FACT SHEET: Partnering for Peace through the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability

The Biden Administration marks the first year of implementation of ten-year plans to advance theU.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (the “Strategy”).   An innovative, long-term, and locally-driven approach to conflict prevention and stabilization, the Strategy aims to bolster partnerships with Haiti, Libya, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, and the Coastal West African countries of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, and Togo.  The United States is advancing these partnerships through ten-year country or regional plans that leverage the full range of U.S. Government tools across new and existing diplomatic, defense, and development efforts.  Together, the United States and our partners are elevating shared approaches to promoting peace and stability.  At the same time, the Administration has deepened cooperation with likeminded countries, multilateral and regional organizations, civil society, and other stakeholders to address drivers of conflict and break costly cycles of instability.  The Administration is also investing in evidence-based, adaptive, and innovative programs at the local level, aimed at strengthening social inclusion, government responsiveness, service delivery, and security. 

Promoting Peace and Preventing Violent Extremism in Coastal West Africa

  • Working with Congress, the Administration has committed more than $300 million to advance implementation of the ten-year plan to promote stability in the region.  As part of this effort, the U.S. and Germany are pursuing a multi-donor partnership in Benin, Ghana, and Togo to counter violent extremism and build trust between communities, governments, and security forces.
  • USAID partners with more than one hundred local organizations across Benin, Ghana, and Togo to reduce violent conflict by investing in community-based approaches, such as inter-ethnic savings and loans associations and mediation committees.  These communities report a 41 percent increase in peacefully resolved conflicts and improved engagement on community stability by local authorities. 
  • The Department of Defense advances civil-military engagement in this priority region with the addition of two persistent Civil Affairs Teams as well as engagements with Benin and Togo through the State Partnership Program.  The Department of State has also significantly increased security cooperation with Benin and Côte d’Ivoire to address terrorist threats.  The United States became a contributing board member of the multilateral International Counterterrorism Academy based in Côte d’Ivoire which facilitates learning and sharing of best practices among regional security actors. 
  • The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is continuing to advance economic growth to promote stability in Coastal West Africa by developing and expanding critical infrastructure and related sectors. Last year, MCC and the Government of Benin celebrated the completion of the $423 million Benin Power Compact to expand access to energy, which is expected to benefit 11 million people over the next 20 years.  MCC is currently developing a Regional Transport Compact with the Government Benin, which is contributing $204 million to complement MCC’s investment of $202 million, to reduce transportation costs along the economic corridor extending from the Port of Cotonou.  In addition, MCC is currently implementing a $525 million compact with Cote d’Ivoire to grow the education and transportation sectors and a $35 million Threshold Program with Togo to improve citizens’ access to high quality and affordable Information and Communications Technology services.
  • Treasury is also facilitating exchanges between USAID, the Department of State, and the African Development Bank (AfDB) to advance AfDB’s new country strategy for Ghana.

Strengthening Recovery and Resilience in Mozambique

  • The ten-year plan aims to support the Government of Mozambique’s plans to promote reconciliation, recovery, and inclusive and sustainable development in historically marginalized and conflict-affected northern areas.
  • In January, USAID and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation joined efforts to marshal more than $32 million to promote market-based farming in Mozambique’s Nacala Corridor.  This partnership is expected to increase incomes and jobs, particularly for women and youth in conflict-affected northern Mozambique.
  • MCC is currently implementing a $537 million Connectivity and Coastal Resilience Compact with the Government of Mozambique, which is expected to benefit an estimated 57 million people with inclusive economic growth, strengthened climate and coastal resilience, and improved agricultural value chains and transportation infrastructure.
  • The Department of Defense provides training and equipment towards maritime security, counter narcotics, and illicit trafficking, aimed at supporting more resilient and responsive security forces.  These activities build upon existing regional maritime security programs advancing maritime domain awareness and logistics and sustainment. The Department of State has increased assistance with the Mozambican military to address terrorist threats and maritime security. 

Addressing Immediate Needs While Advancing Community Engagement to Increase Security and Prosperity in Haiti

  • The Haiti ten-year plan recognizes the critical need to address the immediate security crisis as part of its phased approach to long-term stability.  Helping Haiti restore security and democracy, especially at this critical moment, remains a top priority for the Biden Administration. 
  • In alignment with the plan’s phased approach, the U.S. continues to support the expeditious deployment of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission to Haiti. 
  • The United States also continues to support Haitians in advancing their political process to pave a path towards free and fair elections through programs aimed at strengthening citizen security, community development and resilience, addressing sexual violence, advancing Women, Peace, and Security, and encouraging meaningful dialogue.

Accelerating Grassroots, Bottom-up Stabilization Initiatives in Libya

  • In addition to addressing the current state of Libya’s political impasse at the national level, the ten-year plan targets sub-national opportunities to promote reconciliation, reconstruction, citizen engagement, economic empowerment, and local governance, particularly in the historically marginalized south.
  • In the southern battle-scarred town of Murzuq, the United States has been instrumental in supporting a community-led reconciliation process.  This led to the creation of a Roadmap for Peace and Reconciliation and establishment of the Steering Committee that serves as Murzuq’s governing authority.
  • The United States is continuing to support efforts to promote transparent, accountable, and inclusive service delivery and capital investment planning – critical in fostering stability and supporting the development of Murzuq’s reconstruction. 
  • USAID supports Libyan entrepreneurs; micro, small, and medium enterprises; and historically marginalized groups to promote innovation, stronger business practices, and workforce skills that directly respond to market demands. 

Elevating the Rights and Roles of Women and Youth for Sustainable Peace in Papua New Guinea

  • Through the ten-year plan, the United States elevates the rights and roles of women and youth in target communities in Papua New Guinea.  Overcoming the marginalization and disempowerment of women and youth provides a critical opportunity for peacebuilding while addressing a key risk for instability.   
  • USAID supports programs to strengthen communities’ capabilities to respond to violence while also supporting equitable livelihood opportunities.  The Department of State invests in efforts to address gender-based violence (GBV), including by improving law enforcement capacity on case management, increasing utilization of police services for GBV survivors, and improving services for GBV survivors.
  • The Department of State is expanding the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs into Papua New Guinea and is currently recruiting the inaugural cohort for the global exchange program that equips women with the practical skills needed to create sustainable businesses and enterprises. 
  • The Department of Defense is delivering Women, Peace, and Security courses to train and develop a gender advisory workforce with the Papua New Guinea Defence Force focused on gender-based violence prevention and response. 

For more information on our work to implement the Strategy, please visit this dedicated website.

“Cooperation and long-term investments in conflict prevention and stabilization are needed now more than ever to build peace across divided communities and boundaries.  We must collectively bolster societal resilience to prevent and reduce the heavy human and financial costs of conflicts that undermine global peace, security, and sustainable development.”

  • President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.


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