That is the goal of the Global Fragility Act, which Congress passed in 2019 with strong bipartisan support. Last year, my Administration announced our priority partner countries and an updated vision to implement the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability in line with the goals of the Global Fragility Act. And today, I am submitting to Congress the 10-year plans for implementing our strategy working together with our priority partners: Haiti, Libya, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, and Coastal West Africa, including Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, and Togo.

These plans represent a meaningful, long-term commitment by the United States to building the political and economic resilience of partner societies by making strategic investments in prevention to mitigate the underlying vulnerabilities that can lead to conflict and violence and are critical to achieving lasting peace.  The plans are a statement of our values, deeply rooted in America’s commitment to upholding human rights and strengthening democracy and good governance, and amplify the unsung work of prevention and capacity building, which often reflects the dedication of decades of dialogue and diplomacy. And, critically, they are built around local partnerships, elevating diverse voices, including the voices of women and young people, in recognition of the fact that those who are the closest to the challenges know best what is needed to bring about peace and progress. 

Each plan emphasizes collaboration and coordination across the U.S. Government and between the U.S. government and local and international partners, and leverages the full range of our diplomatic, development, and defense toolkit, while also being tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of each country and region. These investments in peace and prosperity will not only deliver returns for our priority partner nations in the decades ahead—they will foster greater stability, success, and security for nations everywhere and help advance progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals. As my Administration works to translate these plans from roadmaps into results, I look forward to continuing to work closely with Congress and with the civil society stakeholders who are driving this effort at all levels.

We stand at an inflection point in history—where the choices we make today will determine the shape of the world for generations to come. By bringing together long-term planning, locally-owned solutions, and vital American leadership now, I believe we will create a more peaceful and prosperous future for everyone.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. 


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