WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Expands San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument

As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s unprecedented commitment to protect America’s natural wonders for future generations, honor areas of cultural significance to Tribal Nations and Indigenous peoples, and expand access to nature, yesterday President Biden signed proclamations expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. Together, these actions protect nearly 120,000 acres of lands in California.

The Biden-Harris Administration has already conserved more than 41 million acres of lands and waters, putting President Biden on track to conserve more lands and waters than any President in history.

Leaders from California and across the country praised the announcement. Here’s what they’re saying:

Tribal and Community Leaders

Anthony Roberts, Chairman, Yocha Dehe Tribe: “We thank President Biden for expanding the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument and protecting Molok Luyuk, an area steeped in thousands of years of rich history and profound meaning to the Patwin people, whose traditional territory stretches south from these hills to the shores of San Pablo Bay and east to the Sacramento River. Elements of the natural landscape on the ridge have traditional cultural significance to us. We look forward to the day when condors fly over Molok Luyuk once again.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Lynn Valbuena, Chairwoman, San Manuel Band of Missions Indians: “The San Manuel Band of Mission Indians is grateful for President Biden’s action today to expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. The San Gabriel Mountains are culturally significant to the Serrano and other Indigenous peoples. It feels good to know that these mountains and lands will now be protected for future generations of our people.” [Statement, o5/02/2024]

Rudy Ortega Jr., L.H.D., President, Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians: “We are thrilled that the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument is expanding. We thank the Biden administration for making this longstanding vision a reality. Expanding the Monument helps protect lands of cultural importance to my people who are part of this nation’s history and who have cared for these lands since time immemorial. It also further protects areas that are critical for our environment and the wildlife and plants that depend on this landscape.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Chief Anthony Morales, Gabrieleno San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians: “We add our voices in celebration of expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. The San Gabriel Mountains are historically significant to our tribe, our people, and our culture. Protecting more of this important region helps protect our traditional plants and cultural resources. We join Senator Padilla and Representative Chu in thanking President Biden for using the Antiquities Act to expand the monument.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

David Diaz, Executive Director, Active San Gabriel Valley: “For San Gabriel Valley residents, the San Gabriel Mountains are the backdrop to our lives. They are a place of unreal beauty, connection, and rejuvenation, and offer multiple benefits to our community. We thank Representative Chu and Senator Padilla for their leadership to complete the vision of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, and we thank President Biden for taking action. We are looking forward to leading adventures into the western Angeles National Forest so they can feel the shade of a coast live oak, spend quality time with their family and enjoy views from our beautiful mountains.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Belén Bernal, Executive Director, Nature for All: “Our local community is overjoyed to see this next step in a 20-year effort to permanently protect the San Gabriel Mountains. The area included in the expanded San Gabriel Mountains National Monument is the closest section of the National Forest to the San Fernando Valley; this action helps ensure environmental justice for communities who lack access to green and open spaces throughout Los Angeles County. Thank you, President Biden, for taking this action to benefit the health and well-being of millions of Angelenos and to Vice President Harris for championing the protection of these special public lands!” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Mary Creasman, Chief Executive Officer, California Environmental Voters: “The expansion of our national monuments and protection of our public lands are key nature-based solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises. These additions to the San Gabriel Mountains and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monuments include must-protect areas that provide communities with critical drinking water, create access to greenspaces for underserved communities, hold historical and cultural significance to California Tribes and Indigenous community leaders, and serve as wildlife corridors and habitats for imperiled animals and native plants. We thank President Biden for his leadership and urge him to look to additional places in California for national monument designation, so we can make more progress towards our 30×30 goals.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Jun Bando, Executive Director, California Native Plant Society: “We are incredibly grateful to President Biden and our steadfast congressional champions who have honored the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation’s request to expand Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include Molok Luyuk. The protection of Molok Luyuk represents the promise of a new era in conservation, with its grounding in inclusive leadership, the embrace of shareable Indigenous knowledges, and the coming together of Tribes, communities, and organizations to protect California’s remarkable biodiversity and our connections to it.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Francisco J. Moreno-Castillo, Executive Director, COFEM-Consejo de Federaciones Mexicanas: “Expanding the San Gabriel Mountains Monument is not just about preserving our natural heritage; it’s about ensuring that future generations have the same opportunities to connect with nature, to find solace in its beauty, and to learn from its lessons. We owe a debt of gratitude to President Biden for his vision and commitment to conservation. His decision to protect and expand this monument is a testament to his understanding of the importance of safeguarding our environment and ensuring equitable access to outdoor spaces for all. Thank you, President Biden, for your leadership and foresight in preserving the San Gabriel Mountains for generations to come.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Pamela Flick, California Program Director, Defenders of Wildlife: “We’re delighted that President Biden is expanding Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument with the addition of Molok Luyuk. It is critical that wildlife never lose access to this important corridor connecting the Mendocino National Forest to the Cache Creek Wilderness Area, and today’s action ensures they won’t. As someone who has worked to protect this incredibly diverse and unique landscape for the better part of two decades, this is incredibly exciting and personally rewarding news. My heartfelt thanks to President Biden for taking this important step forward in land conservation.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Katie Hawkins, California Program Director, Outdoor Alliance: “Adding Molok Luyuk to Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument will protect a recreation gem beloved by many in Northern California. This landscape has countless local advocates—local business leaders, scientists, conservationists, outdoor enthusiasts, and tribal community members have advocated for its designation and are thrilled to have it protected for future generations. We are thankful for the work of Senator Padilla, Senator Butler, Representative Garamendi and Representative Thompson, Governor Newsom, and are especially grateful to the Biden administration for their commitment to conservation and preservation.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Katie Goodwin, California Regional Director, Access Fund: “Access Fund is thrilled to see the designation and expansion of Moluk Luyuk and San Gabriel National Monument. These designations secure both sustainable recreation access and long-term conservation, a winning combination for health and wellness, our economy, and our environment.  The Access Fund will continue to make sure that this new monument is protected for future generations and that all of us can sustainably access and enjoy these public lands.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Dennis Arguelles, Southern California Director, National Parks Conservation Association: “The expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument ensures the protection of some of the last wild spaces in the greater Los Angeles area. The expanded monument means better coordination across the region to preserve wildlife corridors, restore habitat, and address the threats of drought, wildfires, and climate change. We applaud President Biden for recognizing the value and fragility of these lands and the importance of their protection for both people and wildlife.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Walter “Redgie” Collins, Legal and Policy Director, California Trout: “The expansion of the San Gabriel National Monument is cause for celebration. Beyond providing expanded outdoor access and protecting precious water resources and culturally significant sites, the expansion will also protect higher reaches of the greater San Gabriel River watershed, which we know to hold endangered Southern steelhead genetics. At CalTrout, we dream of a future where our local communities are able to see Southern steelhead spawn in great numbers in Southern California rivers and streams once again – we thank the Biden Administration for supporting this future.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Daniel LoPilato, Colusa County Arts Council Member and Upstate California Creative Corps Grantee: “Expanding the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument is a win-win for Colusa County. Doing so will help improve access to public lands and offer more recreation and outdoor education opportunities for county residents, provide a mandate to safeguard the habitats of endangered plants and animals, and streamline planning for land managers so we can protect and honor this land for generations to come. We’re lucky to have this spectacular landscape right in our backyard. Preserving it is the right thing to do.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Kelly Bessem, California Stewardship Director, Winter Wildlands Alliance: “Expanding protected lands and recognizing tribal cultures within these lands is the type of management needed to both address climate change issues and protect the ability for everyone to enjoy California landscapes for years and years to come. Honoring the land and people in this way is a win for everyone.”[Statement, 05/02/2024]

Linda Castro, Assistant Policy Director, CalWild: “CalWild is grateful to President Biden for using his authority to expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. This momentous action protects a critical watershed for the LA region, access to nature for Angelenos, and important cultural areas. We also want to thank Representative Judy Chu for her tireless efforts over many years to expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and fulfill a vision 20 years in the making. We express our sincere gratitude to Senators Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler for their strong support for the San Gabriel Mountains.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Guillermo Rodriguez, Vice President Pacific Region, California State Director, Trust for Public Land: “The Trust for Public Land applauds the Biden Administration’s proclamation expanding the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument and San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, serving as the backyard to the nation’s second-largest urban center, and the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument, with its rich biodiversity and deep cultural significance, are invaluable assets that contribute to the well-being of communities and flora and fauna alike. We commend this decisive action to protect and enhance these national treasures in California. With the Biden Administration’s proclamation expanding both the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument and the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, California takes a significant step forward in safeguarding vital ecosystems and ensuring equitable access to outdoor spaces for millions. Trust for Public Land also encourages the Administration to redouble its investments in these Monuments to ensure responsible stewardship and effective management. TPL stands ready to assist the Biden Administration in ensuring these Monuments live up to their fullest promise.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Eric Hanson, Chair of the California Chapter, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers: “Today we thank President Biden for answering the call of hunters, anglers, and public land owners across California by taking action to expand the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument through his authority under the Antiquities Act. We also commend the leadership of Sens. Padilla, as well as Reps. Garamendi and Thompson for their longtime support for the conservation of these public lands and waters that provide opportunities for sportsmen and women in a state that is rapidly developing.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

André Sanchez, Community Engagement & Conservation Policy Manager, CalWild: “We thank President Biden for responding to calls from the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation and other Tribes, California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot, many local elected officials including the Lake County Board of Supervisors, business owners, faith leaders, veterans, and a long list of others to protect Molok Luyuk. We are also deeply indebted to our champions in Congress Senators Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler and Representatives Mike Thompson and John Garamendi for not only proposing to protect Molok Luyuk by expanding the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument, but also for including groundbreaking Tribal collaborative management language in their monument expansion bill. We are proud to have been a part of this campaign and look forward to working with the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, co-managing Tribes like the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, and others to care for Molok Luyuk and the rest of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument in the years to come.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Don Amador, Former Chair, CA State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission President of Quiet Warrior Racing/Consulting LLC: “As an avid OHV recreationist, I am thrilled at the expansion of Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include Molok Luyuk. The permanent protection of Molok Luyuk will improve the management of these lands and increase public access to recreation opportunities. This is a win-win for our community. I am grateful for President Biden using the Antiquities Act to expand the monument and protect these lands for future generations to enjoy.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Laura Deehan, State Director, Environment California Research & Policy Center: “Expanding these two monuments is a great first step by President Biden to protect California’s public lands; and a meaningful action toward the state, federal, and global campaign to protect 30% of our land and waters by 2030. By permanently protecting these beautiful mountains and forests, we can ensure that Californians have more amazing places to enjoy nature. Additionally, local wildlife will be able to thrive, and awesome native California species such as golden eagles, peregrine falcons, black bears and mountain lions will have a better chance of survival. We thank President Biden for today’s actions and look forward to future actions to conserve more of California’s special places.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Mike Painter, Coordinator, Californians for Western Wilderness in San Francisco: “Californians for Western Wilderness applauds Pres. Biden for his proclamation expanding Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include and protect Molok Luyuk (Condor Ridge). Molok Luyuk is a place of great cultural significance, as well as a geologically and botanically unique area worthy of protection. We are proud to have worked with the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation and other organizations to have its importance formally recognized.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Liz Reilly, Former Mayor, City of Duarte and Vice Chair, San Gabriel Mountains Community Collaborative: “The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, located in the greater LA area, provides millions of people with the opportunity to experience the majesty and grandeur of the mountain backdrop to our community. It is a gift to the people of the Los Angeles area. We celebrate the expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument which protects these ecologically rich landscapes for the clean air and clean water they provide for generations to come, while enhancing access to nature by the community.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Congressional Leaders

Senator Alex Padilla (CA): “From the majestic peaks of the San Gabriel Mountains to the sacred woodlands of Berryessa Snow Mountain, our national monuments hold some of our greatest natural marvels. Protecting our public lands as National Monuments is essential to combating the climate crisis, preserving cultural and sacred history, protecting biodiversity, and ensuring access to green space for millions of low-income Americans. I am thrilled to see President Biden exercise his authority to permanently protect the entire San Gabriel Mountains and formally incorporate Molok Luyuk and its thousands of years of tribal origin stories into the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. These monuments have fostered a lifelong connection to nature for millions of Californians, and their expansions will ensure future generations can experience and enjoy them as well. This announcement will also usher in an important new era of cooperative stewardship between our federal land management agencies and tribal governments, and marks a significant milestone following decades of local efforts to safeguard these natural landscapes.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Senator Laphonza Butler (CA): “I applaud @POTUS for expanding two of California’s iconic public lands. By protecting these National Monuments, we not only preserve their beauty for future generations and safeguard important cultural landscapes, we also reaffirm our commitment to protecting our environment.” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

Representative Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07): “With today’s expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monuments, President Biden is once again showing that this administration is committed to both community-led conservation and working alongside tribes to achieve meaningful protections for Indigenous lands,” said Ranking Member Grijalva. “Today’s action will also make the outdoors and natural spaces more accessible for communities that have only had limited options for too long. I am grateful to Congresswoman Chu and Congressman Mike Thompson for their tireless work in advocating for the protection and expansion of these two important landscapes.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Representative Grace Napolitano (CA-31): “As a representative of the San Gabriel Foothills community, I am very proud of our community members and the local organizations who have worked tirelessly on preserving and expanding green space in LA County, including the establishment of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, and now the long-awaited expansion,” Napolitano said. “This expansion will improve recreation opportunities for millions of families and bring much needed resources to the communities that serve as the gateway to the mountains, while respecting local rights. The San Gabriel Mountains, Foothills, and River Corridor attract millions of visitors each year, and provide some of the only outdoor options for the open space poor LA County. As California is continuously faced with droughts, forest fires, and the growing impacts of climate change, it is critical that we champion policies that protect our environment and natural resources for all future generations! I want to thank Representative Judy Chu for her tireless work and last but certainly not least, President Biden and Vice President Harris, for continuing to support the conservation of our public lands and waters. I look forward to continuing to foster a close relationship between the communities and cities around the Monument and the National Parks Service.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Representative Judy Chu (CA-28): “Just left the White House! I’m ecstatic that @POTUS is expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument! This will protect & expand access to sacred natural, cultural, & recreational treasures for the 18 million+ Angelenos living near these beautiful public lands. 10 years ago, @BarackObama responded to my call with indigenous leaders, community activists, & nature-lovers for permanent protection for the San Gabriel Mountains by declaring 346,000 acres as a National Monument. Even then, we recognized that our work wasn’t finished. It’s been an honor working with @SenAlexPadilla to advocate for expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. The benefits are immense: enhanced access to nature for underserved communities and safeguarding one-third of LA County’s drinking water resources. Today’s expansion would not be possible without the tireless efforts of @CalNatResources, @HildaSolis, @lanatureforall, @Pasadena_Mayor, @envirovoters, and many others to preserve the San Gabriels for present and future generations. Their dedication has been invaluable. I am deeply grateful to President Biden for his decisive action in preserving this invaluable natural treasure. This is just wonderful news. As we celebrate, let’s also recommit to protecting these pristine public lands for the future.” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

Representative Adam Schiff (CA-30): “California is home to the most unique public lands in the world. President Biden’s bold action will not only preserve the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument for generations to come, but also underscore our collective commitment to the protection of our public heritage and public lands. Along with Senators Padilla and Feinstein, and Representative Chu, I’ve fought to protect the San Gabriel Mountains. And the expansion of these monuments will provide increased access to green spaces for millions of Californians and boost local economies through sustainable tourism. As we continue to take on the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation, steps like these are essential in safeguarding our beautiful public lands for future generations to enjoy.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Representative Mike Thompson (CA-04): “I worked to designate the Berryessa Snow Mountain region as a national monument in 2015, and I’ve worked to expand it ever since. I was honored to join President Biden today to see these efforts through. Molok Luyuk is culturally significant to numerous tribes and other Native peoples and this expansion begins a new era of tribal co-stewardship of ancestral public lands. Today’s expansion will ensure the region’s biodiversity, geological formations, and cultural connections are preserved for generations to come.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Representative John Garamendi (CA-08): “Conserving California’s natural beauty has been a lifelong passion throughout my tenure in the state legislature, as Deputy Secretary of the Interior to President Clinton, and now as a member of Congress. In 2022, I introduced the ‘Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act’ with Senator Alex Padilla and Congressman Mike Thompson. I am thrilled that President Biden has issued this presidential proclamation to expand the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument and preserve the tribal wisdom, heritage, and cultural traditions that ‘Molok Luyuk’ or Condor Ridge has been home to for over 11,000 years. I thank President Biden and Interior Secretary Haaland for conserving this special place forever.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Representative Jared Huffman (CA-02): “@POTUS just expanded the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument ? Protecting these places honors Indigenous lands, helps us reach our climate goals, and boosts outdoor access for everyone. This move also permanently protects Molok Luyuk, where the Yurok Tribe in my district have worked to bring the California condor back from the brink of extinction. What a big milestone for these beautiful and culturally significant places!” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

Rep. Jerry Nadler (NY-12): “Thank you, @POTUS for once again delivering for our public lands by expanding two National Monuments. I’m proud to have cosponsored @RepJudyChu’s bill to protect and expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. This monument was targeted by the Trump Administration and might not have survived a second term. Instead, thanks to the Biden Administration, it’s being expanded.” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

State and Local Officials

California Governor Gavin Newsom: “Berryessa Snow Mountain and San Gabriel Mountains National Monuments are getting bigger! Thanks to @POTUS, two national monuments in California are expanding by thousands of acres. We’ll continue to protect our beautiful lands for all to enjoy.” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

Secretary Wade Crowfoot, California Natural Resources: “I’m thrilled and deeply thankful. President Biden’s action protects two very special places in California for future generations. It demonstrates this President’s remarkable conservation leadership, which has driven historic amounts of public land protection and investments over the last four years. These monument expansions, combined with the establishment of new proposed monuments in California currently under consideration, are win-win actions that benefit California’s people and nature alike. They will help us conserve 30 percent of California’s lands by 2030, protect sacred cultural sites, and enshrine access to our public lands.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Secretary Yana Garcia, California Environmental Protection: “I am thrilled to support the expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument in partnership with the Biden administration and NGOs. The San Gabriel River is a hub of recreational, economic, and cultural activity. This new infusion of resources, including funding from the State Water Board, will help protect water quality and ensure public access to one of California’s most vibrant ecosystems.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

California State Senator Nancy Skinner (District 9): “Biden just expanded a spectacular Northern California national monument. ‘The Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument between Napa and Mendocino counties will add a picture-perfect ridgeline rich with wildflowers and tribal significance.’” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

California State Senator Bill Dodd (District 3): “The Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument is one of the most scenic and diverse landscapes in all of Northern California. Now, it makes sense to include this additional piece, which was home to native tribes for thousands of years. We can recognize the land’s cultural significance while protecting it for generations to come.” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

California Assemblymember Mike Fong (District 49): “The expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument is a historic moment for our #SGV community! Thank you to @POTUS, @RepJudyChu, @SenAlexPadilla, and our local advocates for championing our environment!” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

Mayor Thomas Wong, City of Monterey Park: “The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument is one of California’s great treasures, and I am pleased to celebrate its expansion. I thank President Biden for taking action to include the upper Los Angeles River watershed in the Angeles National Forest. This is an important source of our region’s drinking water and open space. I’m also grateful to Senator Padilla, Senator Butler, and Representative Chu for their work championing the expansion.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Mayor Victor Gordo, Pasadena: “Thank you President Biden for hearing and responding to our community’s call for the protection of the San Gabriel Mountains. These beloved lands provide critical open space and access to nature for millions of local residents.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, Los Angeles County District 1: “I’m delighted about the announcement of the expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument – an initiative I helped kickstart during my time in Congress when I introduced H.R. 519, known as the San Gabriel River Watershed Study Act. The San Gabriel Mountains are critical open spaces for many underserved communities in Los Angeles County that lack parks and suffer from severe health issues. I thank President Joe Biden for granting such protection to the western Angeles National Forest as it will ensure our future generations have access to critical open spaces.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Lake County Supervisor E.J. Crandell, Member of the Robinson Rancheria Tribe: “Molok Luyuk is a special and sacred place for area Tribes and for many residents who enjoy recreation activities like hiking and mountain biking. The natural beauty of our home also drives tourism, which is key to the economic vitality of the region. I am grateful that the President protected these beautiful lands. It is a gift to future generations.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Bruno Sabatier, Lake County Board of Supervisors: “Molok Luyuk contains both a natural and cultural richness in Lake County that deserves to be preserved for future generations to learn about and experience. This is a proud moment when we have successfully protected and preserved such a gem for Lake County, California, and beyond.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Denise Conrado, Colusa City Councilmember: “Colusa has benefitted from the vibrant recreation destination that Berryessa National Monument has provided for our local community. Adding Molok Luyuk to the monument area will ensure we also honor the heritage of the Patwin People who called these lands home long before we arrived. This designation will ensure that the Tribes have a leadership role in the cultural and restorative management practices to protect the unique history and biodiversity of the area. Colusa will only benefit further from creating equity and balance by expanding this monument.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Tom Stallard, Woodland City Councilmember: “It is entirely appropriate that we show deference and courtesy to Native People by expanding Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include additional lands sacred to them and referring to it in a way that honors their people by using their native language. Thank you to President Biden for taking action to protect Molok Luyuk.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Environmental Leaders

Maite Arce, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Access Foundation: “Los Angeles is one of the top cities in the country with the highest concentration of Latinos. The San Gabriel Mountains make up 70% of Los Angeles County’s open space and are the backyard for many Latino and culturally diverse communities in the area that have limited access to green spaces in their neighborhoods. The designation expansion ensures permanent protection of the San Gabriels, which are critical for the health and wellbeing of millions of people and future generations.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Jamie Williams, President, The Wilderness Society: “We thank President Biden for expanding the San Gabriel Mountains and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monuments, a representation of our vision for a future where people and nature flourish together. This dual expansion gets us closer to realizing that vision by advancing 30×30 conservation goals, promoting biodiversity, mitigating climate impacts, and honoring decades of community-led efforts that aim to serve people and nature in unity.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Gene Karpinski, President, League of Conservation Voters: “The Biden-Harris administration has done more for conservation than any other first-term president in history. They have protected a historic 41 million acres and counting, and are continuing to deliver on community-led conservation with this latest expansion of San Gabriel Mountains and Berryessa Snow Mountains National Monuments. With these expansions, the administration is increasing equitable access to the outdoors in one of the country’s most populated areas while protecting clean water sources, healthy ecosystems, and vital cultural resources in Southern California. Expanding Berryessa Snow Mountains National Monument to include Molok Luyuk also honors its cultural importance to the Yocha Dehe Wintun peoples, as well as other California Tribes, and conserves the region’s incredible biodiversity. National monuments are a win-win to permanently protect our cultural and natural resources and advance equity in the outdoors. We join local partners and Tribal leaders in celebrating these expansions, and we look forward to supporting the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to protect even more places worthy of national monument designation.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Ben Jealous, Executive Director, Sierra Club: “National monuments protect more than landscapes. They preserve the historical, cultural, and spiritual legacies of the people who have made this country what it is. Expanding the San Gabriels monument and protecting Molok Luyuk will have significant and immediate benefits for the communities, wildlife, and ecosystems of California. Millions of people will have greater access to nature, vital habitat will be preserved for imperiled species, and critical water resources will be safeguarded for those who rely on them. Since day one, President Biden has made it clear that he is serious about protecting public lands and preserving the legacies etched into those landscapes. We urge him to continue to build his monumental legacy.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Jennifer Rokala, Executive Director, Center for Western Priorities: “Today’s announcement not only adds to President Biden’s conservation legacy, but also amplifies his commitment to environmental justice and Tribal sovereignty. Ensuring communities of color have equitable access to nearby public lands and honoring Tribally-led land protection efforts are both vital components of public land conservation. By expanding these monuments, President Biden is now within arm’s reach of becoming the most consequential first-term conservation president in recent history. We’re happy to see his administration continuing to make progress toward the goal of conserving 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030, and we’re hopeful to see him designate more monuments so that he can solidify his place in conservation history.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Adam Cramer, Chief Executive Officer, Outdoor Alliance: “Outdoor Alliance is thrilled to see the expansion of San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. Today’s designations expand protections for some of California’s most popular outdoor landscapes. These areas are recreation gems beloved by people across the state. We are thankful for the work of Senator Padilla, Senator Butler, Representative Garamendi and Representative Thompson, Governor Newsom, and are especially grateful to the Biden administration for their commitment to conservation and preservation.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Eric Artz, President and Chief Executive Officer, REI Co-op: “REI Co-op applauds the Biden Administration for expanding San Gabriel Mountains and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monuments. We recognize the leadership of Tribal Nations and local communities who called for the protection of these special places and are proud to have worked alongside them to achieve this goal. The permanent protection of these public lands will help ensure that current and future generations can enjoy them. We are especially grateful for the increased access to time outside that these spaces will provide.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Janessa Goldbeck, Chief Executive Officer, Vet Voice Foundation: “President Biden has delivered for California’s veterans by expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. These are places of reflection, reunion, and healing for our state’s veterans. We urge President Biden to build on this tremendous achievement and protect three additional national monuments in California. Doing so would protect important cultural resources and military heritage sites, and help ensure access to nature for local communities.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Shoren Brown, Vice President of Public Affairs, The Conservation Alliance: “On behalf of The Conservation Alliance and its 270 member companies, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to President Joe Biden for expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument by over 100,000 acres. This landmark decision not only supports local communities and protects close-to-home outdoor access, but also further bolsters California’s thriving outdoor economy. We are profoundly appreciative of the administration’s commitment to community health, the environment, and California’s economic well-being. We thank Senator Alex Padilla, Senator Laphonza Butler, and Representative Judy Chu for championing this effort, and congratulate on-the-ground coalition leaders and partners for their diligence over decades to urge both the creation and expansion of the National Monument. We look forward to continuing to work alongside partners on the ground and the Biden administration to designate more monuments and make sure those national monuments have the appropriate resources to manage them for conservation.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Hans Cole, Vice President of Environmental Activism, Patagonia: “The future of our business, along with other companies who depend on the outdoor recreation economy, depends on the health of natural places that customers explore. Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument and Molok Luyuk offer incredible opportunities for hiking and include critical wildlife habitat. We applaud the Biden administration for the expansion of this national monument as an opportunity to conserve land and combat the climate and environmental crisis.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Steve Messer, President, Concerned Off-Road Bicyclists Association: “The San Gabriel Mountains have been my backyard outdoor playground for the 40 years I’ve lived in their shadow. It warms my heart to know the entire range of the San Gabriel Mountains will now be protected for future generations to experience and enjoy under the expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Nicole Gentile, Senior Director for Conservation, Center for American Progress: “These monument expansions build on President Biden’s legacy of centering equity and justice in his conservation work. They will ensure that historically marginalized communities have access to, and are represented in, the country’s public lands. The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument expansion provides access to nature for millions of Southern Californians who live in one of the country’s largest urban hubs. This is an area where nature deprivation disproportionately affects people of color and low-income communities. The Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument expansion honors and protects sacred lands and safeguards rich wildlife habitat. This expansion, combined with a commitment to explore Tribal co-stewardship, centers Indigenous voices, knowledge, and leadership on our public lands.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Christy Zamani, Executive Director, Day One: “We thank the Biden administration for the actions taken under the Antiquities Act to expand the San Gabriel Mountains. Adding more public lands to the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument will help ensure that young people will be able to continue experiencing and learning about unique plants in the region, including the drought-tolerant and fire-adapted chaparral shrubland, scrub oaks, wild lilac, western mountain-mahogany, and the California poppy.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Sara Husby, Executive Director, Great Old Broads for Wilderness: “Today is a day to celebrate. The expansion of Northern California’s Berryessa Snow Mountain to include Molok Luyuk ensures the protection of a vital ecosystem important to numerous threatened species of plants and wildlife, as well as the protection of cultural sites held sacred by Indigenous people across the region. The expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument will not only protect threatened wildlife habitat and cultural sites but will also protect an important source of water for the Los Angeles basin and provide new opportunities for underserved communities in Southern California to experience nature. Thanks to the Biden administration for demonstrating its commitment to conservation with the protection of these two unique landscapes.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Charles Thomas, Executive Director, Outward Bound Adventures: “For over 60 years, Outward Bound Adventures (OBA) has introduced low-income and racially marginalized communities of color to the unique beauty of the San Gabriel Mountains. We celebrate this expansion of nationally-recognized wilderness on the fringe of a sprawling and densely populated urban center, providing much-needed access to outdoor recreation and employment opportunities for historically absent and forgotten communities of color. Thank you, President Biden, for recognizing this critical need and taking action to broaden recreational space where it is needed most.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Jocelyn Torres, Co-Interim Executive Director and Chief Conservation Officer, Conservation Lands Foundation: “Today’s action by President Biden to expand Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument by designating Molok Luyuk honors efforts to safeguard sites of sacred, cultural and historic significance, wildlife and rare plant habitat, and outdoor recreation for current and future generations. We are grateful President Biden heard the calls of Tribal leaders; federal, state and local governments; businesses; and advocates from Indigenous, outdoor recreation, conservation and many other communities to permanently protect this sacred landscape by use of the Antiquities Act.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Zach Plopper, Environmental Director, Surfrider Foundation: “Surfrider is so proud to be a part of the designation of these national monuments. This expansion will enhance equitable access to nature, protect the upper Los Angeles River watershed, and safeguard a refuge for wildlife. Expanding the monument is the next step in a 20-year, locally-driven effort to protect the San Gabriel Mountains.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Christian La Mont, Storytelling and Advocacy Manager, Latino Outdoors: “Latino Outdoors is thrilled to celebrate and recognize the incredible collaboration of Tribes, Indigenous community leaders and advocates, local leaders, policymakers, and community members who organized, hiked, got loud, and showed up in every way to support the proposed expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monuments. Expanding access to these public lands, especially in some of the most park-deprived areas of California, is a legacy we can all be proud of. Thank you and gracias to President Biden for his commitment to conservation and thank you for the tireless support of Senator Padilla, Senator Butler, Representative Chu, Representative Garamendi, Representative Thompson and so many others who are a part of this multi-generational movement to protect and preserve California’s public lands and to ensure equitable access to the outdoors.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

Lisa Belenky, Senior Counsel, Center for Biological Diversity: “This proclamation expanding Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include Molok Luyuk will help preserve biodiversity and cultural resources on our public lands for generations to come. This remarkable area is of cultural importance to the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation and provides essential wildlife connectivity. Molok Luyuk is home to many plants and animals that we’ve long worked to protect, including ancient blue oak woodlands, wildflower meadows, extensive stands of McNab cypress, mountain lions, tule elk, and imperiled foothill yellow-legged frogs.” [Statement, 05/02/2024]

National Wildlife Federation: “Thank you @POTUS @SecDebHaaland and @SecVilsack for listening to Indigenous community leaders, elected officials, and community members to expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument.” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

Nuestra Tierra: “Thank you @POTUS for expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument through the Antiquities Act! Together, these actions have protected over 120,000 acres in California!” [X Post, 05/02/2024]

Monuments for All: “NEWS: President Biden is expanding the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument & Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. @POTUS, thank you for listening to Tribes, Indigenous community leaders, elected officials, and community members protecting these lands! #MonumentsForAll” [X Post, 05/02/2024]


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