Statement by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on COVID-⁠19 Summit

On Wednesday September 22 President Biden will convene a virtual COVID Summit on the margins of the UN General Assembly.

This meeting is about expanding and enhancing our shared efforts to defeat COVID-19, building out from previous gatherings of world leaders and ministers in fora like the G7, G20, and Act Accelerator to rally civil society, NGOs, philanthropists, and industry along with world leaders and align on a common vision for defeating COVID-19 together.

We will be asking participants to commit to of a higher level of ambition across four themes:

  • Vaccinate the World by enhancing equitable access to vaccines and getting shots in arms.
  • Save Lives Now by solving the oxygen crisis, and making tests, therapeutics and PPE more available.
  • Build Back Better by establishing a sustainable health security financing mechanism, and global leadership for emerging threats.
  • Calling the World to Account by aligning around targets, tracking progress, and supporting one another in fulfilling our commitments.

    We will have more to share on the COVID Summit in the coming days.


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