Élysée Palace
Paris, France

PRESIDENT MACRON:  I wanted to thank the Vice President for her presence today in Paris, but not just today, for the coming days — for all the different events organized here, with the Paris Peace Forum, the Conference on Libya, but your presence for all different ceremonies. 
And I have to say that we had a very fruitful meeting in Rome a few days ago with President Biden.  And it paved the way for the coming weeks, months and, I have to say, years. 
And we’ve just discussed about the fact that we do share the view that we are at the beginning of a new era, and our cooperation is absolutely critical for this moment. 
So, I want to thank you for your presence.  You’re more than welcome not just in this palace with myself and my ministers, but I can tell you that French people are extremely proud to have you here today.
Thank you very much.
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS:  Thank you, Mr. President.  It is a pleasure to be with you.  And thank you for the invitation to join you over these next several days.
I enjoyed even just the few minutes that we’ve had so far in this tour.  And indeed, I think you and I — because France and the United States do share not only a history, but a perspective on where we are currently and where we can go in terms of the work that we will do and continue to do together as partners. 
We have discussed the fact that, indeed, I do believe — and I think we share this belief — that we are at the beginning of a new era, which presents us with many challenges but also many opportunities.  And when the United States and France have worked together on challenges and opportunities, we have always found great success because of shared values and shared priorities. 
I look forward to our discussion today.  And over the coming days, we will discuss a lot of issues, including one of the markers, sadly, of this new era, which is the pandemic, but creating then an opportunity for us to continue the work we have done since Professor Pasteur — (laughs) — at the Institut, where I was yesterday, around scientific research.  The work we can do together being prompted by the tragedy of this pandemic, around a shared commitment for preparedness for the next pandemic, as well as our mutual desire to be leaders on the globe, in terms of supporting our fellow nations during these tragic times.
I look forward to a conversation about space.  As you know, I’m chairing the Space Council for the United States.  And when we think about where we have yet to explore together and the opportunities that are presented not only in terms of security, but also the opportunities that I believe will enhance our priorities around the climate crisis and what we might do in terms of an investment, in terms of cooperation with the private sector, in terms of creating rules of the road as it relates to this new frontier in space. 
I look forward to a conversation about our shared interest in prosperity for our nations and understanding how that can impact our friends around the world and what we must do in regards to assisting those who are in need. 
So, we have many topics for discussion.  But I will — I will say that, building on the great conversation that you and President Biden had, I look forward to the next few days where we’ll continue to work together and renew — and renew the focus that we’ve always had on our partnership and the benefit to the people of France and the people of the United States and the people of the world. 
Thank you.

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