WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Labor, Business, and Elected Leaders Praise President Biden’s Actions to Protect American Workers and Businesses from China’s Unfair Trade Practices

This week, President Biden took action to protect investments in America by increasing tariffs on $18 billion of imports from China. This action will combat China’s unfair trade practices and support the President’s historic investments in American steel and aluminum, semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries, solar, and other strategic sectors. President Biden’s actions are pro-worker, pro-union, and pro-investment, which is why they were praised by a range of labor, business, environmental, and elected leaders.

Leaders across the country are celebrating the announcement. Here’s what they’re saying:

Union and Labor Leaders

President Liz Shuler, AFL-CIO: “The AFL-CIO strongly supports President Biden’s announcement that, after a thorough investigation, he will maintain or increase tariffs on a range of unfairly traded products from China. This will help to revitalize our domestic manufacturing capacity, create new jobs, and advance our national and economic security. President Biden once again is standing up for American workers.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

International President David McCall, United Steelworkers Union (USW): “The USW is the largest industrial union in North America, and flawed Chinese trade policies have had an outsized negative impact on our members,”

“Now, the Biden administration’s work to strengthen relief measures shows we’re not backing down. Instead, we’re backing up our domestic producers and workers.”

From the CHIPS and Science Act to the Inflation Reduction Act, from new approaches on outbound investment to today’s tariff announcements and more, President Biden is addressing trade through an integrated set of solutions,”

“And moving forward, we know this administration will continue to show this same grit and ingenuity in standing up for workers, including the investigation it initiated last month into China’s transportation, logistics and maritime policies.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

International Vice President Roxanne Brown, United Steelworkers Union (USW): “The key to President Biden’s success in building a worker-centered trade policy is his multi-pronged approach. His administration has been diligently confronting foreign unfair trade using established trade tools to stand up to the unfair and anticompetitive policies of trading partners like China. But just as importantly, President Biden has been strategically using investments here at home to reignite and renew America’s manufacturing capacity.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

International President Brian Bryant, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM): “As International President of one of the largest manufacturing unions in North America, I’ve seen first-hand the negative impacts of the Chinese government’s anti-competitive trade practices, such as dumping heavily subsidized imports,” said Bryant. “The IAM has been a leader over the years in sounding the alarm on unfair trade practices that cost North American jobs. Tariffs aren’t an end goal but a very important tool to end trade practices that kill good American jobs and drive down American pay. They are coupled with President Biden’s historic investment policies, which continue to build and grow an economy that benefits working families nationwide.

“The Biden Administration has been willing to challenge the disastrous effects of Chinese economic policies on American manufacturing and trade and enact policies to make a difference.

“We thank President Biden for standing up for union workers and creating policies that build and grow an economy that works in the best interest of working families,” added Bryant. “We will continue to work with the Biden Administration and Ambassador Tai on rewriting trade rules to benefit working people.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

International President Kenneth W. Cooper, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW): “I am proud to have joined President Biden today as he announced new protections for American workers against unfair Chinese trade practices. For too long, U.S. manufacturers, especially those in advanced electrical and energy technologies, have been undercut by cheap Chinese exports.

“This move will help level the playing field for both businesses and workers, further boosting domestic manufacturing.

“The Biden-Harris administration has made rebuilding America’s manufacturing sector a priority, and we’re already seeing results as high-tech semiconductor and EV battery plants set up shop in communities across the United States.

“President Biden’s decision means more investments and jobs in America’s manufacturing and clean energy sectors. The men and women of the IBEW are committed to working with his administration to restore America’s role as the world’s manufacturing and technological leader.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

United Auto Workers (UAW): “The UAW applauds todays decisive action from the White House on ensuring that the transition. We have warned for many months that, left to the forces of corporate greed, the EV future was threatened by a race to the bottom, from China to Mexico to right here in the United States. Making sure that major corporations have to pay a price for pitting worker against worker, pushing wages lower and lower, is a key part of a pro-worker trade policy. America’s autoworkers, our families, and working-class communities across this country want a trade policy that puts workers firs. Today’s announcement is a major step in the right direction” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Teamsters: “#Teamsters applaud @POTUS and @USTradeRep @AmbassadorTai for taking action to maintain and expand the current Section 301 tariffs on Chinese imports. Raising tariffs on electric vehicles and other products from China is essential to protecting American workers from China’s unfair trade policies.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Business and Industry Leaders

President Scott Paul, Alliance for American Manufacturing: “Enhancing the Section 301 tariffs to counter China’s unfair trade practices is absolutely the right thing to do for America’s future. We commend Ambassador Tai and the Biden administration for defending American workers and industries.

“AAM supported the original initiation of the Section 301 tariffs and urged this administration to both extend and enhance the relief measures. Decades of unfair trade by the People’s Republic of China have devastated American communities and weakened our economic security.”

“We are particularly pleased to see enhanced Section 301 tariffs on steel, aluminum, electric vehicles, semiconductors, the battery supply chain, and certain essential PPE products. We have called the introduction of Chinese EVs into the the United States a potential ‘extinction-level event’ for our vital auto sector. While the nature of China’s unfair trade practices shifts from time to time, the goals are always clear: to disrupt global norms, weaken American economic security, and seek growth at the expense of others.

“The Section 301 tariffs, together with investments in industry and infrastructure, and Buy America domestic preferences, form the framework of an effective 21st century industrial policy for America. We look forward to working with the Biden administration and Congress to build on these achievements.” [Statement]

President and CEO Rich Nolan, The National Mining Association (NMA):

“From minerals to batteries, China already has a decades long global start, and its dominance of the world’s supply chains shows it. It’s encouraging to see the Biden administration take bold action to counter the forceful hold China has on these markets, but this action must be coupled with support for, and approval of, U.S. mining projects. We need more domestic sources that can responsibly feed our manufacturing supply chains. Without them, we’re simply shifting our import reliance from China to adversarial foreign sources, action that may derisk our supply chains, but doesn’t truly strengthen them.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

President and CEO Abigail Ross Hopper, Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA): “SEIA commends the Biden administration for taking action to support the continued build out of U.S. solar and storage manufacturing. We are evaluating the announcement to determine its full impact, but it’s clear that several of these decisions will help improve the business conditions for American manufacturers.

“The Administration was thoughtful to include a tariff exclusion process for key machinery that companies need to manufacture solar components in the United States. A temporary tariff exclusion will help reduce production costs and incentivize increased investment in domestic manufacturing.

“We are also pleased that the Administration will delay the tariff increase on batteries for energy storage systems. This move provides a runway for continued production and deployment of energy storage to meet growing demand for electricity.

“We need an American-made solar and storage economy, and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has brought us closer to that vision than any policy in history. Today’s announcement from the Biden administration will continue this progress, and SEIA is committed to finding additional solutions and equitable trade policy to establish the United States as the new global leader for clean energy manufacturing.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Executive Director Mike Carr, Solar Energy Manufacturers for America (SEMA) Coalition: “The Administration made the right decision to strengthen protections for solar components we seek to build in the U.S. While no one action can unwind the years of a concerted effort to dominate this industry, including in manufacturing equipment and heavily subsidized production by Chinese-headquartered firms in Southeast Asia, we are encouraged by this indication of the Biden administration’s commitment to use all the tools at their disposal in a targeted and strategic way.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Executive Director Eric Axel, American Medical Manufacturers Association (AMMA): “The White House understands that domestic manufacturers face an onslaught of underpriced, subpar Chinese imports. By sidelining high-quality American manufacturers, cheap Chinese imports threaten the safety of our healthcare workers and patients. […] The White House’s bold proclamation is significant for everyone who favors fortifying domestic PPE and medical product manufacturing. AMMA anticipates the measures announced by President Biden having a transformative impact, invigorating the domestic manufacturing base and safeguarding our nation’s health and security.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

President and CEO Jesse Gary, Century Aluminum: “Today’s actions are critical for the U.S. aluminum industry. President Biden’s decisive leadership on Sec. 301 tariffs and to invest in the resurgence of U.S. manufacturing, shows this Administration’s commitment to U.S. primary aluminum production.

“Thanks to the President’s leadership, Century is planning to build a new greenfield facility that will double existing domestic capacity. The smelter would not only be the first new American aluminum smelter in 45 years, but also one of the ‘greenest’ smelters in the world, powered with cutting edge technology and renewable energy. This Administration announced a $500 million grant which will help to facilitate this investment in our future.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

MP Materials: “This action will help level the playing field for domestic producers, giving U.S. industry the time it needs to scale and develop in a manner that aligns with America’s vital national interest. In the long term, these measures will foster greater balance and resiliency across the global supply chain, ultimately benefiting producers and consumers worldwide. By enhancing our domestic capabilities, we not only secure our economic further but also contribute to a more balanced and robust global market.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

President and CEO John Bozzella, Alliance for Automotive Innovation: “Automakers embrace fair competition. We’re not shrinking from it, but China’s EV overcapacity and subsidy issue is real. The competitiveness of the auto industry in the U.S. will be harmed if heavily subsidized Chinese EVs can be sold at below-market prices to U.S. consumers.”

“It’s appropriate for the White House to be looking at tools to prevent the U.S. from becoming a dumping ground for subsidized Chinese EVs. We can’t let China’s EV overcapacity problem turn into a U.S. auto industry problem.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Climate and Economic Leaders

Executive Director Jason Walsh, BlueGreen Alliance: “President Biden’s industrial policies have targeted federal investment to the sectors that are vital to the economic and energy security of the United States, manufacturing workers and communities, and the fate of the planet. The tariff actions announced by the president are a forceful complement to these investments in American manufacturing and a strong statement that the United States will not engage in a race to the bottom when it comes to clean technologies.

“We should be building our clean energy future here at home. We applaud the action President Biden has taken today.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Chairman Zach Mottl, Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA): “On behalf of our members that are committed to producing in the U.S. and creating high-paying American jobs, we applaud President Biden and Ambassador Tai for taking this important action to increase Section 301 China tariffs in these critical industries.”

“There is overwhelming evidence, including from the USITC, that proves what CPA has been saying for more than a decade: tariffs are a critical reshoring tool to stimulate domestic production, avoid future inflation, and to reduce dependence on foreign supply chains. Importantly, the Biden administration’s action to increase the China tariffs is a strong signal that we are in a new bipartisan era of utilizing tariffs and industrial policy to promote fair and balanced trade, and to protect American workers and manufacturers from China’s illegal, predatory trade activity.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Executive Director Ben Jealous, Sierra Club: “We cannot trade a dependency on foreign oil for a clean energy future reliant upon China. We must continue to invest and build our clean energy future in America. The Sierra Club welcomes the Biden administration’s increase in tariffs on imports from China, which pushes back on its monopolization of clean energy goods, benefitting American workers.”

“[…] These climate-forward tariffs make clear to China and allies that countries that make critical products and enforce environmental and labor standards will have a competitive advantage. We look forward to continuing our work with President Biden and Congress to use the full range of trade tools available to […] unlock the full potential of the Inflation Reduction Act. The swift transition to clean energy will be manufactured in the U.S.”.[Statement, 5/14/24]

Senior fellow Ryan Mulholland, Center for American Progress (CAP): “These tariffs are an appropriate and necessary step to combat China’s unfair trade practices and ensure that American workers remain at the forefront of the clean energy transition. In the auto sector, the protection provided by these increased tariffs must not be an excuse for firms to slow their deployment of high-quality and affordable EVs. The domestic manufacturers that benefit from tariff protection should use this opportunity to boost their production of EVs, continue to invest in new U.S.-based production, offer their employees better compensation, and allow workers to fairly and freely join unions.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Roosevelt Institute: “Today, the US government announced 100 percent tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China, along with other restrictions on inputs into clean energy supply chains. This action offers critical support to the historic public and private sector decarbonization investments under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), CHIPS and Science Act, and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, ensuring they will not be threatened by imports that violate fair trade laws and will be viable in the future” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Congressional Leaders

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, New York: “The Chinese Communist Party has shown they will stop at nothing to steal our intellectual property and undermine the American economy, including providing deep subsidies to their companies. Because the CCP does not compete fairly, imposing new tariffs is a necessary step towards addressing the unfair imbalance of China’s trade relationship with the United States. This action is vital to protect American workers, American manufacturers, American innovation, and our national security.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Senator Bob Casey, Pennsylvania: “When we hold trade cheats accountable, we put American workers in the best position to outcompete anyone in the world. I have urged presidents of both parties to maintain and increase Section 301 tariffs to level the playing field for Pennsylvania workers and protect our jobs and our national security.” [Statement, 5/14/2024]

Senator Debbie Stabenow, Michigan: “I was pleased to join the President today for his announcement of new trade measures to protect American manufacturers and workers. Chinese electric vehicles are heavily subsidized by the Chinese government. With a level playing field, our auto industry and our workers can compete with anyone and win. But that means competing with companies, not countries. Michigan has seen the impacts of China’s unfair trade practices on our jobs. I appreciate the President’s leadership and strong support for our shared goal of ensuring that the electric vehicle transition is led by American workers.” [Tweet, 5/14/2024]

Senator Gary Peters, Michigan: “I support the Administration’s decision to raise tariffs on China across key manufacturing sectors. They will help keep our auto industry competitive, support good-paying, union jobs here at home, and protect our economic & national security.

A flood of heavily subsidized electric vehicles from China would undercut Michigan’s automakers and workers. Today’s announcement is a necessary response to combat the Chinese government’s unfair trade practices that endanger the future of our auto industry. It will help level the playing field, keep our auto industry competitive, and support good-paying, union jobs here at home by ensuring that American workers and companies are leading the way in both gas-powered and electric vehicle manufacturing. This action will also help offset the harmful impact of Chinese steel and aluminum subsidies that have affected jobs and businesses in manufacturing hubs like Michigan.

This effort will also help address national security vulnerabilities posed by Chinese electric vehicles and protect Americans’ personal data and our roadways from Chinese Communist Party-backed companies. I welcome this important step, and I look forward to continue working with the Administration on additional steps we must take to combat the economic and national security threats posed by Chinese electric vehicles.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Senator Ron Wyden, Oregon: “I’m pleased President Biden is taking steps to fight back against China’s predatory trade practices in key sectors, as well as continuing to combat China’s IP theft and forced technology transfer. There’s no question that the Chinese government intends to monopolize the production of solar panels, batteries, and other climate-related technologies that are crucial to the future of manufacturing and good-paying jobs in Oregon and nationwide. However, tariffs are only one pressure point, and I hope to work with the administration to further support U.S. workers in these industries and others facing China’s unfair trade practices.” [Statement, 5/14/2024]

Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts: “President Biden and USTR @AmbassdaorTai are standing up for American workers and against unfair trade policies from China. With strong trade enforcement + big investments in our economy, we’re bringing back American manufacturing jobs.” [Tweet, 5/14/2024]

Senator Chris Murphy, Connecticut: “Good news. China is a global trade cheater. They shouldn’t get free access to our markets. Decades of manufacturing flight to low cost countries decimated our economy and our families. Joe Biden is making the hard choices to rebuild American manufacturing.” [Tweet, 5/14/2024]

“Europe is prepared to sit back and let China control the supply chain for every major technology we will rely upon to run our 2050 economy. Bad idea.” [Tweet, 5/14/24]

Congressman Dan Kildee, Michigan: “We must do more to combat unfair trade practices that hurt American workers, including by the Chinese Communist Party. I applaud President Biden’s decisive actions that will benefit Michigan workers.

China continues to rely on unfair trade practices, including forced labor, intellectual property theft, and state-sponsored subsidies for critical industries. By flooding the U.S. and global markets with goods, China is seeking to control the market in critical industries like semiconductors, electric vehicles, steel and aluminum and solar panels. China’s unfair trade practices are driving down wages and contributing to a race to the bottom for American workers. These tariffs announced by President Biden will help to boost American manufacturing and protect American jobs.

I will continue to work with President Biden to support a pro-worker trade agenda that ensures we make things in America, not in China.” [Statement, 5/14/2024]

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, Michigan: “I strongly support @POTUS decision to increase tariffs to strengthen domestic automotive manufacturing, protect American jobs, and safeguard our global leadership in the auto industry. We aren’t competing on a level playing field, and we have seen the impact of unfair trade practices in the past. The Chinese Community Party’s use of aggressive subsidies doesn’t protect living wages, fair labor practices, occupational safety standards for workers, or environmental standards. We must compete in a fair marketplace. I look forward to continuing to work closely with the Administration and my colleagues in Congress to protect American jobs and competitiveness, and our economic and national security.” [Statement, 5/14/24]

Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, Michigan: “As a former CIA officer and Pentagon official, I’ve been sounding the alarm on the threats Chinese vehicles pose to our national and economic security, and the tariffs announced today are an important step forward. The production of these vehicles and products is subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party. Positioning them to flood our markets and kill American jobs in our own manufacturing sector. Today’s announcement targets China’s long standing unfair trade practices, and begins the process of pushing pack on their flooding markets with subsidized goods that undercut good old fashioned American competition.” [Tweet, 5/14/2024]

Congresswoman Haley Stevens, Michigan: “When trade is fair, American workers succeed. Today, surrounded by the men and women of the steelworkers, autoworkers, and so many other labor unions – President Biden did what he does best, lead for the American people. I was honored to join the President on behalf of Michigan’s 11th District at the White House as he signed a new executive order to protect American manufacturing from the Chinese Communist Party’s unfair, uncompetitive policies. For too long, the Chinese Communist Party has deployed unfair manufacturing and trade practices to undercut American labor, threatening our economic and national security. I strongly support the tariffs announced on Chinese electric vehicles, chips components, and critical minerals. I commend President Biden for taking action – no one else has done more for American manufacturing and the domestic auto industry. Thank you, Mr. President for ensuring that the future is built in America by union workers.” [Statement, 5/14/2024]

Congressman Chris Deluzio, Pennsylvania: “Protecting Made-In-America manufacturing is a no-brainer: it’s growing strong jobs at home and standing strong against globilization’s gutting of American industry. Great to see @POTUS take action against Communist China and put workers at the center of his trade policy.” [Tweet, 5/14/24]

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Illinois: “President Biden’s targeted actions on behalf of American workers, farmers, and businesses will protect our economy from the brazenly predatory and unfair trade practices of the Chinese Community Party. This new action was developed through a thorough and thoughtful review conducted in coordination with our allies under Ambassador Tai’s leadership. Working in tandem with our ongoing investments in our infrastructure, research, and workers, it will bolster American manufacturing and competitiveness. For decades, the CCP has engaged in anticompetitive trade practices, flooding global markets with artificially cheap products to wipe out competition while stealing technology and other intellectual property. As the CCP seeks to expand these predatory tactics, President Biden’s policies will help to level the playing field. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with the Administration to help American workers and businesses prove yet again that they can out-compete anyone.” [Statement, 5/14/2024]

Congresswoman Frank Pallone, New Jersey: “In order to bolster our domestic manufacturing and support American jobs, the federal government needs to take action to curb the import of cheap Chinese goods. I support the Biden Administration’s efforts to respond to China’s aggressive trade policies.” [Tweet, 5/11/2024]


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