Readout of White House Meeting with State Legislative Leaders on Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Legislation

Building on President Biden signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law last month, today Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Senior Advisor to the President and White House Intergovernmental Affairs Director, Stefanie Feldman, Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, and Rosie Hidalgo, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor on Gender-Based Violence, convened a meeting on Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) laws with state legislative leaders from Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas. ERPOs – sometimes referred to as “red flag” laws – allow family members, law enforcement, or other responsible individuals to petition for a court order temporarily barring people in crisis from accessing firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others.

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act includes $750 million for states to implement crisis interventions such as ERPOs, fulfilling the President’s repeated call for this funding. Last year, the Justice Department took action to support states’ efforts to enact these laws by publishing model red flag legislation. The Department of Justice’s Extreme Risk Protection Order model legislation can be found here.

ERPOs reduce gun violence and save lives – and that is why they have earned bipartisan support. Currently, 19 states have ERPO laws. With federal funding on the way, now is the time for more states to pass ERPO laws and for all states to conduct more education and outreach to ensure that the public and law enforcement know when and how to seek an ERPO.

During the meeting, legislative leaders from Florida and Maryland shared how their states successfully passed ERPO laws. Legislative leaders from Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas shared their plans for advancing ERPO legislation. All participants discussed best practices for ERPO education and outreach campaigns.

State legislative leaders from today’s meeting included:

  • Maryland Speaker of the House Adrienne Jones
  • Kentucky Senate Minority Leader Morgan McGarvey
  • Former Florida Senate President Bill Galvano
  • Florida State Senator Lori Berman
  • Florida State Representative Christine Hunschofsky
  • Maryland State Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary
  • Maryland State Senator Jeff Waldstreicher
  • Minnesota State Representative Kelly Moller
  • Minnesota State Representative Dave Pinto
  • New Hampshire State Representative Debra Altschiller
  • Pennsylvania State Representative Jennifer O’Mara
  • Pennsylvania State Representative Todd Stephens
  • Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez


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