Wide Range of Constituencies Applaud President Biden’s State of the Union Address

In his first State of the Union, the President spoke directly to the American people about his vision to build a better America. He reminded the country that our best days lie ahead, and that his Presidency is about giving everyone a fair shot – because when given half a shot, ordinary people can do extraordinary things. The Biden-Harris Administration’s domestic agenda represents an historic shift from the old, outdated trickle-down approach to one that puts workers, families, and small businesses first.

The President also announced his unity agenda, consisting of four areas where we have historically been able to come together and find agreement regardless of party. He has called on Congress to send bills to his desk to deliver progress for the American people: to beat the opioid crisis, address mental health, support our veterans, and end cancer as we know it.

Over the next year, the Biden-Harris Administration will continue working to make communities safer, combat COVID, and create good-paying jobs through revitalized domestic manufacturing.

A wide range of constituencies and community leaders championed the President’s remarks.

Here’s what they are saying:

Asian Americans and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders

Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Director, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF): “We applaud President Biden for bringing visibility and support to the Asian American and Pacific Islander community during a time of heightened anti-Asian violence and rhetoric. We have been advocating for the President and other elected officials to acknowledge hate crimes against the AAPI community and it’s disproportionate impact on Asian American and Pacific Islander women. The recent tragic deaths in New York City and Albuquerque, nearly one year after the Atlanta Spa shootings, is yet another sobering reminder of the current state of safety for AAPI women.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Christine Chen, Executive Director, Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIA Vote): “Tonight, President Biden made two things clear: ending violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and fighting for voting rights remain high priorities for this administration. Despite the several challenges presented to the United States since he took office, we are pleased that our communities’ livelihood and our freedom to vote are at the forefront of his agenda. Anti-Asian hate has existed long before COVID-19, but the ongoing pandemic has exacerbated discrimination and violence towards AAPIs to dangerous levels. We were pleased when President Biden signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act into law last year, and reauthorized the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. We look forward to continuing to work with the White House on the issues that impact AAPIs’ everyday lives.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Juliet K. Choi, President and CEO, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF): “President Biden’s State of the Union highlighted historic firsts that his Administration has achieved, including the enactment of the bipartisan law to address anti-Asian hate. We applaud and echo the President’s calls on Congress to reform our country, making it affordable, safe and healthy for all Americans. This includes permanently reducing the cost of health insurance premiums, prescription drug prices and investing in mental health. The Biden-Harris administration has continuously put racial equity at the forefront of its policies, and we are encouraged to see the investments to ensure every community has access to the resources and tools to address our collective challenges, from COVID-19 to hate incidents to the cancer moonshot. We are inspired by President Biden’s vision for a better, healthier America, and look forward to continuing progress toward equity and justice.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Southeast Asia Resource Center (SEARAC): “President Biden’s vision for America is in stark contrast to the previous Administration, which actively undermined the health and wellbeing of Southeast Asian Americans. In particular, the President’s emphasis on parity between physical and mental health would help Southeast Asians who continue to struggle with trauma from the war, the ensuing generational trauma that lingers in our communities, and mental harm from increased anti-Asian violence. Holistic, well-funded health resources for Southeast Asian Americans that address the concerns of all community members – from increased access to mental health services for students, to support for older adults and those who are care for them – are essential to our community’s success in society, especially as we navigate the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and anti-Asian hate.” [Statement, 3/2/22]

Japanese American Citizens League (JACL): “Yesterday, President Joe Biden delivered his first State of the Union address, in which he called for bipartisanship and support for Ukraine. We applaud President Biden and his team for signing 80 bipartisan bills into law last year, including the Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act introduced by Representative Grace Meng and Senator Mazie Hirono.  We extend our appreciation for his commitment to “protecting Asian-Americans from still-too-common hate crimes,” and we look forward to continuing our work to monitor and ensure that elements of the Hate Crimes Act are implemented to best support and protect our Asian Pacific American communities. Japanese Americans have a long tradition of service to our country, most notably during WWII when Japanese American men served while their families remained incarcerated in American concentration camps. We praise President Biden’s pledge to provide comprehensive health care and benefits to veterans. Every veteran deserves the highest quality care, and we as a nation have too long neglected fulfilling this promise. Just as so many veterans struggle with mental health, so too have many more Americans due to the COVID pandemic, particularly children. We join the Biden Administration in their efforts to address the mental health pandemic that has accompanied COVID and affected our most vulnerable populations disproportionately.” [Statement, 3/2/22]

Seema Agnani, Executive Director, National CAPACD: “There has been a seismic shift in our country, which has presented the opportunity for real change and strong leadership; we have witnessed the Administration step into this role through unprecedented appointments to key agencies and boards, bold action against hate and racism, and advocacy on climate change. We commend the President for the spirit of hope and promise in the State of the Union, and we will continue to work closely with the Administration to deliver on the promise of opportunity, access, and inclusion for all Americans, as well as the commitment to advance racial justice.” [Statement, 3/2/22]

OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates: “Since day one, the Biden-Harris administration has worked to earn the trust of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander families, and their support is especially meaningful as our communities continue to combat tragic violence and pandemic health disparities. In less than a year, the president appointed a senior White House AANHPI community liaison, expanded the White House Initiative on AANHPIs, and signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act into law. Tonight’s brief but historic nod to our communities is important, and we look forward to engaging with the administration on the racial profiling of scholars of Asian descent and the work that lays ahead to truly protect AANHPI women, elders, and children.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF): “1/ BREAKING: Tonight, President Joe Biden took the unprecedented step of including the surge and escalation of violence and hate towards the AAPI community in his first #StateOfTheUnion address.” [Tweet thread, 3/1/22]

John C. Yang, Executive Director, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC: “As you can tell, I care deeply about what is being said right now.  I very much appreciate @POTUS recognizing that anti-Asian violence is “still too common.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC: “Thank you @POTUS for turning a spotlight during #SOTU22 on the continued hate and violence against Asian Americans, and recognizing that what our community has been experiencing is “still-too-common.” #StateOfTheUnionAddress” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC): “Parity between physical and mental health care? Yes, @POTUS! ? We support President Biden’s vision for a country where our diverse communities get the mental health care they desperately need.” [Tweet thread, 3/1/22]

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF): “Let’s close the coverage gap and make these savings permanent.” – @potus #SOTU #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Indian American Impact: “Less than half of Americans with mental health conditions receive treatment, and South Asian Americans are disproportionately undertreated. We’re thrilled to hear @POTUS share his national strategy for addressing the national mental health crisis. #SOTU.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

The Asian American Foundation: “TAAF thanks President Biden for his leadership on lifting up the importance of protecting 23 million Asian Americans in his State of the Union address.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates: “Since day one, the Biden-Harris administration has worked to earn the trust of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander families, and their support is especially meaningful as our communities continue to combat tragic violence and pandemic health disparities. #SOTU” [Tweet thread, 3/1/22]

AAPI Victory Alliance: “Our right to vote is under attack. More than a dozen states have passed laws making it hard for people to vote. So We echo @POUTS in calling on Congress to do everything in their power to pass reformative #votingrights legislation. #sotu” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Black Leaders

African American Mayors Association: “@OurMayors  support the Biden administration’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and we stand united with @POTUS and our allies in holding president Vladimir Putin accountable for this unprovoked war.  #StateOfTheUnion #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

 “@OurMayors encourage the Biden-Harris administration and Congress to lean into Biden’s Unity Agenda that calls on our country to take on seismic challenges. #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“@OurMayors remain committed to working with the Biden-Harris administration to better serve our constituents and ensure that no community gets left behind.#SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Billy Mitchell, President, National Black Caucus of State Legislators: “President’s Biden speech last night regarding the state of our union offered hope, stability, and a plan we can count on to help all Americans now and in the future. His vision for rebuilding our economy so that it helps our middle and low-income families aligns with the goals of NBCSL. As state legislators, we work every day in our state houses to ensure affordability for African American families and other minority families across this nation.  We applaud President Biden for the promises he has kept in his first year of office, such as providing critical COVID-19 relief to Americans. We support the President fully in getting Americans vaccinated to combat COVID-19 and end this pandemic.  Furthermore, we look forward to the continued work on our nation’s infrastructure. We support the bipartisan effort to invest in our roads, bridges, affordable broadband, and clean water in all our communities—including rural communities. We must rebuild America—a task that NBCSL has been committed to over the years and will remain committed.  Many of our constituents are suffering from high drug prices and cannot afford their medication that is essential to them living a healthy life. We applaud President Biden’s efforts to lower the drug prices and encourage permanent savings through the American Rescue Plan and Affordable Care Act. NBCSL stands with this nation and stand up for democracy across the world. We are against Russian aggression and stand with Ukraine.  Lastly, after the failed attempt to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, NBCSL is still committed to ensuring everyone has the right to vote. We continue to put the pressure on President Biden and his administration to make sure that these two pieces of legislation pass the Senate or some form of voter protection legislation will pass and put into law. We look forward to President Biden’s continued leadership in this nation and NBCSL looks forward to continuing to work with this administration to help our constituents and achieve the mission and goals of NBCSL.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Dr. Michael Lomax, President & CEO, United Negro College Fund: “The Biden administration will push for a $2,000 increase to the maximum for a Pell Grant, which is the nation’s effort to assist students coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds to fund their higher education pursuits.  Increasing HBCU funding is a priority on which the Biden-Harris White House and UNCF have long collaborated. This is a continuation of our shared goals. We have worked with this White House, even before they moved in, to formulate these asks. I applaud the president for including both HBCUs and a Pell Grant increase in his State of the Union address, and I hope both items will be championed by both sides of the aisle.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Lodriguez V. Murray, Senior Vice President for Public Policy and Government Affairs, United Negro College Fund: “This is historic. For the president of the United States to not only mention HBCUs in his State of the Union address, but to call for increased funding along with joining our effort to increase, and hopefully soon double the Pell Grant, is something we cannot help but be excited about. “It is rare in Washington for a leader to stand by priorities. It is rarer for HBCUs to be that priority. President Biden is really showing that he stands with students from vulnerable backgrounds and the institutions that best serve their needs, and those are HBCUs. UNCF hopes Congress will pass the FY 2022 appropriations bills at the highest levels for HBCUs and the Pell Grant, and then let’s do even better in FY 2023.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Spencer Overton, President, The Joint Center: “.@POTUS to US Senate: Confirm my @federalreserve nominees.  Yes, please confirm @drlisadcook! #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

NAACP: “Tonight, we witnessed the President deliver a State of the Union that spoke to policing in America, healthcare, the cost of education, geopolitical warfare, inflation, childcare, and more. In addition, he offered up firm ideals of what he envisions for the future of our country when it comes to leveling the playing field for low to middle-income families. His words were impactful, but we look forward to the actions that will answer the continued needs of all who aspire to reach this nation’s promise.”  [Statement, 3/1/22]

National Urban League: “President Biden just announced you can order *more* FREE at-home #COVID19 tests starting next week. That’s in addition to the 4 free tests you can order right now if you haven’t already: https://covidtests.gov #AllInAgainstCOVID #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“If we want to go forward—not backward—we must protect access to health care. Preserve a woman’s right to choose. And let’s continue to advance maternal health care in America. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Action Network: “We agree with you @POTUS. It’s time for the Senate needs to pass the Freedom to Vote Act! #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

 “Families across the United States are facing a child care crisis, but African American families are especially hard hit by the rising cost of child care and limited options for working families. #SOTU #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

 “We need a better path forward. Criminal justice reform addresses structural issues in these systems such as racial profiling, police brutality, overcriminalization, mass incarceration & recidivism. Federal legislation MUST be fair & equitable to protect everyone . #SOTU”  [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Sherrilyn Ifill, NAACP Legal Defense Fund: “#Biden deserves to lay out how well he’s handled this situation with Russia. He did not stumble into a response. Biden knew exactly what was coming with Putin and prepared. It’s been quite impressive. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

The Leadership Conference: “Another big deal that deserves attention: The Senate has already confirmed 46 Article III federal judges nominated by @POTUS, including 34 women and many former public defenders and civil rights lawyers.  We’re looking forward to this continuing in 2022. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]


Mary Barra, CEO, General Motors and Chair, Business Roundtable: “We face unprecedented challenges that require bold solutions. Business Roundtable is committed to working with the Biden Administration and both parties in Congress to preserve U.S. economic strength and global leadership and to expand opportunity for all Americans. We will continue to work to address pandemic-related challenges, including labor market and supply chain disruptions, and to advocate for sound economic policies that position the United States to compete and thrive over the long term. We believe there are many opportunities to work with policymakers of both parties to advance policy solutions that meet the needs of our country, U.S. businesses, workers and families over the year to come.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Liz Fairchild, Executive Director, Business Forward: “Since President Biden took office last year, America’s 32.5 million small businesses have made it clear what issues matter to their business, their employees, and their communities. Last night, the President spoke directly to these key issues, including rising costs, attacks on our democracy, and upholding America’s rule of law. President Biden highlighted the urgent need to confirm his nominees to the Federal Reserve, which he emphasized would play a “critical role” in fighting inflation and explained how a timely confirmation process will advance his plan to bring costs down for working families and lower the deficit. Local business leaders know that a responsive government is essential to a strong economy, and amid a critical moment for democracies around the world, the President reiterated the importance of prioritizing transparency in democracy. He called on the Senate to pass both the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Less than a week since Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court, small businesses have already vocalized widespread support, including within our network. President Biden used last night’s address to describe Judge Jackson as a “consensus builder” who has immediately received broad support from across the aisle. I urge our elected officials to take these critical measures in support of the small business community, the backbone of our nation’s economy.” [Statement, 3/2/22] 

Rhett Buttle, Founder, Public Private Strategies: “In tonight’s State of the Union address, the President laid out a plan to build upon the economic progress made over the last year and continue America’s leadership for democracy, at home and abroad. The American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal have contributed to the fastest economic growth our country has experienced in 40 years, including the creation of nearly 6 million jobs, the lowest rate of unemployment claims since 1969, and a $90 billion increase in retail sales. This is crucial progress we’ve made in overcoming the economic challenges presented by the pandemic, but there is more work to do. Small businesses across the country need policies that will continue to give them a fighting chance, like lowering the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, increasing access to capital, and modernizing our economy to support small business employees. This includes delivering paid leave programs and affordable childcare for owners and employees, which will help build a stronger, more resilient workforce.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

Cristina Morales Heaney, Board Chair, National Association of Women Business Owners: “NAWBO is pleased to see the President putting the need for workforce training in the forefront of his economic policy agenda,” said “In a recent survey of NAWBO’s women business owners, 40% of NAWBO’s women business owners reported difficulty hiring last fall. We truly believe our nation must provide training to close the skills gap or reskill our workforce to ensure that women business owners have access to talent and can compete to build sustainable businesses. We hope bipartisan efforts will work to bring this idea to fruition.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

Steve Croley, Chief Policy Officer and General Counsel, Ford: “Exactly right, @POTUS. @Ford is making the largest investment in our nearly 120-year history to build #EVs & batteries to power them. Strengthening U.S. supply chains and making more chips means improving our global competitiveness, manufacturing capacity & good jobs.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Barabara Humpton, CEO, Siemens: “We agree and are ready to get to work. The stage is set for decarbonizing the economy, boosting U.S. #manufacturing, creating jobs, and increasing equity. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Anne Zimmerman, C0-Chair, Small Business for America’s Future: “During his first State of the Union address, President Biden rightfully highlighted the strong economic progress we have been made, but we were most heartened that he did not shrink from the need to do more to help Main Street small businesses recover from the biggest shock they’ve experienced in a century … We also support President Biden’s call on Congress to provide the resources needed to expand prosecutions of egregious pandemic fraud. PPP loans were meant for small businesses facing layoffs and closures due to the pandemic—individuals who fraudulently obtained loans meant for struggling entrepreneurs should be held accountable. As we look ahead, we are optimistic about the work the Biden-Harris Administration is doing to help entrepreneurs and urge Congress to take up the policies the president proposed to help our small business community. To maximize our economic recovery, we must seize opportunities to enact policies that help our small business community, which creates two-thirds of all new jobs and employs half of all workers, succeed. With the proper policies—addressing the cost of childcare, creating paid leave programs and bringing down healthcare and drug costs chief among them— in place, America’s small businesses will flourish and lead our economy to prosperity.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Climate Advocates

Manish Bapna, President & CEO, Natural Resources Defense Council: “Tonight, @POTUS Biden will address the nation and lay out his vision for the future. The United States has an unprecedented economic opportunity – and moral responsibility – to ACT NOW. We call on the President to put climate action at the forefront. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Collin O’Mara, President & CEO, National Wildlife Federation: “President Biden’s first State of the Union Address offers an opportunity to highlight his Administration’s record of achievement and call upon Congress to enact impactful and inclusive solutions that benefit people and wildlife alike. From the climate provisions in reconciliation to the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, the president should make it clear that his Administration can meet the moment we face and bridge Washington’s partisan divide. President Biden should speak to this notable recent history and challenge Congress to join with him to pass solutions as big as the problems facing people and wildlife today.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President for Political Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund: “President Biden sent a clear signal tonight that he will continue to deliver on his promise to prioritize America’s clean energy economy. We join him in his call for Congress to pass his bold and transformative climate and energy agenda that will deliver good-paying jobs, lower costs for families, provide cleaner air and water, and fight climate change. The Biden Administration has already demonstrated its commitment to a ‘whole of government’ approach to climate action. Under the president’s leadership, America has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, federal agencies are implementing ambitious climate strategies, and the federal government is implementing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including investments that will help drive meaningful climate progress. Now Congress needs to act. Congress has the power to enact the bold, transformative legislation laid out by the president. For the sake of America’s families, communities and future, Congress must get this done.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Nat Kreamer, CEO, Advanced Energy Economy: “I returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2006 determined to help the United States free itself from fossil fuels. Now, with Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, we have even more reason to accelerate our country’s transition to clean energy. Our national security is linked directly to our energy security. The more we wean ourselves off oil as well as gas and use more advanced energy, the safer we will be. Global conflict in recent decades has revolved around fossil fuels. The way to put an end to the power of those who use these fuels as a weapon is to stop buying their products.  We need a transition to clean energy for our economy too. Continued dependence on oil and gas puts our households and businesses at risk of energy price spikes like the ones now hitting Americans in their heating bills and at the gas pump right now. That’s because these fuels are commodities traded in global markets, making them volatile by nature.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

Jim Kessler, Executive Vice President for Policy, Third Way: “You know what doesn’t use a lot of #Russian oil? Electric vehicles which @potus will be highlighting in his #SOTU.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

David Hardy, CEO, Orsted Offshore North America: “Tonight’s State of the Union will call on Congress to deliver on a legislative agenda for clean energy and climate action. This is critical to continue building on a year of unprecedented clean energy deployment.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

RMI Public Policy: “Tonight, @POTUS‘ State of the Union will focus on how the clean energy transition is one of the best ways to reduce inflated energy costs. @RockyMtnInst showed Americans would save $9 bil/ yearly with clean energy incentives proposed in Build Back Better.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

World Resources Institute: “In his #StateoftheUnion address, @POTUS will highlight his accomplishments and goals for the year, including action on #ClimateChange. What #ClimateAction has President Biden already taken and what more needs to be done?” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

California Environmental Voters: “Ahead of tonight’s State of the Union address, we hope to hear @POTUS issue a strong call for federal #climate action. Climate change is a life-altering threat. The time is now for transformational, systemic change. Read our full statement.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Clean Water Action: “The #SOTU comes at a pivotal moment as we fight for our climate, democracy, & communities. The achievements & investments secured by @POTUS are an important start – now we must work with champions in Congress to continue to deliver real change for people across the country.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Citizen’s Climate Lobby: “At his State of the Union, @POTUS said, “Let’s cut energy costs for families an average of $500 a year by combating #ClimateChange…It’s time to pass a climate bill! #SOTU.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

The Climate Mayors: “In order to lift up families, @ClimateMayors from cities, towns, and rural communities are already turning these goals into on-the-ground solutions, and we are ready to support #SOTU.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Climate Nexus: “Lowering Americans’ costs = moving away from #fossilfuels. #Cleanenergy investing can “directly reduce household energy costs by an average of $500 per yr, protect the economy from volatile fossil fuel markets + slow the pace of climate disruption.” #SOTU.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Commonwealth Fund: “Health care is one of the most carbon-intensive industries, responsible for 4.5% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Listen to #TheDosePodcast to hear about how one health system is fighting #climatechange. https://buff.ly/33Zaz1m #SOTU #HealthcareSOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Gene Karpinski, President, League of Conservation Voters: “As we heard from President Biden tonight, we can strengthen the state of our union by making transformative investments in clean energy, climate, justice and jobs at home in the United States. We couldn’t agree more with the President that Congress needs to meet the moment on climate by enacting the House-passed $555 billion investments in climate, clean energy and environmental justice into law. These investments will save families $500 a year on energy bills, provide greater economic stability, and protect our national and climate security. We must break our dependence on dirty, dangerous and unreliable fossil fuels.

“Equally important is President Biden’s commitment to rallying the nation and world to protect democracy. We condemn Vladimir Putin’s unlawful, unprovoked assault on Ukrainians trying to live in peace as a sovereign nation with a democratically elected government. Whether abroad or here at home, we cannot have a just, equitable society without a functioning democracy. LCV is fully committed to building a stronger democracy in the United States that can serve as a model for the world.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Lori Lodes, Executive Director, Climate Power: “Tonight, President Biden laid out his plan to provide relief for American families that have been living in a world in flux – a plan that will grow the economy, lower household costs, create jobs and address environmental injustices by investing in clean energy and tackling the climate crisis. Clean energy is the future of our economy.

“We can and must take these steps now to lower energy costs, provide energy independence and secure our nation. Instead of keeping the American economy tethered to fossil fuels that makes us dependent on the ambitions of authoritarian leaders and the greed of oil and gas CEOs, let’s invest in a clean energy economy built right here in America.

“Tackling climate action is a huge opportunity for our nation – cutting household energy costs by $500 and saving families another $80 a month at the pump. We can speed up the production of cheap, clean and reliable energy that’s made in America. We’ll create millions of new good-paying jobs by investing in wind, solar and other clean energy sources that won’t run out.

As President Biden said, ‘What are we waiting for? Let’s get this done.’” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Lisa Frank, Washington Legislative Office Executive Director, Environment America: “Our union’s infrastructure is on the mend, thanks to new funding for safer roads and bridges, cleaner transportation options and cleaner water coming out of our taps. Our union’s future could be even brighter—or it could be hotter, more polluted and more disrupted by natural disasters. Congress has at its fingertips a package of clean energy and environmental investments that would go a long way toward addressing climate change, including tax credits to make it easier and cheaper for Americans to go solar or buy the electric vehicles that dominated this year’s Super Bowl TV ads. It’s time for Congress to vote for a brighter, better future.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Andrew Reagan, Executive Director, Clean Energy for America: “The president was right on the money: Congress must power American clean energy to new heights, so we can lead the global transition to renewables with made-in-America clean energy that’s powered by American workers.

“It’s never been more important to cut monthly utility costs for families, cut pollution for communities, or strengthen American energy independence. Congress must heed the president’s charge: Don’t quit on clean energy.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Matt Casale, Environment Campaigns Director, U.S. PIRG: “The latest IPCC report rings the warning bells loud and clear: It is time to act on climate. President Biden has laid out a commonsense, impactful and achievable agenda to reduce emissions. In addition to the billions of dollars for electric buses, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and carbon reduction programs included in the bipartisan infrastructure law, the president called for Congress to make it easier and more affordable to switch to an electric vehicle, reduce the amount of energy they use in their homes, and get their power from wind and solar. Congress should rally around the president’s call for action and swiftly pass legislation that puts us on the path to a healthy and safe future for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Manish Bapna, President and CEO, Natural Resources Defense Council: “The state of the environment is imperiled. Tonight, the president laid out a plan to confront the climate crisis – and he called on the nation to act.

“We can’t stand idle while rising seas, withering drought, blistering heat and raging wildfires, storms and floods inflict a widening toll on the nation and around the world. It’s time to invest in cleaner, smarter ways to power our future, cut costs for our families and create jobs.

“Biden laid out a plan to do all that in a way that will make our economy stronger, our society more equitable and our nation more secure. It’s time for the Senate to pass it.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Ramon Cruz, President, Sierra Club: “Investing in clean energy, climate action, and our democracy are investments in the people. Investing in a livable future for everyone, that works for everyone and supports everyone, is investing in a stronger state of the union. President Biden has taken significant steps this year, but now it’s time Congress does its job by passing a historic suite of investments in communities and families struggling with the interlocking crises of climate change, health, and racial, economic, and environmental injustice. Investing in clean energy, in clean air and water, and in a safe, livable climate will create millions of jobs, help address inflation, and build a better America. The House of Representatives has taken action; it’s past time the Senate passes legislation investing in climate, jobs, and justice too. But the work cannot end there – Washington must invest in our democracy. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act are more important than ever. And the Senate must confirm President Biden’s nominee to the Supreme Court: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. It’s time Washington addresses the interlocking crises we face and invests in the people, our democracy, and the country. We cannot waste a minute longer.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Drug Policy Advocates

American Society of Addiction Medicine: “ASAM is grateful to @POTUS for his #SOTU announcement that beating the addiction/overdose crisis is a critical part of his unity agenda. Let’s #TreatAddictionandSaveLives” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Faces & Voices of Recovery: “I believe in #Recovery and I support the 23 million Americans in recovery.”  @POTUS #SOTU2022 #Advocate4Recovery1714” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

American Psychiatric Association: “If you’re suffering from addiction, know you are not alone. I believe in recovery, and I celebrate the 23 million Americans in recovery. ” – @POTUS. #addiction #mentalhealth #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Shatterproof: “Standing ovation for @POTUS and @ONDCP for their commitment to national changes in how our country approaches addiction!! #SOTU2022 ????”[Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Harm Reduction Coalition: “At last ? — Tonight, Biden became the first U.S. President to mention #HarmReduction in #SOTU2022. It is time to end the drug war and invest in evidence-based practices that work.”[Tweet, 3/1/22]

The Pew Trusts: “When it comes to ending the opioid epidemic, ‘there is so much we can do,’ @POTUS stated during his #SOTU.  Let’s start by increasing access to @US_FDA-approved medications, which research shows reduce overdose deaths.” [ Tweet, 3/1/22]

Education Advocates

American Federation of Teachers: “Biden is showing strong leadership, exactly what is needed in the moment. America’s commitment to democracy is on display at the #SOTU” [Tweet Thread, 3/1/22]

Jill Cook, Executive Director, American School Counselor Association: “The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) commends President Biden for his commitment to expand access to mental health for students. In his March 1, 2022, State of the Union address, President Biden announced a strategy to address our national mental health crisis as part of his Unity Agenda. The president’s FY23 budget will propose $1 billion to help schools hire additional school counselors, school psychologists and other mental health professionals.   

“School counselors play a critical role in supporting student mental health and well-being. Meeting all students’ needs is impossible when school counselors are responsible for supporting an excessively large number of students. Every student deserves a school counselor,” Cook said. “ASCA commends President Biden for working to make that a reality.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

AnnMaura Connolly, President, Voices for National Service: “Tonight, President Biden laid out his plan to address student mental health and wellness, including efforts to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning. As part of this effort, he called for an investment in strategies to help our students recover and asked Americans across the country to take on roles as tutors and mentors. This is precisely the role AmeriCorps members currently fulfill in nearly 12,000 schools in systemically under-resourced communities across the country. Schools and districts are collaborating with AmeriCorps members to help address the impacts of the pandemic, from supporting physical health and safety, to building school communities, to supporting the students’ social, emotional, and academic development … President Biden has called on Americans to serve our students and their recovery and I encourage those who are interested in answering his call to action to consider joining AmeriCorps. If there was ever a time to lean into AmeriCorps, it’s now.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

The Science of Learning and Development Alliance: “Thank you @POTUS for recognizing that we must take a whole child approach to learning, development, and recovery, including attending to relationships and mental health.” [Tweet, 3/2/22]

National Center for Learning Disabilities: “Ahead of the #SOTU, we are thrilled that

@POTUS will be asking Congress to provide a historic $3.3 billion increase for #IDEA grants that support PK-12 children w/ disabilities & $450 million for IDEA Part C grants that support early intervention services.” [Tweet, 3/3/22]

Faith-Based Organizations

Rev. Jim Wallis, Director, Georgetown Center for Faith and Justice: “Biden is right, Putin’s war in the Ukraine is uniting democracies around the world. Maybe the Russian Autocrat’s war in Ukraine will help the world save democracy from autocracy, even the American autocrats like Donald Trump. #sotu22” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“Biden is right, Putin’s war in the Ukraine is uniting democracies around the world. Maybe the Russian Autocrat’s war in Ukraine will help the world save democracy from autocracy, even the American autocrats like Donald Trump. #sotu22” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Faith in Public Life: “We’re glad to hear @POTUS talk about how our economy needs to serve everyone in #SOTU2022: Everyone has human dignity and that means everyone deserves to be able to put food on the table for their family!” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice: “We are called to #BuildAnew by passing tax policies that make the wealthy pay their fair share – doing this allows us to invest in children & families. Congress must make the #ChildTaxCredit permanent to advance racial equity & cut childhood poverty in half #SOTU #SoulOfTheNation” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Dr. Ghada Khan, Executive Director, American Muslim Health Professionals: “Our country is facing a #mentalhealth crisis among all people, young & old. Addressing this will require strong leadership & a unified strategy & we’re excited to see @POTUS lay down the foundation for transforming  #mentalhealth tonight during the #SOTU ! #SOTU2022  #mentalhealth.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Catholic Democrats: @POTUS stated that state of our union is strong, thanks to strength of American people. We add; #PresidentBiden‘s steady hand on our ship of state -evidenced tonight- and his unwavering American vision of “possibilities” contribute mightily to our strength & durability. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Sojourners Action: “There are an estimated 10m lead pipe service lines across the country, many of which are found in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods. Bill funding replace lead pipes will mean that millions of American families will no longer have to fear harmful pollutants in H20” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Eboo Patel, Founder and President, Interfaith Youth Core: “Here’s what I’m looking for in #SOTU2022 : #commonground, #unity, #bridgebuilding, win-win approaches. Lifting everyone up instead of putting some people down (Putin excepted). Light not heat.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“The #unityagenda is both common ground and common sense. The good we can do together we should do.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Rev. Fred Davie, Senior Advisor, Union Seminary: “@POTUS leads on the international stage and at home. Isolating and defeating Putin in Europe while advancing economic growth here, for everyone. #SOTU2022″ [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Interfaith Youth Core: “President Biden is absolutely right to call for Americans to work together across our divides to build a better future for our country. Only through embracing our diversity & difference can we meet the pressing challenges of our time. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Mary Ellen Giess, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Interfaith Youth Core: “Biden’s #UnityAgenda prioritizes concrete opportunities to work together on issues of common concern.  @ifyc has always believed that identifying and acting on shared values helps bridge divides #SOTU #BuildBridges #ListenFirst” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Jewish Federations of North America: “Jewish Federations and partners like schools, JCCs, and human service agencies have been on the front lines of supporting the community during this national mental health crisis, across all ages and welcome this major investment. #SOTU #mentalhealth” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“The enhanced #ChildTaxCredit cut childhood poverty in half, and our agencies worked to ensure that every eligible family applied for these critical funds. Jewish Federations strongly support efforts to extend this credit. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism: “The #AmericanRescuePlan lifted millions of children out of poverty and helped keep families afloat amid the pandemic–but these measures were only temporary. Further investment in the #CTC, paid leave and child care, housing, and anti-hunger initiatives are urgently needed.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Bread for the World: “Thank you for passing the American Rescue Plan, which lifted millions of kids out of hunger through the expansion of the Child Tax Credit and a SNAP increase. These investments kept people out of poverty in 2021 and showcased the power of equitable public investment. @POTUS #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“As families struggle with rising prices and inflation, renewing the expanded Child Tax Credit, which moved 3.7 million kids out of poverty, will help them pay for necessities like food and gas.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Rev. Eugene Cho, President, Bread for the World: “I’ve spoken at numerous churches/conferences this past year. I’ve been surprised by the # of folks that expressed their gratitude to me for @bread4theworld‘s advocacy for the Child Tax Credit. I hope pastors know how much CTC impacts their congregations. Hunger is real. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Faith in Public Life: “We’re glad to hear @POTUS talk about how our economy needs to serve everyone in #SOTU2022: Everyone has human dignity and that means everyone deserves to be able to put food on the table for their family!” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Friends Committee on National Legislation: “This right here! ‘Extend the Child Tax Credit, so no one has to raise a family in poverty.’ The #ChildTaxCredit has helped more than *36 million families* put food on the table and make ends meet. Congress must extend it!” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Farah Pandith, Muslim Community Leader: “‘This is our moment!’ ‘As one people’ @POTUS #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Council of Jewish Women: “Bills come monthly, so should the checks! The expanded #ChildTaxCredit lifted millions of kids out of poverty. We owe it to our nation’s children to make that permanent! #BuildBackBetter #CTC #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

The Jewish Democratic Council of America: “President Biden’s #UnityAgenda will: – Beat the opioid crisis – Take on the mental health crisis – Support our veterans – End cancer as we know it.  These issues touch all of us. We call on Congress to deliver progress on these important issues for American families.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Sojourners: “Tonight’s State of the Union Address was President Biden’s opportunity to articulate a path towards ‘Beloved Community’, where life is honored and dignified, and the power of relationships is sacred.  The speech outlined a vision for a truly democratic society where people are no longer separated based on where they live, what they look like, how they pray, and who they vote for but come together based on a love for the common good… This echoes the interconnectedness of life that Romans 12:4-5 teaches us… we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Jewish Democratic Women for Action: “Thank you, President Biden, for being the leader we need right now, for pushing for the priorities that will help Americans and the world, and for giving us the strength and resolve we need to move forward, together. We are with you and your unity agenda all the way. #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Democratic Majority for Israel: “During his first 13 months in office, President Biden has achieved what many considered impossible — delivering for the American people record job growth and economic expansion, passing the American Rescue Plan and the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure law, nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, and administering more than 200 million COVID-19 vaccinations.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Foreign Policy:

Aaron David Miller, Carnegie Endowment: Not sure I can recall the last time in a SOTU where there was actually bipartisan applause on more than one issue. [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Joel Rubin, American Jewish Congress: “Let each of us here tonight in this Chamber send an unmistakable signal to Ukraine and to the world. Please rise if you are able and show that, Yes, we the United States of America stand with the Ukrainian people.” American leadership is back. [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Alexander S. Vindman: “Awesome @POTUS started with #Ukraine and standing up for freedom, democracy, and American values! #StandWithUkraine” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Ian Bremmer, President, Eurasia Group: “most unifying speech of biden presidency #sotu” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Jenna Ben-Yehuda, CEO, Truman National Security Project: “Biden emphasis on investing in emerging technologies so critical. This is a national security argument AND a domestic economic competitiveness argument. This is how you secure the future – for American power and American jobs. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Jon Margolick, EVP, Truman National Security Project: “The President is clear in his determination, with Congress behind him and world beside us, to starve Putin equally of resources, support, and excuses for war. This is strength: when your friends make you proud, and your enemies have none to speak of.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Patrick Cronin, Hudson Institute: “President Biden understands history: “when dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos.” @POTUS is leading, keeping America strong, bringing allies & partners together, to oppose authoritarian irredentism #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

American Jewish World Service: “In the battle between democracies and autocracies, democracies are rising to the moment. And the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security.” We agree, @POTUS, and we must support the activists around the world fighting to keep democracies alive. #SOTU [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Gun Violence Prevention Advocates:

John Feinblatt, President, Everytown for Gun Safety: “During his first year in office, President Biden has led the strongest gun safety administration we’ve seen, and this speech is further proof that he remains fully committed to keeping Americans safe from gun violence. Going forward, there are more critical steps the administration and Congress can take to save lives — including revitalizing ATF, using executive powers to crack down on unlicensed gun sellers, and strengthening background checks — and we look forward to working with them every step of the way.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Shannon Watts, Founder, Moms Demand Action: “President Biden showed the leadership we need to unify our country and save lives. As a candidate, Joe Biden ran on the strongest gun safety platform in history and his Administration continues to follow through on that promise. While there’s always more to be done to end the gun violence epidemic in this country, including through congressional action, our grassroots army of volunteers continues to stand proudly in support of President Biden.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Kris Brown, President, Brady: “We are heartened by President Biden’s words tonight, but we need continued and increased action and attention to ending America’s gun violence crisis. President Biden has already taken extensive and historic action, but he cannot let up. He also cannot solve this problem alone. His calls for legislative fixes such as universal background checks, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and repealing PLCAA, the liability shield for gun manufacturers, are common-sense and will save lives. Congress must also pass the $200 million for community violence interventions the President has asked for in Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations, and the proposed investment of $5 billion over eight years that was included in the Build Back Better Act, arguably the largest investment in gun violence prevention ever. Over 81 million Americans voted for President Biden because of his ability to handle the many problems facing our nation. He and Congress must not let the crisis that kills over 100 Americans every day fall to the wayside. His speech tonight reiterated his commitment to this issue tonight. We need him to remain steadfast and to make gun violence an even greater priority in the year ahead.” [Statement, 3/1/22]


American Medical Women’s Association: “We need #BuildBackBetter to close the Medicaid coverage gap–patients don’t deserve to fall through the cracks because of the state they live in. #BuildBackHealthcare #SOTU #SOTU2022 #BBBA #AMWAdoctors #WomenInMedicine” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Committee to Protect Health Care “Thanks to @POTUS, the American Rescue Plan improved health care affordability for Americans. No thanks to Republicans in Congress who voted against providing this critical relief to the American people. #SOTU2022 #SOTU”[Statement, 3/1/22]

American Medical Women’s Association: “How to celebrate #WomensHistoryMonth? Extend postpartum coverage! AMWA is a member of the Mind The Gap initiative that is working to ensure perinatal mental health is a national priority.  http://ow.ly/PG8R50I7zom #BuildBackHealthcare #SOTU #SOTU2022 #BuildBackBetter #BBBA” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Dr. Rob Davidson MD, CEO Committee to Protect Healthcare: “First. Cut the cost of prescription drugs.” Thank you @POTUS – Now the US Senate needs to get its act together and pass #BuildBackBetter #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Doctors for America: “Postpartum conditions like hypertension, diabetes & depression can last for years after delivery, but for many moms #Medicaid coverage ends after 60 days. We need AT LEAST 12 months of coverage and #BuildBackBetter will do just that. #SOTU” [Tweet 3/1/22]

Megan Ranney MD MPH, Founder ‘This Is Our Lane’: “Cut the cost of prescription drugs? Yes please! ??‍♀️. Signed, an ER doc whose patients too often can’t afford their meds #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Hannah Hendrix, President, American Medical Student Association: ” As future healthcare professionals, AMSA knows #TheFutureNeedsCare. We support #BuildBackBetter because it brings us closer to our goal: a world where healthcare is accessible & meds are affordable so our patients get the care they need. #SOTU #SOTU2022 #BuildBackHealthcare” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Maria Town, President and CEO of American Association of Persons with Disabilities: “Reader: he’s doing it! The President just said he’s going to reduce the cost of childcare & expand long-term services and supports and home & community based services.

We’ve been here before, & our efforts have stalled but glad to hear he’s still committed. #SOTU #CripTheVote” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Jamila Headley, Co-Founder, Be a Hero: “When it comes down to it, @POTUS spent more time talking about health care than anything else in #SOTU2022, because he knows—like so many of us do—that America’s health care system is deeply broken.” [Tweet Thread, 3.1.22]

American Academy of Pediatrics: “We applaud @POTUS’s announcements during tonight’s #SOTU22 that prioritize mental health, protect the digital privacy and well-being of children and teens, and support transgender youth… The Academy welcomes tonight’s recognition of children’s mental health as a national priority and will continue our work to protect transgender youth. We look forward to what comes next. 1/4” [Tweet thread, 3/1/22]

Nurses for America: “Cut the cost of prescription drugs now Cap the cost of insulin @$35 Let Medicare negotiate the cost of drugs close the Medicaid gapBidenNurses @BidenNurses #nurses #BBB #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

American Medical Association: “We are grateful that @POTUS highlighted #mentalhealth in the State of the Union, and we look forward to working with #Congress and the administration to turn these important ideas into meaningful laws. http://spr.ly/6011KjpZf @WhiteHouse #SOTU #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Association of Social Workers: “@POTUS says “Let’s get all Americans the mental health services they need” and achieve parity between mental and physical health care. Remember, #socialworkers account for one of the largest groups of US mental health providers. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

American Academy of Family Physicians: “Affordable health care coverage is essential to improving access to comprehensive primary care & improving health equity. @AAFP agrees we need to make ARP subsidies permanent to protect American’s access to affordable, comprehensive health coverage. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP: “AARP is encouraged that President Biden continues to urge Congress to act on our nation’s skyrocketing prescription drug prices. If the prices for household goods grew as fast as drug prices over the last 15 years, gas would now cost $12.20 a gallon and milk would be $13 a gallon. For all those years, politicians made promises to lower drug prices, but they just kept going up. Allowing Medicare to negotiate the price it pays for prescription drugs will help protect seniors from inflation by lowering their drug prices and putting money back in their pockets. This policy proposal is strongly supported by vast majorities of Democratic, Independent and Republican voters.

 “How much longer will older Americans be forced to wait for the Senate to lower drug prices? Now is the time to get the job done. We urge the Senate to keep their promises to voters and lower drug prices, reduce seniors’ drug costs, and save taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

“We were also encouraged to hear the President describe new actions to ensure that residents in nursing homes will receive the safe, high-quality care they deserve. For years, AARP and AARP Foundation have sounded the alarm about problems in America’s nursing homes. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the chronic, ongoing issues with our long-term care system and emphasized the need for reform. It is a national disgrace that more than 200,000 residents and staff in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities died. AARP urges the federal government to act swiftly to ensure minimum staffing standards, increase transparency, and hold nursing homes accountable when they do not provide quality care.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Leslie Dach, Chair, Protect Our Care: “One year in, President Biden has already made remarkable progress by expanding affordable health care coverage and lowering premiums. And tonight he reiterated his commitment to lowering the cost of drugs and making quality health care affordable for every American. For far too long, drug companies and corporate greed have gone unchecked, shamelessly forcing families to make impossible choices between putting food on the table and paying for essential drugs like insulin. As costs continue to rise, it’s more important than ever that Congress prioritize lowering health care prices to reduce everyday expenses for working families and ensure everyone has access to the care they need.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Nicole Haley, Coronavirus War Room Director: “President Biden and his administration are getting Americans the tools they need to lead their lives while protecting themselves from COVID-19. Since President Biden took office, more than three in four Americans have received a vaccine, schools are open, and our economy has added more than six million jobs. Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, Americans can feel safe moving in their normal routines knowing the administration is focused on combating COVID-19 using common sense and reason.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

David Mitchell, Founder, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now: “Tonight, President Biden once again called for legislation to lower prescription drug prices, including Medicare negotiation. For two decades, Americans have been targeted by drug companies that established a system that prevents our government from negotiating on our behalf. It is imperative that the Senate pass a package of reforms that will couple copay and out-of-pocket caps with provisions that drive down prices by empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices and limiting year-to-year price increases to truly lower costs — not just shift them around. Otherwise, Americans will wind up paying more through higher premiums and taxes.

“With inflation at record levels and Americans facing rising costs, Big Pharma’s price gouging forces Americans to pay almost four times what people in other nations pay for the same brand-name drugs. The drug price reforms from the House-passed Build Back Better package allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices, curb Big Pharma’s price gouging, cap out-of-pocket costs, and deliver long overdue relief to millions of Americans. The reforms have the support of all 50 Democratic senators, offering a clear path to passage through reconciliation. The provisions are the most popular element of the original package, and more than 90 percent of voters list drug pricing reform as a top issue for the midterms.

“It is time for the Senate to advance a reconciliation package with these drug price reforms. Americans need help now.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Vivian Pender, M.D., President, American Psychiatric Association (APA): “To see the mental health crisis elevated to this level by the President is truly an encouraging sign,” said APA President Vivian Pender, M.D. “The mental health crisis is, indeed, something that affects us all, regardless of politics, geography, race or ethnicity: there is no health without mental health. Now we need action to put new measures and funding into place, while also ensuring that we are implementing any policies in a way that decreases inequity in the provision of care.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

American Psychological Association: “We are gratified that President Biden has outlined a solid plan, with a focus on youth mental health and increased access for all,” said APA President Frank C. Worrell, PhD. “This plan addresses many of the key elements we have been asking for, including programs to increase the mental health provider workforce, expansion of evidence-based community mental health services, support for telemental health care, and investment in research into promising models for treating mental health conditions. This blueprint could not come at a more auspicious time, as our nation and our young people in particular are experiencing a mental health crisis. This plan is transformative and we urge Congress to get behind all the elements in this plan, invest substantially in critical research, and enact the measures needed to make it a reality. We must also remember the tireless work of mental health practitioners during the pandemic and the need to remove the administrative obstacles that can prevent them from providing services to people who most need their help.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP): “As an organization that centers on raising #MentalHealthAwareness, @AMHP is thrilled that @POTUS will be unveiling a comprehensive strategy to address our national mental health crisis during the #SOTU address tonight.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Immigration Advocates

Sergio Gonzales, Executive Director, Immigration Hub: “The Biden administration entered their first year facing countless obstacles to reforming an almost unrecognizable American immigration system. They made notable advancements in rolling back harmful Trump policies and implementing new ones that are more fair, orderly and humane. We applaud that tonight, in spite of a crowded field of priorities ranging from foreign policy to COVID-19 recovery, the president re-committed himself to addressing this key issue of immigration and upholding the core values of liberty and justice as he does it.  He laid out some key areas where he and Vice President Harris are taking action to improve our legal immigration system, keep families together and work with our neighboring countries to address the root causes of migration.He reiterated the urgency to pass legislation creating a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, farmworkers and TPS holders.”[Statement, 3/1/22]

Janet Murguia, CEO, UnidosUS: “Thank you @POTUS for making the moral and economic case for immigration reform, including a path to citizenship. It’s the right AND smart thing to do. #SOTU #immigrantsareessential” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO): “While we’ve seen a commitment by the current administration to improve our immigration system, it is Congress that must act NOW and work to pass fair and meaningful immigration reform. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Ali Noorani, President and CEO, National Immigration Forum: “President Biden was clear that Congress needs to work toward immigration reform this year, and the American people agree,” said Ali Noorani, President and CEO of the National Immigration Forum. “Republicans and Democrats should work together to advance reforms that establish secure, orderly, humane processes at our borders and protect Dreamers, farmworkers and temporary protected status recipients.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

UnidosUS: “We agree with @POTUS: a path to citizenship for #DREAMers, farmworkers and many other immigrants who have stood up for America during the pandemic and every day, will only make America stronger. The vast majority of Americans agree. Let’s get it done. #WeAreHome #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Carlos L Malave, Director, Latino Christian National Network: “President Biden, thank you for your commitment to reform our #immigration system. It is past time to bring our immigrant brothers and sisters out of the shadows of society. Let’s recognize their contributions to our country. @POTUS #ImmigrationReformNow” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

HIAS: “Like @POTUS says, immigration reform “it’s not only the right thing to do, it’s the economically smart thing to do”. It’s high time for Congress to provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS holders, and essential workers. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Labor Leaders

Ray Curry, President, United Auto Workers: Under President Biden’s leadership, we have seen unprecedented job growth and rising wages. The President has directly confronted the coronavirus pandemic that has taken lives of almost nine hundred and fifty thousand of our fellow citizens. Through his leadership, we are now better protected, and the number of infections is declining. Of course, challenges remain and there is more work to do. Congress must act on the President’s priorities. For starters, the Senate should pass the PRO Act and Confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the highest court in the land. Together with the Biden Administration, we are working to ensure that the transition to electric vehicles supports good union jobs by passing the Stabenow/Kildee electric vehicle tax credit and complementary policies into law. We are working together to strengthen our supply chain, so we no longer face a crippling chip shortage that has hurt our members who build consumer vehicles, Heavy Truck vehicles and Agricultural and Construction Equipment. By laying out this agenda, President Biden offers a clear path forward that builds America back better than ever. UAW and working families need lower prescription drug costs and more affordable quality healthcare, so no one is forced to choose between putting food on the table and affording life-saving drugs or going to the doctor. We must make childcare affordable, so parents can work knowing their children are safe. Equally important to UAW members and working families are the attacks on our democracy occurring across our country as falsehoods about the 2020 election continue to spread, and dozens of states enact restrictive voting laws that threaten to disenfranchise lawful citizens from the ballot. It is troubling that legislation to protect our most fundamental democratic rights as voters was filibustered in the Senate. Make no mistake – these attacks do more than threaten an idea of democracy; they cripple the foundation that grants our members their right to organize and secure higher standards of living for themselves and their families. Finally, President Biden addressed the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, which is an affront to all democratic forms of government and all people of goodwill. We stand with President Biden and our allies in defending the hardworking families of Ukraine and their democracy. It is long past time we unite to address these issues as a country. The UAW is prepared to work with Congress and the Biden Administration to meet this moment as we have throughout our history.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Jimmy Williams, President, IUPAT: “President Biden continued his strong advocacy for the working class tonight during his State of the Union Address. The President’s focus on bread and butter issues for the IUPAT member, such as passing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act), expanding registered apprenticeship programs, and creating a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program are a breath of fresh air. And our union stands ready from coast to coast to work on projects which are funded by the historic infrastructure package recently signed into law by President Biden, the largest infrastructure bill passed in our nation’s history. His determination to lower inflation, raise working standards, and give every worker the opportunity to join or form a union shows his strong commitment to creating an economy that works for all. Now is the time for the US Congress to do their job and get these bills to his desk. The President is echoing what IUPAT members have known for a long time: when we have an economy that works for working people, our nation thrives.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers: “Tonight, Joe Biden proved why Americans were right to elect him as president. He met a moment in history with gravity and empathy. He urged unity to recover from the immense economic challenges of the pandemic, with a laser focus on boosting wages and cutting costs to help American families recover and thrive. And he made the case against the threat posed by autocrats and those who excuse them, both here and abroad. Democracy and freedom are worth fighting for—as the Ukrainian people are showing us every day.The president laid out just how far we’ve come in a year—from closed schools, millions of COVID-19 cases and soaring unemployment, to record growth, jobs, vaccines and the return of reliable and safe in-person learning. But we are still dealing with the pandemic’s terrible effects, and the president outlined a plan to curb prices, increase pay and create a better economy that puts American workmanship and creativity front and center and American workers first. We commend his specific, practical measures that would reduce costs for families right now, including child care, pre-K and prescription drugs. And we echo the need to take rapid action on climate change after yesterday’s U.N. warning that the world is at a tipping point. Our members are on the frontlines of the pandemic, and we were honored to have progressive care unit nurse Refynd Duro of Ohio in the audience with the first lady tonight. Our healthcare heroes know what it will take to emerge stronger and healthier. The health, well-being and academic recovery of students is every teacher’s priority, and the pandemic has multiplied the stresses and strains on us all. We share the president’s concerns over the mental health crisis facing our young people, including the negative effects of unbridled social media because we live with the fallout every day. Our journey will be difficult, but our direction is clear. And with the president’s leadership, now is the time to broaden the tent—to unify and organize for a better life for all Americans and to fight for and defend democracy, at home and around the world.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Chris Shelton, President, CWA: In his first State of the Union address, President Biden made it clear that creating jobs through investment in our country’s infrastructure and empowering workers has been the foundation of his agenda to strengthen our country. CWA commends President Biden for presenting a clear plan to improve the lives of working families, boost our economy and address rising costs. We agree that Congress must pass legislation to reduce prescription drug, health care and child care costs and to make higher education more affordable and that this can be done by making sure that corporations and the wealthiest Americans start paying their fair share. As union members, we know that overcoming the relentless and coordinated corporate attack on workers’ rights is a difficult task and there is much left to be done. President Biden left no doubt that he believes that every worker in every state must have a free and fair choice to organize or join a union, and the right to bargain collectively with their employer, without fear of intimidation, coercion, threats, and anti-union propaganda. He also pointed out the insufficiency of our current labor laws, calling on Congress to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. CWA applauds President Biden’s focus on worker empowerment and we will continue to support the Administration in its effort to create more good union jobs, support workers’ organizing for better pay and working conditions and reform weak and outdated labor laws. [Statement, 3/1/22]

Marc McManus, President, United Association: “During this first year in office, President Biden has kept his promise of creating good-paying union jobs and helping more families succeed as we work to build back better. In his speech tonight, President Biden vowed to expand workers’ rights by passing the PRO Act and to ensure all Americans can earn fair wages and benefits.From replacing lead lines to modernizing our energy infrastructure, President Biden is committed to creating good-paying UA jobs. Tonight, he charted a clear path forward to continue to provide clean drinking water, to deliver efficient, reliable, and affordable energy to American consumers, and to strengthen our registered apprenticeship system.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Marc Perrone, President, UFCW: “Working Americans are rightly concerned about the state of the world. While the country is thankfully emerging from the latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, it now faces another global crisis with Russia’s invasion into Ukraine. Tonight, President Biden laid out a clear plan to provide relief to hard-working Americans and their families by reducing costs and eliminating barriers to good jobs. Currently, the U.S. is seeing one of the strongest labor markets in recent history but many workers still face hurdles when it comes to accessing good-paying jobs that can support a family. As the nation’s largest private sector union, UFCW strongly endorses President Biden’s initiatives to increase access to apprenticeships and training, support paycheck fairness, provide paid family and medical leave, and protect workers’ rights to join a union. We believe this – along with plans to protect consumers and reduce the cost of everyday expenses – will provide working families with the ability to build better lives they have earned and deserve. UFCW calls on Congress to take immediate action to move these crucial initiatives forward.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Service Employees International Union: “Members have fought to improve care & working conditions in nursing homes. @POTUS’ plan to invest in home care and hold nursing homes accountable will help create good union jobs and be a game-changer for those who need care & workers that provide it. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Mary Kay Henry, President, Service Employees International Union: “From raising the minimum wage the making it easier for working people to come together in unions the @POTUS spoke on many issues important to @SEIU members and all of America’s working people. We have a lot of work to do, but working people are fired up and ready for REAL change. The Senate must listen to @POTUS and pass  historic investments in in our care economy and workforce, including home care jobs mostly held by women of color, and to address climate change affecting working families. #SOTU #StateoftheUnion” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Greg Regan, President, TTD: “From the passage of the American Rescue Plan to the biggest investment in infrastructure in our nation’s history, the first year of the Biden Administration was a capstone year of legislative victories for transportation labor unions and working people. Chief among these legislative victories is the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), a once-in-a-generation investment across every sector of our transportation network — and an unprecedented investment in workers. We proudly represent 36 labor unions whose members will be put to work during the implementation of this historic legislation, ushering in a new era of manufacturing, construction, and transportation job creation. We applaud President Biden for putting union job creation and worker empowerment at the center of his governing agenda. We welcome the progress of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, which recently released a report outlining 70 recommendations to empower workers, including an initiative to increase worker awareness of their federally protected rights to organize and establish a resource center for information on unions and collective bargaining. We urge Congress to heed the President’s call to pass the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which would help workers collectively bargain for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. We look forward to continuing to work with President Biden and the Administration to create good union jobs, invest in America’s transportation infrastructure, and expand collective bargaining for every transportation worker in the nation.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

AFSCME: “President Biden gets it: Building a strong economy that works for everyone means empowering working people and strengthening the labor movement. #1u #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

AFSCME: “During tonight’s State of the Union address, President Joe Biden cemented his place as one of the most pro-worker presidents in American history. #PassthePROAct #FreedomToNegotiateAct #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Lee Saunders, President, AFSCME: “When President Joe Biden took office, COVID cases were soaring. Millions of Americans had lost their jobs. The unemployment rate was well above 6%, and states and local governing bodies were on the brink of budget crises. America has seen a dramatic reversal. Today, we are diminishing COVID’s impact on our lives through science. America is hiring again. And best of all, working people have more power than ever, bolstered by an administration that supports their right to organize and strike to demand better pay, benefits and working conditions. How did President Biden get America back on track? He listened to working people and then he delivered. When public service workers — the everyday heroes who have kept our communities running throughout the pandemic — had their jobs threatened by budget cuts, President Biden showed leadership. By signing the American Rescue Plan, he brought our public services back from the brink, saving jobs and preventing waves of layoffs. He signed an infrastructure bill that is making historic investments in our roads, bridges, water systems and broadband. He has chosen Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, a jurist with an indisputable record of standing with working people, as the first African American woman ever nominated to the Supreme Court. He has rebuilt the federal judiciary with a diversity never seen before, whether measured by professional background or by race and gender. And with a revamped and empowered National Labor Relations Board, workers can finally be confident that their rights will be safeguarded, following four years in which they were gutted or just ignored. But the State of the Union can’t just be about achievements so far; tonight’s speech must answer the question of what comes next. We must advance the rights and freedoms of both public and private sector workers by passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act. We must finally allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices, invest in child care to support working families and providers alike, curb climate change before it’s too late and ensure that the ultra-wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes so we can make investments in strong communities. And finally, our democracy is under attack. We must respond in kind by protecting the right of every citizen to cast a ballot and make it easier to vote. The foundation of our nation depends on it. Working people want this administration to level the playing field and deliver more fundamental change. Now is the time to get it done.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

LiUNA: “LIUNA couldn’t agree more – the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is putting union members to work doing what we do best – building our communities. Let’s #BuildBackBetter. Thank you @Potus #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

TWU: “President @JoeBiden is delivering for workers on every front:

✔The largest investment in transit EVER

✔Holding AV companies accountable to our safety standards

✔Fighting against outsourcing

The most pro-union President in generations is just getting started. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Tom Conway, President, USW: ““Tonight, President Joe Biden articulated a vision for the United States that puts working families at the forefront of our nation’s economic future. After two years of a global pandemic and economic crisis in which we have seen the rich get richer and too many workers continue to fall behind, the USW supports President Biden’s agenda and looks forward to working with him and others in Washington to put pro-worker, pro-family policies into action. The president’s first year in office has already resulted in major victories, including the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the creation of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment. These initiatives will help ensure good-paying union jobs for millions of American workers in the years to come. While the recent events in Ukraine clearly highlight our need to focus on foreign as well as domestic priorities, we must remember that to be strong around the world, we must first be strong at home. That means bolstering domestic supply chains for vital goods, providing education and job training to ensure that manufacturers have the skilled workers they need, building up our health care system, passing labor protections like the PRO Act and extending benefits like paid family and medical leave to all workers. The president today laid out an ambitious agenda that will make our nation more secure, provide good-paying jobs to millions of workers, support struggling families, keep rising prices under control and ensure that communities will continue to thrive for generations to come. We are eager to do everything we can to help him achieve these goals.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Communication Workers of America: “Biden’s address highlighted the many ways that his administration has addressed the needs of working families in the first year of his presidency. When he says that we need to strengthen our supply chains by making more things in America it is not just empty rhetoric. He has already taken executive action to close loopholes in existing Made in America requirements. Funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will facilitate economic development by improving our transportation capacity and bringing high-speed internet connections to communities across the country while creating good jobs in the industry.

CWA commends President Biden for presenting a clear plan to improve the lives of working families, boost our economy and address rising costs. We agree that Congress must pass legislation to reduce prescription drug, health care and child care costs and to make higher education more affordable and that this can be done by making sure that corporations and the wealthiest Americans start paying their fair share. As union members, we know that overcoming the relentless and coordinated corporate attack on workers’ rights is a difficult task and there is much left to be done. President Biden left no doubt that he believes that every worker in every state must have a free and fair choice to organize or join a union, and the right to bargain collectively with their employer, without fear of intimidation, coercion, threats, and anti-union propaganda. He also pointed out the insufficiency of our current labor laws, calling on Congress to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. CWA applauds President Biden’s focus on worker empowerment and we will continue to support the Administration in its effort to create more good union jobs, support workers’ organizing for better pay and working conditions and reform weak and outdated labor laws.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Robert Martinez, International President, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers: “The IAM was proud to endorse President Biden through a first-of-its-kind, rank-and-file membership vote. Through the activism of our members and so many worker-friendly allies, we now have a true ‘union man’ in the White House. For the first time in generations, we are witnessing an all-of-government approach to putting the interests of working families first. We are emerging from the pandemic with historic job growth. Working people are finally able to tip the scales in their favor, demanding higher wages and better benefits from their employers. The President promised to rebuild America and expand Buy American—and he is delivering for the best workers in the world. American manufacturing is back, and the IAM and our allies in the labor movement are just getting started. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will create even more good jobs, while investing in our aging airports, public transit systems and more. But as the President said tonight, there is far more work to be done. As the Russian invasion of Ukraine makes even more clear, we must immediately strengthen our domestic supply chains, especially in the defense industry. We must take measures to lower consumer prices, broaden access to apprenticeship programs, create a national paid family and medical leave program, and protect our sacred right to vote. For the millions of Americans who want to join a union today, we also must pass the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. These should not be partisan issues. This is about a better life for working families. We stand with the Biden administration and all allies of working people to create a brighter future for the generations to come.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

United Farm Workers: “Sí, se puede. Let’s get it done.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Becky Pringle, President, National Education Association: Tonight, President Biden rightfully called for full parity between physical and mental health care. Community schools act in that spirit, helping to meet students’ mental health needs, especially in the wake of the trauma of the pandemic.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“Students learn best when they’re safe and supported—physically, mentally, emotionally. But for so many students struggling with their mental health, school and life are especially difficult now. Thank you, @POTUS, for committing to address our nation’s mental health crisis.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

LABOR: Eric Dean, President, Ironworkers: In his speech, President Biden did not shy away from the challenges and uncertainty that many Americans are living with. But his words remind us that America has overcome challenges before through unity and determination. The president highlighted his administration’s initiatives that meet the country’s challenges head-on and bring us together. The American Rescue Plan offered a lifeline to working people during the middle of the pandemic. The ARP kept state governments afloat and their infrastructure funds full, preserving and creating thousands of ironworker jobs. The Rescue Plan’s investments powered the recovery that has kept unemployment low all the way to today.The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a historic investment that will transform America’s transportation, water and energy systems for the better. The ongoing rollout promises good union jobs and opportunity for every community in America. The bipartisan majorities that passed the law in both houses of Congress are proof that we can still work together. President Biden emphasized his administration’s substantial focus on domestic manufacturing as an important tool to create jobs, secure supply chains and lower costs. Since Biden entered office, the Iron Workers have seen an explosion of investment in factories for semiconductors, electric vehicles and other manufactured goods. The administration’s policies will foster and expand this manufacturing renaissance. The Iron Workers support these and other policies to help working-class Americans and will continue to work with the administration to help them succeed. This is an opportunity to reflect on the past year’s achievements and plan to meet the challenges of the present. If we are united, as a union and as Americans, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.” [Statement, 3/2/22]


Jacqueline Martinez Garcel, CEO, Latino Community Foundation: “Under the #AmericanRescuePlan, Latino families across this nation got their vaccines, received emergency rental assistance, and more importantly, saw hope on the horizon. Thank you @POTUS for signing this historic piece of legislation. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Janet Murguía, CEO and President, UnidosUS: “After appropriately expressing our nation’s solidarity with the people of Ukraine, the president gave a forceful speech for his agenda in his State of the Union remarks. We applaud President Biden’s leadership and the accomplishments he highlighted that have helped Hispanics, and all Americans, weather the health and economic challenges brought on by the global pandemic, rebuild our infrastructure, and create jobs to move our communities toward a better and stronger future. We appreciate that the president also articulated his commitment to a stronger recovery, despite the obstacles and challenges in Congress. Latinos and our country cannot afford to return to the pre-pandemic status quo of entrenched social and economic disparities. Our nation’s 62 million Latinos need continuing support from the president and from Congress to improve the lives and futures of their children and families, including—among other things—the expanded Child Tax Credit, targeted mental health services, improved health care, nutrition services, quality education, affordable housing, and access to better jobs. And the Senate should heed the president’s call to immediately pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Finally, we commend the president for making the moral and economic case for a path to citizenship for Dreamers, farmworkers, TPS holders, essential workers and many other immigrants who have stood up for America during the pandemic, which will only make America stronger. The vast majority of Americans agree. These workers play a key role in fueling our economic recovery, and legalizing immigrant workers with deep family and economic ties to the United States will reduce labor shortages and supply chain bottlenecks. The proof of the president’s commitment, though, will be in his actions following these remarks, including using his own executive authority to act on behalf of immigrant essential workers, should Congress fail to act.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Felipe Benitez, Executive Director of Corazón Latino: “Over the past year, Americans have overcome extraordinary challenges. However, with President Biden at the helm, we have begun to build a compelling future for our country through courage, resilience, and a shared vision for a better tomorrow. The Biden administration has spent much of the past year rebuilding the country alongside the American people. We have much more work to do to heal the damage wrought by the pandemic and the hate in our country. And, with Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, the president has his work cut out for him. Our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Latino Forward: “Tonight Forward Latino applauds the message of unity and urgency shared by President Biden in tonight’s State of the Union Address. From defending freedom and democracy against dictators and autocrats around the world, to making sure every person and business has a fair opportunity to succeed and prosper, Forward Latino supports a number of the President’s stated priorities. We look forward to working with the President and Congressional leadership to: 1. Reform our broken immigration system and to provide a pathway for Dreamers, essential workers and TPS holders to adjust their status, helping accelerate U.S. innovation and competitiveness. 2. Approve workforce development and training programs so that all can rise into the middle class and beyond. 3. Make sure lifesaving medicines are affordable for all and not just some as good health should not come at a price Americans cannot afford. 4. Implement commonsense gun violence prevention solutions and community-oriented policing strategies to improve safety in our streets and in our homes across urban and rural America. 5. Pass voting rights protection legislation to ensure that every eligible voter can vote and that every vote counts. Lastly, Forward Latino supports the courageous people of Ukraine who remind us what it truly means to fight for freedom. Glory to Ukraine, and Glory to its Heroes.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Frankie Miranda, President and CEO, Hispanic Federation: “Hispanic Federation applauds President Biden’s accomplishments in his first year as President. We recognize that he is leading the nation through one of the most challenging foreign and domestic policy moments in decades. In the last year, his accomplishments have been significant. More American jobs have been created in one year than at any time in U.S. history. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is rebuilding America’s roads, bridges, and rails and increasing access to clean drinking water and high-speed internet. The American Rescue Plan provided pandemic and economic relief by lowering taxes on the middle class and expanding social infrastructures through programs like the expanded Child Tax Credit, Unemployment Insurance, and SNAP. The Biden administration also began unraveling the destructive Trump-era laws targeting immigrants and refugees and rebuilding America’s reputation abroad. Most recently, the choice of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court, signals the continued priority of inclusiveness in his administration and his judicial nominees.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Voto Latino: “”Our economy created over 6.5 million new jobs just last year, more jobs created in one year than ever before in the history of America.” — @POTUS. Biden has delivered for the American people — now the work must continue! #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Alianza for Progress: “Us Floridians know a thing or two about potholes, this bipartisan, infrastructure plan helps us all. #SOTU #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Mi Familia Vota: ““Lower your costs, not your wages!” Eso, @POTUS ?” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Alianza for Progress:

“- Pass paycheck fairness act

– Raise the minimum wage to $15

– Extend Child tax credit

Bold plans to #BuildBackBetter #SOTU #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Mi Familia Vota: “Yes, we need to lower the cost of child care. Bring back the #ChildTaxCredit that helped thousands of families cover this and more! #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Juan Escalante: “ADIOS Infrastructure Week  HELLO Infrastructure Decade #SOTU #SOTU2022” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Alianza for Progress: “Capping the cost of insulin to $35/month can help millions of Americans – especially minority communities, who suffer the highest rates of Diabetes in America. #SOTU2022 #SOTU #BigPharma” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

UnidosUS: “We stand with @POTUS in urging the Congress to “close the coverage gap” for #Medicaid so that millions of Latinos and others can access health insurance coverage in states like Florida and Texas. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“We welcome @POTUS’s efforts to make high-quality and flexible childcare a priority. Latinas have been more likely than their non-Hispanic peers to be forced to cut their work hours or quit their jobs due to childcare needs during the pandemic. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“We echo @POTUS’s call to pass the #JohnLewisAct and support #VotingRights. It’s past time to safeguard the vote and push back on the harmful efforts at voter suppression in too many states. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“We agree with @POTUS: a path to citizenship for #DREAMers, farmworkers and many other immigrants who have stood up for America during the pandemic and every day, will only make America stronger. The vast majority of Americans agree. Let’s get it done. #WeAreHome #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“Lacking resources and access to mental health services in low-income communities, especially those of color, isn’t a new topic. We welcome this priority to address our national mental health crisis, so our communities, especially children, can get the care they deserve. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Carlos L Malave, Director, Latino Christian National Network: “President Biden, thank you for your commitment to reform our #immigration system. It is past time to bring our immigrant brothers and sisters out of the shadows of society. Let’s recognize their contributions to our country. @POTUS #ImmigrationReformNow” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO): “”Because of your resilience and the tools we have, tonight I can say we are moving forward safely, back to more normal routines,” -@POTUS. By getting our familia vaccinated, we proved that #JuntosPodemos! We can now move forward in our recovery from COVID-19. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO): “While we’ve seen a commitment by the current administration to improve our immigration system, it is Congress that must act NOW and work to pass fair and meaningful immigration reform. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

LULAC: “.@POTUS is right. The American Rescue Plan is steering our country back from such a painful & costly health crisis. Latinos & communities of color in U.S & Puerto Rico have experienced the highest impact. We are the nation’s essential workers. We show up to work each day. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Voto Latino: “Tonight, @POTUS’s leadership was on full display, outlining his vision for building an equitable economy that serves all Americans. Now, we need action. Because at the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. So let’s go to work. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Arturo Vargas, CEO, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO): “Over the past few years, the world has lived through a series of unprecedented historic events that have affected us globally, as a nation, as comunidades, and as individuals.  Understandably, these events have brought us together in some ways but further divided us in others. Just when we were beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel on COVID-19, Russia started an unprovoked war in Ukraine.  Tonight, as the president said, our hearts are with the Ukrainian people.  While this war is being waged overseas, its fundamental implications for human rights and access to a fair and representative democracy ring close to home. During President Biden’s first year in office, NALEO was thrilled to see the instances where Republicans and Democrats came together to make life better for all Americans. We encourage the White House to continue its people-before-politics work, particularly in the areas of immigration reform and naturalization, voting rights, and continued COVID-19 health and safety precautions.  Our leaders must put American values, the common good, and humanity before hubris, crafting legislation that extends beyond party lines. We commend the president for reiterating the critical importance of the right to vote and the invaluable contributions that immigrants make to our society — from our economy to our global status as a nation that advances liberty and justice for all.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Latino Community Foundation: “Tonight, @POTUS declared the State of our Union strong because the American people are strong. We see this strength in our Latino nonprofit and philanthropic leaders. Love, culture, power. This is who we are. May it extend to freedom-seeking peoples across this world. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Forward Latino: “Tonight Forward Latino applauds the message of unity and urgency shared by President Biden in tonight’s State of the Union Address. From defending freedom and democracy against dictators and autocrats around the world, to making sure every person and business has a fair opportunity to succeed and prosper, Forward Latino supports a number of the President’s stated priorities.

We look forward to working with the President and Congressional leadership to:

  1. Reform our broken immigration system and to provide a pathway for Dreamers, essential workers and TPS holders to adjust their status, helping accelerate U.S. innovation and competitiveness
  2. Approve workforce development and training programs so that all can rise into the middle class and beyond
  3. Make sure lifesaving medicines are affordable for all and not just some as good health should not come at a price Americans cannot afford
  4. Implement commonsense gun violence prevention solutions and community-oriented policing strategies to improve safety in our streets and in our homes across urban and rural America
  5. Pass voting rights protection legislation to ensure that every eligible voter can vote and that every vote counts

Lastly, Forward Latino supports the courageous people of Ukraine who remind us what it truly means to fight for freedom. Glory to Ukraine, and Glory to its Heroes.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

D. Taylor, President, Unite HERE: “We are in a marker moment for organizing, and last night’s State of the Union address shows us once again that the Biden administration is pro-worker and pro-union. #StateOfTheUnion’’ [Tweet, 3/2/22]

Terry O’Sullivan, President, LiUNA: “ One year in, President Joe Biden’s vow to be the most pro-union and pro-worker President in our nation’s history is more than evident to LIUNA families.  The President underscored his values, commitment, and dedication to improving opportunities for working men and women once again in his State of the Union remarks. His leadership in the passage of the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the single-largest investment in our nation’s transportation system in our lifetime, exemplifies his determination to create good union jobs and build the middle-class. While the pandemic has posed incredible challenges for our economy and the very health and well-being of ourselves and our families, this Administration is acting with decisiveness and determination to confront inflation, restore our economy, ensure Americans have access to vaccines and testing, and reduce child poverty to historic lows.  The President also laid out his vision to fix our broken immigration system and provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and TPS-holders. LIUNA urges Congress to act on the President’s proposals and provide relief to hundreds of thousands of hard-working immigrant families – many of whom are union members, working in the construction industry. LIUNA commends the Biden Administration for prioritizing the needs of working men and women by reversing anti-worker policies, and implementing worker-friendly, union-friendly initiatives. With more good union jobs, a stronger, more robust economy, and a federal government committed to allowing workers the right to join unions, LIUNA members look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with the President and his Administration to continue this impressive momentum.” [Statement, 3/2/22]

LGBTQ Advocates

Amit Paley, CEO & Executive Director, The Trevor Project: “Thank you @POTUS for your message of support for transgender and nonbinary youth and their families during tonight’s #SOTU. We must come together and mobilize against the attacks on trans kids happening in Texas and across the country.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Rev. Brandan Robertson: “In a moment of intense division, @POTUS offered a truly unifying vision for an America where people of differing beliefs and values can work together to create a better future for our country. May we live up to this vision that’s been cast this evening.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Freedom for All Americans: “POTUS reaffirming his support for the LGBTQ community, and specifically calling out the wave of anti-transgender state bills was important tonight. State leaders should be focusing on protecting not attacking the American people. LGBTQ people deserve fairness and freedom.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

GLAD: “Let’s finally get the bipartisan #EqualityAct to my desk” and stop the onslaught of attacks against transgender and LGB youth. Thank you President Biden.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Joni Madison, Interim President, Human Rights Campaign (HRC): “The Human Rights Campaign applauds President Biden for renewing his commitment to getting the Equality Act passed and enacted into law. With LGBTQ+ people lacking basic freedoms and protections in many states across the country, the Equality Act will finally ensure comprehensive, federal protections that make it clear that everyone deserves the opportunity to live free from harassment and discrimination — no matter where you live. The president’s call for action couldn’t come at a more urgent moment as state legislatures across the country are increasingly advancing discriminatory measures that seek to take us backward as a nation, shamelessly attacking transgender youth. We applaud the president’s commitment to having the backs of trans youth, and HRC stands in solidarity with the president, pledging to continue fighting back against the harmful, discriminatory attacks on trans kids and families who deserve to be supported, not attacked, by our elected leaders. The president’s message tonight is one that must be amplified across the country, especially amongst young transgender people.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Lambda Legal: “Tonight, @POTUS acknowledged we are in a mental health crisis—one disproportionately affecting LGBTQ+ youth. Particularly with all of the attacks & stresses LGBTQ+ people & other vulnerable groups are facing, we welcome these remarks highlighting the importance of mental health.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

The LGBTQ Task Force: “Thank you @potus for recommitting to passing federal nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC): “@POTUS has ended #SOTU2022 highlighting his unity agenda. @NBJContheMove hopes Congress works with him to ensure health & wellness for all, technology protections & inclusive data collection, removing barriers to education & employment, & modernized civil & voting rights.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Andy Marra, Executive Director, Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF): “TLDEF applauds President Biden’s remarks to ensure passage of the Equality Act, and his message of support to transgender young people and their families across the nation. Now more than ever, transgender people need explicit federal protections, and we have bipartisan support across the country for this sensible and long-overdue legislation to finally be passed and signed into law. TLDEF is gratified to have a steadfast partner in the White House who both shares our belief that transgender people deserve a country and future that guarantees our dignity and works with us to make that vision a reality.” [Statement, 3/2/22]

National Center for Transgender Equality: “Thank you @POTUS. Leadership at tonight’s State of the Union: “And for our LGBTQ+ Americans, let’s finally get the bipartisan Equality Act to my desk. The onslaught of state laws targeting transgender Americans and their families is simply wrong.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Council of Jewish Women: “We agree @POTUS: Let’s get the Equality Act passed to help build a society where everyone’s dignity is recognized and respected.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO, GLAAD: “As state politicians target young transgender Americans and Texas Governor Greg Abbott dangerously threatens parents for caring for their own children, President Biden tonight shared a bold and unequivocal message of support for transgender people and all LGBTQ Americans.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Sharita Gruberg, Center for American Progress: “Thank you, @POTUS! Half of LGBTQ Americans live in states without protections and the onslaught of attacks against LGBTQ kids is putting even more people at risk. The Senate must pass the #EqualityAct now!” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Mental Health Advocates

Inseparable CEO Bill Smith: “There are so many great plans in @Potus’ new fact sheet on addressing our national #mentalhealth crisis, which impacts every American family regardless of party or politics. The need for urgent action is now so we are excited for tonight’s #SOTU!” [Tweet thread, 3/1/22] 

Massachusetts Association for Mental Health:  @POTUS Biden’s #UnityAgenda will include a strategy to address our national #mentalhealth crisis, according to a White House release issued today. What we know so far: The @JoeBiden/@kamalaharris administration is aware of the nationwide mental health crisis.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Sasha Pudelski, Advocacy Director, The School Superindentent Association: “Today, the WH formally commits to “mak[ing] t easier for school-based mental health professionals to seek reimbursement from Medicaid.” This is going to be transformational for Medicaid billing and for expanding access to healthcare services in schools.” [Full Tweet Thread, 3/1/22] 

Children’s Hospital Association: Tonight, President Biden will give his State of the Union address and acknowledge the increasing mental health crisis for all Americans, especially for our children and youth. The president will also present a national mental health strategy to strengthen system capacity, connect more Americans to care and create a continuum of support. 

“Children’s Hospital Association applauds the Biden Administration for these critical first steps in responding to a longstanding mental health crisis which, for our kids, accelerated into a national emergency due to the pandemic. Our children need help now, and we call on the president and Congress to take actions specifically targeted to alleviating the pediatric boarding crisis and improving pediatric mental health care: 

  • Increase critical investments in pediatric behavioral health services, such as Medicaid parity with Medicare payment rates for similar services 
  • Increase investments to support the recruiting, training, mentorship, retention and professional development of a diverse pediatric workforce 
  • Invest in a more robust pediatric mental health infrastructure for high-acuity patients 
  • Facilitate greater access to pediatric mental health services through telehealth 
  • Bolster community and school-based systems of care for children and families 
  • Strengthen implementation and oversight of mental health parity requiring comparable reimbursement of mental health and physical health services 

 On behalf of the nation’s children’s hospitals, we look forward to working with the president and Congress to making our mental health care system work for the unique needs of our children.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

Coalition to End Social Isolation & Loneliness: “Tonight, during the #SOTU, @POTUS will share a strategy to address the growing #mentalhealthcrisis. Based on info previously shared, he will discuss building system capacity, connecting people to care, and providing support through #connection. We are pleased that #socialisolation, grief, and trauma were recognized by the administration and the strategy aligns with our multisector approach to address SIL and our policy priorities. The Coalition will be monitoring the #stateoftheunion closely and look forward to following up with the @WhiteHouse, @HHSGov, and Capitol Hill on a #bipartisan basis to address these issues as they relate to social isolation and loneliness.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

ACTNow for Mental Health (ANMH): “Tonight, during his first #SOTU, @POTUS will outline priorities including a strategy to address the national #mentalhealth crisis. He will discuss building system capacity, connecting people to care, and providing support to American adults and youth. We commend the Biden Administration for taking this historic step to lead our nation toward better health and wellbeing – in particular with a focus on #youth and historically underserved communities. Their strategy aligns with our policy priorities. Strengthening behavioral health parity, expanding access to school-based intervention services, addressing #stigmatization related to seeking help, and investing in a diverse, #culturallycompetent mental health #workforce are all necessary to address this crisis. ANMH will be monitoring the #SOTU remarks closely and following up with @WhiteHouse, @HHSGov, and leaders on the hill to address the growing #mentalhealth crisis.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Phillip Schermer, Founder & CEO, Project Healthy Minds: “Today, President Biden announced historic actions to tackle the raging mental health crisis in America. As a mental health nonprofit founded by Gen Z and Millennials, for Gen Z and Millennials, we know that the mental health crisis is one of the defining issues of our generation. We at Project Healthy Minds applaud the Biden-Harris administration’s leadership on this issue and stand ready to support its new efforts. Mental health is uniquely interconnected with nearly every challenge we face — the trauma of global conflict, the deep inequities faced by marginalized communities, efforts to rebuild and grow an economy reshaped by COVID-19, the threat of climate catastrophe, rapid changes in technology and media, the opioid epidemic, and more. Mental health isn’t partisan, it’s practical. Taking bold action to fight the underlying causes of the crisis and expand access to care will help more than 65 million Americans struggling with a mental health condition and create a more supportive world for new generations.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Rainbows for All Children: “The state of youth mental health is in crisis. There is a shortage of mental health professionals in the United States and financial barriers for families seeking mental health services for their children. This is especially prevelant in minority and vulnerable communities. Intervention is needed now in order to mitigate the potential for another public health emergency if we ignore the mental health needs of an entire generation of children. Rainbows for All Children supports President Biden’s strategy to:“build system capacity, connect more people to care, and provide support to Americans.” The President’s plan specifically outlines support in regards to our nation’s youth, which are in desperate need of increased mental health care. All children deserve access to high-quality, affordable, and culturally competent mental health care. Approximately 68% of children living in the United States (or 50 million children) will experience a life-altering event triggering profound grief before they turn 18 (known as an Adverse Childhood Experience). This including death in the family, divorce, abandonment, military deployment of a loved one, incarceration, or diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. These children are at an increased risk for learning, emotional, and behavioral issues; physical health problems; aggression; and substance and alcohol abuse. These statistics have not been updated to recognize the over 203,649 children who have experienced the loss of a parent or caregiver to the COVID-19 pandemic, and time will only tell how our children will respond to the shared trauma of the pandemic. Children often do not have the ability to cope with their feelings and experiences around a traumatic event or a loss. A child’s reactions to Adverse Childhood Experiences can interfere with their daily life and ability to function and interact with others. Symptoms can include nightmares, depression, physical symptoms such as stomachaches and headaches, self-harm, insomnia, fatigue, appetite disturbances, abrupt changes in personality, poor emotional control, lack of motivation, substance abuse, truancy, academic problems, peer problems, anxiety, and more. Other children may hide their emotions, acting as though nothing has happened. Long-term effects can continue to surface for decades to come. Research has shown that Adverse Childhood Experiences are strongly related to the development and prevalence of a wide range of behavioral and health problems throughout a person’s lifespan, including substance abuse, mental health issues, depression, obesity, learning and behavioral issues, aggression, and more.However, the negative effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences are preventable, and children can learn coping skills to help them develop greater resiliency, which President Biden’s addresses in his unity agenda. Assuring the healthy development of all children is essential for societies seeking to achieve their full health and potential. Finding early remedies to shared trauma and loss is critical to the flourishing of our communities. We all need to work harder to promote conditions that reduce or eliminate risky behavior and develop healthy children. The founder of Rainbows, Suzy Yehl Marta, said that she, “would never stop until every grieving child had a voice.” We are committed to ensuring her mission lives on with the same compassion and commitment, providing guided peer support to youth throughout 38 states and 12 countries at no cost to the children or families we serve.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Schroeder Stribling, President and CEO, Mental Health America: “Mental Health America applauds President Biden for highlighting mental health in tonight’s State of the Union and calling for all Americans to have access to the mental health services they need. We had a pre-existing mental health crisis in America before COVID-19 which the pandemic has dramatically amplified. After two years of grief, loss, and isolation, Americans are in desperate need of more mental health supports and services. The strategy the White House has laid out in its fact sheet is a necessary beginning – and it will save lives. Their approach will meet people where they are and will reduce disparities and promote equity across the mental health landscape. Advancing equity in mental health requires that everyone – regardless of race, socioeconomic status, gender identity or sexual orientation, geography, or any other demographic – has equal access to affordable, effective, and culturally responsive mental health care. Through peer support, workforce expansion, and social and human services provider training, we are excited to see the Biden administration empowering community members to take an active role in providing mental health support. The overwhelming need for mental health support in this country cannot be met by the current workforce alone. More than 50% of people will be diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime, and many will not receive any services until many years after first experiencing symptoms. To that end, we appreciate the administration’s focus on prevention and early intervention, including a commitment to early childhood and school services and a more proactive approach to social media.As more of the plan unfolds, we hope to see a fierce dedication to mental health reforms in our public and private insurance programs. We look forward to working with the administration on this new mental health agenda.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Daniel H. Gillison, Jr., President, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): “NAMI applauds President Biden for his unprecedented focus on mental health in the State of the Union address, providing the national attention that our ongoing mental health crisis deserves. From expanding our mental health workforce and reimagining our response to mental health crises to increasing access to care and supporting the mental health of our youth and young adults, the President is proposing bold investments in our mental health infrastructure. These investments and policy solutions could not come at a more critical time. As our mental health crisis continues to intensify at an alarming rate, we must put bipartisan, common-sense solutions into practice. We thank the President for his leadership in advancing this effort and we call upon Congress to pass legislation meeting the nation’s mental health needs.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

National Association of Peer Supporters (NAPS): “The National Association of Peer Supporters, representing the nation’s Peer Support Specialists, applauds President Biden and his Administration for bringing attention and solutions to the mental health of our nation…Presidential Administrations have played a critical role in elevating the value that people with lived and living experience of mental health and substance conditions and their families have in the design, delivery, and evaluation of services. We celebrate the inclusion of the Peer Support Workforce in the Administration’s strategy. We stand ready to partner with the Biden administration on improving the health of all Americans including through policy related to the peer support profession.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

American Association of Suicidology (AAS): “The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) expresses its gratitude to the Biden Administration for taking action to address a number of critical mental health initiatives and specifically addressing suicide in this bold, inclusive, and comprehensive agenda. In 2018, we called on legislators and lawmakers to fully fund suicide prevention at $1 billion annually – this public health-oriented agenda is finally on par with that request and makes huge strides in meeting the scope of the problem head on. AAS has consistently advocated for youth mental health programs and progressive initiatives that allow young people in the US to access life-saving care. Additionally, it’s promising to see this Administration directly tackle the difficult issue of the intersection of social media with the behavioral health of youth. While social media also carries many advantages in allowing youth to connect with their peers and to provide support, we’re happy to see the Administration target data collection and other examples of users’ digital shadows that can lead to potential harm to this vulnerable population. At the beginning of the pandemic, AAS highlighted the importance of behavioral health for our frontline and healthcare workers and we praise the President for signing the bipartisan Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act into law “which will invest $135 million over three years into training health care providers on suicide prevention and behavioral health while launching an awareness campaign to address stigmatization, promote help-seeking and self-care among this workforce.” Again, we applaud the Administration in directly addressing the crisis infrastructure in this country and for fully appreciating the scope of the problem, including prevention, intervention, and outreach across the full continuum of care. Over the last few years, AAS has consistently played a role in developing legislation to further advance the creation and implementation of 988. AAS is the home of many members in the crisis services industry as well as providing accreditation for over a hundred crisis centers taking part in the 988 and National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network. As such, we’ve strongly advocated for funding crisis centers to fully provide the capacity to meet the demand of the impending volume of contacts through 988. This Administration’s agenda takes another major step in the direction of ensuring this will take place and we could not be more grateful. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with this Administration and other suicide prevention and mental health organizations to reduce suicides in this country.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Eating Disorders Coalition: “Social media has fueled the pediatric mental health crisis and has been conducting a “national experiment” on our children for years. Platform algorithms knowingly promote harmful eating disorders and other mental health content to youth in return for boosted engagement and profits. Sadly, social media platforms have increasingly taken advantage of youth during the pandemic as isolation has spawned increased social media usage. In particular, social media algorithms have placed extreme eating disorder, depression, and self-harm content next to youth-targeted advertising and served these messages to vulnerable users to maximize engagement and spending. Frequent and prolonged social media use has been correlated with depressed mood and negative appearance comparison in youth, leading to increased risk of disordered eating. These impacts have been reflected in eating disorder emergency room hospitalizations for teen girls increasing by 50% since 2019.1 While sharing steps to address the effects of social media platform predation, President Biden will also focus on preventive action to create accountability for social media platforms under the administration’s existing authority.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

Jim Steyer, Founder and CEO, Common Sense: “The significance of the President’s State of the Union message about our national mental health crisis cannot be overstated. Kids and teens are suffering from mental health issues at alarming rates, exacerbated by the pandemic and also by social media platforms that have seized the opportunity to keep kids addicted to screens at all costs. The American people want to see the government act to protect them and their children. If Congress and the President work together now to, as the president called for, strengthen children’s privacy and ban targeted advertising for children online, stop discriminatory algorithmic decision-making that limits opportunities for young Americans, and invest in research on social media’s mental harms, it would be a game-changer for creating a better and safer online world for kids, teens, and all consumers.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Former Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy and Amy Kennedy, The Kennedy Forum: “Within his aptly named Unity Agenda, President Biden has laid out the bold steps our nation must take to address mental health across the lifespan. This comprehensive action plan comprised of treatment, support, and prevention components is the catalyst we need to usher in a new era of health equity—one that will save countless lives. By prioritizing these areas and more, we can bridge the dangerous divide between mental health and physical health, and benefit society for years to come. We applaud President Biden and his administration for shining a much-needed spotlight on the mental health crisis and we call on every member of Congress to act with great urgency.” [Statement, 3/2/2022]

Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law: “The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law enthusiastically commends President Joe Biden for including a bipartisan mental health strategy in his first State of the Union address. It is clear that the nation’s mental health care systems must be bolstered to address the systematic inequities in access to mental health resources, especially for Black and Brown people, that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.  President Biden’s plan is a comprehensive blueprint for community-based mental health services to meet these urgent needs.” [Statement, 3/2/22]


Janos Martin, National Director, DreamJustice: “Mental health and opioid addiction are crises affecting urban & rural communities, red states & blue states. Investing in mental healthcare, drug treatment, and harm reduction will keep people out of prison AND make us safer.  That’s something we can all get behind.  #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Layla Zaidane, CEO of Millennial Action Project. “‘There’s something happening in America. Just look around and you’ll see an amazing story.’ Maybe my favorite line tonight. If @MActionProject has shown me anything, it’s that there’s a *really* good story that needs to be told. #SOTU” [Tweet,  3/1/22]

Zeenat Rahman, Executive Director, University of Chicago Institute of Politics: “POTUS delivered a strong #unityagenda today, outlining concrete, inspirational ways for Americans to work together across divides. Pragmatic and actionable #letsgo” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Common Ground Committee: “‘Now more than ever, it is imperative that Americans work together towards collaboration, progress and peace in this time of division.’ #CommonGroundCommittee supports the work of lawmakers to come together and find #LightNotHeat. #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Wendy Feliz, American Immigration Council: “@POTUS calls us to come together as Americans (born here and abroad) in fellowship, to work together, care for our families, and our nation. We are one people and one America. #SOTU @newpluralists.”[Tweet, 3/1/22]

Greater Good Science Center: “‘We can’t change how divided we’ve been. But we can change how we move forward.’ We appreciated the many calls to #bridgebuilding in tonight’s #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Revolutionary Love Project: “Throughout our history, common pain has led us to a common purpose. COVID, climate crises, mass incarceration, rising inequality—we are a nation in grief but we also know how to rise.  Where do you see people coming together? #SOTU”

Manu Meel, Executive Director, BridgeUSA:  “‘Let’s not see each other as enemies…”- I pray that happens. And @BridgeUSA_ will make it happen.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Pearce Godwin, Listen First Coalition: “Toxic polarization – the way we demonize each other across differences – is a grave threat to our families, communities and country. As @JoeBiden said tonight, we must see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans, and find a way forward together. #ListenFirst #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

USC Center for the Political Future: “The United States of America desperately needs more unity.  The Center for the Political Future at USC seeks to bring together Americans to advance shared interests that should unite us despite our inevitable differences #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Indian American Impact: “We’re excited to hear @POTUS lay out his vision and unity agenda in his first SOTU!” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Nisha Anand, CEO, DreamCorps: “The mental health crisis is too big for us to face without some attempts at common ground. Encouraged to see mental health is part of the #UnityAgenda. Our kids need us to work together.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

“Most importantly, President Biden gave us hope for the future.” [Statement, 3/1/22]


Danielle Melfi, Executive Director, Building Back Together: “Tonight, President Biden made clear that even as we faced unprecedented crises in the last year, America is stronger and more resilient today than we were when he took office. In his speech, the President emphasized America’s leadership in rallying our allies to stand up for democracy and with the Ukrainian people by enacting swift and severe costs on Russia in the face of Putin’s premeditated war. President Biden also highlighted the significant steps the Biden-Harris Administration has taken to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and build our economy from the bottom up and the middle out — not the top down. Under President Biden’s leadership, we have the tools to keep Americans safe and fight COVID-19, have laid the groundwork for a historic economic recovery that has already created millions of jobs, and have leaders in the White House who are using every tool at their disposal to bring down costs for working families. Through the American Rescue Plan, the Biden-Harris Administration secured relief funding to get shots in arms, safely reopen schools, and get Americans back to work. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which President Biden signed into law in November, is already delivering much-needed investments to create good-paying jobs rebuilding America with goods that are made in America. And the President is just getting started. Along with these historic accomplishments, President Biden underscored the importance of unity as we turn to the work that lies ahead. He knows, as we do, that there is more that unites us than divides us, and that there is nothing Americans can’t do when we do it together. As the President said tonight, ‘It is never a good bet to bet against the American people.’ In the coming months, working and middle class Americans can trust that the Biden-Harris Administration will continue to build on the progress made so far and rebuild a stronger America for all of us.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Rahna Epting, Executive Director, MoveOn: “  Biden’s #StateOfTheUnion is a stark contrast to the previous admin: No Name calling, no trash talking, just real answers – Pro-diplomacy, pro-democracy – Lower the cost of prescription drugs – Make more things in the USA – Invest in electric vehicles/combat climate change.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Ezra Levin, Executive Director, Indivisible: “This is a good speech well delivered.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Margarida Jorge, Executive Director, Health Care for America Now: “President Biden’s proposals in his State of the Union address would significantly lower the cost of prescription drugs and insurance premiums, crucial steps to rein in out-of-pocket costs for families dealing with inflationary price increases for everyday necessities. The President also recognizes that corporations and the wealthiest Americans, who have seen their gains skyrocket during the pandemic, can do more to pay their fair share of taxes and support expanded access to health care and other services that help average families make ends meet.President Biden has delivered on his promises to increase access to affordable health care, create jobs and update basic infrastructure like roads, broadband and water systems in his first year as president. As many as 5 million more Americans have gained access to health care, COVID-19 tests and vaccines have been distributed widely, and families around the country have received much-needed financial relief payments. What’s more, the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act he signed will further boost our economy and provide long-overdue improvements in transportation, clean air and water and the expansion of telehealth services that make doctor’s appointments and treatments more convenient and accessible. Congress should finish the job by passing the rest of President Biden’s broadly popular proposals to negotiate lower prescription drug prices, close the Medicaid coverage gap and make affordable health care premiums permanent.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

American Bridge 21st Century Co-chair, Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick: “Time after time, Joe Biden has delivered strong, principled presidential leadership. He unified democracies around the world to hit back against Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine. He unified Republicans and Democrats in Washington to make long overdue repairs and improvements in American roads, bridges, airports, broadband and other infrastructure. And he unified the scientific and business communities to bring us through the most devastating public health crisis in a century, with explosive job growth and a gradual but safe return to our normal routines. And he has done it despite the pollsters, pundits and performers who have tried their darndest to bully him and make him fail. So I congratulate the President on his State of the Union address and I look forward to the heavy work ahead under his quiet, no-nonsense, principled leadership.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

American Bridge 21st Century Co-chair, Montana Governor Steve Bullock: “Tonight’s State of the Union clearly demonstrated President Biden’s leadership. His administration is showing strength at home and abroad. President Biden knows how to lead during hard times and thanks to his administration, we are emerging from this pandemic stronger than ever. Since taking office, President Biden has created 7.1 million jobs, distributed more than $400 billion in critical relief to more than 6 million small businesses, and lowered the unemployment rate by 2.4 percent. President Biden has created more jobs than any other president during his first year in office – breaking record after record along the way and keeping his campaign promise to build back better.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Mark Zuckerman, President, The Century Foundation: “President Biden’s State of the Union address this evening laid out a vision for ambitious, progressive policy change that would drastically improve the lives of the American people. The historic accomplishments of President Biden’s first year in office—including the passage of the American Rescue Plan and critical investments in our country’s infrastructure—have set the stage for what is to come. Tonight, the president made clear that his administration will continue fighting for a pro-worker, pro-family domestic agenda, including steps to address the child care crisis, reshape health care policy, make college more affordable, combat climate change, and much more. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, these issues are of critical importance, impacting Americans’ lives today as well as our collective future. President Biden’s address tonight gives many reasons for hope that, despite the significant challenges we face at home and abroad, the coming year will be defined by further progress toward building a more equitable and just America.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Rural Advocates

US Dairy Export Council President and CEO Krysta Harden: “We are grateful to President Biden and his administration for bringing the Department of Justice and the Federal Maritime Commission together in a partnership to better enforce the Shipping Act and promote competition in the ocean carrier market. Laws that protect shippers are only as good as their enforcement. We urge the DOJ and the FMC to move swiftly in pursuit of steps that will help deter unreasonable ocean shipping practices that harm U.S. dairy exporters.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

National Milk Producers Federation President and CEO: “Throughout 2020 and 2021, American dairy producers and cooperatives have faced unprecedented challenges in moving dairy exports from plants to ships due in key part to the actions of the ocean carrier industry. The last year has clearly shown that changes are needed to tackle the unreasonable power shipping vessel owners have over America’s agricultural exporters working hard to get their goods to foreign markets. U.S. dairy exporters have been forced to endure unfair practices, including last minute changes, increased costs, and other unwarranted charges and penalties. Effective enforcement of the Shipping Act is long overdue particularly as ocean carriers enjoy record profits.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Hon. Heidi Heitkamp, Founder, One Country Project:” “Tonight, President Biden called for unity not only with our allies in fighting the terrorism of Vladimir Putin, but also unity at home. Building consensus is a challenging process that requires sustained effort and commitment, but if we continue to communicate productively and with purpose we can move forward as one country to advance a unity agenda for the nation and rural communities.  Our elected leaders must build upon the progress that has been made this past year in combatting Covid-19, improving our infrastructure, creating jobs, and fighting global threats to democracy. We must work together to fight inflation, get our kids back to school, improve our healthcare systems and costs, address the opioid epidemic and mental health crisis, put in place the support working families need—like affordable prescription drugs and childcare—and ensure we are creating the necessary pathways for our future workforce to drive our economy and keep American jobs here at home. As the President stated in his address and we witnessed by the bipartisan applause tonight, “We agree on a lot more things than we acknowledge.” Congress must move forward with this in mind and pass meaningful legislation that addresses the key issues facing our nation.  Americans—rural, suburban, and urban—expect and deserve their elected officials to do that each day.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

National Rural Health Association: “NRHA has been pleased to see a focus on rural communities in activities early in the President’s term, recognizing that for too long rural communities have faced underinvestment and persistent poverty. Significant investments in rural through the American Rescue plan and Bipartisan Infrastructure plan include addressing rural health coverage gaps, keeping rural hospitals open, rural healthcare workforce shortages, as well as maintaining and expanding telehealth. These are in line with NRHA’s advocacy focus since the onset of the Biden Presidency, and we’re excited to hear additional details about future proposals. Tonight, President Biden is expected to discuss his new strategy to address the national mental health crisis. Rural America suffers from the effects of long-standing rural shortages of specialty mental health services, long travel distances to obtain treatment, and stigma and cultural/ societal attitudes about efforts to ensure access to the full range of behavioral health services. This fall, NRHA provided comments to the Senate Finance Committee’s request for information on mental health care. Upon initial review of the President’s proposed mental health strategy, NRHA is pleased to see many of our recommendations reflected in this new initiative especially around investing in a strong behavioral health workforce, integration of behavioral health and primary care, and addressing the opioid crisis.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Rural Voices USA: “Thanks @POTUS! I thank my Republican friends who joined to invest in rebuilding America. The single biggest investment in history. It was a bipartisan effort. . . .We’re done talking about infrastructure weeks. We’re now talking about an infrastructure decade.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Minnesota Farmers Union: “We agree! @POTUS has made cracking down on corporate consolidation in agriculture a major priority during the first year of his presidency. Keep up the fight to restore #FairnessForFarmers! #SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Jane Kleeb, Founder, Bold Nebraska: “Biden bringing up meatpacking and family farmers and ranchers…a President who does not use rural as a tagline, but gives hard solutions and budget line items to fix problems. #SOTU #RuralProud” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

RuralOrganizing.org: “Last night, at the State of the Union, President Biden reminded the nation that  one of the first things he did as President “was fight to pass the American Rescue Plan.” And he explained, again, why, “ Because people were hurting. We needed to act, and we did.’ He also made a critically important point about that legislation, “Few pieces of legislation have done more in a critical moment in our history to lift us out of crisis.” That’s proven true in counties, cities, and towns across the country, including our rural communities that have long been overlooked by federal spending.” [Statement, 3/2/22]


Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America CEO Jeremy Butler: “Streets closed off around Capitol Hill in advance of the #SOTU2022 . Expecting a focus on veterans from @POTUS tonight in addition to many other priorities” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Union Veterans Council: ‘ “Freedom will always triumph over tyranny.”’ – @POTUS #SOTU2022 [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Elizabeth Dole Foundation: “Veterans are the backbone of our country. Our troops in Iraq & Afghanistan faced many dangers – one being burn pits. I’m committed to finding out everything we can, to military families like Danielle Robinson of Ohio, the widow of Sgt. First Class Heath Robinson.” -@POTUS  #SOTU [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Elizabeth Dole Foundation: “We @DoleFoundation are very happy to hear @POTUS announce aggressive expansion of support for #veterans suffering from exposure to #burnpits – we look forward to working with @DeptVetAffairs and @SecVetAffairs to support!” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America: “Thank you @FLOTUS for having Danielle Robinson as one of your guests for the #SOTU — She represents many families that have their own #veterans battling health impacts from toxic exposure and the gold star families that have already lost loved ones like herself. #HeathRobinson” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America:” During the #SOTU — @POTUS says, “We are going to do better!” He called on Congress to pass the Honoring Our PACT Act so our #veterans get the health care and benefits they deserve and have earned. “Veterans are the backbone and spine of this country, and they are the best of us.” [Tweet, 3/1/22] 

Women and Families Advocates

Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Executive Director and CEO, MomsRising: “At this time when the country’s moms and families are struggling with the pandemic, fast-rising prices, and our need to create the kind of care infrastructure every country needs, we are very pleased to learn President Biden will take time during his State of the Union address tomorrow night to discuss the importance of lowering families’ costs – including child care, pre-K, and prescription drugs – and adopting a comprehensive national paid leave program, as well as ensuring paycheck fairness, raising the minimum wage, and providing direct tax relief to struggling families. These are the policies that matter most to America’s moms because they support economic security and stability for families, strengthen businesses, and help our economy thrive. President Biden and Vice President Harris are delivering the leadership America’s moms want and need. The U.S. Senate must step up now. For America’s moms, care simply can’t wait any longer.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Alexis McGill Johnson, President, Planned Parenthood: “As state legislatures across the country escalate relentless attacks on abortion rights and the Supreme Court gearing up to rule on a case this spring that could overturn Roe v. Wade, we need President Biden and all our leaders to step up and fight back. We thank the president for making important calls tonight to protect reproductive, LGBTQ+ and voting rights, advance maternal health, expand health care access, and to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Now is the time to be as bold and strong as possible. We are at a breaking point for reproductive freedom, and we need lawmakers at all levels of government to act. There is no more time to waste.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Sarah Rittling, Executive Director, First Five Years Fund (FFYF): “The president’s message tonight was clear: child care and early learning should be included in whatever reconciliation package Congress sends to his desk for signature. President Biden understands that the high cost and limited supply of child care and pre-K has held working families back for too long. We have an opportunity to provide relief to parents and build an early learning system that meets the needs of families, providers, and our economy. So as we think about addressing today’s challenges and building a stronger economic future for this country, there’s no question that early care and education must be central to the conversation. It’s time we address America’s early learning crisis head on to ensure children have the opportunity to start kindergarten ready to learn, and parents know that they can contribute to our economic recovery without the added worry of whether they find quality, affordable care for their children. The good news is that we have never been closer to passing strong, federal legislation to fortify America’s child care and early learning sector. We F look forward to continuing to work with Congress and heed the President’s call this evening to enact these desperately-needed reforms and investments.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Jordan Brooks, Executive Director, United State of Women: “Today, the United State of Women feels heard. During the State of the Union address, the President showcased the progress we’ve made to emerge from this pandemic, and his deep commitment to continuing to build an economy and a country where women can succeed. In a time of crisis, he offered a message of unity and hope.  Tonight, the President laid out a vision for our nation where childcare doesn’t break the bank, where everyone has paid family leave to take care of a child or loved one, and where we finally pass the Paycheck Fairness Act. In the face of unprecedented attacks on abortion access, the President reaffirmed his commitment to protecting and advancing reproductive justice and maternal health care. He urged Congress to pass critical legislation to extend the child tax credit, reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, protect voting rights, and raise the minimum wage. As we said in our letter to Congress this week, women don’t live our lives in silos – we need all of these policies to build a country where women and families can thrive. We stand ready to work with the President and with Congress to get this agenda passed. The women, girls and families of our country are counting on us.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Miriam Calderón, Chief Policy Officer, ZERO TO THREE: “Tonight, before the nation, President Biden spoke directly to the importance of investing in our families and the care economy. For too long, parents have been burdened with painfully high child care costs while providers struggle to stay in business or care for their own families, have not had the paid leave they need to bond with their new baby or heal from childbirth, and have lacked access to the resources they need for their families to thrive. Families are consistently forced to make impossible choices between caring for young children or a loved one and putting food on the table. But as the President made clear tonight, we can and will fight to ensure that we are giving all families what they need to help their children thrive. We made great strides last year to support parents with young children through historic investments in child care and the expansion of the Child Tax Credit, but there is too much at stake to let up now. It is past time for Congress to reengage on these critical issues for our infants and toddlers, and we echo President Biden’s call for them to do so at once. Additionally, we were heartened to hear the President highlight the importance of mental health for all ages during tonight’s address. Our systems were not built with the mental health needs of babies and toddlers in mind. We look forward to working with the Administration and Congress to make certain that young children and their caregivers are at the center of this new plan.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Marcela Howell, In Our Voice, National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda: “We were overjoyed on January 20, 2021, as we watched a new administration being sworn in. We voted for change and cheered when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, a Black and Asian woman, were sworn in as president and vice president of the United States. We were looking forward to the changes that would help families thrive whether they lived in cities, suburbs, or rural areas. We applauded as President Biden took steps to restore civil and human rights that were weakened or destroyed by the last administration. But the president is not an island, he needs the support and partnership of Congress to effect deep-rooted and sustainable change. Instead, conservatives in Congress, especially in the U.S. Senate, have shamefully obstructed the president and his administration, particularly on civil and human rights initiatives.[Statement, 03/01/22]

National Domestic Workers Alliance, Caring Across Generations, and Care in Action: “President Biden’s first State of the Union Address outlined in stark detail the challenges facing our country and concrete steps we can take towards a brighter future for working people. Now, it is critical that Congress do its part. The President’s plan to make a historic investment in the future of our care infrastructure has now been stalled in Congress for several months. Family caregivers and care workers are beyond exhausted physically, emotionally and financially and have had to duct-tape together care for their children, older family members and loved ones with disabilities. This investment will provide much-needed relief for home care workers who have sacrificed so much throughout the pandemic and the families who depend on their care. There are common sense steps Congress can take to lessen the economic pain that our country will face in the coming months. As President Biden outlined in his address, investing in workers and their families, lowering costs for families by investing in home and community based services, cutting childcare costs for families, and passing a federal paid leave policy are critical to an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy. It’s time for Congress to stand behind the President and realize the potential of an economy that centers care and allows all workers to provide for their families without the worry of making impossible choices.” [Joint statement, 3/2/22]

Mini Timmarju, President, NARAL: “President Biden’s State of the Union comes at a moment when the stakes for reproductive freedom could not be higher. The constitutional right to abortion is hanging on by a thread and state lawmakers across the country are determined to eviscerate abortion access through a barrage of bans and restrictions. It’s clear that the Biden-Harris administration recognizes that reproductive freedom is under attack and this moment requires bold action. We’re grateful that President Biden noted this pivotal moment for our movement during his address.” [Statement, 3/1/222]

Amanda Brown Lierman, Executive Director, Supermajority: “Women are the backbone of our democracy. We came together across age, race, and background to vote President Biden into office with a mandate to prioritize the issues that we care about. We’ve raised our voices to demand paid leave, affordable child care, reproductive freedom, and voting rights. Tonight, President Biden made it clear that he will continue working to answer our call to build a better country for our daughters than the one we inherited. With the historic nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court of the United States, President Biden took a giant step towards ensuring that our government represents us at every level. He fulfilled a crucial campaign promise to nominate a Black woman to our country’s highest court, and Judge Jackson will be a vital advocate for our rights on the bench. We are also heartened by his successful appointment of more than 40 federal judges, including numerous brilliant women, who represent the diversity of our country. We are encouraged by President Biden’s commitment to helping working families, which will provide women—especially women of color—relief we need to recover from the pandemic. We look forward to President Biden delivering for the millions of women who voted him into office by fulfilling his promise to work with Congress to lower costs for all Americans. We still have work to do. We will continue to push for paid leave, because no woman should have to choose between caring for herself or a loved one and earning a paycheck. We will continue to advocate for legislation protecting the freedom to vote, which is critical for the health of our democracy, our representation, and our progress. And we will keep fighting for our reproductive freedom, which has never been in greater danger. We will continue to demand a world where our lives, bodies, work, and families are valued and our government represents us. Women are the supermajority of voters in America, and we are powerful. We will not rest until our voices are heard and progress is made.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Melissa Boteach, Vice President for Income Security and Child Care, National Women’s Law Center: “The #AmericanRescuePlan helped prevent the collapse of the child care industry. It cut child poverty nearly in half w/the improvements to the child tax credit. It made healthcare more affordable. Let’s just take a moment & celebrate it! #SOTU2022 #SOTU [Tweet, 3/1/22]

The National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence: “Thanks, Mr. President! Survivors need affordable housing & childcare! #WomensSOTU #VAWA4ALL” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Ms. Foundation: “We agree, Mr. President. It’s time to pass the Violence Against Women Act!  #VAWA #SOTU”[Tweet, 3/1/22]

National Alliance to End Sexual Violence: “@POTUS: ‘I will soon be strengthening the Violence Against Women Act’  It’s time to pass bipartisan S. 3623 #VAWA #VAWA4All #WomensSOTU #SOTU #SOTU2022 Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/2sez3zfr” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Kristen Rowe, President of Moms Rising: “Music to the ears to hear @POTUS lifting the importance of #ReproductiveRights, the #VAWA, #MaternalHealth, LGBTQ+ rights, and more!” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Ai-Jen Poo, President, National Domestic Workers Alliance: “‘My plan would cut the cost of child care…it doesn’t stop there, it also includes home & long term care.’ Care in the #StateOfTheUnion. This is historic. Thank you for caring, @POTUS. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Youth Advocates

18by Vote: “President Biden said to pass the Freedom to Vote Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and the Disclose Act. We ? absolutely ? agree ?” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Byron Auguste, CEO & Co-Founder, Opportunity@Work: “With so much going on in the world, it’s great to see @POTUS step up for millions of Americans without a college degree, who have the skills for good jobs. Commits to action on skills-based hiring for federal jobs & contracts; calls on US employers to do the same. Bravo!#SOTU” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

Kristin McGuire, Executive Director, Young Invicibles: “The President addressed the nation tonight with a backdrop of global crisis, but also one of national progress. The challenges we confront are ever-present. Our fight is a marathon, not a sprint, and today we reflected on our race toward progress and the work that lies ahead. It is undeniable the Biden Administration has made significant progress in the battle against the pandemic. Young Invincibles is proud to be a part of that nationwide effort with our Generation Vaxxed campaign. We were pleased to see the President highlight the measures the Administration and Congress have taken to expand access to health care, including tonight’s announcement on access to comprehensive care for mental health. Now it is time we make these changes permanent and cement our progress. A critically important theme of the President’s address was safeguarding democracy. We must remain committed to the fight to protect the vote. The future of young people and the nation depends on it.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD): “President Biden continues to be a stalwart supporter of higher education, and a true visionary for underserved students to attain a college degree and a leg up in the global economy. We echo his call for Congress to expand much-needed aid to Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), as well as his request to increase the maximum Pell Grant award by more than $2,000 to address the rising cost of college attendance. Bold moves like this promote college access and equity and help us build a more prosperous and inclusive future. We stand by, committed and ready to help the President advance his agenda forward.” [Statement, 3/1/22] 

NDN Collective: “Throughout the #SOTU, @POTUS mentioned how investments will be made into Tribal Nations. We applaud these historic investments & urge the Federal family to join us as we invest in equitable and innovative ways to address Tribal priorities.” [Tweet, 3/1/22]

United Negro College Fund (UNCF): “In Tuesday’s State of the Union message, President Biden will call on Congress to increase funding for Pell Grants for students and funding specifically for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The Biden administration will push for a $2,000 increase to the maximum for a Pell Grant, which is the nation’s effort to assist students coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds to fund their higher education pursuits. Increasing HBCU funding is a priority on which the Biden-Harris White House and UNCF have long collaborated. “This is a continuation of our shared goals,” said Dr. Michael L. Lomax, president and CEO of UNCF. “We have worked with this White House, even before they moved in, to formulate these asks. I applaud the president for including both HBCUs and a Pell Grant increase in his State of the Union address, and I hope both items will be championed by both sides of the aisle.”

“This is historic,” said Lodriguez V. Murray, senior vice president for public policy and government affairs at UNCF. “For the president of the United States to not only mention HBCUs in his State of the Union address, but to call for increased funding along with joining our effort to increase, and hopefully soon double the Pell Grant, is something we cannot help but be excited about. “It is rare in Washington for a leader to stand by priorities. It is rarer for HBCUs to be that priority. President Biden is really showing that he stands with students from vulnerable backgrounds and the institutions that best serve their needs, and those are HBCUs.  UNCF hopes Congress will pass the FY 2022 appropriations bills at the highest levels for HBCUs and the Pell Grant, and then let’s do even better in FY 2023.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

Bruce Lesley, President, First Focus on Children: “I have attempted to tweet all references to children in the State of the Union for years now. This was, by far, the most references to children ever. We were pleased to hear President Biden announce initiatives to combat child poverty, lower the cost of child care, boost our children’s mental health, combat gun violence, continue efforts to vaccinate all kids, and to put forward other proposals that will help address longstanding issues and inequities among children.” [Statement, 3/1/22]

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