Readout of the President’s Conversation with Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer

This afternoon, the President, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader Schumer had a positive discussion by phone about the progress they are each achieving when it comes to advancing the Build Back Better agenda. The three discussed their ongoing coordination and outreach around making the case for building an economy that delivers for the middle class, and those seeking to get there, and not just those at the top by passing an historic tax cut for middle-class families and small businesses while cutting the costs of prescription drugs, care for children and older Americans, education, housing, and healthcare, while tackling the climate crisis.

They also reaffirmed that, as we act at this crucial moment to ensure working families are dealt back into our economy, it is only fair that we pay for these tax cuts and investments by repealing the Trump tax giveaways to the wealthiest Americans and big corporations, who often pay little to nothing in taxes. The three are in regular touch and engaging daily on bringing Build Back Better to the finish line.  

They also discussed plans for moving forward to ensure that the full faith and credit of the United States is not in doubt, and to pass a continuing resolution to fund government operations. These are bipartisan responsibilities, especially given that a substantial debt was run up during the previous administration in pursuit of COVID relief and other measures, that received bipartisan support. Any suggestion by Republicans that they will shirk their responsibility is indefensible.


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