Statement by CEA Chair Cecilia Rouse on the Economic Report of the President

Today, I am pleased to announce that the Council of Economic Advisers has released the Economic Report of the President, which includes the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers. This Report demonstrates the robust economic progress we have made over the past year, and makes the case for the Administration’s economic policy priorities.

The Report begins with a reflection by President Biden on the Administration’s economic accomplishments over the 2021 calendar year and opportunities and challenges ahead. The Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers follows and includes seven chapters, a report on CEA’s activities in 2021, and statistical tables relating to income, employment, and production.

The Economic Report of the President

Chapter 1: The Public Sector’s Role in Economic Growth

Chapter 2: The Year in Review and the Years Ahead

Chapter 3: The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic

Chapter 4: Investing in People: Education, Workforce Development, and Health

Chapter 5: Barriers to Economic Equality: The Role of Monopsony, Monopoly, and Discrimination

Chapter 6: Building Resilient Supply Chains

Chapter 7: Accelerating and Smoothing the Clean Energy Transition

To view the Report, visit:

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