FACT SHEET: Targets for Global COVID-⁠19 Summit

We invite all Global COVID-19 Summit participants to join us in aligning around the global targets and taking the associated required actions to end the COVID-19 pandemic and build back better. These global targets and associated actions by governments, international institutions, and the private sector are drawn from those targets set out by the Multilateral Leaders Task Force on COVID-19, the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT)-Accelerator, the G20, the G7, and members of multiple expert commissions.
These targets and associated actions are ambitious – but they are what we need to get on course for ending this pandemic and with it, the risk it imposes on our countries, communities, health and livelihoods. We must act now to vaccinate the world, save lives, and build back better. Only by working together in pursuit of a shared vision can we defeat the COVID-19 pandemic and help prepare the world for future pandemics.
We also invite all participants to join us in monitoring our collective progress. By aggregating information on what each of us is doing we can measure our progress and take the steps that will be needed so that we don’t fall behind.

  • Vaccinate the world: Support the WHO’s goal of at least 70 percent of the population fully vaccinated with quality, safe, and effective vaccines in every country and income category by UNGA 2022.
  • Deliver doses urgently: Endorse the G20 target of, “in line with the World Health Organization (WHO), we support the goal to vaccinate at least 40 percent by the end of 2021 of the global population.”
  • Manufacture doses over the medium and long-term: Additional doses and adequate supplies are available to all countries in 2022. As scientific evidence develops, make sufficient financing available for production of additional doses for future booster needs in LIC/LMICs.

Asks for Governments & International Institutions with Relevant Capabilities: Fall 2021

  • Close the financing and supply gap for low-income countries (LICs)/ low middle-income countries (LMICs) to reach 70 percent coverage by providing funds, purchasing or donating 1 billion additional doses of quality, safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, including through COVAX to support global equitable distribution.
  • Accelerate vaccination in LIC/LMICs in 2021 by expediting delivery of approximately 2.0 billion already committed doses of quality, safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, including by converting existing dose sharing pledges into near-term deliveries, swapping delivery dates to secure earlier delivery of doses to LIC/LMICs, and eliminating cross-border bottlenecks in the supply of vaccines and critical inputs.
  • Get shots into arms by making available at least $3 billion in 2021 and $7 billion in 2022 in financing for LIC/LMICs for vaccine readiness and effective deployment, including supporting the health workforce needed to deliver vaccines, combatting hesitancy, addressing legal and contractual requirements, and procuring ancillary supplies.
  • Make doses available for the medium and long-term by supporting sufficient global and regional production, as well as financing for possible booster needs and future vaccine production; expanding mRNA, viral vector, and protein subunit vaccine manufacturing (if authorized) and technology transfer; and procuring up to 3 billion additional doses of quality, safe and effective vaccines for LIC/LMICs if boosters become recommended by WHO.
  • Enhance accountability and coordination by establishing a robust vaccine, consumables, and ancillary supplies global dashboard in 2021, taking into account existing efforts toward this goal.

Proposed Private Sector Commitments: Fall 2021

  • Launch COVID-19 Corps for vaccine readiness & delivery.
  • Enhance transparency on the volume of actual and projected manufacture of vaccines; provide data on production projections and delivery sequencing for vaccine dashboard, in order to prioritize delivery for LIC/LMICs.
  • Expand global and regional manufacturing for mRNA, viral vector, and/or protein subunit COVID-19 vaccines, with a plan for development and financing.


  • Solve the oxygen crisis by making oxygen readily accessible for inpatient health facilities in all countries in the near-term and no later than 2022.
  • Eliminate the testing gap by achieving testing rates of one per 1,000 people per day by the end of 2021, in all countries.
  • Enhance timely access for all countries to authorized quality, safe and effective therapeutics by making them available to all LIC/LMICs in 2021, and effective new non-IV treatments are available in 2022.
  • Build surge PPE manufacturing capacity and strengthen coordination of existing stocks to enhance access to PPE for all LIC/LMIC healthcare workers in 2021, with surge capacity available for every region in 2022.
  • Improve the detection, monitoring, and mitigation of new COVID-19 variants by enhancing genomic sequencing and data sharing efforts globally in 2021 and 2022.

Asks for Governments & International Institutions with Relevant Capabilities: Fall 2021

  • Provide $2 billion in coordinated support for oxygen ecosystems, including increasing availability of bulk liquid oxygen in LIC/LMICs by 2022.
  • Finance at least 1 billion quality, safe, and effective kits/tests by 2022 for LIC/LMICs.
  • Donate and deliver $1 billion in sufficient courses of authorized COVID-19 therapeutics for LIC/LMICs by 2022, and $2 billion in 2022, and establish a mechanism for equitable therapeutics procurement and delivery.
  • Support establishment of surge PPE manufacturing capacity and strengthen distribution in every region in 2022.
  • Endorse the G7/S7 Carbis Bay Declaration to enhance global variant tracking and analyses capabilities by providing resources to expanded global capabilities and support the concept of a global pandemic radar.

Proposed Private Sector Commitments: Fall 2021

  • In collaboration with countries and international institutions, design and finance a $2 billion global strategy to support oxygen ecosystems, including the provision of bulk liquid oxygen and other support for inpatient facilities in all countries by the end of 2022.
  • Enhance production of tests, making testing kits available in LIC/LMIC for no more than $1 per antigen kit.
  • Expand production and make available authorized therapeutics for 12 million severe and critical patients.
  • Fund advanced development, including clinical trials and voluntary technology transfer

for next generation COVID-19 (ideally oral) therapeutics for low-resource settings.

  • Commit to convening global stakeholders, including private sector and civil society, dedicated to building and coordinating transformative capabilities for globally tracking variants. 


  • Create sustainable health security financing by establishing and financing a global health security financial intermediary fund (FIF) in 2021.
  • Catalyze political leadership and attention for biological crises, including by establishing a leader-level entity, such as the Global Health Threats Council (GHTC) in 2021.
  • Support the G20 Presidency’s call-to-action for a global ministerial health and finance board.

Asks for Governments & International Institutions with Relevant Capabilities: Fall 2021

  • At least 30 countries and at least 10 organizations sign on to establish a global health security FIF, with a shared vision on scope, seed funding level (e.g. $10B) and host (e.g. World Bank).
  • Announce pledges in 2021 to seed the FIF for urgent preparedness needs, with specific proposals for sustainable finance for the medium-term that include sources outside of official development assistance.
  • Pledges for surge manufacturing and resilient supply chains for PPE, tests, therapeutics, and vaccines in all regions.
  • Work toward establishing a leader-level entity, such as the GHTC, in 2021 including identifying a chair and co-chair.

Proposed Private Sector Commitments: Fall 2021

  • Individuals or organizations pledge contributions to the FIF and launch a “challenge” that rallies the non-governmental sector to sustainably support global health security capacity.
  • Individuals or organizations convene individuals and philanthropies to create their own investment fund that feeds the FIF.
  • Individuals or organizations call on governments to establish a political-level GHTC that should include seats for civil society, private sector, and/or experts.


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