FACT SHEET: U.S.-Israel Strategic High-Level Dialogue on Technology

President Biden and Prime Minister Lapid launched the U.S.-Israel Strategic High-Level Dialogue on Technology in July to establish a partnership on critical and emerging technologies to bring the cooperation between the countries to new heights.  On September 28, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Israeli National Security Advisor Dr. Eyal Hulata led the first meeting of the Dialogue in Washington, DC. 

The U.S.-Israel technological partnership has never been stronger, and senior representatives from the White House National Security Council, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health and Human Services, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Science Foundation held discussions with senior representatives from the Israel National Security Council, the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Finance and the Embassy of Israel in the United States to expand our technological partnership to address global challenges and protect and promote our innovation ecosystems in line with our national interests, democratic principles, and human rights. 

To further our partnership, the United States and Israel decided to establish focused working groups to advance cooperation, utilizing existing collaboration mechanisms or creating new bilateral avenues on an as-needed basis. The United States and Israel look forward to reviewing progress on cooperation at the next meeting of the Dialogue in Israel in 2023.  

The United States and Israel took note of the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Presidium of Israeli Employers and Businesses to accelerate private sector cooperation.

Climate Change:

  • The United States and Israel intend to work together to accelerate technology development for climate change, including on:  
    • Clean and renewable hydrogen and solar based energy: Support research and development on hydrogen production, delivery, infrastructure, storage, fuel cells, and multiple end uses across transportation, industrial, and stationary power applications to support large-scale commercial hydrogen deployment projects.
    • Food security: Increase access to safe, affordable, and healthy food for all by advancing the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate through encouraging increased investment in and deployment of climate-smart agricultural technologies.
    • Prediction of extreme local weather events: Explore opportunities for development of improved extreme weather prediction and disaster risk reduction initiatives.
  • Israel and the United States intend to explore opportunities to support the deployment of clean energy technologies in low and middle income countries, in line with the priorities of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment.
  • The two countries welcomed next month’s Water Reuse Mission to Israel, which will bring nearly 50 Federal, State, and local officials working on water issues from around the country to increase U.S.-Israel practical collaboration on water reuse policies, scientific research, and methods and technologies. 
  • The United States and Israel intend to cooperate on battery supply chains at home for battery materials and technologies, and identify opportunities under the Inflation Reduction Act to cooperate on deployment and investment opportunities throughout the electric vehicle battery supply chain.

Pandemic Preparedness:   

  • The two countries look forward to signing next month a Memorandum of Understanding between the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the Israeli Ministry of Health to advance broad health cooperation, including on:
    • Health-related monitoring and analysis, technologies for health intelligence development, and models for forecasting events that can threaten public health.
    • Biomedical research in areas of diagnostics and treatment including genomic and molecular medicine.
    • Regulatory frameworks and import safety.  
  • Israel and the United States will work to enhance our public health ecosystem to share knowledge and work in public engagement during pandemics.
  • The two countries look forward to working together on global health security and pandemic preparedness in the Negev Forum Health Working Group and in other fora.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

  • The United States and Israel intend to support research and translational implementation to enable trustworthy AI in healthcare and share results, including for the treatment of veterans. This will include fair AI-driven health systems and smart health as well as facilitating the ability for health researchers to test the impacts of medicines and treatments.
  • The Israeli Ministry of Innovation Science and Technology, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology intend to share risk management approaches for trustworthy and responsible Al, in addition to advancing mutually supported international standards. These will support an approach that strives to create an environment for businesses to innovate and operate responsibly in the two countries and other likeminded countries. 
  • The United States and Israel will share results and lessons learned from trustworthy AI pilots and explore pathways for secure data sharing.
  • The two countries intend to support research to utilize AI to develop new crop varieties and new traits for seed breeding that have stronger tolerance to climate change.

Trusted Technology Ecosystems:

  • U.S. and Israeli counterparts decided on a workplan to manage risks to our respective technology ecosystems, including in research security, export controls, and investment screening.

The United States and Israel welcome the meeting between the National Quantum Coordination Office and the Israel National Quantum Initiative. The two countries plan to initiate experts’ discussions by hosting a delegation from Israel in the United States.


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